Romney says he's fine with gay couples adopting children

Looking in the mirror. hmmm?

You are in the very minescule group of wacks, koshergirl. That will never change. You can only hang onto mainstream groups who will use you for your vote and give you nothing of value in exchange.

That's what you live with. Tough.
Fuck you then. It's how a mob works.

And we live in a republic. Nobody has the right to tell anyone when/where to work, and nobody has the right to pound them for crossing picket lines.

Allie, I know you would like to, but I am spoken for, to my wife and to the Lord. :lol:

Give your sluttish offers elsewhere.

We live in a republic in which laws are made democratically by our representatives, which is the republican manner. Yes, We the People do have the right to do just hat.

That you disagree is certainly your right.

Again, nobody has the right to tell others when, where, or for how much, to work.

You can troll and divert all you like..which you will do, because you know that's true. Mob rule is not always democratic, and has to be monitored closely by those who really do believe in liberty.
Sure they do, all the time.
Work for me, I will tell you how, when, where, or and how much.

Don't like it. Quit.

koshergirl has real problems with people telling her "no, you wrong."
No, I have problems with people telling me "We will beat those who cross picket lines".
Meh, unions. Thank goodness they're on the way out.

Now if we could just get rid of the idiotic "minimum wage".
Fuck you then. It's how a mob works.

And we live in a republic. Nobody has the right to tell anyone when/where to work, and nobody has the right to pound them for crossing picket lines.

Allie, I know you would like to, but I am spoken for, to my wife and to the Lord. :lol:

Give your sluttish offers elsewhere.

We live in a republic in which laws are made democratically by our representatives, which is the republican manner. Yes, We the People do have the right to do just hat.

That you disagree is certainly your right.

Again, nobody has the right to tell others when, where, or for how much, to work.

You can troll and divert all you like..which you will do, because you know that's true. Mob rule is not always democratic, and has to be monitored closely by those who really do believe in liberty.

Welcome to the real world, toots. Why do you think unions exist to begin with? Why do you think there is so much government regulation regarding employment? Because corporations have been telling folks when, where and for how much to work for centuries.

Your second statement is correct but your application of it is not. Mob rule is not always democratic and has to be monitored closely by those who really do believe in liberty. That's why civil rights for gay people and all other minorities should not be put to the voters and should be determined by legislature.
Oh yawn.

We no longer need the unions. They have become the thing they protected people from when they developed. Time to give them the boot.

Buh-bye. They are the biggest losers.
That's your right to believe that way. Your wrong, but you have the right to be wrong. Run along now.
Actually, just being somewhere near a SEIU protest and holding an anti-union poster sign can get you beat.

You pricks seem to think that you have a right to beat anyone that doesn't agree with you. Your even worse kinds of bullies than Romney. Much worse.


Picking a fight with someone and getting your ass kicked is a calculated risk, don't you think?

If you go somewhere looking for a fight and get your ass kicked, I tend to have no sympathy for you.

A lot different than picking on a kid who was different, and then getting it swept under the rug because Daddy was a governor.
Romney says he's "fine" with gay couples adopting children - Political Hotsheet - CBS News


So he's fine with same-sex households but stops short at the government recognizing the relationship?

Is he jumping on the bandwagon now that Obama came out for gay marriage?

I agree with gay couples rearing children. Their homosexuality doesn't dictate any lack of common sense, or any other virtue a heterosexual couple may or may not have.

I think Romney is thinking of the children going to a home where a loving couple is wanting to share their bounty with a less fortunate child.

Except that Romney walked back his comments less than 24 hours after he made them. Romney doesn't know what he thinks until one of his advisers tells him.
Monday night beer drinking poll on gay adoption.
8 opinions, 6 drinkers that identified themselves as Republicans and 2 as Democrats.
4 of the 6 Republicans for gay adoption with one on the fence.
1 of 2 Democrats for gay adoption with the other leaning hard for on the fence.
Nothing scientific about this poll other than the Fort Collins Oak Aged Stout was great.
Who swept it under the rug? Sigh.

Well, someone must have, eh?

Because a few weeks later, the gay kid was thrown out for smoking a cigarette, and Romney's dad gave the commencement address...

The nutters you are hugging with such enthusiasm these days have built "Obama was born in Kenya" theories on less inference.

You need to make the evidence for the links. You are suspicious but that's all you can be.
Actually, just being somewhere near a SEIU protest and holding an anti-union poster sign can get you beat.

You pricks seem to think that you have a right to beat anyone that doesn't agree with you. Your even worse kinds of bullies than Romney. Much worse.


Picking a fight with someone and getting your ass kicked is a calculated risk, don't you think?

If you go somewhere looking for a fight and get your ass kicked, I tend to have no sympathy for you.

A lot different than picking on a kid who was different, and then getting it swept under the rug because Daddy was a governor.

Seems to me like it is you and your bastard brothers that are the ones picking the fight.

Obviously you don't respect other people's right to speak freely. Obviously you don't respect other people's right to seek employment that you refuse.

Seems to me like you are obedient little Ruskies. Funny thing is you live in the USA.

Meh, unions. Thank goodness they're on the way out.

Now if we could just get rid of the idiotic "minimum wage".

So says the woman who has to go to the food pantry to feed her family..

So you think that's evidence of the resounding success of minimum wage?

The fact that a loaf of bread is $3 now, when it used to be $.20, and unemployment is at 10 percent?

Wow. You have a different idea of what works than I do.

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