Research on contructed beliefs in climate change perception


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Interestingly, the warmist community for all of their brilliance with the science is profoundly naïve when it comes to the psychology of global if it doesn't matter ( "the science is on our side").

Not a surprise then to see what the research on human perceptions on global warming concludes.....

"Global warming may directly focus attention on rising temperatures, which encourages the anecdotal use of unusually cold weather as disconfirming evidence, whereas “climate change” puts the emphasis on the systemic transformation of weather patterns, which accommodate cooler temperatures.

In the case of evaluating climate change, people may rely on the outdoor temperature when constructing their beliefs, rather than considering the scientific reports they have encountered; thus avoiding a complex decision by implicitly selecting a simpler evaluation criterion

Judgments about climate change are malleable, and can be influenced by irrelevant environmental information."

Heuristics and constructed beliefs in climate change perception: Effect of outdoor temperature, question construction, and cognitive primes - Center for Research on Environmental Decisions

Offuckingcourse people construct their beliefs when they go outside and are in immediate need of nut sack warmers. To the AGW k00ks, it means NOTHING...........but to the rest of the world, it means everything.

So the same dynamics that shape some opinions when the temperature is hot, also shapes opinions when the temperature is ball biting cold. That's the way it is.......shall we call "inconvenient truth" of you are an AGW climate crusader!

You wonder why after 25 years of the AGW crowd bomb throwing they have had zero effect on public policy in terms of the climate?:deal:

Only to the members of the religion is human perception of its environment not a factor in beliefs related to global warming.:spinner::spinner:
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Been saying a long, long time need a Plan B because as the whole world can see, you've moved the ball about a single yard in the last 20 years. Not so good........and good luck now after January 20th of next year!!:oops-28:
Most of us know this phenomenon as confirmation bias.

That's is correct.......another concept alien to the religion. Fascinating.:up:

Over the years, I have frequently found that people who tend to be very strong in science area's often are weak in understanding the social dynamic and the cause/effect realities in human behavior. They are like slaves to if what it provides us solves all problems. "the Dictatorship of Science" as many have written on. They really think if they just keep hammering the people with "well the science says" it will triumph. But 20 years of this has produced little or nothing.

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