Richmond, VA Newspaper endorses Gary Johnson

You see? You diagnosed the problem and didn't even know it. If, as you say, Johnson can't stand up to Trump and Clinton then he is not a viable candidate and has no place in the debates.

You're kidding right? Did the point fly over your head? The base degrading nature of having 2 arrogant meglomaniacs dominating the news with their lying, and deceptions and name-calling and scandals is not the competition we want to be part of..

How did you miss that? That's not competition. That's dysfunction and crumbling political integrity.
Again, if Johnson can't wage an effective campaign against Clinton and Trump he doesn't belong in the debates.

The LP ticket is TOTALLY qualified and prepared to campaign. But on the ISSUES, not the drama and the rot that the media PREFERS to cover. In a REAL debate --- we'd kill them. Because Clinton is guilty as sin for being part of our dysfuntional WRECKING of the MidEast and Corporate welfare and Trump is nothing but a bully with very little political principle or solutions to guide him..

It's CLEARLY a choice between humility and arrogance. Between executive competency and pandering. Between NEW choices and actual log jam clearing and a further descent into the mud of cross-blaming.

Any party that is ON 50 state ballots should be in the debates. THat's a high enough bar -- believe me. Maybe you need to look at the partisan SHILLS that compose the "debate commission" for answers.

When ya want to fix all this? When it's TOO LATE? The 2 party system needs to be put in time-out to reverse this course. The message is there -- our ads are PHENOMENALLY good and positive.

But the diff is ---- we are ASKING for votes. The other 2 brand names just simply EXPECT them...
Voters are not interested in a candidate who complains everyone is being unfair to him. They want candidates who have the ability to rise up and overcome difficulties. If Johnson had that ability, he would have 15% and be in the debates.

You're missing the point. Voters don't care anymore about issues and competency. They CARE about the SPECTACLE that the DemReps have created to distract the electorate from their incompetency and collusion and polarization.

When you've polarized the electorate as far as it's gone, most people don't CARE for humility and public service or issues. We are gonna run on SOLUTIONS, ISSUES and MEDIATING the cross-blaming and polarization.

If the people WANT that -- they will vote for it. We're not gonna pander or stoop to get elected.
You are mistaken. No one took Trump seriously at the beginning of the primaries, but he continued to present his policies and they resonated with many voters, and then his opponents began to ridicule him and he gave better than he got. Obviously, Johnson's ideas don't resonate with enough voters to make him a viable candidate.

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