Renegade republican


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Costa Mesa, Calif laying off half of public employers to balance the budget and create jobs? Citing pension costs, Costa Mesa, Calif., plans to lay off nearly half its employees - The Washington Post

They plan it to privatize education, law enforcement and all public programs. Instead they are pirate-tizing public programs.

We have got to stop this run away renegade right wing government, federal, state and local, before they destroy the country.

GOD forbid if Trump is elected president. He will run the country like he runs his businesses. File bankrupt on everything and stick the taxpayers and banks with the bill. Like he did his business associates. This man is no friend of banks.

How Does Trump repeatedly file for Bankruptcy and still stay on top? Monica Sanders - Oct 2005

How Does Trump repeatedly file for Bankruptcy and still stay on top? | LegalZoom
I don't see the big deal? If the public sector cannot afford these programs, what other choice do they have, other than to privatize them? Shut them down, altogether?
A private police force would cause a TON of problems if set in motion. The selective enforcement and favoritism issues alone would make it insanely corrupt.
If there is no money you can't keep funding something.

Is this how you operate fiscally on a personal level? By maxing everything out and asking for more? That is essentially what's happening.
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A private police force would cause a TON of problems if set in motion. The selective enforcement and favoritism issues alone would make it insanely corrupt.

Those same things happen right now with the government police forces.

How many private police forces are in this country in the first place? How many of these types of problems have there been?
They don't HAVE private police forces in municipalities. Show me where one exists! It doesnt work that way...for a reason.
A private police force would cause a TON of problems if set in motion. The selective enforcement and favoritism issues alone would make it insanely corrupt.

Those same things happen right now with the government police forces.

How many private police forces are in this country in the first place? How many of these types of problems have there been?

Please tell me you aren't referring to mall cops?
Until you government employees give up those corrupt union pension funds that tax payers have to guarantee then get use to losing jobs & having less or crappy public services.
I don't see the big deal? If the public sector cannot afford these programs, what other choice do they have, other than to privatize them? Shut them down, altogether?

If not for profit jobs become for profit, please explain how the same service can be provided for less cost?

Easy. Less government red tape and outright fraud, waste and gaming of the systems. That's how. Do you REALLY think a private insurance company could stay afloat with the same level of fraud, waste and abuse that has been proven MediCare incurs every year?

Costa Mesa, Calif laying off half of public employers to balance the budget and create jobs? Citing pension costs, Costa Mesa, Calif., plans to lay off nearly half its employees - The Washington Post

They plan it to privatize education, law enforcement and all public programs. Instead they are pirate-tizing public programs.

We have got to stop this run away renegade right wing government, federal, state and local, before they destroy the country.

GOD forbid if Trump is elected president. He will run the country like he runs his businesses. File bankrupt on everything and stick the taxpayers and banks with the bill. Like he did his business associates. This man is no friend of banks.

How Does Trump repeatedly file for Bankruptcy and still stay on top? Monica Sanders - Oct 2005

How Does Trump repeatedly file for Bankruptcy and still stay on top? | LegalZoom

Lemme guess, when you run out of money you bust out the credit cards?
If you dont think there would be gaming of private law enforcement, you'd be entirely wrong. We have LOTS of private prisons already...and those totally suck.

I know because I've sued them on MULTIPLE occasions.
Once again a simple solution to a problem becomes a cause for thoughtless comments.
The Problem: local communities (cities and counties) are in the red.
The Solution: Privatize Police Services.
Current sworn staff will apply for and be hired by other agencies.
New sworn staff need to be recurited, screened (the background investigation alone will cost the 'owner' a huge start-up cost), train, equip, supervise, pay and defend in law suits.
Once hired (naturally at lesser pay and benefits) newly trained and working officers will apply for and be hired for agencies offering better pay and benefits.
Result: The local community will need to recruit, screen, train and investigate continually and will eventually need to lower standards putting less qualified officers, those rejected by other agencies on the streets.
As one of my jobs was to supervise the recruitment, hiring, training, etc of LEO's, our experience was that of each 100 applicants only 5 were able to get through the background investigation, and only two of those completed probation successfully.
That can also mean that they are outsourcing their law enforcement to neighboring police departments. You have trained police officers and the communities they come from will have added revenue.

Perhaps WI should have just layed off a bunch of Public Sector workers instead of trying to save their jobs for them.

Wonder who would be screaming about that??
Do you REALLY think a private insurance company could stay afloat with the same level of fraud, waste and abuse that has been proven MediCare incurs every year?

Yes. They make billions hand over fist by defrauding people who have paid their premiums religiously, by dropping their coverage when that person gets sick - or finding creative ways of "denying" claims of their PAYING CUSTOMERS to inflate profit. If that isn't fraud, I don't know what is. How about colluding to keep premiums sky high... or bribing our representatives to only pass legislation friendly to these parasites. Sounds like corruption on a grand scale. I don't know how anyone who works for an insurance company can even sleep at night.
This is has been done already.
The cops and the schools are still public

But they are enjoying a lower debt, and better, faster service from what the public unions provided. That is what happens when you can fire people for not performing.

I don't see any issue with getting more done with less, especially when it's better.
If you dont think there would be gaming of private law enforcement, you'd be entirely wrong. We have LOTS of private prisons already...and those totally suck.

I know because I've sued them on MULTIPLE occasions.

Every prison gets sued.

so if that's your basis, you need to come up with something better. cuz right now you only have assumption.

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