Report: Israel Won't Warn U.S. Before Strike On Iran


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

WASHINGTON -- Israeli officials say they won't warn the U.S. if they decide to launch a pre-emptive strike against Iranian nuclear facilities, according to one U.S. intelligence official familiar with the discussions. The pronouncement, delivered in a series of private, top-level conversations, sets a tense tone ahead of meetings in the coming days at the White House and Capitol Hill.

Israeli officials said that if they eventually decide a strike is necessary, they would keep the Americans in the dark to decrease the likelihood that the U.S. would be held responsible for failing to stop Israel's potential attack. The U.S. has been working with the Israelis for months to persuade them that an attack would be only a temporary setback to Iran's nuclear program.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak delivered the message to a series of top-level U.S. visitors to the country, including the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the White House national security adviser and the director of national intelligence, and top U.S. lawmakers, all trying to close the trust gap between Israel and the U.S. over how to deal with Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Netanyahu delivered the same message to all the Americans who have traveled to Israel for talks, the U.S. official said.

More: Israel Won't Warn U.S. Before Strike On Iran: AP Source

U.S. Official: Israel Won't Warn Us Before Attack - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Israel says it won't warn U.S. before a strike against Iran
If Obama was smart, he'd tell them to fuck themselfs if they don't warn us. No wwIII for a little tiny nation within a shit hole.

I'll oppose any more war in the middle east! It has all been for nothing the blood and treasure we have spent.
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Well of course not. Why would they? If you are going to conduct a surprise attack, the best way to keep it a surprise is to tell as few people as possible.

What kind of idiot would expect anyone to announce a surprise attack to anyone not involved in it?
[ame=]Proud to be an American Citizen and not an Israeli Citizen. - YouTube[/ame]
The US has effectively given the IRanians a green light to do whatever they want. They have indicated they are more scared of an Israeli military strike than an Iranian nuke.
Israel needs to tell Uncle to fuck off we'll handle it. Thank us later.
The US has effectively given the IRanians a green light to do whatever they want. They have indicated they are more scared of an Israeli military strike than an Iranian nuke.
Israel needs to tell Uncle to fuck off we'll handle it. Thank us later.

Yeah, well given that Israel doesn't have the capability to really pull of an airstrike, and would inflame the entire Islamic world if they did, they are just saber-rattling, hoping the rest of the world will put the pressure on Iran to prevent a war.

Nuclear Iran. Learn to deal.
Yup. Iran is going to get a nuke and what they do with it will be the question.

Considering the fact that the mullahs running the country are religious fanatics one has to assume they will try to use it on Isreal.

We will then have a real mideast war.

I have to wonder if Iran is playing rope-a-dope here.

One has to assume that (1) they're not stupid, and (2) they know quite well that their own words are at the heart of this issue. They've been spouting this anti-Israel, anti-American stuff while, at the same time, expanding their nuclear capabilities. The Iranians also know that an attack would be on very specific sites, not on the population in general.

So isn't it possible that they're tacitly inviting an attack by Israel on sites they can afford to lose as an excuse to use other assets to blow Israel off the map? They're making some kind of calculation here, and I have to wonder if Israel isn't just walking straight into a trap with an attack.

The US has effectively given the IRanians a green light to do whatever they want. They have indicated they are more scared of an Israeli military strike than an Iranian nuke.
Israel needs to tell Uncle to fuck off we'll handle it. Thank us later.

Und der Katze sagt:

And Uncle needs to tell that little country of G-ddamned shnorrers, NO MORE MONEY AND NO MORE WARS FOR ISRAEL!

And when Chazzerei Yisroel goes down, I'll remember my brothers on the USS Liberty, and shout GOT TSU DANKEN!

I have to wonder if Iran is playing rope-a-dope here.

One has to assume that (1) they're not stupid, and (2) they know quite well that their own words are at the heart of this issue. They've been spouting this anti-Israel, anti-American stuff while, at the same time, expanding their nuclear capabilities. The Iranians also know that an attack would be on very specific sites, not on the population in general.

So isn't it possible that they're tacitly inviting an attack by Israel on sites they can afford to lose as an excuse to use other assets to blow Israel off the map? They're making some kind of calculation here, and I have to wonder if Israel isn't just walking straight into a trap with an attack.


What I've found interesting is where they've put their nuclear facilities.

The main one is near the city of Qom. Which is in the west of the country.

It's almost like they are daring the Israelis to try to hit it.


Now it's probably because they want the facilities in areas where the ethnic Persians live, as opposed to the Baluchs or Pushtuns.
I don't believe Isreal would attack without letting us know.

I have to wonder if Iran is playing rope-a-dope here.

One has to assume that (1) they're not stupid, and (2) they know quite well that their own words are at the heart of this issue. They've been spouting this anti-Israel, anti-American stuff while, at the same time, expanding their nuclear capabilities. The Iranians also know that an attack would be on very specific sites, not on the population in general.

So isn't it possible that they're tacitly inviting an attack by Israel on sites they can afford to lose as an excuse to use other assets to blow Israel off the map? They're making some kind of calculation here, and I have to wonder if Israel isn't just walking straight into a trap with an attack.


What I've found interesting is where they've put their nuclear facilities.

The main one is near the city of Qom. Which is in the west of the country.

It's almost like they are daring the Israelis to try to hit it.


Now it's probably because they want the facilities in areas where the ethnic Persians live, as opposed to the Baluchs or Pushtuns.

Ugh. A scary reminder of the size of that place. And photographs & intelligence can only give us so much information. This is a dare.


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