Republicans are doing their jobs, are democrats?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Democrats claim the gop is the party of "no". How can they make this claim when they havnt passed a budget in nearly 3 years. Republicans have passed 2 major pieces of fiscal legislation that have never seen the light of day in the democratically controlled senate. Seems to me the senate is not only the party of "no", they are the party of "no action"

The democratic senate has utterly failed to do the business of the American people. Harry Reed is a failed leader. It is his job to lead the senate and promote the views of his caucus through legislation. He constantly blames the house for his own failures. The bills that passed the house are supposed to be debated by his house. He has an opportunity to amend the bill in any fashion and then send it back to the house for a final vote. Then the bill would goto committee for final tweeks and resolution. Yet all he does is table the bills, no debate, no amendments, no nothing. AND THEN HE AND THE PRESIDENT BLAME HOUSE REPUBLICANS! WTF? If he doesn't like their bills its his duty to alter them to make them acceptable to his caucus. At the very least he should have offered a counter proposal in bill form. Yet we get nothing but the blame game....

1. Medicare will be insolvent in 2017 w/o reform.
2. SS will be insolvent in 2037 w/o reform.

None of the DC whores want to actually do anything because the other party would crucify them. This need to be resolved by a bi-partisan commission, like the Debt Commission.
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Democrats are relying on the general ignorance of the public. But those informed know that to reach true bipartisanship the senate needs to put forth a plan or debate and alter one sent to them. They are playing a political game by making the republicans put forth all the plans so that come election time the can wash their hands of it and claim "this was their plan"

Let's not forget Obama created the Simpson Bowles commission to create a plan to right the ship. Then when they came forth with their bipartisan plan the president promptly shelved it. Admittedly there were issues for both parties to resolve in that plan but it NEVER saw the light of day. Just like the invisible budget plans of the left. Obama put forth the only budget from the left in the last 3 years and his own party killed it 97-0 in the senate.
Democrats are relying on the general ignorance of the public. But those informed know that to reach true bipartisanship the senate needs to put forth a plan or debate and alter one sent to them. They are playing a political game by making the republicans put forth all the plans so that come election time the can wash their hands of it and claim "this was their plan"

Let's not forget Obama created the Simpson Bowles commission to create a plan to right the ship. Then when they came forth with their bipartisan plan the president promptly shelved it. Admittedly there were issues for both parties to resolve in that plan but it NEVER saw the light of day. Just like the invisible budget plans of the left. Obama put forth the only budget from the left in the last 3 years and his own party killed it 97-0 in the senate.

Boehner has the right idea. These are our plans, if you don't like them show us your budget. BO said that they would do 3:1 cuts:revenue, maybe he was counting on taxes now and cuts way way later if ever. The GOP and Tea Party guys are hanging tough, to their credit.
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Democrats claim the gop is the party of "no". How can they make this claim when they havnt passed a budget in nearly 3 years. Republicans have passed 2 major pieces of fiscal legislation that have never seen the light of day in the democratically controlled senate. Seems to me the senate is not only the party of "no", they are the party of "no action"

The democratic senate has utterly failed to do the business of the American people. Harry Reed is a failed leader. It is his job to lead the senate and promote the views of his caucus through legislation. He constantly blames the house for his own failures. The bills that passed the house are supposed to be debated by his house. He has an opportunity to amend the bill in any fashion and then send it back to the house for a final vote. Then the bill would goto committee for final tweeks and resolution. Yet all he does is table the bills, no debate, no amendments, no nothing. AND THEN HE AND THE PRESIDENT BLAME HOUSE REPUBLICANS! WTF? If he doesn't like their bills its his duty to alter them to make them acceptable to his caucus. At the very least he should have offered a counter proposal in bill form. Yet we get nothing but the blame game....


Nah, we know Allen West isn't working all day like the Democrat Wessman is.
1. Medicare will be insolvent in 2017 w/o reform.
2. SS will be insolvent in 2037 w/o reform.

None of the DC whores want to actually do anything because the other party would crucify them. This need to be resolved by a bi-partisan commission, like the Debt Commission.

Raise the retirement age; it's quite simple. Very few like this idea because on the far right, they just want to dismantle anything that the government runs, even if it's to their own detriment. On the left, nobody wants to raise the retirement age because they see it as being unfair to lower income earners who work in more physical jobs.

The fact is that both SS and Medicare are very good programs. However, they were not meant to pay people for nearly 15 years on average. Look at it this way, if all of a sudden life expectancy jumps to 90 years, are we still going to expect that people retire at 65 and that SS and Medicare will support them for 30 years? Well, that is exactly what we have done to this point, only it is not at 15 years.

Besides raising the retirement age, Medicare funding needs to be increased immediately. That means raising the payroll rate for Medicare. Whatever the rate is should be absorbed 100% by the employee.
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The gop wants the states to run those programs. The states are far more efficient and have less waste and fraud. The dems label it dismantling because they can't argue the merits of losing control of the cookie jar.
The fact is that both SS and Medicare are very good programs. However, they were not meant to pay people for nearly 15 years on average. .

They both suck. They sucked from their very inception. They prove the adage that if you lower the price of something you sell more of it. If you lower the price to zero you are giving it away right and left. They are wasteful inefficient programs that have drained the economy and will bankrupt us.
Democrats claim the gop is the party of "no". How can they make this claim when they havnt passed a budget in nearly 3 years. Republicans have passed 2 major pieces of fiscal legislation that have never seen the light of day in the democratically controlled senate. Seems to me the senate is not only the party of "no", they are the party of "no action"

The democratic senate has utterly failed to do the business of the American people. Harry Reed is a failed leader. It is his job to lead the senate and promote the views of his caucus through legislation. He constantly blames the house for his own failures. The bills that passed the house are supposed to be debated by his house. He has an opportunity to amend the bill in any fashion and then send it back to the house for a final vote. Then the bill would goto committee for final tweeks and resolution. Yet all he does is table the bills, no debate, no amendments, no nothing. AND THEN HE AND THE PRESIDENT BLAME HOUSE REPUBLICANS! WTF? If he doesn't like their bills its his duty to alter them to make them acceptable to his caucus. At the very least he should have offered a counter proposal in bill form. Yet we get nothing but the blame game....

They can claim it all they want, the truth is they fail. Anybody with half a brain sees the truth, not what the dimwits tell them.
Democrats claim the gop is the party of "no". How can they make this claim when they havnt passed a budget in nearly 3 years. Republicans have passed 2 major pieces of fiscal legislation that have never seen the light of day in the democratically controlled senate. Seems to me the senate is not only the party of "no", they are the party of "no action"

The democratic senate has utterly failed to do the business of the American people. Harry Reed is a failed leader. It is his job to lead the senate and promote the views of his caucus through legislation. He constantly blames the house for his own failures. The bills that passed the house are supposed to be debated by his house. He has an opportunity to amend the bill in any fashion and then send it back to the house for a final vote. Then the bill would goto committee for final tweeks and resolution. Yet all he does is table the bills, no debate, no amendments, no nothing. AND THEN HE AND THE PRESIDENT BLAME HOUSE REPUBLICANS! WTF? If he doesn't like their bills its his duty to alter them to make them acceptable to his caucus. At the very least he should have offered a counter proposal in bill form. Yet we get nothing but the blame game....


Nah, we know Allen West isn't working all day like the Democrat Wessman is.
You are an idiot. What does that have to do with the subject?
The GOP is doing a better job at presenting options regarding cuts. Unfortunately, the sacrifice isn't spread around.

this "sacrifice" meme is utter bullshit. Government spends too much. Period. The spending needs to be cut. Period.

Even Grover Norquist thinks it's OK to let Bush's tax cuts expire to solve the debt ceiling issue. It's just plain sane logic to everyone, except for the far, far right.
Democrats claim the gop is the party of "no". How can they make this claim when they havnt passed a budget in nearly 3 years. Republicans have passed 2 major pieces of fiscal legislation that have never seen the light of day in the democratically controlled senate. Seems to me the senate is not only the party of "no", they are the party of "no action"

The democratic senate has utterly failed to do the business of the American people. Harry Reed is a failed leader. It is his job to lead the senate and promote the views of his caucus through legislation. He constantly blames the house for his own failures. The bills that passed the house are supposed to be debated by his house. He has an opportunity to amend the bill in any fashion and then send it back to the house for a final vote. Then the bill would goto committee for final tweeks and resolution. Yet all he does is table the bills, no debate, no amendments, no nothing. AND THEN HE AND THE PRESIDENT BLAME HOUSE REPUBLICANS! WTF? If he doesn't like their bills its his duty to alter them to make them acceptable to his caucus. At the very least he should have offered a counter proposal in bill form. Yet we get nothing but the blame game....


Obviously, they don't adopt a budget because if they did, that would force them to either (1) acknowledge the reforms needed in the big entitlement programs or (2) just kick the can down the road, heading for those programs' eventual collapse. By not facing the issue, they are able to demogogue republican positions in the runup to 2012.
1. Medicare will be insolvent in 2017 w/o reform.
2. SS will be insolvent in 2037 w/o reform.

None of the DC whores want to actually do anything because the other party would crucify them. This need to be resolved by a bi-partisan commission, like the Debt Commission.

Yeah, that's what we need. Another commission for the Big 0 to ignor.
The GOP is doing a better job at presenting options regarding cuts. Unfortunately, the sacrifice isn't spread around.

Are we talking about spreading the sacrifice to those who are already paying most of the taxes?

What sacrifices are those who are recieving the goodies making? Are they losing something or simply not getting more at the same rate of increase?

Get serious. We have a serious problem and you're talking gibberish.
Neither party has our interests in mind. They're too busy with their social engineering experiments and warring it up.

Regarding war, we need a Constitutional Amendment that demands that whomever authorizes the war must fight in it on the front line. If that's Congress then the Congressmen and Senators go to war and if it's the President alone, then he goes.
The GOP is doing a better job at presenting options regarding cuts. Unfortunately, the sacrifice isn't spread around.

this "sacrifice" meme is utter bullshit. Government spends too much. Period. The spending needs to be cut. Period.

Even Grover Norquist thinks it's OK to let Bush's tax cuts expire to solve the debt ceiling issue. It's just plain sane logic to everyone, except for the far, far right.

The Bush Tax Cuts DID expire. I would have thought you 'd heard about this. It was in all the papers.

The current Tax Rates are the ones signed into law by the Big 0.

You should be referring to the Obama Tax Cuts.

You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts.
Democrats claim the gop is the party of "no". How can they make this claim when they havnt passed a budget in nearly 3 years. Republicans have passed 2 major pieces of fiscal legislation that have never seen the light of day in the democratically controlled senate. Seems to me the senate is not only the party of "no", they are the party of "no action"

The democratic senate has utterly failed to do the business of the American people. Harry Reed is a failed leader. It is his job to lead the senate and promote the views of his caucus through legislation. He constantly blames the house for his own failures. The bills that passed the house are supposed to be debated by his house. He has an opportunity to amend the bill in any fashion and then send it back to the house for a final vote. Then the bill would goto committee for final tweeks and resolution. Yet all he does is table the bills, no debate, no amendments, no nothing. AND THEN HE AND THE PRESIDENT BLAME HOUSE REPUBLICANS! WTF? If he doesn't like their bills its his duty to alter them to make them acceptable to his caucus. At the very least he should have offered a counter proposal in bill form. Yet we get nothing but the blame game....


If you think either party is doing shit for anybody, you are very uninformed.

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