Rosenstein Hearing On Now

"To be honest, I lose muich more sleep over any FBI agents who DON'T think Trump is fucking idiot." - Wacky Michael Moore
Rosenstein is a sniveling Jew! No Jew can be trusted and their treachery must be exposed.

This man had a good take on how to deal with them.
this is almost becoming an SNL sketch, especially when Trey came on to the set
Lieu- No one is above the law, then went on to mention campaign contributions that had been questioned, and mentioned Wray has made contributions to GOP. Now said we should shut down this ridiculous argument.
DeSantis: did the FBI pay for the dossier?
Rosenstein : I'm not going to comment on that.
DeSantis: we have an anti-Trump dossier funded by the democrat party so this doesn't look good.
I watched for a little while.

It is just a bunch of hacks using this platform to air their Festivus grievances with each other.

Low entertainment. A lot of noise, signifying nothing.

Trey Gowdy was difficult to understand with Trumps cock in his mouth.
I have mixed feelings about Gowdy. He strikes me as a man of honor whose personal code of ethics has been stretched to the limit.
I watched for a little while.

It is just a bunch of hacks using this platform to air their Festivus grievances with each other.

Low entertainment. A lot of noise, signifying nothing.

Trey Gowdy was difficult to understand with Trumps cock in his mouth.
I have mixed feelings about Gowdy. He strikes me as a man of honor whose personal code of ethics has been stretched to the limit.

Dude can grandstand with the best of them. And he sounds like Mr. Haney.
I watched for a little while.

It is just a bunch of hacks using this platform to air their Festivus grievances with each other.

Low entertainment. A lot of noise, signifying nothing.

Trey Gowdy was difficult to understand with Trumps cock in his mouth.
I have mixed feelings about Gowdy. He strikes me as a man of honor whose personal code of ethics has been stretched to the limit.

Dude can grandstand with the best of them. And he sounds like Mr. Haney.
He does have a pinched voice, but I think it is pretty low to make fun of something he can't help.

To the point, though, I have not entirely written off Mr. Gowdy. I think he still has some scraps of his soul left.
Rosenstein is a sniveling Jew! No Jew can be trusted and their treachery must be exposed.
Umm. I work closely with Jews here in Texas. In my experience, they can be trusted more than any other "racial/ethnic" group. Texas Jews is good news! So....on this issue....fuck you.
The Jewish indoctrination in you is strong. Always remember, the Jew cries out in pain as he stabs you in the back.
Jeff Sessions is the only person in the Trump Administration that I believe to be clean.

I know he has a checkered past with the racial stuff, but compared to the rest of Trump's swamp he's looking pretty all right to me.
DeSantis: did the FBI pay for the Dossier?

Rosenstein: that is under investigation...

DeSantis: do you know the answer?

Rosenstein: I may know that answer
“We are now beginning to understand the magnitude of this insider bias on Mueller’s team,” Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., said in his opening statement on Wednesday. He cited the “extreme bias” shown in the text messages between Strzok and Page; Mueller investigator Andrew Weissmann’s “awe” of former acting Attorney General Sally Yates for defying President Trump; and Mueller investigator Jeannie Rhee’s representation of the Clinton Foundation. He also cited the case of another DOJ official demoted amid scrutiny of his contacts with the firm behind the anti-Trump dossier.

Aren’t DOJ attorneys advised to avoid even the ‘appearance of impropriety’?” Goodlatte asked, calling the “potential bias” of certain career Justice Department officials and lawyers on Mueller’s team “deeply troubling.” “DOJ investigations must not be tainted by individuals imposing their own political prejudices.”

Rosenstein told lawmakers that he has “discussed this with Robert Mueller.”

“It’s our responsibility to make sure those opinions do not influence their actions,” Rosenstein said. “I believe Director Mueller understands that, and recognizes people have political views but that they don’t let it [affect their work.]”

Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, pushed back, calling the appearance “sad.”

Rather than wearing stripes like a referee, the Mueller team overwhelmingly ought to be attired with Democratic donkeys or Hillary t-shirts, not shirts that say ‘Make America Great Again,’ because I think the American people deserve more than the very biased team they have under Mueller,” Chabot said. “It’s really sad.”

Rosenstein stands by Mueller probe as Republicans fume over 'insider bias'

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