Same-sex Lesbians Dislike Their Black Baby


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."

Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."


Although you should ALWAYS get what you pay for, it does seem a bit hypocritical of them to not be accepting of this child because of her skin color. Really sad for the baby actually. Poor thing. I hope she is adopted to a good home.
And before anyone jumps on you about your title, yes, there are male lesbians. These male lesbians are waging battle against the female lesbians claiming that the female lesbians are sexually discriminating against the male lesbians by not having sex with them.

It's a big thing in Lesbian circles.
The lesbians in this case are despicable. The only person that deserves any money or rights is the baby.

Care to elaborate? What's so despicable?

What isn't despicable? The woman had a baby, didn't like it, and is now suing. That's as shameful as it gets.

The baby deserves better. If that woman gets any money then it should belong to the baby. Because she doesn't deserve the money or the baby.
"Same-sex Lesbians Dislike Their Black Baby"

As opposed to opposite-sex lesbians. At least you're consistent in your stupidity.

Otherwise this in no way undermines the fact that children are perfectly safe, well-adjusted, and happy in homes with same-sex parents.

Indeed, there are opposite-sex parents who have abused their foster or adopted children, and you'll hear no one advocating that all opposite-sex parents should be disallowed to adopt.

"Same-sex Lesbians Dislike Their Black Baby"

As opposed to opposite-sex lesbians. At least you're consistent in your stupidity.

Otherwise this in no way undermines the fact that children are perfectly safe, well-adjusted, and happy in homes with same-sex parents.

Indeed, there are opposite-sex parents who have abused their foster or adopted children, and you'll hear no one advocating that all opposite-sex parents should be disallowed to adopt.
I knew some h8ter would show up and poo-fling their hate against male lesbians.

The lesbians in this case are despicable. The only person that deserves any money or rights is the baby.

Care to elaborate? What's so despicable?
For starters, the idea that the kid is denied the right to be raised by its natural parents -- intentionally!
And that a pair of homos who obviously live for the premise of alleged equality find a black kid not as equal as the white kid they wanted.
The lesbians in this case are despicable. The only person that deserves any money or rights is the baby.

Care to elaborate? What's so despicable?
For starters, the idea that the kid is denied the right to be raised by its natural parents -- intentionally!
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child makes this point clearly. A child's parents are his biological parents and the child has the human right to be raised by his parents. France abides by this position and it supports the human rights of children over the whimsy of homosexuals who want to play at parenting at the expense of violating the rights of the child.
Homos intentionally creating scenarios where kids are denied the right to be raised by their natural parents is tantamount to kidnapping.
We find it disgusting when a kidnapped child grows up to find out they were raised by kidnappers and have to seek out their real parents.
Now, thanks to the homofascist agenda, we appear to have that scenario legislated.
Homos intentionally creating scenarios where kids are denied the right to be raised by their natural parents is tantamount to kidnapping.
We find it disgusting when a kidnapped child grows up to find out they were raised by kidnappers and have to seek out their real parents.
Now, thanks to the homofascist agenda, we appear to have that scenario legislated.

Look at all the angst and national trauma which follows news of an accidental baby switch at a hospital. Clearly there is a difference between going home from the maternity with a baby compared to going home with YOUR baby. Those biological ties are HUGELY important.

Look at the trauma which afflicts some adopted and IVF kids. They feel that they don't know who they are, that their identity has been stolen for they realize that identity isn't wholly constructed, it's built on a genetic base, something that you inherit from your parents, who in turn inherited from their parents, and that you're part of a long family tradition. All that is stolen form these kids. AND IT'S DONE ON PURPOSE so that homosexuals can satisfy their own urges, but not human rights, to play parent.

The whims of homosexuals takes precedence over the actual human rights of children. Disgraceful.
The lesbians in this case are despicable. The only person that deserves any money or rights is the baby.

Care to elaborate? What's so despicable?

What isn't despicable? The woman had a baby, didn't like it, and is now suing. That's as shameful as it gets.

The baby deserves better. If that woman gets any money then it should belong to the baby. Because she doesn't deserve the money or the baby.

Why shouldn't a sperm bank have to operate like any other business? I mean, if you're going to allow sperm banks to be a business they should be accountable for their goods and services like any other business.
The lesbians in this case are despicable. The only person that deserves any money or rights is the baby.

Care to elaborate? What's so despicable?

What isn't despicable? The woman had a baby, didn't like it, and is now suing. That's as shameful as it gets.

The baby deserves better. If that woman gets any money then it should belong to the baby. Because she doesn't deserve the money or the baby.

Why shouldn't a sperm bank have to operate like any other business? I mean, if you're going to allow sperm banks to be a business they should be accountable for their goods and services like any other business.
It's illegal to discriminate on the basis of race. For instance, you can't put an ad out looking for only white employees.

Shopping for sperm on the basis of race is discriminatory. How do you think black sperm donors feel about having their sperm devalued like this?

Besides, liberals have taught us that race is only a social construction, so these lesbians are suing about some imaginary thing. They just need some racial awareness training from a Diversity and Sensitivity Camp to reorient their sick minds.
The lesbians in this case are despicable. The only person that deserves any money or rights is the baby.

Care to elaborate? What's so despicable?

What isn't despicable? The woman had a baby, didn't like it, and is now suing. That's as shameful as it gets.

The baby deserves better. If that woman gets any money then it should belong to the baby. Because she doesn't deserve the money or the baby.

Why shouldn't a sperm bank have to operate like any other business? I mean, if you're going to allow sperm banks to be a business they should be accountable for their goods and services like any other business.
It's illegal to discriminate on the basis of race. For instance, you can't put an ad out looking for only white employees.

Shopping for sperm on the basis of race is discriminatory. How do you think black sperm donors feel about having their sperm devalued like this?

Besides, liberals have taught us that race is only a social construction, so these lesbians are suing about some imaginary thing. They just need some racial awareness training from a Diversity and Sensitivity Camp to reorient their sick minds.

Can you cite Ohio state law where the selection of a sperm donation specifying race is illegal?

Or federal law for that matter.
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."

The racist piece of shit. race isn't the issue with the neighbors I think they are fed up with faggots living in the neighborhood.
Another great controversy brought to us by the people who do not want government to reach into our bedrooms, but demand they rule and regulate and ultimately dictate every aspect of designing a, "family".

Seems this same-sex-lesbian-white couple bought sperm and paid a clinic to impregnate one them.

The Race and Sex of the people is kind of important, you see they thought they were buying a white blue eyed baby. They literally state this was to be, "more accepted". Seems if you are soon to be, white-same-sex-lesbian parents and you are so worried about acceptance that you must pre-order a blue eyed white girl, it seems to me that you are not ready to be a parent period.

The people who claim to be the most understanding have no understanding that it should of not made any difference what race their child was.

They will still lover her, exactly as if it was the white blue eyed baby that they ordered.

Thank god they can go to government and hopefully make the clinic pay for such a terrible mistake, giving people a black baby, you would think that lesbians would not have to design a family that would be accepted, I think that type of thinking is a sickness of mind, which should not be able to design a baby with the rules and dictates of government.

Mitch Albom Does sperm bank s mix-up color a child s future

You can't always get what you want, but you should at least get what you order.

Even if it's a baby.

That's the upshot of a lawsuit filed by a lesbian couple in Ohio, who were shocked to find out they were having an African-American child.

Three years ago, the couple purchased sperm from a sperm bank in Illinois, selecting No. 380, a white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed donor. Apparently, someone at the sperm bank misread the number as 330, which was an African-American donor.

By the time this was discovered, Jennifer Cramblett already was pregnant. According to lawsuit papers, the white couple's dreams were dashed:

"Jennifer was crying, confused and upset. All of the thought, care and planning … to control their baby's parentage had been rendered meaningless."


It's wrong to 'design' a family? Doesn't that 'design' begin with your choice of a spouse? Is it wrong to pick out a particular person of your personal preference to marry, if that other person feels the same way?

How daft can you people get?

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