Repubs almost forced to pass fake budget

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Conservatives Almost Tricked into Passing Their Own Budget - Politics - The Atlantic Wire
APR 15, 2011
The House of Representatives descended into chaos Friday as Republicans who wanted to pass the really really conservative 2012 budget unveiled by Rep. Paul Ryan almost passed the really really really conservative one authored by the Republican Study Committee because of a trick played on them by Democrats.

theres a good video of them, in the link, throwing a hissy fit on the House floor :D
my gawd, do they really really call this a serious article of some sort. Sounds like it was written by a 12 yr old.

from the Alantic wire.:lol:
Repubs provided some free comic entertainment as usual LOLOL

Drama erupts on House floor as conservative budget goes down - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
House lawmakers defeated a proposal by conservative Republicans to make deeper cuts to spending and tax rates than those proposed in the Republican budget, but only after last-minute maneuvering by Democrats on the House floor.

Hoyer and Ryan could both be observed yelling on the House floor, with Hoyer shouting to his members to vote present and Ryan shouting for the vote to be gaveled closed.
Repubs provided some free comic entertainment as usual LOLOL

Drama erupts on House floor as conservative budget goes down - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
House lawmakers defeated a proposal by conservative Republicans to make deeper cuts to spending and tax rates than those proposed in the Republican budget, but only after last-minute maneuvering by Democrats on the House floor.

Hoyer and Ryan could both be observed yelling on the House floor, with Hoyer shouting to his members to vote present and Ryan shouting for the vote to be gaveled closed.

well hey, hope you all will be cheering when our country goes bankrupt. then who will take care of all THEM POOR PEOPLE, you lefties.:lol:
Repubs provided some free comic entertainment as usual LOLOL

Drama erupts on House floor as conservative budget goes down - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
House lawmakers defeated a proposal by conservative Republicans to make deeper cuts to spending and tax rates than those proposed in the Republican budget, but only after last-minute maneuvering by Democrats on the House floor.

Hoyer and Ryan could both be observed yelling on the House floor, with Hoyer shouting to his members to vote present and Ryan shouting for the vote to be gaveled closed.

well hey, hope you all will be cheering when our country goes bankrupt. then who will take care of all THEM POOR PEOPLE, you lefties.:lol:
Whatever dude.
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I mislabeled the thread. It wasn't a "fake' budget it was actually a Republican crafted budget LOLOL

To keep the amendment from passing Republicans had to scramble to change their votes lest they accidentally actually pass it, Talking Points Memo's Brian Beutler reports. The Democratic gambit was a stunt, for sure, but it had the desired effect of revealing the Republican Study Committee budget proposal as a stunt itself.
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Yeah man, whatever dude. But WE care about our country, we reallly really really do.
Yeah man, whatever dude. But WE care about our country, we reallly really really do.

Who's "we"? Who are you talking about conservatives? I'm a former, active-duty, honorably discharged, vet. I don't want the GOP privatizing/outsourcing the gov't. Very wealthy corporatists have been known to say that they would simply move away if their profits were endangered. Profits trump patriotism when some of the wealthy conservatives are concerned.
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Yeah man, whatever dude. But WE care about our country, we reallly really really do.

Who's "we"? Who are you talking about conservatives? I'm a former, active-duty, honorably discharged, vet. I don't want the GOP privatizing/outsourcing the gov't. Very wealthy corporatists have been known to say that they would simply move away if their profits were endangered. Profits trump patriotism when some of the wealthy conservatives are concerned.

I'm the queen of England
Typical response from one of the most partisan, rightie, hack-jobs on the board. I'm not the only one to notice that either dude. LOL
my gawd, do they really really call this a serious article of some sort. Sounds like it was written by a 12 yr old.

from the Alantic wire.:lol:

That was funny and yes, Stewart material.
Stephanie probably isn't familiar with The Atlantic because it doesn't continuously put out right wing talking points. It also doesn't continuously put out left wing talking points either. I have seen it used by both the left and the right on these boards.
my gawd, do they really really call this a serious article of some sort. Sounds like it was written by a 12 yr old.

from the Alantic wire.:lol:

Ummm.....The Atlantic is a highly acclaimed magazine for adults. Atlantic "wire" is merely an off-shoot. I don't suspect many conservative voters would take the time to read it.
Well, if the Atlantic rag is for adults, the atlantic wire sounds like it's being written by 12 yrs old. but hey, whatever blows your all's skirts up and I hope it really really really really fweels good.:lol:
Well, if the Atlantic rag is for adults, the atlantic wire sounds like it's being written by 12 yrs old. but hey, whatever blows your all's skirts up and I hope it really really really really fweels good.:lol:

Of course, next to your works of literary genius, any writing looks juvenile, right? :lol::lol::lol:
Well, if the Atlantic rag is for adults, the atlantic wire sounds like it's being written by 12 yrs old. but hey, whatever blows your all's skirts up and I hope it really really really really fweels good.:lol:

Of course, next to your works of literary genius, any writing looks juvenile, right? :lol::lol::lol:

you you post stuff that sounds as if it's written by a juvenile from some site called the Atlantic wire, and you talk about others others.:lol:
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