Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’

So because this guy says Bush let him get away intentionally, you obviously believe it because there is no possible reason this Congressman could be lying.
a head start? - are we talking about a potato sack race?


my goal is to screw every American at least once

As long as it's only once. Republicans have done it over and over again. They are the gift that just keeps on giving.
no more than clinton gore tennant and clarke did.....

We all know that when Clinton had Bin Laden in his sights, there were children present. Republicans know that but they purposely overlook it. What a bunch of jerks.

Proof...solid proof...not some stupid quote that indicates that Bush is contradicting himself. Hell, if that's all it takes to make a man guilty, then let's put EVERY politician on the fucking stand.

Show me the intelligence report that backs up this asinine accusation. And for the record, a talented military marksmen isn't concerned with civilian targets. He's fully capable of taking the target without collateral damage when given the opportunity.

Do you REALLY think that Bush would pass up a chance to take out Bin Laden when that would have turned EVERYTHING around for him? It's crazy how common sense escapes the Bush Bashers
Dumbest. Belief. Ever.

This guy should be pulled from office based on blatant incompetence.
The Bush bastards permitted the world's most notorious terrorist mastermind to escape because they needed additional justification to invade Iraq, according to a Democratic lawmaker from New York.

Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) leveled the allegation during an interview Monday afternoon. "Look what happened with regard to our invasion into Afghanistan, how we apparently intentionally let bin Laden get away," he said. "How we intentionally did not follow the Taliban and al-Qaeda as they were escaping. That was done by the previous administration because they knew very well that if they would capture al-Qaeda, there would be no justification for an invasion in Iraq." "They deliberately let Osama bin Laden get away?" asked an incredulous David Shuster. "You really believe that?" "Yes, I do," Hinchey replied. "There's no question about that."

Wow! - a Democrat with a set of stones!

Wow! A politician with an agenda playing at politics. How quaint.
(Arm chair quarterbacks, always up on the playbook. Yeah, right.)
my goal is to screw every American at least once

As long as it's only once. Republicans have done it over and over again. They are the gift that just keeps on giving.

Well, good luck with that. You are going to need it. Especially once you get to Rosie ODonnell.
some repubs are still mad at bill's penis. bush did not let him go intentionally. that is as silly as a birthernut.
"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."
- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

In an October 7 debate during the presidential campaign Obama said that if elected, his administration "will kill bin Laden. We will crush Al-Qaeda." - Obama Bin Dithering

Barack Obama suggested last night that removing Osama bin Laden from the battlefield was no longer essential and that America's security goals could be achieved merely by keeping al-Qaeda "on the run". - Obama Bin Waffling

So let me translate for our dopey lib friends.

Once the great ditherer got elected and was given the "come to Jesus" briefings, he realized that Bin Laden is either a) dead, b) holed up in a cave somewhere, thanks to Bush and Bin Hiden's leadership was either killed or captured.


as for your op, the guy is obviously a moonbat.
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