Republicans, don’t you want

  • hallucinations (when taken in high doses) This one is bullshit. No one has ever overdosed from smoking pot. And I can smoke all day and not hallucinate. Hallucinating only happens to people who are new to pot. They can take 1 puff and hallucinate.
Risk of psychosis is not highest with regular use of high potency marijuana. Where are you getting this? If you use pot regularly, you never have psychosis because you are used to it. This stuff happens to people who are new to smoking pot.

A lot of these other things, you can also get with medications that are perscribed to you. So us pot smokers self medicate.

Next you're going to say pot may cause drowsiness.

At least pot doesn't cause anal leakage. LOL

That was your old pot, the more modern strains are leading to people having pyschotic breaks due to the increased potency.

It's also more an issue with edibles, which everyone knows results in a far different high than smoking or vaping.,the odds of having a psychotic episode later.
That was your old pot, the more modern strains are leading to people having pyschotic breaks due to the increased potency.

It's also more an issue with edibles, which everyone knows results in a far different high than smoking or vaping. a new study published Tuesday in the,the odds of having a psychotic episode later.

I have three despensaries in my neighborhood. As strong as it gets. In fact pot is weak. I get Rick Simpson Oil. Now that shit will fuck you up. I also smoke dabs. That's the most potent. I've been smoking long enough none of that shit happens to me.

It may happen to people who are new to pot. And remember, that stuff happened to me too when I first smoked pot in the 80's. Even though it wasn't as strong.

Yes, someone who isn't used to pot and smokes some good shit or eats too many gummies is going to freak out. Do you remember the high police officer and his high wife called 911 because they thought they were dying? I know them. That made national news. He confiscated someones pot, took it home and him and his wife cooked it up into edibles. Apparently they thought they were dying so they called 911. He lost his job of course. LOL.
Clean air?
Gun laws that keep guns away from nuts?
To legalize pot?
Alternative energy?
To strengthen social security and Medicare?
Labor to have a seat at the table?
Women to have the right to choose?
Police reform?
Separation of Church and state?
I like some of those things, but i would prefer to not have a President in multiple bribery schemes get blackmailed by our enemies whom he got in bed with. Id also prefer that he didnt screw over americans by selling policy to enrich himself. I would also prefer it if the FBI and DOJ werent weaponized against conservatives.

There is NOTHING that is more important than stopping the above.
That was your old pot, the more modern strains are leading to people having pyschotic breaks due to the increased potency.

It's also more an issue with edibles, which everyone knows results in a far different high than smoking or vaping. a new study published Tuesday in the,the odds of having a psychotic episode later.

OMG, I'm reading the NPR article you posted. I'm laughing.

But there are some serious health risks associated with frequent use. One of the more troubling ones is the risk of having a psychotic episode.

Several past studies have found that more frequent use of pot is associated with a higher risk of psychosis — that is, when someone loses touch with reality. Now a new study published Tuesday in the The Lancet Psychiatryshows that consuming pot on a daily basis and especially using high-potency cannabis increases the odds of having a psychotic episode later.

My friends and I are all in our 50's. We've been smoking pot for 40 years. I get up, get high, go to work, get high at lunch, after work, after I walk the dog. Basically I'm high all day long. And I know a lot of people like me. Never has anyone I know gotten psychosis from smoking pot. And we smoke some pretty good shit.

Rick Simpson Oil is edible. One time I ate half of it and you are only supposed to do a rice size portion at a time. I was high out of my mind. Haven't been that high in years. I love it! LOL.

I almost killed my mom with edibles. She had Alzheimers and I told my dad let me put some cookie in her yogert and see if it calms her down. It worked for about 5 minutes. Then her eyes rolled back into hear head, she started sweating and throwing up. I thought she was going to choke to death. All while my dad is screaming, "you killed her". Holy fuck! She was fine. We get a big laugh out of that today. Not my dad. He still doesn't think it's funny. I just gave her too much. I should have given her a tiny portion to start.
I like some of those things, but i would prefer to not have a President in multiple bribery schemes get blackmailed by our enemies whom he got in bed with. Id also prefer that he didnt screw over americans by selling policy to enrich himself. I would also prefer it if the FBI and DOJ werent weaponized against conservatives.

There is NOTHING that is more important than stopping the above.

The FBI and DOJ hasn't been weaponized against conservatives. Which conservatives are they picking on? Nikki Haley? Chris Christie? The black guy running? Ron DeSantis?

Which conservatives are being picked on?
The FBI and DOJ hasn't been weaponized against conservatives. Which conservatives are they picking on? Nikki Haley? Chris Christie? The black guy running? Ron DeSantis?

Which conservatives are being picked on?
Except for the mountain of evidence that clearly shows it has been weaponized. We have new whistleblowers coming out every fucking week detailing this corruption. We have a gazillion examples and more coming every god damn day.

The fact that you guys deny it is why we are going to enjoy paying you back with it once we own the DOJ.
Except for the mountain of evidence that clearly shows it has been weaponized. We have new whistleblowers coming out every fucking week detailing this corruption. We have a gazillion examples and more coming every god damn day.

The fact that you guys deny it is why we are going to enjoy paying you back with it once we own the DOJ.

If you catch Democrats breaking the law, charge them. This is great! Do you think I mind politicians being held accountable?

Just don't try to impeach a Democrat for getting a blowjob or lying about it under oath so his wife doesn't find out. That's not enough.
OMG, I'm reading the NPR article you posted. I'm laughing.

But there are some serious health risks associated with frequent use. One of the more troubling ones is the risk of having a psychotic episode.

Several past studies have found that more frequent use of pot is associated with a higher risk of psychosis — that is, when someone loses touch with reality. Now a new study published Tuesday in the The Lancet Psychiatryshows that consuming pot on a daily basis and especially using high-potency cannabis increases the odds of having a psychotic episode later.

My friends and I are all in our 50's. We've been smoking pot for 40 years. I get up, get high, go to work, get high at lunch, after work, after I walk the dog. Basically I'm high all day long. And I know a lot of people like me. Never has anyone I know gotten psychosis from smoking pot. And we smoke some pretty good shit.

Rick Simpson Oil is edible. One time I ate half of it and you are only supposed to do a rice size portion at a time. I was high out of my mind. Haven't been that high in years. I love it! LOL.

I almost killed my mom with edibles. She had Alzheimers and I told my dad let me put some cookie in her yogert and see if it calms her down. It worked for about 5 minutes. Then her eyes rolled back into hear head, she started sweating and throwing up. I thought she was going to choke to death. All while my dad is screaming, "you killed her". Holy fuck! She was fine. We get a big laugh out of that today. Not my dad. He still doesn't think it's funny. I just gave her too much. I should have given her a tiny portion to start.

I stick to vaping now, or the occasional bowl.

The edible high is terrible for me.
I stick to vaping now, or the occasional bowl.

The edible high is terrible for me.
I don't love edibles either. But when we go on our bike rides, if someone offers me 10-50 grams of gummies I eat them and have a great day. Too much of a body buzz. Tired. Feel heavy. Right?
I don't love edibles either. But when we go on our bike rides, if someone offers me 10-50 grams of gummies I eat them and have a great day. Too much of a body buzz. Tired. Feel heavy. Right?

It's like my knees want to bend the wrong way, time has no meaning and I will never salivate again.

Meanwhile when I smoke/vape all I do is mellow and I find my drinking limit is doubled.
I'm a when in rome smoker.

Whiskey/Beer > Weed.

I drank and smoke till 20 years ago I got a dui so then I smoked more. During Covid I gave myself a pancreatitis drinking too much. I'd go on bike rides and take 6 airplane shots with me. Drank them straight. My bro said to me this weekend, "how could you think you could get away with that?" LOL.

Now I may have a beer or two, or three. Maybe I'll do 1 shot. But I'm not going to make myself sick over booze. Not worth it. I'd rather drink a mountain dew and smoke a j.
  • hallucinations (when taken in high doses) This one is bullshit. No one has ever overdosed from smoking pot. And I can smoke all day and not hallucinate. Hallucinating only happens to people who are new to pot. They can take 1 puff and hallucinate.
Risk of psychosis is not highest with regular use of high potency marijuana. Where are you getting this? If you use pot regularly, you never have psychosis because you are used to it. This stuff happens to people who are new to smoking pot.

A lot of these other things, you can also get with medications that are perscribed to you. So us pot smokers self medicate.

Next you're going to say pot may cause drowsiness.

At least pot doesn't cause anal leakage. LOL

The major side effects occur mostly in young people. Not old commies.

I have three despensaries in my neighborhood. As strong as it gets. In fact pot is weak. I get Rick Simpson Oil. Now that shit will fuck you up. I also smoke dabs. That's the most potent. I've been smoking long enough none of that shit happens to me.

It may happen to people who are new to pot. And remember, that stuff happened to me too when I first smoked pot in the 80's. Even though it wasn't as strong.

Yes, someone who isn't used to pot and smokes some good shit or eats too many gummies is going to freak out. Do you remember the high police officer and his high wife called 911 because they thought they were dying? I know them. That made national news. He confiscated someones pot, took it home and him and his wife cooked it up into edibles. Apparently they thought they were dying so they called 911. He lost his job of course. LOL.

Nice to see you finally admit that it does happen, and sometimes it gets people killed.


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