Romney Can Still Overcome Obama's Dishonest, Divisive Campaign


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Why do people think Romney can "still overcome?" Why do they think Romney is behind? Who else but rabid liberal die hards can vote for the fail in the WH?????

Romney Can Still Overcome Obama's Dishonest, Divisive Campaign

Romney Can Still Overcome Obama's Dishonest, Divisive Campaign - US News and World Report

The problem for Mitt Romney right now is that he has put his entire candidacy at risk to the point where he may not even qualify for the dismissive equation of Barack Obama that Marco Rubio formulated for the Republican faithful: "Our problem is not that he's a bad person. Our problem is that he's a bad president." Is Romney also "not a bad person, just a bad candidate"? With his "47 percent" remarks at a Republican fundraiser in May, he has given his opponent evidence to initiate a new line of attack.
He's right where he needs to be. Tied with an incumbent who the media wants you to think is running away with it is still sitting pretty to me. An incumbent that really has a stellar record should have wrapped this up already if the alleged gaffes Romney made were actually consequential.

The next 45 days will hold the key. Moreso after Oct 3. The only poll that matters is the one the day after the election when we have a winner. Right now we have a incumbent whiner who would blame his own mother for having him to explain his failure if it helped.
The Republicans did it again. I'm beginning to think they are all closet Democrats. After the spending and gov't expansion of GWB I thought he's a republican? So then comes the election and the democrats run Obama, how hard could it be to beat Obama? But they did it, they gave us McCain and Palin. The only two people that could ever loose to Obama and the Republicans ran them. So now here we are again, Obama VS Romney? really Romney? Romney and Ryan the only two people that could possible loose to Obama and that is what they give us. This is the best of the Republican party? Do they think that little of the electorate? They have only themselves to blame...again.
Romneys issue is the issues. He can't run on his past because his past isn't what he wants/needs us to use to define him. Unfortunately for him, past actions are the best predictors of future actions. He can't even pretend to run on what he is intending to do, every time he has let the tiniest detail slip it has blown up in his face, cutting taxes for the ultra rich at every Americans expense, Gutting education, Abandoning the nations poor and elderly, and on and on. He can't run on his Foreign policy, restarting the cold war and refusing to even be civil with our allies is... well... can't run on it. He has changed his position on so many issues , so many times it's no longer a position, it's a vortex... All he can do is stall, and promise this time he's not lying... I am just saying

Romney and Ryan are both world class liars! It's like a sickness with them - and this sickness now permeates the entire Republican Party. They are desperate - and truth is irrelevant to them. Fact-checkers be damned.

What is the Difference Between a Sociopath, a Compulsive, a Pathological, a Chronic, and a Habitual Liar?

Mitt Romney tells 533 lies in 30 weeks, Steve Benen documents them

Pants On Fire Mitt Romney tells 616 Lies in 33 Weeks | Addicting Info
Romneys issue is the issues. He can't run on his past because his past isn't what he wants/needs us to use to define him. Unfortunately for him, past actions are the best predictors of future actions. He can't even pretend to run on what he is intending to do, every time he has let the tiniest detail slip it has blown up in his face, cutting taxes for the ultra rich at every Americans expense, Gutting education, Abandoning the nations poor and elderly, and on and on. He can't run on his Foreign policy, restarting the cold war and refusing to even be civil with our allies is... well... can't run on it. He has changed his position on so many issues , so many times it's no longer a position, it's a vortex... All he can do is stall, and promise this time he's not lying... I am just saying

Rethinking a position or blaming a failure of every position on someone or something else?

The voters will decide that in 45 days.

Romney and Ryan are both world class liars! It's like a sickness with them - and this sickness now permeates the entire Republican Party. They are desperate - and truth is irrelevant to them. Fact-checkers be damned.

What is the Difference Between a Sociopath, a Compulsive, a Pathological, a Chronic, and a Habitual Liar?

Mitt Romney tells 533 lies in 30 weeks, Steve Benen documents them

Pants On Fire Mitt Romney tells 616 Lies in 33 Weeks | Addicting Info


Romney and Ryan are both world class liars! It's like a sickness with them - and this sickness now permeates the entire Republican Party. They are desperate - and truth is irrelevant to them. Fact-checkers be damned.

What is the Difference Between a Sociopath, a Compulsive, a Pathological, a Chronic, and a Habitual Liar?

Mitt Romney tells 533 lies in 30 weeks, Steve Benen documents them

Pants On Fire Mitt Romney tells 616 Lies in 33 Weeks | Addicting Info



If you go back to your teepee.
You ask " do they think that little of the electorate" in a word, YES!! That's why they are aggresively manipulating the very voting process with absolutely NO regard for anyone or anything but getting their way. It's why the Rep party has openly spent the last 3 plus years doing NOTHING for America or it's people because they didn't want Obama to accomplish ANYTHING so they could grab back power. PERIOD!
You ask " do they think that little of the electorate" in a word, YES!! That's why they are aggresively manipulating the very voting process with absolutely NO regard for anyone or anything but getting their way. It's why the Rep party has openly spent the last 3 plus years doing NOTHING for America or it's people because they didn't want Obama to accomplish ANYTHING so they could grab back power. PERIOD!

Gee what a surprise... members of BOTH parties acting like politicians. Who would have "thunk" it? :confused:
People in power have always lied to the rest of us, what scared me (and forced me to leave the Republican party after 24 years) was that they stopped even trying to pretend they weren't doing it.
Time after time they has said they know what we want and need, then made it clear they weren't going to even think about it because they have plans that give them what they want. PERIOD!
People in power have always lied to the rest of us, what scared me (and forced me to leave the Republican party after 24 years) was that they stopped even trying to pretend they weren't doing it.
Time after time they has said they know what we want and need, then made it clear they weren't going to even think about it because they have plans that give them what they want. PERIOD!

Based on what you posted and I have're right where you belong. :clap2:

Now stop the charade with your pseudo-intellectual, psycho babble. 4 posts in and it's getting old!
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Romneys issue is the issues. He can't run on his past because his past isn't what he wants/needs us to use to define him. Unfortunately for him, past actions are the best predictors of future actions. He can't even pretend to run on what he is intending to do, every time he has let the tiniest detail slip it has blown up in his face, cutting taxes for the ultra rich at every Americans expense, Gutting education, Abandoning the nations poor and elderly, and on and on. He can't run on his Foreign policy, restarting the cold war and refusing to even be civil with our allies is... well... can't run on it. He has changed his position on so many issues , so many times it's no longer a position, it's a vortex... All he can do is stall, and promise this time he's not lying... I am just saying

You have to be kidding me. Obama ran on nothing but the promise of change and hope, both BS. He had no experience running anything. He had 172 days in the Senate. The hardest decision he ever had to make was voting present. At least Romney ran a state and Paul is not a baffoon like Biden.

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