Rep. Jamaal Bowman Asks for Help Defending Against ‘Nazi’ Republican Attacks in Talking Points Sent to Democrat Colleagues


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Feb 16, 2016

Rep. Jamaal Bowman Asks for Help Defending Against ‘Nazi’ Republican Attacks in Talking Points Sent to Democrat Colleagues

2 Oct 2023 ~~ By Bradley Jaye

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) sent talkings points to his Democrat colleagues enlisting their help defending him against “Nazi” Republicans after he allegedly pulled a fire alarm to delay a vote to prevent a government shutdown Saturday.
The two-page document with background and suggested talking points was circulated by Bowman’s press secretary Monday afternoon to all House Democrat offices, according to Politico.
The document — which repeats Bowman’s claim, discredited by Breitbart News, that he triggered the alarm by accident — includes the suggested talking points “Republicans need to instead focus their energy on the Nazi members of their party before anything else.”
Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), whose tweet Bowman singled out for his colleagues to attack, told Breitbart News, “Jamaal Bowman is a deranged lunatic with an ego problem. He pulled a fire alarm to delay a vote. That’s a crime. It’s painfully obvious that he can’t take responsibility for his actions and is instead choosing to self-destruct.”
Bowman told Fox News Monday “I don’t know why this has gotten so much attention. I was literally just in a rush to go vote, man. That’s all it was.”

The U.S. Capitol Police and the House Administration Committee are each investigating the incident. Separately, members of Congress are preparing resolutions to expel Bowman from the House or censure him.

Speaking about projection! The fact that the Democrats doe a Socalist America (aka CPUSA) always call their opponents Nazis just shows how ignorant, stupid and evil they truly are.
“Nazi” is such a trite term—especially when mouthed by a member of the party that fought to keep blacks as slaves, formed the KKK, enacted Jim Crow laws and instituted poll taxes. But when a so called Democrat of color uses it, it's almost comical.
I think the defense that Jamaal and Democrats are offering to pulling the fire alarm, was he is too stupid to read a sign and understand it was a fire alarm and not some sort of handicapped door device.
Not a good look, to claim stupidity when he is supposed to do the Public's business and represent thousands of voters of his district.
Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis introduced a motion to expel Jamaal Bowman, she said:
“It’s not just the act of pulling a fire alarm. It was during an official proceeding.”​
“That is the same crime they have gone after those individuals who walked into the Capitol on Jan. 6th.”​
There is ample proof that Jamaal pulled the alarm and then removed the instructions for the emergency door. The only thing left to be alleged is doing it to interfere with. Congressional proceedings as opposed to just being an idiot who can't figure out alarms and doors. Subpoena his phone, text and email records to see if this was a conspiracy or if he was a lone wolf.
Meanwhile, can we find any students from the school where he was principal for ten years who were punished for pulling a fire alarm?
Can't wait to see who supports this lunatic who passes out talking points that he wants people to believe.
No one is above the law. Whatever it is for pulling a fire alarm in a federal building for the purpose of blocking a CONGRESSIONAL VOTE.


He is on video. The evidence is conclusive. He needs to be arrested and tried.
What is the punishment just for pulling a fire alarm in a federal building FOR NO REASON.

The lying left wing fucks are trying to say he panicked and pulled the alarm. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

We have pulling a fire alarm in a federal building for no reason and attempting to stop a congressional vote. Some might even call that an insurrection. He is a threat to democacy.
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30 years in a cage and we'll call it even. The shitlibs tell us no one is above the law.... let's see if that's real, or just more of their pathological lying.

No one is above the law. Whatever it is for pulling a fire alarm in a federal building for the purpose of blocking a CONGRESSIONAL VOTE.


He is on video. The evidence is conclusive. He needs to be arrested and tried.
Yeah....but he's black.
And a Democrat.
And a communist.
He's untouchable.
A congressman intentionally pulling a false alarm to block a vote?


He should be removed from Congress. If a Pub did this, the Dems would demand it.

What is the punishment just for pulling a fire alarm in a federal building FOR NO REASON.

The lying left wing fucks are trying to say he panicked and pulled the alarm. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

We have pulling a fire alarm in a federal building for no reason and attempting to stop a congressional vote. Some might even call that an insurrextion. He is a threat to democacy.
He was formerly a school principal, responsible for regularly scheduled fire drills, and he's claiming innocence?
He has no excuse.

We all know what he did and why. Now it is just a matter of arresting him with a SWAT team and indicting him.

He is on fucking video breaking the law.

"allegedly?" They have him on video pulling the fire alarm.

Maybe it was a body double or someone in a costume.

Who are any of us anyway? All we are is dust in the wind.

Plus, he has a D after his name, so he is presummed innocent and that will not change.
Calling racism or applying other tropes such as "nazi" is of no value now, the broad use of words to avoid accountability is well known, not even their own supporters or media take such allegations serious.

If he isnt held accountable than this case will be used by every lawyer in the future whenever their client is charged with such mischief in D.C and the police will have to answer for their own double standard.
Calling racism or applying other tropes such as "nazi" is of no value now, the broad use of words to avoid accountability is well known, not even their own supporters or media take such allegations serious.

If he isnt held accountable than this case will be used by every lawyer in the future whenever their client is charged with such mischief in D.C and the police will have to answer for their own double standard.
That is the playbook for dems.
Call people "Nazis" or Russian Assets (like Tulsi)
The low-IQ dems have no fucking clue what intelligent people do outside of their shit zones.
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A congressman intentionally pulling a false alarm to block a vote?


He should be removed from Congress. If a Pub did this, the Dems would demand it.

Pranksters and saboteurs don't belong in congress.
The SOB should be arrested and escorted in handcuffs off of the premises.
No one is above the law. Whatever it is for pulling a fire alarm in a federal building for the purpose of blocking a CONGRESSIONAL VOTE.


He is on video. The evidence is conclusive. He needs to be arrested and tried.

Well, the Biden Crime Family is above the law.

But Donald Trump is unique, as he has been placed below the law, beginning with judges violating his [Trump's] attorney-client privilege and on and on.
No one is above the law. Whatever it is for pulling a fire alarm in a federal building for the purpose of blocking a CONGRESSIONAL VOTE.


He is on video. The evidence is conclusive. He needs to be arrested and tried.
Yeah he wrote a piece where he said "No one is above the Law. Not even President Trump" But yet he thinks he is above the law, after pulling the fire alarm. :p

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