Rush Makes His Case

what's a brank?

and why do you think that the american people have consistently ranked congressional republicans way lower than congressional democrats since before the last election...and continuing all the way up until this past week?

why IS that? Can you explain it?
There have been more holes punched in theis Media matters smear, only the moonbat left still believes he slimed all the troops that disagree with the war

This from the party that ran the Betray Us ad

I am not part of that Party. and I beleive they scewed up by posting it the way they did, None the less, THEY WERE AND ARE CORRECT. Tho I realize he had no choice and still keep his job and be able to continue in service. HE DID BETRAY US.
I am not part of that Party. and I beleive they scewed up by posting it the way they did, None the less, THEY WERE AND ARE CORRECT. Tho I realize he had no choice and still keep his job and be able to continue in service. HE DID BETRAY US.

Psst...hey, doniston - didn't you get the memo? We're not supposed to be talking about General Petraeus or (let alone, DEFENDING - SHEESH!). We're supposed to be BURYING this...uh...unfortunate little incident... under an avalanche of "Rush said this" and "Rush meant that". The strategy is a ceaseless game of Clintonian "is is" - at least, until the...unfortunate little old news. If people are talking about Rush, they're not talking about General Petraeus or - don't you see?

In future, please read your DNC marching orders a bit more carefully.
Psst...hey, doniston - didn't you get the memo? We're not supposed to be talking about General Petraeus or (let alone, DEFENDING - SHEESH!). We're supposed to be BURYING this...uh...unfortunate little incident... under an avalanche of "Rush said this" and "Rush meant that". The strategy is a ceaseless game of Clintonian "is is" - at least, until the...unfortunate little old news. If people are talking about Rush, they're not talking about General Petraeus or - don't you see?

In future, please read your DNC marching orders a bit more carefully.

it's all silly politics to be worried about any of these little issues a year out from the election. Moveon's General Petraeus ad AND Rush Limbaugh's phony soldier remark will both be so far deeply buried in the dust of history - so far back in the rear view mirror by then, they both will be completely inconsequential to the outcome.
I would love to meet so i could smack sense into you.
But then again, you're not worth my time or effort. So instead, I'll put your ignorant,rambling, sorry ass on ignore.
btw, leave the big words like sebaceous to adults.

One down, how many more will fall?

Id love to meet you so that you could try.

Indeed, way to show your passive aggressive side. I bet your vagina has a HUGE list of reasons to ignore people that can argue circles around you. That thing is like your third carry on luggage space for planes, trains and the occasional Navy shore leave special at Motel 6, eh?
Id love to meet you so that you could try.

Indeed, way to show your passive aggressive side. I bet your vagina has a HUGE list of reasons to ignore people that can argue circles around you. That thing is like your third carry on luggage space for planes, trains and the occasional Navy shore leave special at Motel 6, eh?

Now you want a fight with someone.....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha comedy gold:D
Now you want a fight with someone.....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha comedy gold:D

I guess reading is not your strong subject...

what part of "so that you could try" sounds like "I want to fight you"?

Maybe we can get teddy ruxpin to explain it to you.

I guess reading is not your strong subject...

what part of "so that you could try" sounds like "I want to fight you"?

Maybe we can get teddy ruxpin to explain it to you.


:lol: I hope that didn't take you to long?:lol: Numpty.
:lol: I hope that didn't take you to long?:lol: Numpty.

It didn't.

I find that jousting with you leaves much time for tea and crumpets.. or whatever the hell it is you all eat that gives you those pearly examples of fine dental hygiene.
It didn't.

I find that jousting with you leaves much time for tea and crumpets.. or whatever the hell it is you all eat that gives you those pearly examples of fine dental hygiene.

Giz a kiss handsome:rofl:
Maybe we could just hold hands for a little bit:D

Nope, sorry.

Again, I realize that my charisma and charm probably makes you tingle in the no no naughty place but empathizing with your struggle doesn't mean I'm interested in holding your hand.
Nope, sorry.

Again, I realize that my charisma and charm probably makes you tingle in the no no naughty place but empathizing with your struggle doesn't mean I'm interested in holding your hand.

I have very good gaydar and you are a definite:D
Roomy and Shogun: sheesh, get a room already.

Larkinn said:
It was Moveon, not the "Dims", genius. And as I pointed out before, I really don't think the "dims" have much to worry about this coming election.
Sure thing braintard…we all know the Moveon crowd is a propaganda arm of the Republicans.
So you feel real confident that your fem bot is going to win?

Larkinn said:
So when "Dims" slander its all "America won't forget, blah blah blah", but when Republicans do it its all "something he has the RIGHT to say"? Try pulling yourself out of that elephants ass and look around.
Did anyone say that Moveon did not have the RIGHT to put out their BetrayUs propaganda? The ad was terribly WRONG but I don't see anybody going to court over Moveon's right to say stupid things.

Larkinn said:
I've listened to him. The bullshit he spews is so obviously full of gross exaggerations and mis-statements its pathetic. He is smart enough not to outright lie and when he says asinine things to be able to be "misunderstood" later on when he gets called on it. But it most definitely fools a lot of people out there.
Really? What "gross exaggerations" and "mis-statements"? Sounds more like you just don't like his political views - that is not the same thing as condemning him for being a liar.
The Dims are trying to shut up Limbaugh because they don't like his VIEWS.
That is dangerous behavior in a supposedly free country.
Roomy and Shogun: sheesh, get a room already.

Sure thing braintard…we all know the Moveon crowd is a propaganda arm of the Republicans.
So you feel real confident that your fem bot is going to win?

Did I claim Moveon was a propaganda arm of the Republicans? No, no I did not. And I have no idea if Hillary will win...but in 2 years the Republicans will not be better off than they are now.

Did anyone say that Moveon did not have the RIGHT to put out their BetrayUs propaganda?

No they didn't. Thats because its an incoherent defense of what they've done...just as your defense of Rush is incoherent.

Really? What "gross exaggerations" and "mis-statements"? Sounds more like you just don't like his political views - that is not the same thing as condemning him for being a liar.

His political views have nothing to do with it.

The Dims are trying to shut up Limbaugh because they don't like his VIEWS.
That is dangerous behavior in a supposedly free country.

So you think its dangerous behavior for someone to criticize someone else? Alright then....whatever you are supporting, it sure as hell ain't freedom.
Larkinn said:
Did I claim Moveon was a propaganda arm of the Republicans? No, no I did not. And I have no idea if Hillary will win...but in 2 years the Republicans will not be better off than they are now.
Neither did I. That is what you call being sarcastic. However, I'm sure the Moveon crowd votes Democratic, don't they? Or do they belong to some third party I am unaware of? Your attempt to distance the Moveon crowd from the Dims was pathetic.

Larkinn said:
No they didn't. Thats because its an incoherent defense of what they've done...just as your defense of Rush is incoherent.
Come again? That was a tad incoherent.

Larkinn said:
His political views have nothing to do with it.
Come again? Your incoherency is spreading fast…

Larkinn said:
So you think its dangerous behavior for someone to criticize someone else? Alright then....whatever you are supporting, it sure as hell ain't freedom.
No, I think it is dangerous for U.S. Senators to attack a private citizen for speaking his piece. What they did was much more than just verbal criticism.
And on top of it, to basically call him a liar after he and others provided the misinformed Senators (who were only listening to MediaSplatters biased report) with the real facts of the situation.
That Senators would idiotically jump like lemmings on the chance to silence a political commentator is dangerous behavior and not worthy of their elected positions as U.S. Senators. They were acting more like fascists bent on distracting the public from their own political mistake (BetrayUs) and shutting down a radio talk show host who they perceive as being their enemy. Tell me, don't they have better things to do in the U.S. Senate?
Nope, sorry.

Again, I realize that my charisma and charm probably makes you tingle in the no no naughty place but empathizing with your struggle doesn't mean I'm interested in holding your hand.

and your humility

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