Rev. Al Sharpton eulogizes Jordan Neely: ‘Jordan, you didn’t die for nothing’

Nice excuse, the republican party has had plenty of black men run for POTUS. Funny how none seem to get over the top, Pres. Obama identifies as black that is why white republicans hate him so much. Tell me how is that the party of the Klan, Jim Crow, etc. elected a black man before the party of inclusion.
i quoted joey xiden he told you why.

there have been four..of course the first, which was welcome in the GOP…it took nearly 100 years for anyone even to consider it in the demklan

i guess five now with Sen Scott
1st post
A black man? or one that is in need like this man was?

Most black men i know aren’t needy…well other then you..

as far as homeless men or women, i donate my time and money to civic organizations in my community to help them find shelter snd food

i know those are foreign concepts to someone that waits for table scraps from their plantation boss.
Yea I bet you donate your time alright. Well you should know you work at the master's table or under it.
i quoted joey xiden he told you why.

there have been four..of course the first, which was welcome in the GOP…it took nearly 100 years for anyone even to consider it in the demklan

i guess five now with Sen Scott
None of them came close, why is that? Herman Cain was the frontrunner for a minute and then Newt and the boys sabotaged his campaign.
5th post
None of them came close, why is that? Herman Cain was the frontrunner for a minute and then Newt and the boys sabotaged his campaign.

It‘s not important whether a black man becomes president of the GOP of not. Why is that the measure of a good nominee?
I am pretty sure plenty of folks are waiting for yours as well. What a racist POS.
I am for sure. Going to party and have a bbq and then go to church on the following Sunday morning and forget he ever existed!
Sick racist POS.

Great article, did you read it? Very touching. I almost thought I was there in person. Bittersweet for sure.
15th post
Wow, tell us boot licker what did you do to help this man? How much money have you given to Neely's gofundme page? How much money have you given to Penny's gofundme page?

Why would anyone donate to the person's gofundme? His family is about to hit the George Floyd Lottery.


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