Robin Williams' Choice


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Of all the explanations that have been proposed for Robin Williams' suicide, the most logical one has been totally ignored.

What if he coolly and rationally looked at his life, his prospects for the future, and decided that non-existence was preferable to the existence that he foresaw for himself? it doesn't necessarily mean that he was "crazy" or his mind was addled by drugs. Maybe he just made a rational, well-informed choice.

To be, or not to be; that is the question.

There's nothing "cowardly" about it. Does he have an "obligation" to be there for everyone else in the world? I don't think so. We are all "free agents" and responsible for our own maintenance and happiness.

He had provided financially for his wife and kids to the extent there was a moral obligation to do so, and so what if they would have wanted him to be around in the future? They are all responsible for their own lives and happiness - as we all are. Doesn't he at least have the right to make this ultimate Choice?

It is analogous to a company with a valuable employee, around retirement age, who has in his head some of the essential technology that makes the company's products or services valuable. He may have an obligation to try to pass on that knowledge (sometimes it is literally not possible to do so), but doesn't he have the right to retire and cut off all communications with that company? It is HIS knowledge, no one else's. If the company "suffers" it's not his fault, it just is.

Didn't Robin Williams have the RIGHT to decide that he didn't want to live any longer, given everything he knew about his life and prospects? This is the ultimate "freedom."

To be, or not to be. It is everyone's choice. Other than mothers and fathers of minor children, this is the ultimate freedom that no one can rightly take away. You have no obligation to continue living for the benefit of other people. It's YOUR life, after all.

We all know people, usually elderly, who have grown old and decrepit, and are a tremendous burden to their families and maybe to the society at large. I totally agree that no one should "off" them just to ease the burden, but if they want to end it for themselves, then I totally think that option should be supported.

Robin Williams basically made that choice, only a litle bit earlier than most people would have liked for him. But it was his choice to make. Unless there is some clear indication that he was delusional at the time of his death, I think his choice should be supported and not be a black mark on his memory.
I have no idea why he did what he did. Nor do I think it is any of my business, so I haven't read any of the articles about it. But it was his life to do with as he chose.
Suicide is a selfish and ultimately destructive act.

It hurts all those you leave behind.

Williams was a public figure..and his life wasn't "private". That was by his own design.

Much as I loved his work and his charitable nature? This was not a good thing to do. Even moreso given that he had encouraged so many to "fight the good fight..".
he made his choice. He chose poorly but it was his choice. I just hope he isn't regretting it now
to bad his successes fell short for him to take his own life - maybe he might have left a note for what went wrong.

if there were addictions, he must have lost control and never got it back ...

I'm more concerned about the long have you considered suicide to be an attractive alternative?......have you sought counseling?.......
Of all the explanations that have been proposed for Robin Williams' suicide, the most logical one has been totally ignored.

What if he coolly and rationally looked at his life, his prospects for the future, and decided that non-existence was preferable to the existence that he foresaw for himself? it doesn't necessarily mean that he was "crazy" or his mind was addled by drugs. Maybe he just made a rational, well-informed choice.

To be, or not to be; that is the question.

There's nothing "cowardly" about it. Does he have an "obligation" to be there for everyone else in the world? I don't think so. We are all "free agents" and responsible for our own maintenance and happiness.

He had provided financially for his wife and kids to the extent there was a moral obligation to do so, and so what if they would have wanted him to be around in the future? They are all responsible for their own lives and happiness - as we all are. Doesn't he at least have the right to make this ultimate Choice?

It is analogous to a company with a valuable employee, around retirement age, who has in his head some of the essential technology that makes the company's products or services valuable. He may have an obligation to try to pass on that knowledge (sometimes it is literally not possible to do so), but doesn't he have the right to retire and cut off all communications with that company? It is HIS knowledge, no one else's. If the company "suffers" it's not his fault, it just is.

Didn't Robin Williams have the RIGHT to decide that he didn't want to live any longer, given everything he knew about his life and prospects? This is the ultimate "freedom."

To be, or not to be. It is everyone's choice. Other than mothers and fathers of minor children, this is the ultimate freedom that no one can rightly take away. You have no obligation to continue living for the benefit of other people. It's YOUR life, after all.

We all know people, usually elderly, who have grown old and decrepit, and are a tremendous burden to their families and maybe to the society at large. I totally agree that no one should "off" them just to ease the burden, but if they want to end it for themselves, then I totally think that option should be supported.

Robin Williams basically made that choice, only a litle bit earlier than most people would have liked for him. But it was his choice to make. Unless there is some clear indication that he was delusional at the time of his death, I think his choice should be supported and not be a black mark on his memory.
I didn't read the details of how he supposedly took his life but I do recall reading that he was adamantly opposed to suicide and had made that known. Also I did note conflicting reports saying he was not depressed at all in the days leading up to his death so I am not at all convinced that he took his own life. Hollywood is one dark place - plenty of evil going on in that town and if Robin had said no to some of those people they may have set it up to make it look as if he killed himself. Such as many people in history have been "suicided". From the time I heard of it I found it very hard to believe that Robin Williams would have taken his own life. I simply am not convinced.

There was another man who supposedly died in an accident, Paul Walker. I have never believed that story either. I believe he refused some Hollywood elitist of something they were asking of him and they had him murdered and made it look like a suicide. Do those things happen in Hollywood? Of course they do. Hollywood is pure evil.
Robin Williams Acknowledged He Channeled Demonic Spirits For Comedic Power You play with demon spirits and when they tire of you they will destroy you just for laughs.

such an accusation should be followed by a link - i do not believe RW would have done as you imply.

You just quoted the link! It is in red! If you click it there is the interviews and article! I read it. Carlos Santana said he invoked demons to get his music - most of Hollywood is probably into the occult - in fact - these days - it could be a requirement - but I still do not believe Robin Williams took his own life of his own accord. Not when he was adamantly opposed to it. I have a family member who has struggled before with depression and they have the same exact attitude towards suicide as Robin Williams had - adamantly opposed to it - they have been through many a trial and never attempted suicide once. Where are Robins' former attempts at suicide? There are none. I just do not believe it.
There is no use in trying to ascribe rational reasons to an irrational act. Certainly he could be adamantly opposed to suicide and still commit suicide. All it takes is a moment in which suicide feels reasonable to a disturbed mind.

To me, Robin Williams' suicide was an act of towering anger and hatred. He was being mercilessly pursued by two ex wives for more and more money. We don't know the state of his current marriage of 3 years but they were in separate bedrooms. He had four completed films and was negotiating for another series to replace the cancelled Crazy Ones. After all that, he was still 30 million dollars in the hole. He lost his home in Napa, was in danger of losing his home in Tiburon. He was never going to regain financial stability. At 63 years old he was literally working himself to death with no end in sight. If it is true that he was suffering the early onset of Parkinson's his ability to pay off these outrageous and growing judgments would be over. Suicide was the ultimate fuck you.
Robin Williams Acknowledged He Channeled Demonic Spirits For Comedic Power You play with demon spirits and when they tire of you they will destroy you just for laughs.

such an accusation should be followed by a link - i do not believe RW would have done as you imply.

You just quoted the link! It is in red! If you click it there is the interviews and article! I read it. Carlos Santana said he invoked demons to get his music - most of Hollywood is probably into the occult - in fact - these days - it could be a requirement - but I still do not believe Robin Williams took his own life of his own accord. Not when he was adamantly opposed to it. I have a family member who has struggled before with depression and they have the same exact attitude towards suicide as Robin Williams had - adamantly opposed to it - they have been through many a trial and never attempted suicide once. Where are Robins' former attempts at suicide? There are none. I just do not believe it.

10/4 - that was pretty dumb of me, I really could not read the article anyway ...
I firmly believe that when one takes his own life, that one is ultimately rejecting God's authority. That doesn't mean that God is unforgiving, but it does mean that God was not allowed to turn depression into joy for that person. It also is the chicken's way out that disregards family/friends and God's will. I believe Judas could have been forgiven by God, but he took matters into his own hands as he always did. I believe it is far better to persist with a hope of God's revelation than to end one's life in utter despair and self pity.
Suicide is a selfish and ultimately destructive act.

It hurts all those you leave behind.

Williams was a public figure..and his life wasn't "private". That was by his own design.

Much as I loved his work and his charitable nature? This was not a good thing to do. Even moreso given that he had encouraged so many to "fight the good fight..".
Bullshit. The selfish people are the ones that use the guilt trip to make ya stay for THEM.
I firmly believe that when one takes his own life, that one is ultimately rejecting God's authority. That doesn't mean that God is unforgiving, but it does mean that God was not allowed to turn depression into joy for that person. It also is the chicken's way out that disregards family/friends and God's will. I believe Judas could have been forgiven by God, but he took matters into his own hands as he always did. I believe it is far better to persist with a hope of God's revelation than to end one's life in utter despair and self pity.
Free will. That is what God gave us.
Robin Williams Acknowledged He Channeled Demonic Spirits For Comedic Power You play with demon spirits and when they tire of you they will destroy you just for laughs.

such an accusation should be followed by a link - i do not believe RW would have done as you imply.

You just quoted the link! It is in red! If you click it there is the interviews and article! I read it. Carlos Santana said he invoked demons to get his music - most of Hollywood is probably into the occult - in fact - these days - it could be a requirement - but I still do not believe Robin Williams took his own life of his own accord. Not when he was adamantly opposed to it. I have a family member who has struggled before with depression and they have the same exact attitude towards suicide as Robin Williams had - adamantly opposed to it - they have been through many a trial and never attempted suicide once. Where are Robins' former attempts at suicide? There are none. I just do not believe it.

10/4 - that was pretty dumb of me, I really could not read the article anyway ...
You mean you would not read the article - not that you could not - you certainly have the ability to read - Let's be truthful - the link was there - you denied it was there and then upon being told it was there claimed you could not read it. What was pretty dumb?

Moving on here, Breezewood - I still am not convinced Robin took his own life -you can believe otherwise. It doesn't change my mind about it. Someone else claimed he was angry and that was his payback to his ex wives. I do not see him as a man that would put his children through this. Problems or no problems. He was adamantly opposed to the idea of suicide - made that known - perhaps someone wanted to be payed back and was demanding something of him that he refused. Perhaps it was made to look like a suicide but was not.
Who knows.
I firmly believe that when one takes his own life, that one is ultimately rejecting God's authority. That doesn't mean that God is unforgiving, but it does mean that God was not allowed to turn depression into joy for that person. It also is the chicken's way out that disregards family/friends and God's will. I believe Judas could have been forgiven by God, but he took matters into his own hands as he always did. I believe it is far better to persist with a hope of God's revelation than to end one's life in utter despair and self pity.
I disagree. I think there have been cases such as the testimony of John Bunyan Visions of heaven and hell youtube video - where John had been in dialogue with an atheist who had planted such doubt and crafty argument in his mind as to cause him to doubt his own faith in God. Then, thanks to God's intervention he was given a vision of hell where he saw the atheist in hell who was the very man who had tempted him to lose his faith - therein causing him such despair as to take his own life. This then gave Bunyan all of his faith back and fully restored him to God where he from that point on became a fine Christian author and witness for Jesus Christ. See for yourself. He did not want to take his life in an act of rebellion against God:


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