Deregulation is Mismanagement!!!!!


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
This Fake GOP does not want a clean environment or a Woman's Right to Choose. They don't support right to vote or Public Education. They do not want Health Insurance for ALL or Medicaid. They don't want a worthwhile Foreign Policy they only want war. They will not support veterans or OUR postal service. This GOP is not a GOP.

Deregulation is Mismanagement!!!!!


— Codify Glass-Steagall Act

--- Codify Elimination of Dark Money into Political Campaigns

--- Codify Good Wages @ $22.50 per hour = a living wage

--- Codify AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance/ Single Payer

--- Codify Medicare

--- Codify Medicaid

--- Codify public education and Higher Education

--- Codify Social Security Insurance

--- Codify a strong economy through jobs for the USA workers

--- Codify Women's Right To Choose and Equal Pay ... nk-ghetto/

--- Codify Veterans Benefits with 8% annual increase to Disability Pay

--- Codify Voters Rights and Prosecute VOTER SUPPRESSION

--- Codify strict gun regulations/removal of assault weapons

--- Codify Funding For National Monuments/Parks

--- Codify Freedom of the press and Whistleblower protection

--- Codify USA Postal Service = Fire Louis DeJoy!

--- Codify EPA/Restoration of Environmental Cleanliness

--- Codify Protection of USA Jobs through elimination of Tax Codes Which Encourage Outsourcing/Free Trade Agreements/ Leveraged Buyout Scams /Private Equity Scams


Women Are Half the Population, Not a Special Interest Group
This Fake GOP does not want a clean environment or a Woman's Right to Choose. They don't support right to vote or Public Education. They do not want Health Insurance for ALL or Medicaid. They don't want a worthwhile Foreign Policy they only want war. They will not support veterans or OUR postal service. This GOP is not a GOP.

Deregulation is Mismanagement!!!!!


— Codify Glass-Steagall Act

--- Codify Elimination of Dark Money into Political Campaigns

--- Codify Good Wages @ $22.50 per hour = a living wage

--- Codify AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance/ Single Payer

--- Codify Medicare

--- Codify Medicaid

--- Codify public education and Higher Education

--- Codify Social Security Insurance

--- Codify a strong economy through jobs for the USA workers

--- Codify Women's Right To Choose and Equal Pay ... nk-ghetto/

--- Codify Veterans Benefits with 8% annual increase to Disability Pay

--- Codify Voters Rights and Prosecute VOTER SUPPRESSION

--- Codify strict gun regulations/removal of assault weapons

--- Codify Funding For National Monuments/Parks

--- Codify Freedom of the press and Whistleblower protection

--- Codify USA Postal Service = Fire Louis DeJoy!

--- Codify EPA/Restoration of Environmental Cleanliness

--- Codify Protection of USA Jobs through elimination of Tax Codes Which Encourage Outsourcing/Free Trade Agreements/ Leveraged Buyout Scams /Private Equity Scams


Women Are Half the Population, Not a Special Interest Group
IF you rid the govt of worthless eater employees ya might find all kinds of waste......course you dont want that you want more graft and waste.
This Fake GOP does not want a clean environment or a Woman's Right to Choose. They don't support right to vote or Public Education. They do not want Health Insurance for ALL or Medicaid. They don't want a worthwhile Foreign Policy they only want war. They will not support veterans or OUR postal service. This GOP is not a GOP.

Deregulation is Mismanagement!!!!!


— Codify Glass-Steagall Act

--- Codify Elimination of Dark Money into Political Campaigns

--- Codify Good Wages @ $22.50 per hour = a living wage

--- Codify AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance/ Single Payer

--- Codify Medicare

--- Codify Medicaid

--- Codify public education and Higher Education

--- Codify Social Security Insurance

--- Codify a strong economy through jobs for the USA workers

--- Codify Women's Right To Choose and Equal Pay ... nk-ghetto/

--- Codify Veterans Benefits with 8% annual increase to Disability Pay

--- Codify Voters Rights and Prosecute VOTER SUPPRESSION

--- Codify strict gun regulations/removal of assault weapons

--- Codify Funding For National Monuments/Parks

--- Codify Freedom of the press and Whistleblower protection

--- Codify USA Postal Service = Fire Louis DeJoy!

--- Codify EPA/Restoration of Environmental Cleanliness

--- Codify Protection of USA Jobs through elimination of Tax Codes Which Encourage Outsourcing/Free Trade Agreements/ Leveraged Buyout Scams /Private Equity Scams


Women Are Half the Population, Not a Special Interest Group
This post is typical bat shit crazy Moon Bat ranting and is a great example of how confused and stupid these Libtards are.
This Fake GOP does not want a clean environment or a Woman's Right to Choose. They don't support right to vote or Public Education. They do not want Health Insurance for ALL or Medicaid. They don't want a worthwhile Foreign Policy they only want war. They will not support veterans or OUR postal service. This GOP is not a GOP.

Deregulation is Mismanagement!!!!!


— Codify Glass-Steagall Act

--- Codify Elimination of Dark Money into Political Campaigns

--- Codify Good Wages @ $22.50 per hour = a living wage

--- Codify AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance/ Single Payer

--- Codify Medicare

--- Codify Medicaid

--- Codify public education and Higher Education

--- Codify Social Security Insurance

--- Codify a strong economy through jobs for the USA workers

--- Codify Women's Right To Choose and Equal Pay ... nk-ghetto/

--- Codify Veterans Benefits with 8% annual increase to Disability Pay

--- Codify Voters Rights and Prosecute VOTER SUPPRESSION

--- Codify strict gun regulations/removal of assault weapons

--- Codify Funding For National Monuments/Parks

--- Codify Freedom of the press and Whistleblower protection

--- Codify USA Postal Service = Fire Louis DeJoy!

--- Codify EPA/Restoration of Environmental Cleanliness

--- Codify Protection of USA Jobs through elimination of Tax Codes Which Encourage Outsourcing/Free Trade Agreements/ Leveraged Buyout Scams /Private Equity Scams


Women Are Half the Population, Not a Special Interest Group

Good luck with all that codification. I expect to live to see none of it happen.
This Fake GOP does not want a clean environment or a Woman's Right to Choose. They don't support right to vote or Public Education. They do not want Health Insurance for ALL or Medicaid. They don't want a worthwhile Foreign Policy they only want war. They will not support veterans or OUR postal service. This GOP is not a GOP.

Deregulation is Mismanagement!!!!!


— Codify Glass-Steagall Act

--- Codify Elimination of Dark Money into Political Campaigns

--- Codify Good Wages @ $22.50 per hour = a living wage

--- Codify AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance/ Single Payer

--- Codify Medicare

--- Codify Medicaid

--- Codify public education and Higher Education

--- Codify Social Security Insurance

--- Codify a strong economy through jobs for the USA workers

--- Codify Women's Right To Choose and Equal Pay ... nk-ghetto/

--- Codify Veterans Benefits with 8% annual increase to Disability Pay

--- Codify Voters Rights and Prosecute VOTER SUPPRESSION

--- Codify strict gun regulations/removal of assault weapons

--- Codify Funding For National Monuments/Parks

--- Codify Freedom of the press and Whistleblower protection

--- Codify USA Postal Service = Fire Louis DeJoy!

--- Codify EPA/Restoration of Environmental Cleanliness

--- Codify Protection of USA Jobs through elimination of Tax Codes Which Encourage Outsourcing/Free Trade Agreements/ Leveraged Buyout Scams /Private Equity Scams


Women Are Half the Population, Not a Special Interest Group
I want more taxpayers on the gov't payroll to act as watch dogs while doing their work. Big Gov't is not based on number of employees it is based on the gone wild intrusion by the gov't. Fascist Communist is the perfect example.
I want more taxpayers on the gov't payroll to act as watch dogs while doing their work. Big Gov't is not based on number of employees it is based on the gone wild intrusion by the gov't. Fascist Communist is the perfect example.
Regulation is giving up your freedoms.

Conservatives know it and hate it but Liberals love having somebody else tell them how to live their lives.
They don't want a worthwhile Foreign Policy they only want war.
Trump--no wars. Biden, two wars and one in the wings.

If the government implemented even half of what you suggest, you wouldn't get 50 cents of that $22.50 minimum wage that you are whining for. Taxes would eat it all.
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Codify Good Wages @ $22.50 per hour = a living wage
You just don't understand economics do you? You have witnessed the inflation that has happened by increasing the minimum to$15--really it is greater than that on the west coast. Raise it to $22.50 and the living wage will increase accordingly---inflation. People need to use common sense and budget. Mommy and Daddy don't provide a living into adulthood for the vast majority of the world.

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