Republicans, don’t you want

Cops are not the biggest problem that black Americans have......the democrat party attacking the police has led to more, not fewer, deaths of young black males......and the majority of deaths in interactions with the police are a direct result of violent criminals fighting with the police....something you guys don't care about.

The biggest threat to black Americans is the democrat party......because of their relentless, and unfair, attacks on the police, more young black men have the 10s of thousands each year.....

Young black males face death at the hands of other young black males, not the police...yet the democrat party focuses on the police........

The "war on drugs" criminalizes addicts, stripping them of any benefits (food stamps, housing), making it more difficult for them to get help and get back on their feet. Once they get clean and sober, they have to deal with all of those drug possession convictions, which bar them from receiving the help they need, including any financial aid or grants for college or vocational job training. Drug addicts should be provided with drug-rehab services and then housed, that way they're not released back on the street. Christians should also donate to programs that help drug-addicts find freedom in Christ.
The jobs wouldn't have gone away if the democrats hadn't increased taxes, fees, and regulations driving those businesses out of those cities in the first place....

Why are businesses leaving the wonderful democrat party cities? Because democrat party policies increase crime.........
High paying jobs. My dad worked for ford motor. Those years the company had record profits. But they could make even more in mexico. We should have tariffed them if they left. Regulate
That’s for the politicians to iron out. I just like a full background check before giving someone their first gun.

We already have that. Criminals ignore that. They get their guns from straw buyers, people who can pass any background check, or they steal their guns...

We can already put both the straw buyers and the criminals to whom they sell the guns, in jail.......the problem is, again, the democrat party.

Democrat party judges and prosecutors keep releasing violent gun criminals no matter how many felonies they have, and democrat party politicians keep lowering the sentences for actual gun criminals, while trying to increase the legal risk to normal gun owners.....
We also need a competitive nation, and we are losing. Incredible cost increase in everything we do is a symptom of what we are doing to ourselves.
That’s why we should let low wage Mexicans in so they can do those jobs for corporations.

But legally so they pay into social security
Well here’s the thing. You want freedom? That means people who like things you don’t are also free as long as they aren’t breaking any laws.

I could show you a picture of a child standing next to a woman with a thong. Some think that should be illegal too.
That could be illegal as well, you're right. But one evil doesn't justify another. Children shouldn't be exposed to homosexuality, because at a young age, they're like sponges. They're very impressionable and malleable. They can easily develop an unhealthy homosexual orientation.
That’s why we should let low wage Mexicans in so they can do those jobs for corporations.

But legally so they pay into social security

The democrats don't want to let them in legally, they want to flood Red states with people they think will one day vote for now we have illegals in the 10s of millions depressing wages for Americans............
The "war on drugs" criminalizes addicts, stripping them of any benefits (food stamps, housing), making it more difficult for them to get help and get back on their feet. Once they get clean and sober, they have to deal with all of those drug possession convictions, which bar them from receiving the help they need, including any financial aid or grants for college or vocational job training. Drug addicts should be provided with drug-rehab services and then housed, that way they're not released back on the street. Christians should also donate to programs that help drug-addicts find freedom in Christ.
On this show about convicts they asked the woman what She’s been arrested for. Drunk in public, pot. Some lame shit that shouldn’t be crimes. Not punishable by prison because you pissed dirty. It’s a racket. The courts, lawyers and cops are all in on it. It’s their business.
That could be illegal as well, you're right. But one evil doesn't justify another. Children shouldn't be exposed to homosexuality, because at a young age, they're like sponges. They're very impressionable and malleable. They can easily develop an unhealthy homosexual orientation.
They are pushing the envelope. If straights can marry then it’s unconstitutional to say gays can’t.
On this show about convicts they asked the woman what She’s been arrested for. Drunk in public, pot. Some lame shit that shouldn’t be crimes. Not punishable by prison because you pissed dirty. It’s a racket. The courts, lawyers and cops are all in on it. It’s their business.
Now that she's convicted of a drug-related crime, even if it's non-violent, her life gets a lot harder, even if she gets clean and sober. She will have to deal with that drug-related rap sheet for the rest of her life, barring her from food stamps, housing assistance, job training, and employment opportunities. Then the Republicans wonder why people remain so screwed up. It's because of how the system is rigged against the poor and working class.
Enjoy the crime. MPLS is a war zone. People are prisoners in their own home. I'll pass on libs snake oil

I grew up about 175 miles from Mogadishu on the Mississippi. It used to be an okay town, At the tender and naïve age of 17, I was making a long Greyhound bus trip and I had to spend the night in the terminal in MPLS, and I was perfectly safe.

Now, I don't think I'd drive through the place in broad daylight.

Well here’s the thing. You want freedom? That means people who like things you don’t are also free as long as they aren’t breaking any laws.

I could show you a picture of a child standing next to a woman with a thong. Some think that should be illegal too.

Deflect harder.

Clean air?
Gun laws that keep guns away from nuts?
To legalize pot?
Alternative energy?
To strengthen social security and Medicare?
Labor to have a seat at the table?
Women to have the right to choose?
Police reform?
Separation of Church and state?
Gun laws that keep guns away from nuts?
what laws can be enacted that will affect criminals and not the average gunowner?

To legalize pot?
not really

Alternative energy?

It'll happen, eventually.

To strengthen social security and Medicare?

Women to have the right to choose?

as long as time limits are fokowed

Separation of Church and state?
overblown paranoia
Clean air?
Gun laws that keep guns away from nuts?
To legalize pot?
Alternative energy?
To strengthen social security and Medicare?
Labor to have a seat at the table?
Women to have the right to choose?
Police reform?
Separation of Church and state?

Women already have the right to choose.

To keep their legs closed or learn to use birth control.

That’s for the politicians to iron out. I just like a full background check before giving someone their first gun.
That's rich.....Are you mandating a full background check on a 10-year old?

See this 1954 Marlin 336C in .35 Rem?.....I was ten when my dad gave to me when I killed my first deer with it.

Now because of the dems that briefly held sway I can't even gift my guns to my grown children/grandchildren without doing paperwork.....Dems can FOAD.....Hopefully we get shed of them this November and put things right again. Dems are a plague that kill our freedoms.

Clean air?
Gun laws that keep guns away from nuts?
To legalize pot?
Alternative energy?
To strengthen social security and Medicare?
Labor to have a seat at the table?
Women to have the right to choose?
Police reform?
Separation of Church and state?
They are for clean air but they want to be reasonable about it.

The nuts should be in jail.

Many Republicans are ok with legalizing pot, although I'm not.

Most Republicans are for alternative energy as long as you aren't against fossil fuels and doing things to increase the cost of energy.

Republicans are the ones who want to strengthen SS and Medicare. Democrats refuse to even talk about making the programs solvent.

Labor is unreasonable and increases costs to everyone, including jobs.

Women should have the right to choose to compete in sports fairly and to not be forced to compete with men. But, women should not have the right to murder.

We strongly need police reform by keeping criminals locked up and locking up the ones who should be locked up. Then everybody else would be much safer, including blacks.

We already have separation of church and state so I don't know what you're talking about there.
That's rich.....Are you mandating a full background check on a 10-year old?

See this 1954 Marlin 336C in .35 Rem?.....I was ten when my dad gave to me when I killed my first deer with it.

Now because of the dems that briefly held sway I can't even gift my guns to my grown children/grandchildren without doing paperwork.....Dems can FOAD.....Hopefully we get shed of them this November and put things right again. Dems are a plague that kill our freedoms.

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bad idea putting ANY personal info online. Delete the photo before someone tracks the license number

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