Republican Religious Right - building the ideal country



What do they really want?

The conservative Republicans have been very clear in their opposition to abortion and gay marriage.
They say they don’t want to get rid of all the gays, merely lead them to God and help them stop being gay.
They say they don’t want to stop teaching “science”, but merely want to add a “religious element”.

Now, the question becomes, “What is the goal?”

Say they were somehow able to “turn all the gays straight”. How would that help marriage? How would that help straight marriage to end the 50% divorce rate? Or the huge number of people participating in the “swinger’s” lifestyle?

So they add a “religious element” to science. What would that do to better science? What great discoveries will come from adding a “religious element”? How will that help people? What great religious conservative scientists right now will “lead the charge”?

Say they are able to completely outlaw abortion. What will they do to keep those women who didn’t want children from abusing the very children they didn’t want? How will they ensure these children grow up safe and well taken care of as well as being loved?

We know what the religious conservative Republicans want to change. But what do they want to change into? What is the goal?

I have never heard the conservative Republicans speak of the “ideal” country. If they could design the perfect country, what would it be?
I imagine it would be a lot like Saudi Arabia but with a different God.
1st the RELIGIOUS right is a small subset of the right and a small subset of them are Republicans.

Gays already have all the rights of every other American citizen it is past time to stop giving minority groups special treatment. ANd that is EXACTLY what they want.

Abortion is nothing more then murder. Elective abortion should be outlawed.

None of that would make us anything LIKE Saudia Arabia or any other Muslim run country.

In fact retards it used to be the law of the land just 30 to 40 years ago.

Meanwhile the far left is driving the Country into bankruptcy at an ever increasing rate, adding entitlement programs that we can not pay for to the public debt. And the Health Care crap? Well it will be dumped on the 46 States that did not have their Senators sell out their votes for special deals, at least until the SUpreme Court gets involved and rules that the power to tax must be uniform as stated in the Constitution and can not be bartered away to some States over the expense of other States.

Remind us Rdean how Bush doubling the deficit in 8 years was the worst thing that has ever happened but you LOVE how Obama will double it again in 4 YEARS, and possibly triple it in 8.

His Budgets all will be bigger then the last, the first one is what 1.6 trillion? The highest of any Budget EVER? We are borrowing 50 cents on every dollar our Government spends and China has said they are going to quit financing pur run to Bankruptcy. Where will Obama get cash then? Print it?
What do they really want?

The conservative Republicans have been very clear in their opposition to abortion and gay marriage.
They say they don’t want to get rid of all the gays, merely lead them to God and help them stop being gay.
They say they don’t want to stop teaching “science”, but merely want to add a “religious element”.

Now, the question becomes, “What is the goal?”

Say they were somehow able to “turn all the gays straight”. How would that help marriage? How would that help straight marriage to end the 50% divorce rate? Or the huge number of people participating in the “swinger’s” lifestyle?

So they add a “religious element” to science. What would that do to better science? What great discoveries will come from adding a “religious element”? How will that help people? What great religious conservative scientists right now will “lead the charge”?

Say they are able to completely outlaw abortion. What will they do to keep those women who didn’t want children from abusing the very children they didn’t want? How will they ensure these children grow up safe and well taken care of as well as being loved?

We know what the religious conservative Republicans want to change. But what do they want to change into? What is the goal?

I have never heard the conservative Republicans speak of the “ideal” country. If they could design the perfect country, what would it be?

Weather you like it or not, our constitution and the declaration of independence were written by people who beleived in a divine presence. It is clear and documented evidence that we are a Christian Judeo nation. Thomas Jefferson the 4th President of the U.S allowed church services in the congress and the White House and also approved federal funding $100 per year for a Catholic Priest who was teaching his religion to indians. He also approved that children be taught to read by reading the bible and religious song books.

You libs try to distort the history and the facts on this. God is against abortions.
But God supports murders of women and children as in Iraq?

Is it worse to kill someone who has tasted life or one who has not known life?
But God supports murders of women and children as in Iraq?

Is it worse to kill someone who has tasted life or one who has not known life?

I'm guessing that routinely the people you cite are what is referred to as collateral damage, a particularly demeaning phrase, and not the targets of the attackers.

I could be wrong. You could be referring to the victims of the homocide bombers who deliberately kill themselves and as many women and children as they can manage to get among.

Without that distinction, your question lacks specificity, but as a general rule, lacking any other qualifications and setting aside all other considerations, all humans have the right to life and the strong have the obligation to help those that cannot help themselves.
What do they really want?

The conservative Republicans have been very clear in their opposition to abortion and gay marriage.
They say they don’t want to get rid of all the gays, merely lead them to God and help them stop being gay.
They say they don’t want to stop teaching “science”, but merely want to add a “religious element”.

Now, the question becomes, “What is the goal?”

Say they were somehow able to “turn all the gays straight”. How would that help marriage? How would that help straight marriage to end the 50% divorce rate? Or the huge number of people participating in the “swinger’s” lifestyle?

So they add a “religious element” to science. What would that do to better science? What great discoveries will come from adding a “religious element”? How will that help people? What great religious conservative scientists right now will “lead the charge”?

Say they are able to completely outlaw abortion. What will they do to keep those women who didn’t want children from abusing the very children they didn’t want? How will they ensure these children grow up safe and well taken care of as well as being loved?

We know what the religious conservative Republicans want to change. But what do they want to change into? What is the goal?

I have never heard the conservative Republicans speak of the “ideal” country. If they could design the perfect country, what would it be?

Those are two pretty limited examples and by association link two disparate groups. Not all of the religious right are Republicans and not all Republicans are members of the religious right. This straw man defines you more acurately than it defines either of these groups.

That said, as a Conservative who is not particularly religious, what I would like for the government to do is as little as possible. This should not be a great challenge. They already do damn little that is of any use to me. The primary function of most government workers and the politicians who allocate funds for them is to have a job tomorrow.

We could eliminate this by demanding mandatory public service. Dissolve the beaurocracy and make term limts a rock solid part of the Constitution. The public service component would be like the military except that the public servants would be the gophers for the 2-term or less elected officilas. They could be paid in education credits or cash as they decide.

Aside from that, defend the borders, maintain the peace, enhance the infrastructure and deliver the mail. The last will soon be optional.

Something that the "Right" seems to like is a notion of right and wrong or good and bad or rights and responsiblities. Does everyone have a right to healthcare? Does everyone have a responsibility to pay for it? How you answer these two questions probably defines where you are in the political spectrum.

Should laws support notions of right and wrong? Of good and bad? Are these notions to be more strongly associated with individuals or with society at large? Is fairness a consideration in legality? Is fairness to be defined by individual standards or by notions of the "greater good" and in which instances does the greater good trump the individual?

Should the greater good ever trump the individual? Are individual rights the basis of our society or is societal peace the framework under which individual rights must be sublimated?

These are the great questions under which all societies labor.

All other questions are merely distractions by which definitions are blurred and emotions are fired.

As a Conservative, I tend to go the greater ideas and apply rationale to the more petty questions. I fell that many Liberals seem to go to the more petty questions and apply rationale to the greater ideas.

We're building a puzzle as liberals and Conservatives using all the same pieces, but we are able to see only with the shadows of those pieces.

Until we use the same pieces and the same process and direct light to examine them, we are engaged in a fool's game.
What do they really want?

The conservative Republicans have been very clear in their opposition to abortion and gay marriage.
They say they don’t want to get rid of all the gays, merely lead them to God and help them stop being gay.
They say they don’t want to stop teaching “science”, but merely want to add a “religious element”.

Now, the question becomes, “What is the goal?”

Say they were somehow able to “turn all the gays straight”. How would that help marriage? How would that help straight marriage to end the 50% divorce rate? Or the huge number of people participating in the “swinger’s” lifestyle?

So they add a “religious element” to science. What would that do to better science? What great discoveries will come from adding a “religious element”? How will that help people? What great religious conservative scientists right now will “lead the charge”?

Say they are able to completely outlaw abortion. What will they do to keep those women who didn’t want children from abusing the very children they didn’t want? How will they ensure these children grow up safe and well taken care of as well as being loved?

We know what the religious conservative Republicans want to change. But what do they want to change into? What is the goal?

I have never heard the conservative Republicans speak of the “ideal” country. If they could design the perfect country, what would it be?

You obviously have a delusional view of conservatives. And it's painfully obvious your an idiot! Case in point, your abortion comment, you think that if women were not allowed to murder their unborn children they will somehow become child abusers or neglect their children altogether. Perhaps outlawing abortion will force women to be more careful about getting knocked up in the first place. Oh and surely you have heard of "adoption", haven't you?
Why is it that I am finding more and more posters adding politics to this thread.

This BOARD is for atheist versus Theists!! Not Liberal Versus conservative!!

If you want the liberal versus conservative board, please try the politics board to express that opinion. But here--we argue about the existence of God, the Buddha, Tao and so forth and determine the necessity and quality of those claims, not right/left crap.
Let me make this very clear. Unless you are a millionaire, you are a fool to be voting GOP. Hell, even millionaires got fucked by the GOP the last 8 years. The ones with only a few millions.

Only an idiot votes because of God Gays and Guns. The GOP was smart to use such wedge issues. They go after the ignorant, racists, religious and greedy votes.

I don't care if every girl in America gets an abortion if the GOP send all the good jobs oveseas.

All you broke ass Republicans need to join the Democratic party. Then we can split the party between the centrists and the liberals. Then we could get the Joe Lieberman's out of Washington.

But instead broke ass Righties don't realize that they are voting outside of their pay grades. They don't like liberals because they don't understand the meaning so they are very much like the house slaves back in the 1800's who liked things the way they were.

You righties don't realize you have more in common with the black gay muslim abortion doctor than you do with the GOP.
Why is it that I am finding more and more posters adding politics to this thread.

This BOARD is for atheist versus Theists!! Not Liberal Versus conservative!!

If you want the liberal versus conservative board, please try the politics board to express that opinion. But here--we argue about the existence of God, the Buddha, Tao and so forth and determine the necessity and quality of those claims, not right/left crap.

Oops! LOL.

Here's my take on it. I think most mainstream christians or muslims or jews if you really could get inside their heads, unless they are simple minded people, I think we all have our doubts on the whole relgion thing.

Its man made stories. Take those stories with a grain of salt.

And it isn't like one story is better than the next. The story of mohamad is just as crazy as Jesus and that's just as crazy as the Easter Bunny.

If you get defensive about it, then you are just scared of "DAMNATION", or something like that. Silly. I'm not afraid. But I do have a relationship with God. I literally talk to him/her/it/she/whatever. I don't think of God as that small. I don't think God has time for me. He's much bigger than that. And God isn't a HE, or SHE. I don't know what it is.

And neither does anyone else. The oldest monk is just studying man made history. SPIN. Made up. Our religion stole ideas from ancient egyptian and greek relgions.

Mind you it is the greatest story ever told. And there may be some truth to it. But man got a hold of religion long ago and altered it. The Catholic church, protestants, baptists, presbiterians, blabla. Spin off business'. Rediculous!!!
So far, those on the Republican Religious Right have expressed what they don't like or what they "imagined" they don't like. But where are the "solutions"?

Please give a description of this "ideal" country. Why is that so hard?
Let's see:

If homosexuals gave up their sinful lives and lived a godly life, there would be many more children in the next generation. In fact, generations of people who otherwise would not exist would have an opportunity to live and exist. Like wise with eliminating abortion.

Generations of great people who dont get to be born now would live. How on earth is that somehow bad?

Why on earth do you think that people taking responsibility for their actions would create kids that are abused by parents who dont want them? Most kids arent planned. But they are loved nonetheless. Do you abuse the children you dont want? How is taking responsibility for ones actions a bad thing? And it begs a question. Is it better for a child to be abused and live or dead?

Marriage would be significantly better simply by it not being under attack anymore and not being redefined. No one has ever denied that the divorce rate is something that needs to be fixed. Yet, you seem to think that because our society has some problems with marriage that we need to make it worse. Your reasoning makes no sense whatsoever.

As for the ideal country. I want to see us become a nation that doesnt need to be governed by people in Washington, or even the states. I want those just to be default safeguards. I want us to be a pure and selfless people. I want us to be an honest people. I want us to be more focused on taking care of ourselves then letting others take care of ourselves. I want us to be willing to help others learn to take care of themselves instead of just running to the government and pretending that solves anything. I want us to be united in reality and not just name.

Obviously, thats an ideal. and that isnt going to happen by passing laws. Im not naive to believe it can be done that way. But I think it can be done. It just wont happen tomorrow and it wont happen without alot of work.
1st the RELIGIOUS right is a small subset of the right and a small subset of them are Republicans.

Then why cater to them?
Gays already have all the rights of every other American citizen

Like blacks did...
Abortion is nothing more then murder.

You're a retard ho uses loaded language without knowing what it means.
Wait... did that idiot just compare gay marriage to abortion? So... anyone who doesn't have kids is a murderer?

How many sperm has that idiot wasted?
☭proletarian☭;1852258 said:
Wait... did that idiot just compare gay marriage to abortion? So... anyone who doesn't have kids is a murderer?

How many sperm has that idiot wasted?

The root causes of both of the sins is a disregard for life and respect for the ability to create it.

People seem to think that sexual sin doesn't effect anyone. But because of it's very nature involves the creation of life, it effects generations of people. It's a lie to pretend otherwise. It effects the ability of many people to be good parents.
☭proletarian☭;1852258 said:
Wait... did that idiot just compare gay marriage to abortion? So... anyone who doesn't have kids is a murderer?

How many sperm has that idiot wasted?

The root causes of both of the sins is a disregard for life and respect for the ability to create it.


So not having kids is a sin?

Did Jesus have kids?

If so, he's a sinner and couldn't be God- you just debunked your entire religion in your homophobic ramblings.
Let me make this very clear. Unless you are a millionaire, you are a fool to be voting GOP. Hell, even millionaires got fucked by the GOP the last 8 years. The ones with only a few millions.

Only an idiot votes because of God Gays and Guns. The GOP was smart to use such wedge issues. They go after the ignorant, racists, religious and greedy votes.

I don't care if every girl in America gets an abortion if the GOP send all the good jobs oveseas.

All you broke ass Republicans need to join the Democratic party. Then we can split the party between the centrists and the liberals. Then we could get the Joe Lieberman's out of Washington.

But instead broke ass Righties don't realize that they are voting outside of their pay grades. They don't like liberals because they don't understand the meaning so they are very much like the house slaves back in the 1800's who liked things the way they were.

You righties don't realize you have more in common with the black gay muslim abortion doctor than you do with the GOP.

Please discuss the parts of Democratic Party agenda that gets their ideas out of my life and their hands out of my pockets.

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