Rev. Al Sharpton eulogizes Jordan Neely: ‘Jordan, you didn’t die for nothing’


Thanks for reminding me. Think I'll go and add to the $2,709,400.00 that's already been raised.

America still loves a hero.

If I had been in that subway car, I would have written Penny into my will. He will be demonized by the left for decades, and I’d like him to know that even 30 years after the fact, the passengers were grateful.
Did Sharpton make it appear that Neely was an innocent, mentally ill person who did nothing to warrant his fate, and make it about “the poor oppressed black man”?

Did he mention that this dangerous, violent criminal had been arrested 42 times, including for violent attacks?

Yes, the fact that we've criminalized poverty is kind of sad, but most of his 42 arrests were for things like public urination.

I would agree that most of the liberals now mourning this man didn't do nearly enough to try to help people like him when alive. Maybe we should work on that.

Did he mention that he broke a senior citizen’s eye socket? Or that he pushed a man onto the subway tracks?

Did he mention that he was a deranged lunatic threatening to kill people trapped in the subway car with him?

Nope, the only reason this has been politicized is because…
When did he threaten to kill people. He just said he wasn't afraid to die, because he was desperate from hunger and thirst.
In the richest country in the world.

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