Zone1 San Francisco Removed Algebra From Middle School In the Name Of Equity. Guess What Happened?

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020
Well, of course, Black kids got even dumber!

This is the expected result. When you lower standards, you naturally get lesser performance. The converse is also true.

Schoolchildren in other localities can take Algebra in middle school, but not in woke San Francsico, where it appears the goal is for everyone to fail together, in the name of "equity."

This failed experiment demonstrates what happens everywhere when standards are lowered, right up to the office of Vice President of the United States.

You don't make the world more equitable by holding back the kids with superior intellect. That's not equity; it's perversion.

Well, of course, Black kids got even dumber!

This is the expected result. When you lower standards, you naturally get lesser performance. The converse is also true.

Schoolchildren in other localities can take Algebra in middle school, but not in woke San Francsico, where it appears the goal is for everyone to fail together, in the name of "equity."

This failed experiment demonstrates what happens everywhere when standards are lowered, right up to the office of Vice President of the United States.

You don't make the world more equitable by holding back the kids with superior intellect. That's not equity; it's perversion.

Good. Keep them dumb and keep them in California.
This is what San Francisco voted for. I don't see the issue.
Thanks, but to vote to prevent the gifted kids from taking advanced classes is not just.

One size does not fit all when it comes to education.

I suspect it was a woke school board that voted that way, not the parents....

If you are claiming parents voted to remove Algebra from the 8th grade curriculum, please provide a link.

The main purpose for algebra is to identify students who will go on to courses and/or careers that require advanced math. Probably less than 1 in 1000 students. It is good to stretch your mind, however. My teacher told us that if we remember nothing else to remember how to calculate ratios. He was right.
Thanks, but to vote to prevent the gifted kids from taking advanced classes is not just.

One size does not fit all when it comes to education.

I suspect it was a woke school board that voted that way, not the parents....
Who voted for the school board?

If you are claiming parents voted to remove Algebra from the 8th grade curriculum, please provide a link.
No problem

It's all part of the Democrat / Marxist commie plan to dumb down everyone to the lowest common denominator.
Were every comrade is equal and all share the same poverty and misery.

But some are more equal than others.

Democrats / liberals support an Idiocracy outcome ... just like the movie. This isn't exclusive to California, and is occurring in other blue states like Washington and Oregon (and I'd guess New York, Maryland and Washington DC) ..

Of course Democrats dont give a shit as long as these low information voters continue to vote blue.

Democrats / liberals support an Idiocracy outcome ... just like the movie. This isn't exclusive to California, and is occurring in other blue states like Washington and Oregon (and I'd guess New York, Maryland and Washington DC) ..

Of course Democrats dont give a shit as long as these low information voters continue to vote blue.

It's actually extremely important to the left that their supporters be dumb and incurious, so that they will believe the lies the party feeds them, such as "vaccinated people can't get covid", and "men can get pregnant". Dumb people are easier to control.
San Francisco like most school districts in the country hold off algebra until the 9th grade. The percentage of students taking it in 8th grade is 24% and the US Department of Education is pushing to increase that number.

A Leak in the STEM Pipeline: Taking Algebra Early
That is an interesting point. I'm working on 70 and I don't think I took Algebra I until a freshman in high school either.
its not about if you took it,, its about the people that want to or should take it not being allowed too,,
I have yet to read all the letters and post cards from kids in 6th and 7th grade, pining away, looking forward to taking Algebra I in eighth grade. I am positive my daughter did not. The twins probably did not and still managed to plow through math and science coursed in college. Personally, I was more the type, my parents looked over what I was signing up for and said, "Oh, heck no, boy! You're taking tough math and science courses all 4 years of high school. You can goof off on your own after age 18 if you have time".

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