"Saint" Reagan's "Solidarity" With Free Unions


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
From Ronald Reagan's October 19, 1982 presidential address:

"Yesterday the Polish Government, a military dictatorship, took another far-reaching step in their persecution of their own people. They declared Solidarity, the organization of the working men and women of Poland, their free union, illegal...

"Ever since martial law was brutally imposed last December, Polish authorities have been assuring the world that they're interested in a genuine reconciliation with the Polish people. But the Polish regime's action yesterday reveals the hollowness of its promises.

"By outlawing Solidarity, a free trade organization to which an overwhelming majority of Polish workers and farmers belong, they have made it clear that they never had any intention of restoring one of the most elemental human rights - the right to belong to a free trade union... (my emphasis)

Scott Walker is no Ronald Reagan; however, their party has far more in common with the Polish military dictatorship than with "elemental human rights."
Oh yeah...our freedom loving masters love everybody's freedom who doesn't work for them, no doubt.

Ronnie loves Solidarity...in Poland.

He just hated the unions in this nation.

Gee (E?)..I wonder why?

It couldn't be because long before he was POTUS he was one of corporate Americans most successful shills, could it?
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From Ronald Reagan's October 19, 1982 presidential address:

"Yesterday the Polish Government, a military dictatorship, took another far-reaching step in their persecution of their own people. They declared Solidarity, the organization of the working men and women of Poland, their free union, illegal...

"Ever since martial law was brutally imposed last December, Polish authorities have been assuring the world that they're interested in a genuine reconciliation with the Polish people. But the Polish regime's action yesterday reveals the hollowness of its promises.

"By outlawing Solidarity, a free trade organization to which an overwhelming majority of Polish workers and farmers belong, they have made it clear that they never had any intention of restoring one of the most elemental human rights - the right to belong to a free trade union... (my emphasis)

Scott Walker is no Ronald Reagan; however, their party has far more in common with the Polish military dictatorship than with "elemental human rights."

30 years ago mothers also smoked all the way through pregnancy, we weren't required to wear seatbelts, spanking your kids was encouraged, and Hosni Mubarek was our well-respected, close friend.

Oh.....and Poland was under martial law......speak out against the government, and you simply disappeared. I guess Reagan was evil/stupid to take a stand against that, huh?
Oh yeah...our freedom loving masters love everybody's freedom who doesn't work for them, no doubt.

Ronnie loves Solidarity...in Poland.

He just hated the unions in this nation.

Gee (E?)..I wonder why?

It couldn't be because long before he was POTUS he was one of corporate Americans most successful shills, could it?
Possibly for the same reason the Screen Actors' Guild forced him to resign early from his presidency of that organization?

The last contract between actors and studios negotiated on Reagan's watch was widely viewed as a complete sell out by Reagan of "his" side's interests.

The Gipper learned his Hollywood lessons well when it came to supporting rich studio bosses over working class actors.

GE finished his education.
From Ronald Reagan's October 19, 1982 presidential address:

"Yesterday the Polish Government, a military dictatorship, took another far-reaching step in their persecution of their own people. They declared Solidarity, the organization of the working men and women of Poland, their free union, illegal...

"Ever since martial law was brutally imposed last December, Polish authorities have been assuring the world that they're interested in a genuine reconciliation with the Polish people. But the Polish regime's action yesterday reveals the hollowness of its promises.

"By outlawing Solidarity, a free trade organization to which an overwhelming majority of Polish workers and farmers belong, they have made it clear that they never had any intention of restoring one of the most elemental human rights - the right to belong to a free trade union... (my emphasis)

Scott Walker is no Ronald Reagan; however, their party has far more in common with the Polish military dictatorship than with "elemental human rights."

30 years ago mothers also smoked all the way through pregnancy, we weren't required to wear seatbelts, spanking your kids was encouraged, and Hosni Mubarek was our well-respected, close friend.

Oh.....and Poland was under martial law......speak out against the government, and you simply disappeared. I guess Reagan was evil/stupid to take a stand against that, huh?
He was at least hypocritical:

"In January 1981, the newly inaugurated Reagan inherited Jimmy Carter's policy of supporting a Salvadoran government controlled by a military that, along with the security forces and affiliated death squads, killed about 10,000 civilians in 1980.

"In the first 27 months of the Reagan administration, perhaps another 20,000 civilians were killed.

"El Salvador's labor movement was decimated, the opposition press exterminated, opposition politicians murdered or driven into exile, the church martyred.

"In April 1983, seeking to shore up shaky public and congressional support for continued aid to El Salvador, Reagan went on national television before a joint session of Congress and -- with a straight face -- praised the Salvadoran government for 'making every effort to guarantee democracy, free labor unions, freedom of religion, and a free press.'

"The Great Communicator/Prevaricator achieved his objective; aid -- and blood -- continued to flow."

Reagan supported free labor unions when the evil Communists controlled the monopoly of violence and he supported the mass killing of union members when "good guy" capitalists ruled in hell-holes like El Salvador.

Reagan's Third-World...
He was at least hypocritical:

"In January 1981, the newly inaugurated Reagan inherited Jimmy Carter's policy of supporting a Salvadoran government controlled by a military that, along with the security forces and affiliated death squads, killed about 10,000 civilians in 1980.

"In the first 27 months of the Reagan administration, perhaps another 20,000 civilians were killed.

"El Salvador's labor movement was decimated, the opposition press exterminated, opposition politicians murdered or driven into exile, the church martyred.

"In April 1983, seeking to shore up shaky public and congressional support for continued aid to El Salvador, Reagan went on national television before a joint session of Congress and -- with a straight face -- praised the Salvadoran government for 'making every effort to guarantee democracy, free labor unions, freedom of religion, and a free press.'

"The Great Communicator/Prevaricator achieved his objective; aid -- and blood -- continued to flow."

Reagan supported free labor unions when the evil Communists controlled the monopoly of violence and he supported the mass killing of union members when "good guy" capitalists ruled in hell-holes like El Salvador.

Reagan's Third-World...

You're new to the whole theory of "politics," aren't you?

The world of 2011 is NOTHING AT ALL like the world of 1982.

They didn't even know about the brown dwarf back then......so much has changed.
You're new to the whole theory of "politics," aren't you?

The world of 2011 is NOTHING AT ALL like the world of 1982.

They didn't even know about the brown dwarf back then......so much has changed

Our view on collective barganing hasn't>

Americans favor union bargaining rights by 2-1 margin: poll | The Raw Story

WASHINGTON – Americans decisively support laws ensuring the collective bargaining rights of public employee unions by a nearly two-to-one margin, according to a new USA Today/Gallup poll.

Sixty-one percent said they oppose legislation stripping those rights in their states, as compared to only 33 percent who said they favor such laws, a striking discrepancy that shows public opinion firmly on one side of a growing national fight
Our view on collective barganing hasn't>

Americans favor union bargaining rights by 2-1 margin: poll | The Raw Story

WASHINGTON – Americans decisively support laws ensuring the collective bargaining rights of public employee unions by a nearly two-to-one margin, according to a new USA Today/Gallup poll.

Sixty-one percent said they oppose legislation stripping those rights in their states, as compared to only 33 percent who said they favor such laws, a striking discrepancy that shows public opinion firmly on one side of a growing national fight

Ahh yes....

The Science of Polling.

I didn't know there was a poll on this?
He was at least hypocritical:

"In January 1981, the newly inaugurated Reagan inherited Jimmy Carter's policy of supporting a Salvadoran government controlled by a military that, along with the security forces and affiliated death squads, killed about 10,000 civilians in 1980.

"In the first 27 months of the Reagan administration, perhaps another 20,000 civilians were killed.

"El Salvador's labor movement was decimated, the opposition press exterminated, opposition politicians murdered or driven into exile, the church martyred.

"In April 1983, seeking to shore up shaky public and congressional support for continued aid to El Salvador, Reagan went on national television before a joint session of Congress and -- with a straight face -- praised the Salvadoran government for 'making every effort to guarantee democracy, free labor unions, freedom of religion, and a free press.'

"The Great Communicator/Prevaricator achieved his objective; aid -- and blood -- continued to flow."

Reagan supported free labor unions when the evil Communists controlled the monopoly of violence and he supported the mass killing of union members when "good guy" capitalists ruled in hell-holes like El Salvador.

Reagan's Third-World...

You're new to the whole theory of "politics," aren't you?

The world of 2011 is NOTHING AT ALL like the world of 1982.

They didn't even know about the brown dwarf back then......so much has changed.
One thing that hasn't changed

ALL governments exist to socialize cost and privatize profit.

One thing that has changed

In 1982 the richest 1% of Americans got around 9% of total US income. Today they receive over 20%.

What theory of "politics" explains the connection?
One thing that hasn't changed

ALL governments exist to socialize cost and privatize profit.

One thing that has changed

In 1982 the richest 1% of Americans got around 9% of total US income. Today they receive over 20%.

What theory of "politics" explains the connection?

See....all that would be good if economies, political climates, and technology (among countless other factors) were static.....if things back then were EXACTLY THE SAME as things are now. Unfortunately, the world changes, no matter how much we wish it didn't.

If you invest $500 in a risky stock, and the company succeeds, should you receive a greater profit than the person who only invested $5?

All of this stuff is tied together....you can't pull out one little piece, ignore the rest, and decide that you have derived the answer. Well......you can.....

but you'd be wrong again.

It isn't Bush's fault, nor Reagan's, nor Lincoln's. Just because they're all Republicans doesn't mean they're all evil.
He was at least hypocritical:

"In January 1981, the newly inaugurated Reagan inherited Jimmy Carter's policy of supporting a Salvadoran government controlled by a military that, along with the security forces and affiliated death squads, killed about 10,000 civilians in 1980.

"In the first 27 months of the Reagan administration, perhaps another 20,000 civilians were killed.

"El Salvador's labor movement was decimated, the opposition press exterminated, opposition politicians murdered or driven into exile, the church martyred.

"In April 1983, seeking to shore up shaky public and congressional support for continued aid to El Salvador, Reagan went on national television before a joint session of Congress and -- with a straight face -- praised the Salvadoran government for 'making every effort to guarantee democracy, free labor unions, freedom of religion, and a free press.'

"The Great Communicator/Prevaricator achieved his objective; aid -- and blood -- continued to flow."

Reagan supported free labor unions when the evil Communists controlled the monopoly of violence and he supported the mass killing of union members when "good guy" capitalists ruled in hell-holes like El Salvador.

Reagan's Third-World...

You're new to the whole theory of "politics," aren't you?

The world of 2011 is NOTHING AT ALL like the world of 1982.

They didn't even know about the brown dwarf back then......so much has changed.
One thing that hasn't changed

ALL governments exist to socialize cost and privatize profit.

One thing that has changed

In 1982 the richest 1% of Americans got around 9% of total US income. Today they receive over 20%.

What theory of "politics" explains the connection?
The Unspoken Solution

Across the Republic only one state does NOT have a current budget deficit. That state is North Dakota and it's probably no coincidence that it is the only state with its own bank:

"While Wall Street is reporting record profits, local banks are floundering, credit for small businesses and consumers remains tight, and local governments are teetering on bankruptcy. There is even talk of allowing state governments to file for bankruptcy, something current legislation forbids.

"The federal government and Federal Reserve have managed to find trillions of dollars to prop up the Wall Street banks that precipitated the credit crisis, but they have not extended this largesse to the taxpayers and local governments that have been forced to pick up the tab."

Do you favor driving a stake through Wall Street's "heart"?

State Banks could supply the tool.
You're new to the whole theory of "politics," aren't you?

The world of 2011 is NOTHING AT ALL like the world of 1982.

They didn't even know about the brown dwarf back then......so much has changed

Our view on collective barganing hasn't>

Americans favor union bargaining rights by 2-1 margin: poll | The Raw Story

WASHINGTON – Americans decisively support laws ensuring the collective bargaining rights of public employee unions by a nearly two-to-one margin, according to a new USA Today/Gallup poll.

Sixty-one percent said they oppose legislation stripping those rights in their states, as compared to only 33 percent who said they favor such laws, a striking discrepancy that shows public opinion firmly on one side of a growing national fight
"Almost two-thirds of those polled say their states face budget crises, but respondents oppose or are split on potential solutions, from tax hikes to spending cuts.

"Key results:

"— 71% oppose increasing sales, income or other taxes while 27% are in favor that approach.

"— 53% oppose reducing pay or benefits for government workers while 44% are in favor.

"— 48% opposed reducing or eliminating government programs while 47% were in favor of cuts.

"'This underlines the difficulty of solving these problems,' Jeffrey Jones of Gallup says. 'It's hard to find a consensus on what to do.'"

We could start by taxing capital gains at 35% instead of 15%.

Then plug the loopholes that allow US corporations to pretend they earn their profits in the Cayman Islands, adding about $100 billion/ year to federal tax revenues which is approximately the combined total deficit of all 49 states.

Poll: Americans favor union bargaining rights - USATODAY.com
well, the deficit deal appears a red herring>

Asked Twice, Gov. Daniels Can’t Explain How Eliminating Collective Bargaining Reduces Deficits Several Republican governors — most notably Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) — are trying to legislatively strip public employees of their right to collectively bargain, under the guise of a budget crisis. These governors are using the economic anxiety being felt across the nation as a justification for eliminating the ability of workers to bargain, even though such rights have no bearing on a state’s fiscal soundness

ThinkProgress » Asked Twice, Gov. Daniels Can’t Explain How Eliminating Collective Bargaining Reduces Deficits

one would think to at least consider the people who are motivating all this>

Koch Front Group Americans For Prosperity: ‘Take The Unions Out At The Knees’
In a speech earlier this month at the Conservative Political Action Committee’s annual conference, Americans For Prosperity-Michigan Executive Director Scott Hagerstrom revealed the true goal of his group and its allies like Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) efforts. Speaking at CPAC’s “Panel for Labor Policy,” Hagerstrom said that AFP really wants to do is to “take the unions out at the knees”:

HAGERSTROM: It’s easy to go out there and fight taxes and increased regulation, you know we send out an action alert on taxes to AFP and we get thousands of people to respond. You send out one on a more complicated issue and it just doesn’t quite resonate…We fight these battles on taxes and regulation but really what we would like to see is to take the unions out at the knees so they don’t have the resources to fight these battles.

ThinkProgress » Koch Front Group Americans For Prosperity: ‘Take The Unions Out At The Knees’

'This underlines the difficulty of solving these problems,' Jeffrey Jones of Gallup says. 'It's hard to find a consensus on what to do.'"

considering Citizens United vs. the FEC results in the Dems* holled up @ Best Western during this (as well as any that pulls the lion's tail) key votes , i'd say....


* saviours of the wee folk....
In 1919 North Dakota cut Wall Street off at the knees when it began doing business as the State Bank of North Dakota.

"Faced with federal inaction and growing local budget crises, an increasing number of states are exploring the possibility of setting up their own state-owned banks, following the model of North Dakota, the only state that seems to have escaped the credit crisis unscathed.

"The 92-year-old Bank of North Dakota (BND), currently the only state-owned U.S. bank, has helped North Dakota avoid the looming budgetary disasters of other states.

"In 2009, North Dakota sported the largest budget surplus it had ever had.

"The BND helps fund not only local government but local banks and businesses, by providing matching funds for loans to commercial banks to support small business lending."

Elected Republicans AND Democrats would rather cut their children off at the knees, than engage in real debate about state banks: Because they need Wall Street every day and they only need voters once every 2 - 6 years.

State banking could serve as the thin edge of the wedge to shear voter support from both wings (R&D) of the Wall Street Party.

Ellen Brown
One thing that hasn't changed

ALL governments exist to socialize cost and privatize profit.

One thing that has changed

In 1982 the richest 1% of Americans got around 9% of total US income. Today they receive over 20%.

What theory of "politics" explains the connection?

See....all that would be good if economies, political climates, and technology (among countless other factors) were static.....if things back then were EXACTLY THE SAME as things are now. Unfortunately, the world changes, no matter how much we wish it didn't.

If you invest $500 in a risky stock, and the company succeeds, should you receive a greater profit than the person who only invested $5?

All of this stuff is tied together....you can't pull out one little piece, ignore the rest, and decide that you have derived the answer. Well......you can.....

but you'd be wrong again.

It isn't Bush's fault, nor Reagan's, nor Lincoln's. Just because they're all Republicans doesn't mean they're all evil.
It is the fault of Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton and Obama that the richest 1% of US taxpayers have virtually doubled their share of total US income and wealth over the past thirty years.

That makes them evil and greedy regardless of how much society has changed over that time period.
Reagan was the president of a union for several years. He had no problem with them.

The issue now is having the union on both sides of the bargaining table, and the voters frozen out of the discussion. When you negotiate with yourself, and someone else is paying, you will be very generous to yourself.

Reagan was negotiating with Sam Goldwyn and Jack Warner, who were very protective of their interests.

Public sector unions vote in their stooges who then pass out the sugar to whoever most instrumental in getting them elected. Who cares what is in the public interest, the unions are just their for their membership and the politicians kiss the ass of the most electorally effective unions.

And in 1982, the Pols were fighting an oppressive government and didn't have the issue of free elections, even to leadership in what was supposed to be their own union.
Reagan was the president of a union for several years. He had no problem with them.

The issue now is having the union on both sides of the bargaining table, and the voters frozen out of the discussion. When you negotiate with yourself, and someone else is paying, you will be very generous to yourself.

Reagan was negotiating with Sam Goldwyn and Jack Warner, who were very protective of their interests.

Public sector unions vote in their stooges who then pass out the sugar to whoever most instrumental in getting them elected. Who cares what is in the public interest, the unions are just their for their membership and the politicians kiss the ass of the most electorally effective unions.

And in 1982, the Pols were fighting an oppressive government and didn't have the issue of free elections, even to leadership in what was supposed to be their own union.

Actually , you do have a point in the evolution of unions BM, they really are nothing like they started out to be

We didn't see them openly oppose outsourcing, or take a stand on the health care industry's ongoing debacle, other to advocate the mouthpiece of their choice

And they operated in lockstep with the Chamber of Commerce, or whatever shill to corporatism greased their wheels, pretty much in direct conflict of their founders

Power corrupts, no matter what the altruism may be

That said, do we throw unions under the bus because of all this? This will affect America's worker ants, no matter what safe hole they may think they're in......
Reagan was the president of a union for several years. He had no problem with them.

The issue now is having the union on both sides of the bargaining table, and the voters frozen out of the discussion. When you negotiate with yourself, and someone else is paying, you will be very generous to yourself.

Reagan was negotiating with Sam Goldwyn and Jack Warner, who were very protective of their interests.

Public sector unions vote in their stooges who then pass out the sugar to whoever most instrumental in getting them elected. Who cares what is in the public interest, the unions are just their for their membership and the politicians kiss the ass of the most electorally effective unions.

And in 1982, the Pols were fighting an oppressive government and didn't have the issue of free elections, even to leadership in what was supposed to be their own union.
Reagan's bias toward Sam Goldwyn"s and Jack Warner's interests was on display in 1959 when he led the way to a strike ending agreement that greatly weakened his fellow actors.

"Under heavy membership pressure, he finally resigned as union president before his term ended."

Reagan's assault on organized labor while in the White House included his appointment of three management representatives to the five member National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

"The appointees included NLRB Chairman Donald Dotson, who declared that 'unionized labor relations have been the major contributors to the decline and failure of once healthy industries' and have caused 'destruction of individual freedom.'"

"A House committee found that under Dotson, the NLRB abandoned its legal obligation to promote collective bargaining, in what amounted to 'a betrayal of American workers.'"

Finally, explain how any "sugar" passed out by union stooges over the last thirty years has resulted in the richest 1% of Americans doubling their share of national income and wealth?

Ronald Reagan...

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