Reported content: Post in thread 'The Woman Question'


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2021
Post in thread 'The Woman Question' by Jay Zepher has been reported by OhPleaseJustQuit. Reason given:
How is this a Current Event?

Content being reported:
Loss of the ability to distinguish what is real from what is not real, or not recognizing that something exist as opposed to what does not exist, can be a form of psychosis. People with this condition have been and still are treated for their mental illness without much controversy regarding their need for treatment.
Now, let's play with words and change the meaning of psychosis so that it may not include ALL people who cannot distinguish what is real from what is unreal, that is, let's make exceptions for people who want their version of reality, however unreal it may be, to be the ONE TRUE reality so that these people are no longer viewed as unusual or unstable but as pioneers and reformers who are only confirming what is - again - TRUE. True to who? you might reasonably and expectantly ask, but in fact you may not ask that since the definition of psychosis has changed, and changed rather quickly, you are no longer a reasonable person questioning what is obviously unreal and frankly, crazy. YOU are now the unstable, crazy person.
It is not just psychosis, it is MASS psychosis, or as the more observant in our culture are presently recognizing and calling out, mass hysteria.
As the title of this thread "The Woman Question" very purposely hints there are historical precedents to mass hysteria and one we all know in particular happened not so long ago when a very dangerous and evil psychotic persuaded a nation to accept his version of reality in which a race of people were redefined as "subhuman" in order to instill his horrific answer to what was then called "The Jewish Question."
Well, we don't know where the whole debate of what is a woman leading to, but just questioning what a woman is seems the first step back to the past, not forwards.
If I were a woman I would not like where this is going, nor would I believe that this eerie redefining of a woman is progress. It is most probably leading back to the dark ages of women treated as second class citizens and in this case not even allowed a definition. Then to, what lacks definition may come to lack identity, even when they are half the population of the planet.

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