Russia Issues Third Warning Against US Cooperation With Terrorists In Syria...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Why have we invaded Syria? ISIS? The Syrian Government, Russia and Iran were already in the process of exterminating it. That process has now been slowed by the US, Saudi Arabia, and others meddling there. And it has been proven that US 'allies' like Saudi Arabia were funding & arming ISIS all along.

We need to reverse this Empire-Building phase we're in. We're now everywhere meddling in numerous nations' internal affairs. No more demanding 'Regime Change.' It's time to dramatically scale things back. It's time for a humble Non-Interventionist foreign policy.

The Syrian Army was on its way across the Euphrates river to liberate the oil- and gas-fields east of Deir Ezzor city. The US countered the move. It sent a small forces of Arab tribal mercenaries who were earlier allied with the Islamic State (ISIS). These proxy forces came from a northern direction and moved through Islamic State held areas without fighting and casualties up to the walls of Deir Ezzor city.

The Syrian army was about to win the race when it started to cross the Euphrates. But it suddenly was surprised by a large al-Qaeda attack in southern Idleb province. That area had been quiet for months. 29 Russian troops who were supervising a deescalation zone there were nearly encircled by al-Qaeda forces. They only escape after an emergency relief operation had cut through al-Qaeda lines. The Russian Ministry of Defense accused the US of having communicated the position of the Russian platoon to al-Qaeda.

Shortly thereafter a Russian general, visiting Deir Ezzor city to supervise the Euphrates bridge crossing, came under extremely well aimed mortar fire by the Islamic State. The general and two other high ranking officers were killed...

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Russia Issues Third Warning Against US Cooperation With Terrorists in Syria
Actually, the truth is even uglier:

The 100 km area around the US Al-Tanf base near the Syrian-Jordanian border has become a “black hole” which ISIS terrorists use to carry out attacks against Syrian troops and civilians, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The base, set up by the US in April 2017 near the border town of Al-Tanf, is becoming a problem for Syrian troops combatting Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists in Deir ez-Zor province, the statement says.

ISIS carries out attacks from US-controlled ‘black-hole’ area near Al-Tanf base – Russian MoD

So, it looks like American base in Syria became a shelter for the terrorists.
Actually, the truth is even uglier:

The 100 km area around the US Al-Tanf base near the Syrian-Jordanian border has become a “black hole” which ISIS terrorists use to carry out attacks against Syrian troops and civilians, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The base, set up by the US in April 2017 near the border town of Al-Tanf, is becoming a problem for Syrian troops combatting Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists in Deir ez-Zor province, the statement says.

ISIS carries out attacks from US-controlled ‘black-hole’ area near Al-Tanf base – Russian MoD

So, it looks like American base in Syria became a shelter for the terrorists.

Yeah, it's already been proven that ISIS has received the bulk of its support from US 'allies' in the region. All that money & weapons didn't just magically appear. It was provided for them. We need to get the hell out of Syria. We don't belong there.
Why have we invaded Syria? ISIS? The Syrian Government, Russia and Iran were already in the process of exterminating it. That process has now been slowed by the US, Saudi Arabia, and others meddling there. And it has been proven that US 'allies' like Saudi Arabia were funding & arming ISIS all along.

We need to reverse this Empire-Building phase we're in. We're now everywhere meddling in numerous nations' internal affairs. No more demanding 'Regime Change.' It's time to dramatically scale things back. It's time for a humble Non-Interventionist foreign policy.

The Syrian Army was on its way across the Euphrates river to liberate the oil- and gas-fields east of Deir Ezzor city. The US countered the move. It sent a small forces of Arab tribal mercenaries who were earlier allied with the Islamic State (ISIS). These proxy forces came from a northern direction and moved through Islamic State held areas without fighting and casualties up to the walls of Deir Ezzor city.

The Syrian army was about to win the race when it started to cross the Euphrates. But it suddenly was surprised by a large al-Qaeda attack in southern Idleb province. That area had been quiet for months. 29 Russian troops who were supervising a deescalation zone there were nearly encircled by al-Qaeda forces. They only escape after an emergency relief operation had cut through al-Qaeda lines. The Russian Ministry of Defense accused the US of having communicated the position of the Russian platoon to al-Qaeda.

Shortly thereafter a Russian general, visiting Deir Ezzor city to supervise the Euphrates bridge crossing, came under extremely well aimed mortar fire by the Islamic State. The general and two other high ranking officers were killed...

Read More:
Russia Issues Third Warning Against US Cooperation With Terrorists in Syria
Russia and Syria see even the non radical groups fighting against Syria as terrorists and even make claims that such groups are al-Qaeda or ISIS affiliated as a propaganda ploy. They even label the Kurds as terrorists. That's not to say Russian and Syria don't have to deal with the radical Islamic fighters they do but pay attention to the propaganda in order to sort it out from the reality. Look at the article's link to "formally allied with ISIS" (I think that's the one), it links to a Russian blog................
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Anything fucking Russia is fair game. Although, we should remain open to negotiating with them.

The Syrian Government and Russia had just about wiped ISIS out before the US invasion. We had no business invading that country. We gotta reverse this Empire-Building phase we're in. It won't end well. All Empires fall.
Why have we invaded Syria? ISIS? The Syrian Government, Russia and Iran were already in the process of exterminating it. That process has now been slowed by the US, Saudi Arabia, and others meddling there. And it has been proven that US 'allies' like Saudi Arabia were funding & arming ISIS all along.

We need to reverse this Empire-Building phase we're in. We're now everywhere meddling in numerous nations' internal affairs. No more demanding 'Regime Change.' It's time to dramatically scale things back. It's time for a humble Non-Interventionist foreign policy.

The Syrian Army was on its way across the Euphrates river to liberate the oil- and gas-fields east of Deir Ezzor city. The US countered the move. It sent a small forces of Arab tribal mercenaries who were earlier allied with the Islamic State (ISIS). These proxy forces came from a northern direction and moved through Islamic State held areas without fighting and casualties up to the walls of Deir Ezzor city.

The Syrian army was about to win the race when it started to cross the Euphrates. But it suddenly was surprised by a large al-Qaeda attack in southern Idleb province. That area had been quiet for months. 29 Russian troops who were supervising a deescalation zone there were nearly encircled by al-Qaeda forces. They only escape after an emergency relief operation had cut through al-Qaeda lines. The Russian Ministry of Defense accused the US of having communicated the position of the Russian platoon to al-Qaeda.

Shortly thereafter a Russian general, visiting Deir Ezzor city to supervise the Euphrates bridge crossing, came under extremely well aimed mortar fire by the Islamic State. The general and two other high ranking officers were killed...

Read More:
Russia Issues Third Warning Against US Cooperation With Terrorists in Syria
Russia and Syria see even the non radical groups fighting against Syria as terrorists and even make claims that such groups are al-Qaeda or ISIS affiliated as a propaganda ploy. They even label the Kurds as terrorists. That's not to say Russian and Syria don't have to deal with the radical Islamic fighters they do but pay attention to the propaganda in order to sort it out from the reality. Look at The article's link to "formally allied with ISIS" (I think that's the one), it links to a Russian blog................

Well, it has been proven that the US and some 'allies' in the region have been funding & arming ISIS in Syria all along. It started way back with John McInsane hanging out with Terrorists and demanding Taxpayer funding.

We're now merely fighting against the awful folks we've been funding & arming over there. It's an insane foreign policy. We need to end this Empire-Building phase we're in. We need to dramatically scale things back. We don't belong in nations like Syria. We need to come home.
Anything fucking Russia is fair game. Although, we should remain open to negotiating with them.

Russia in Syria is just as much a problem as is Assad in Syria and Isis in Syria. The situation is sorta reminiscent of
Russia in Afghanistan and even Saddam in Iraq-----in fact
Iran in Yemen is a far bigger problem than Saudi Arabia in
Why have we invaded Syria? ISIS? The Syrian Government, Russia and Iran were already in the process of exterminating it. That process has now been slowed by the US, Saudi Arabia, and others meddling there. And it has been proven that US 'allies' like Saudi Arabia were funding & arming ISIS all along.

We need to reverse this Empire-Building phase we're in. We're now everywhere meddling in numerous nations' internal affairs. No more demanding 'Regime Change.' It's time to dramatically scale things back. It's time for a humble Non-Interventionist foreign policy.

The Syrian Army was on its way across the Euphrates river to liberate the oil- and gas-fields east of Deir Ezzor city. The US countered the move. It sent a small forces of Arab tribal mercenaries who were earlier allied with the Islamic State (ISIS). These proxy forces came from a northern direction and moved through Islamic State held areas without fighting and casualties up to the walls of Deir Ezzor city.

The Syrian army was about to win the race when it started to cross the Euphrates. But it suddenly was surprised by a large al-Qaeda attack in southern Idleb province. That area had been quiet for months. 29 Russian troops who were supervising a deescalation zone there were nearly encircled by al-Qaeda forces. They only escape after an emergency relief operation had cut through al-Qaeda lines. The Russian Ministry of Defense accused the US of having communicated the position of the Russian platoon to al-Qaeda.

Shortly thereafter a Russian general, visiting Deir Ezzor city to supervise the Euphrates bridge crossing, came under extremely well aimed mortar fire by the Islamic State. The general and two other high ranking officers were killed...

Read More:
Russia Issues Third Warning Against US Cooperation With Terrorists in Syria
Russia and Syria see even the non radical groups fighting against Syria as terrorists and even make claims that such groups are al-Qaeda or ISIS affiliated as a propaganda ploy. They even label the Kurds as terrorists. That's not to say Russian and Syria don't have to deal with the radical Islamic fighters they do but pay attention to the propaganda in order to sort it out from the reality. Look at The article's link to "formally allied with ISIS" (I think that's the one), it links to a Russian blog................

Well, it has been proven that the US and some 'allies' in the region have been funding & arming ISIS in Syria all along. It started way back with John McInsane hanging with Terrorists and demanding Taxpayer funding. We're now merely fighting against the awful folks we've been funding & arming over there. It's an insane foreign policy. We need to end this Empire-Building phase we're in. We need to dramatically scale things back. We don't belong in nations like Syria. We need to come home.
Yeah, I've seen that "proof"........... As for empire building.......... :rofl:
Isis is funded in the same manner that Al Queida and
Hezbollah and Taliban is funded------by the noble
"lovers of muhummad"------ZAKAT
Why have we invaded Syria? ISIS? The Syrian Government, Russia and Iran were already in the process of exterminating it. That process has now been slowed by the US, Saudi Arabia, and others meddling there. And it has been proven that US 'allies' like Saudi Arabia were funding & arming ISIS all along.

We need to reverse this Empire-Building phase we're in. We're now everywhere meddling in numerous nations' internal affairs. No more demanding 'Regime Change.' It's time to dramatically scale things back. It's time for a humble Non-Interventionist foreign policy.

The Syrian Army was on its way across the Euphrates river to liberate the oil- and gas-fields east of Deir Ezzor city. The US countered the move. It sent a small forces of Arab tribal mercenaries who were earlier allied with the Islamic State (ISIS). These proxy forces came from a northern direction and moved through Islamic State held areas without fighting and casualties up to the walls of Deir Ezzor city.

The Syrian army was about to win the race when it started to cross the Euphrates. But it suddenly was surprised by a large al-Qaeda attack in southern Idleb province. That area had been quiet for months. 29 Russian troops who were supervising a deescalation zone there were nearly encircled by al-Qaeda forces. They only escape after an emergency relief operation had cut through al-Qaeda lines. The Russian Ministry of Defense accused the US of having communicated the position of the Russian platoon to al-Qaeda.

Shortly thereafter a Russian general, visiting Deir Ezzor city to supervise the Euphrates bridge crossing, came under extremely well aimed mortar fire by the Islamic State. The general and two other high ranking officers were killed...

Read More:
Russia Issues Third Warning Against US Cooperation With Terrorists in Syria
Russia and Syria see even the non radical groups fighting against Syria as terrorists and even make claims that such groups are al-Qaeda or ISIS affiliated as a propaganda ploy. They even label the Kurds as terrorists. That's not to say Russian and Syria don't have to deal with the radical Islamic fighters they do but pay attention to the propaganda in order to sort it out from the reality. Look at The article's link to "formally allied with ISIS" (I think that's the one), it links to a Russian blog................

Well, it has been proven that the US and some 'allies' in the region have been funding & arming ISIS in Syria all along. It started way back with John McInsane hanging with Terrorists and demanding Taxpayer funding. We're now merely fighting against the awful folks we've been funding & arming over there. It's an insane foreign policy. We need to end this Empire-Building phase we're in. We need to dramatically scale things back. We don't belong in nations like Syria. We need to come home.
Yeah, I've seen that "proof"........... As for empire building.......... :rofl:

Check out Wikileaks. Hillary Clinton and Obama were well aware of 'allies' like Saudi Arabia funding & arming ISIS in Syria.
Why have we invaded Syria? ISIS? The Syrian Government, Russia and Iran were already in the process of exterminating it. That process has now been slowed by the US, Saudi Arabia, and others meddling there. And it has been proven that US 'allies' like Saudi Arabia were funding & arming ISIS all along.

We need to reverse this Empire-Building phase we're in. We're now everywhere meddling in numerous nations' internal affairs. No more demanding 'Regime Change.' It's time to dramatically scale things back. It's time for a humble Non-Interventionist foreign policy.

The Syrian Army was on its way across the Euphrates river to liberate the oil- and gas-fields east of Deir Ezzor city. The US countered the move. It sent a small forces of Arab tribal mercenaries who were earlier allied with the Islamic State (ISIS). These proxy forces came from a northern direction and moved through Islamic State held areas without fighting and casualties up to the walls of Deir Ezzor city.

The Syrian army was about to win the race when it started to cross the Euphrates. But it suddenly was surprised by a large al-Qaeda attack in southern Idleb province. That area had been quiet for months. 29 Russian troops who were supervising a deescalation zone there were nearly encircled by al-Qaeda forces. They only escape after an emergency relief operation had cut through al-Qaeda lines. The Russian Ministry of Defense accused the US of having communicated the position of the Russian platoon to al-Qaeda.

Shortly thereafter a Russian general, visiting Deir Ezzor city to supervise the Euphrates bridge crossing, came under extremely well aimed mortar fire by the Islamic State. The general and two other high ranking officers were killed...

Read More:
Russia Issues Third Warning Against US Cooperation With Terrorists in Syria
Russia and Syria see even the non radical groups fighting against Syria as terrorists and even make claims that such groups are al-Qaeda or ISIS affiliated as a propaganda ploy. They even label the Kurds as terrorists. That's not to say Russian and Syria don't have to deal with the radical Islamic fighters they do but pay attention to the propaganda in order to sort it out from the reality. Look at The article's link to "formally allied with ISIS" (I think that's the one), it links to a Russian blog................

Well, it has been proven that the US and some 'allies' in the region have been funding & arming ISIS in Syria all along. It started way back with John McInsane hanging with Terrorists and demanding Taxpayer funding. We're now merely fighting against the awful folks we've been funding & arming over there. It's an insane foreign policy. We need to end this Empire-Building phase we're in. We need to dramatically scale things back. We don't belong in nations like Syria. We need to come home.
Yeah, I've seen that "proof"........... As for empire building.......... :rofl:

Check out Wikileaks. Hillary Clinton and Obama were well aware of 'allies' like Saudi Arabia funding & arming ISIS in Syria.

I checked----no such leaks reveal money from the king
Why have we invaded Syria? ISIS? The Syrian Government, Russia and Iran were already in the process of exterminating it. That process has now been slowed by the US, Saudi Arabia, and others meddling there. And it has been proven that US 'allies' like Saudi Arabia were funding & arming ISIS all along.

We need to reverse this Empire-Building phase we're in. We're now everywhere meddling in numerous nations' internal affairs. No more demanding 'Regime Change.' It's time to dramatically scale things back. It's time for a humble Non-Interventionist foreign policy.

The Syrian Army was on its way across the Euphrates river to liberate the oil- and gas-fields east of Deir Ezzor city. The US countered the move. It sent a small forces of Arab tribal mercenaries who were earlier allied with the Islamic State (ISIS). These proxy forces came from a northern direction and moved through Islamic State held areas without fighting and casualties up to the walls of Deir Ezzor city.

The Syrian army was about to win the race when it started to cross the Euphrates. But it suddenly was surprised by a large al-Qaeda attack in southern Idleb province. That area had been quiet for months. 29 Russian troops who were supervising a deescalation zone there were nearly encircled by al-Qaeda forces. They only escape after an emergency relief operation had cut through al-Qaeda lines. The Russian Ministry of Defense accused the US of having communicated the position of the Russian platoon to al-Qaeda.

Shortly thereafter a Russian general, visiting Deir Ezzor city to supervise the Euphrates bridge crossing, came under extremely well aimed mortar fire by the Islamic State. The general and two other high ranking officers were killed...

Read More:
Russia Issues Third Warning Against US Cooperation With Terrorists in Syria
Russia and Syria see even the non radical groups fighting against Syria as terrorists and even make claims that such groups are al-Qaeda or ISIS affiliated as a propaganda ploy. They even label the Kurds as terrorists. That's not to say Russian and Syria don't have to deal with the radical Islamic fighters they do but pay attention to the propaganda in order to sort it out from the reality. Look at The article's link to "formally allied with ISIS" (I think that's the one), it links to a Russian blog................

Well, it has been proven that the US and some 'allies' in the region have been funding & arming ISIS in Syria all along. It started way back with John McInsane hanging with Terrorists and demanding Taxpayer funding. We're now merely fighting against the awful folks we've been funding & arming over there. It's an insane foreign policy. We need to end this Empire-Building phase we're in. We need to dramatically scale things back. We don't belong in nations like Syria. We need to come home.
Yeah, I've seen that "proof"........... As for empire building.......... :rofl:

Check out Wikileaks. Hillary Clinton and Obama were well aware of 'allies' like Saudi Arabia funding & arming ISIS in Syria.
Yeah, so? Obviously you have a very naive, simplistic view of how world politics works or how people not affiliated with their government back others which explains much............
Why have we invaded Syria? ISIS? The Syrian Government, Russia and Iran were already in the process of exterminating it. That process has now been slowed by the US, Saudi Arabia, and others meddling there. And it has been proven that US 'allies' like Saudi Arabia were funding & arming ISIS all along.

We need to reverse this Empire-Building phase we're in. We're now everywhere meddling in numerous nations' internal affairs. No more demanding 'Regime Change.' It's time to dramatically scale things back. It's time for a humble Non-Interventionist foreign policy.

The Syrian Army was on its way across the Euphrates river to liberate the oil- and gas-fields east of Deir Ezzor city. The US countered the move. It sent a small forces of Arab tribal mercenaries who were earlier allied with the Islamic State (ISIS). These proxy forces came from a northern direction and moved through Islamic State held areas without fighting and casualties up to the walls of Deir Ezzor city.

The Syrian army was about to win the race when it started to cross the Euphrates. But it suddenly was surprised by a large al-Qaeda attack in southern Idleb province. That area had been quiet for months. 29 Russian troops who were supervising a deescalation zone there were nearly encircled by al-Qaeda forces. They only escape after an emergency relief operation had cut through al-Qaeda lines. The Russian Ministry of Defense accused the US of having communicated the position of the Russian platoon to al-Qaeda.

Shortly thereafter a Russian general, visiting Deir Ezzor city to supervise the Euphrates bridge crossing, came under extremely well aimed mortar fire by the Islamic State. The general and two other high ranking officers were killed...

Read More:
Russia Issues Third Warning Against US Cooperation With Terrorists in Syria
Russia and Syria see even the non radical groups fighting against Syria as terrorists and even make claims that such groups are al-Qaeda or ISIS affiliated as a propaganda ploy. They even label the Kurds as terrorists. That's not to say Russian and Syria don't have to deal with the radical Islamic fighters they do but pay attention to the propaganda in order to sort it out from the reality. Look at The article's link to "formally allied with ISIS" (I think that's the one), it links to a Russian blog................

Well, it has been proven that the US and some 'allies' in the region have been funding & arming ISIS in Syria all along. It started way back with John McInsane hanging with Terrorists and demanding Taxpayer funding. We're now merely fighting against the awful folks we've been funding & arming over there. It's an insane foreign policy. We need to end this Empire-Building phase we're in. We need to dramatically scale things back. We don't belong in nations like Syria. We need to come home.
Yeah, I've seen that "proof"........... As for empire building.......... :rofl:

Check out Wikileaks. Hillary Clinton and Obama were well aware of 'allies' like Saudi Arabia funding & arming ISIS in Syria.
Yeah, so? Obviously you have a very naive, simplistic view of how world politics works or how people not affiliated with their government back others which explains much............

Let's get out of the Empire-Building business. It won't end well. Empires always fall.
Why have we invaded Syria? ISIS? The Syrian Government, Russia and Iran were already in the process of exterminating it. That process has now been slowed by the US, Saudi Arabia, and others meddling there. And it has been proven that US 'allies' like Saudi Arabia were funding & arming ISIS all along.

We need to reverse this Empire-Building phase we're in. We're now everywhere meddling in numerous nations' internal affairs. No more demanding 'Regime Change.' It's time to dramatically scale things back. It's time for a humble Non-Interventionist foreign policy.

The Syrian Army was on its way across the Euphrates river to liberate the oil- and gas-fields east of Deir Ezzor city. The US countered the move. It sent a small forces of Arab tribal mercenaries who were earlier allied with the Islamic State (ISIS). These proxy forces came from a northern direction and moved through Islamic State held areas without fighting and casualties up to the walls of Deir Ezzor city.

The Syrian army was about to win the race when it started to cross the Euphrates. But it suddenly was surprised by a large al-Qaeda attack in southern Idleb province. That area had been quiet for months. 29 Russian troops who were supervising a deescalation zone there were nearly encircled by al-Qaeda forces. They only escape after an emergency relief operation had cut through al-Qaeda lines. The Russian Ministry of Defense accused the US of having communicated the position of the Russian platoon to al-Qaeda.

Shortly thereafter a Russian general, visiting Deir Ezzor city to supervise the Euphrates bridge crossing, came under extremely well aimed mortar fire by the Islamic State. The general and two other high ranking officers were killed...

Read More:
Russia Issues Third Warning Against US Cooperation With Terrorists in Syria
Russia and Syria see even the non radical groups fighting against Syria as terrorists and even make claims that such groups are al-Qaeda or ISIS affiliated as a propaganda ploy. They even label the Kurds as terrorists. That's not to say Russian and Syria don't have to deal with the radical Islamic fighters they do but pay attention to the propaganda in order to sort it out from the reality. Look at The article's link to "formally allied with ISIS" (I think that's the one), it links to a Russian blog................

Well, it has been proven that the US and some 'allies' in the region have been funding & arming ISIS in Syria all along. It started way back with John McInsane hanging with Terrorists and demanding Taxpayer funding. We're now merely fighting against the awful folks we've been funding & arming over there. It's an insane foreign policy. We need to end this Empire-Building phase we're in. We need to dramatically scale things back. We don't belong in nations like Syria. We need to come home.
Yeah, I've seen that "proof"........... As for empire building.......... :rofl:

Check out Wikileaks. Hillary Clinton and Obama were well aware of 'allies' like Saudi Arabia funding & arming ISIS in Syria.

I checked----no such leaks reveal money from the king

for those confused regarding our ally---Saudi Arabia-----the
(relatively speaking) good guy-----DA KING-----is surrounded
by enemies------from ambitious family members----to whole PROVINCES of persons (especially Shiites ) in the eastern
part of the country that would CHEER an invasion by the Shiite HOUTHI pigs in Yemen AND IRAN -----got that?
(and a cherry on top-----HEZBOLLAH) -------welcome to the
BEAUTY OF ISLAAAAM. I have been fascinated with islam
for more than 50 years (stop calculating ---I am still young
enough to be alive)
Russia and Syria see even the non radical groups fighting against Syria as terrorists and even make claims that such groups are al-Qaeda or ISIS affiliated as a propaganda ploy. They even label the Kurds as terrorists. That's not to say Russian and Syria don't have to deal with the radical Islamic fighters they do but pay attention to the propaganda in order to sort it out from the reality. Look at The article's link to "formally allied with ISIS" (I think that's the one), it links to a Russian blog................

Well, it has been proven that the US and some 'allies' in the region have been funding & arming ISIS in Syria all along. It started way back with John McInsane hanging with Terrorists and demanding Taxpayer funding. We're now merely fighting against the awful folks we've been funding & arming over there. It's an insane foreign policy. We need to end this Empire-Building phase we're in. We need to dramatically scale things back. We don't belong in nations like Syria. We need to come home.
Yeah, I've seen that "proof"........... As for empire building.......... :rofl:

Check out Wikileaks. Hillary Clinton and Obama were well aware of 'allies' like Saudi Arabia funding & arming ISIS in Syria.
Yeah, so? Obviously you have a very naive, simplistic view of how world politics works or how people not affiliated with their government back others which explains much............

Let's get out of the Empire-Building business. It won't end well. Empires always fall.

they do lots of damage before they fall. THE HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRE was built piles of dead bodies numbering in the
hundreds of millions. -------as was the UMMAH ----hundreds of millions and counting.
Russia and Syria see even the non radical groups fighting against Syria as terrorists and even make claims that such groups are al-Qaeda or ISIS affiliated as a propaganda ploy. They even label the Kurds as terrorists. That's not to say Russian and Syria don't have to deal with the radical Islamic fighters they do but pay attention to the propaganda in order to sort it out from the reality. Look at The article's link to "formally allied with ISIS" (I think that's the one), it links to a Russian blog................

Well, it has been proven that the US and some 'allies' in the region have been funding & arming ISIS in Syria all along. It started way back with John McInsane hanging with Terrorists and demanding Taxpayer funding. We're now merely fighting against the awful folks we've been funding & arming over there. It's an insane foreign policy. We need to end this Empire-Building phase we're in. We need to dramatically scale things back. We don't belong in nations like Syria. We need to come home.
Yeah, I've seen that "proof"........... As for empire building.......... :rofl:

Check out Wikileaks. Hillary Clinton and Obama were well aware of 'allies' like Saudi Arabia funding & arming ISIS in Syria.
Yeah, so? Obviously you have a very naive, simplistic view of how world politics works or how people not affiliated with their government back others which explains much............

Let's get out of the Empire-Building business. It won't end well. Empires always fall.
You're historically a day late and a dollar short, we're well past the empire building stage...........
Russia and Syria see even the non radical groups fighting against Syria as terrorists and even make claims that such groups are al-Qaeda or ISIS affiliated as a propaganda ploy. They even label the Kurds as terrorists. That's not to say Russian and Syria don't have to deal with the radical Islamic fighters they do but pay attention to the propaganda in order to sort it out from the reality. Look at The article's link to "formally allied with ISIS" (I think that's the one), it links to a Russian blog................

Well, it has been proven that the US and some 'allies' in the region have been funding & arming ISIS in Syria all along. It started way back with John McInsane hanging with Terrorists and demanding Taxpayer funding. We're now merely fighting against the awful folks we've been funding & arming over there. It's an insane foreign policy. We need to end this Empire-Building phase we're in. We need to dramatically scale things back. We don't belong in nations like Syria. We need to come home.
Yeah, I've seen that "proof"........... As for empire building.......... :rofl:

Check out Wikileaks. Hillary Clinton and Obama were well aware of 'allies' like Saudi Arabia funding & arming ISIS in Syria.

I checked----no such leaks reveal money from the king

for those confused regarding our ally---Saudi Arabia-----the
(relatively speaking) good guy-----DA KING-----is surrounded
by enemies------from ambitious family members----to whole PROVINCES of persons (especially Shiites ) in the eastern
part of the country that would CHEER an invasion by the Shiite HOUTHI pigs in Yemen AND IRAN -----got that?
(and a cherry on top-----HEZBOLLAH) -------welcome to the
BEAUTY OF ISLAAAAM. I have been fascinated with islam
for more than 50 years (stop calculating ---I am still young
enough to be alive)

To hell with Saudi Arabia. Probably the most evil nation on earth. It's Wahabbist form of Sunni Islam is the origin of the bloodiest Islamic Terrorist Orgs on this earth. I'm ashamed and outraged that my Government considers that nation a 'Good Friend.'
Well, it has been proven that the US and some 'allies' in the region have been funding & arming ISIS in Syria all along. It started way back with John McInsane hanging with Terrorists and demanding Taxpayer funding. We're now merely fighting against the awful folks we've been funding & arming over there. It's an insane foreign policy. We need to end this Empire-Building phase we're in. We need to dramatically scale things back. We don't belong in nations like Syria. We need to come home.
Yeah, I've seen that "proof"........... As for empire building.......... :rofl:

Check out Wikileaks. Hillary Clinton and Obama were well aware of 'allies' like Saudi Arabia funding & arming ISIS in Syria.
Yeah, so? Obviously you have a very naive, simplistic view of how world politics works or how people not affiliated with their government back others which explains much............

Let's get out of the Empire-Building business. It won't end well. Empires always fall.
You're historically a day late and a dollar short, we're well past the empire building stage...........

Well, i'd to think we still have some time to reverse things. I hope so anyway. I mean, we're $21 Trillion in Debt and meddling all over the world. It isn't gonna end well if we continue Empire-Building. We should listen to our Founding Fathers and scrap those plans. Just come back home.
Russia and Assad aren't fighting ISIS, just pretending. ISIS is crucial to Assad remaining in power. Without ISIS in Syria, it will be a matter of weeks before the international community removes that genocidal mass murderer from power. Assad and Russia (and ISIS) are instead targeting fellow Syrians and armed resistance groups, although some of them have unfortunately now joined forces with fringe Islamist groups, due to lack of support.

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