Rev. Al Sharpton eulogizes Jordan Neely: ‘Jordan, you didn’t die for nothing’

Oh, I looked up the answer to Super Brother’s question about how many Jews have run for president. In the last cycle alone, there were FOUR. Never got traction because they were pretty unqualified.

You don’t hear Jews raging ”waaaaa….we haven’t had a Jewish president!” That’s because skin color and religion don’t matter.
Oh, I looked up the answer to Super Brother’s question about how many Jews have run for president. In the last cycle alone, there were FOUR. Never got traction because they were pretty unqualified.

You don’t hear Jews raging ”waaaaa….we haven’t had a Jewish president!” That’s because skin color and religion don’t matter.
Who were the 4 Jewish candidates?
Who were the 4 Jewish candidates?
One was Bernie Saunders, and another was that crazy Marianne woman. I can’t remember the other two. Bit what difference does it make? You don’t hear Jews bitching that there hasn’t been even one Jewish prez.
Unfortunately, this is what Penny is up against - leftists so indoctrinated to rally behind violent criminals, if black; and demonize brave military men who step up and protect the vulnerable, of white, that he could see prison time.
would you be riding the high and mighty WHITE HORSE if the Vet was NEGROE and he killed a CAUCASION passenger?

Regardless, Al says he want to see change, and we is going to see change
Praise Jesus

‘Jordan, you didn’t die for nothing’​

would you be riding the high and mighty WHITE HORSE if the Vet was NEGROE and he killed a CAUCASION passenger?

Regardless, Al says he want to see change, and we is going to see change
Praise Jesus

‘Jordan, you didn’t die for nothing’​

He has been saying that for over 50 years, he doesn't want Change. That would take money out of his hands.
Al Sharpton will go anywhere there is a possibility to promote racism and victimization.
He is a millionaire because of it.
As well as a bane for the black race as a truly terrible influencer.
Yawn, racists out in full force on this one.
A civilized society should not support what happened in the case of Jordan Neely.
Al was spot on in the eulogy.
You're right a society shouldn't of put up with a criminal like him, for all those years. If the liberal district attorneys in New York would've done their job and put him in jail. He would still be alive and maybe got the help he deserved. The district attorneys and judges that let him go all those times should be charged with man slaughter.
Neely is gone and that may be best. The throttler will get at least manslaughter and some twenty years in prison.

All comes full circule.
Neely is gone and that may be best. The throttler will get at least manslaughter and some twenty years in prison.

All comes full circule.
How do you know what the hero Marine will get? There’s been no trial yet, witnesses haven’t testified, but you….being a leftist….has already tried, convicted, and sentenced whitey.

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