Revenge Obama’s Feds Got When DHS Worker Refused to Accept Bribe


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Yup, she was supposed to accept the hush money and be happy. Instead, she blew the whistle and discovered what happens when you go against the powerful people in Washington. I remember when libs said whisleblowers should be protected since they are often the only way to bring corruption to light. Of course, they didn't mean those who speak against them should be protected.

She was trying to do her job. Since her job description goes against the current agenda, she was treated like the enemy. Only corrupt people, like Lois Lerner, can get away with being corrupt since they serve Obama and his agenda. Anyone who dares to expose it can expect to be treated very badly. I am sick of seeing corrupt people in the NSA, IRS or VA get away with harming people while anyone who tries to do the right thing being treated like a criminal.

Obama doesn't want DHS doing their job. They want to protect certain people and don't care about the safety of Americans.

"A Department of Homeland Security agent turned whistleblower was fired on Thursday, likely in retaliation for her revelations to Congress of corruption, fraud and abuse that she had discovered taking place in her agency.

Making matters worse, the whistleblower has alleged that she was terminated from her long career after she turned down a $100,000 severance package that included a non-disclosure agreement that would have silenced her, according to The Daily Caller.

Special Agent Taylor Johnson drew fire from her superiors after she blew the whistle on a special visa program that she believed was being exploited by the son of Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid to bring foreign investors into the country."

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