Remember what you were warned about with egypt a few months back?


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
With mubarak gone the peace that was may not be for very much longer. No one listen when I said Egypt would end the peace treay with Israel because of the muslim brotherhood influence.

Egyptian warplanes defy pact with Israel

CAIRO: Egyptian warplanes are patrolling the Sinai without Israeli consent, despite a 1979 peace treaty limiting Egypt's military presence in the peninsula, Egypt's air force chief said.

Parts of the Sinai have been off limits to Egyptian troops under the terms of the 1979 treaty by which Israel agreed to end its occupation, but in recent months the army has deployed reinforcements

Read more: Egyptian warplanes defy pact with Israel

Hows that Middle east peace doing you now?
The West wishes to see the countries (that conquering empires created) instill a sense of togetherness with the tribes who have been tribes for a good few thousand years.

Sorry, it's not going to work. One tribe (or group) will overcome another tribe (or group) and become the leader. Until he is overthrown.

Lather, rinse and repeat....
I hear some Egyptian activists are helping the OWS folks. Plus, Lech Wałęsa is on the way to help overthrow corrupt capitalism. Praise Gawd.
I remember.

I also remember being a young dumb shit who cheered when the Shah of Iran was overthrown, only to be replaced with Khomeini.

Unfortunately, there are too few people who take such object lessons to heart.

Yes I remeber that also but I did not cheer about it. I knew what was going to happen just like whats about to happen now.
I hear some Egyptian activists are helping the OWS folks. Plus, Lech Wałęsa is on the way to help overthrow corrupt capitalism. Praise Gawd.

Dipshit capitalism and America go hand in hand so you want o over throw America?
I remember.

I also remember being a young dumb shit who cheered when the Shah of Iran was overthrown, only to be replaced with Khomeini.

Unfortunately, there are too few people who take such object lessons to heart.

Yes I remeber that also but I did not cheer about it. I knew what was going to happen just like whats about to happen now.
I didn't know what was going to happen.

Fortunately, I can remember history farther back than GEORGE BOOOOOOOOOOSH!
The West wishes to see the countries (that conquering empires created) instill a sense of togetherness with the tribes who have been tribes for a good few thousand years.

Sorry, it's not going to work. One tribe (or group) will overcome another tribe (or group) and become the leader. Until he is overthrown.

Lather, rinse and repeat....

That just about sums it up with one exception they all want the same thing Israel gone
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The days of American imposed dictatorships all over the world seems to be coming to an end and now its time to deal with the consequences.

Keeping dictators like Mubarak and the Shah of Iran in power may have been in the best interests of the US in the short term, but not for the average citizen who suffered under those regimes.

Like making friends with Saddam and providing the Islamic fundamentalists (we used to call them "freedom fighters") with weapons in Afghanistan in the 1980's, American foreign policy is constantly playing "catchup" for "sins" commited in the past.
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The West wishes to see the countries (that conquering empires created) instill a sense of togetherness with the tribes who have been tribes for a good few thousand years.

Sorry, it's not going to work. One tribe (or group) will overcome another tribe (or group) and become the leader. Until he is overthrown.

Lather, rinse and repeat....

That just about sums it up with one exception they all want the same thing Israel gone

But can they be negotiated with until year 6001? :lol:

BTW, Israel sucks!

And Egypt blows.

Your point?
BTW, Israel sucks!

We can agree there brother!!!:lol:

Back in 2003 an artical was written by Jim Gerrish I would like to share it with you

One thing seems certain. The hatred of Israel will grow. As nations, one after another, lose their Christian underpinnings, there will be no reason left to support Israel. It is never advantageous to support Israel from the natural viewpoint anyway. It is only n the spiritual realm that Israel support makes any sense. After all, Israel has no oil. Not only is this growing anti-Semitism seen in Europe, but it is rapidly rising throughout the world today. It is truly amazing and even perplexing that nations like Japan, with virtually no Jews, is still quite anti-Semitic. In the Middle East, 870,000 Jews were expelled from all the Arab Moslem nations when Israel became a state. Most were forced out minus their property and wealth. These nations have few Jews left, yet their virulent hatred of the Jews burns hotter every year. Egypt has only a handful of Jews left, but is one of the most anti-Semitic nations on earth. Her papers are filled weekly with gross anti-Semitic articles and cartoons. All this is in spite of a so-called peace treaty with Israel. It has been said that Israel has now become the "world’s Jew." We soon realize that Anti-Israel sentiment and anti-Semitism are twins too identical to separate. Statisticians tell us that in the next few years most of the Jews on earth will live in Israel. This is sure to raise the level of the world’s hatred. As the writer Ron Rosenbloom put it, "The concentration of so many Jews in one place – and I use the word ‘concentration’ advisedly – gives the world a chance to kill the Jews en masse again." **The rapid growth of anti-Semitism is seen clearly in the UN. The tiny nation of Israel has much less than one-half of one percent of the world’s population, yet she takes up about a third of the UN’s time and energies, mostly resulting in condemnations. The UN still passes about thirty anti-Israel resolutions every year. The UN, who should be the paragon of fairness, has often openly supported Israel’s enemies. When Israel pushed into Lebanon in 1982 to root out the PLO, she was amazed to find the UN facility there being used as a terrorist training base. Such a thing has happened on more than one occasion. It was UN vehicles that were recently used in the Hizbullah kidnapping of three Israeli soldiers on the Lebanon border. The event was even filmed by a UN member.

There is nothing I would like to see more than the terrorist groups joining OWS. Whether islamic or just the cartels of mexico. The day they join the parasitic class will be a great day. A day of celebration. To join the democrats, the islamic terrorists, the cartels, and American parasites in one alliance! It would be magnificent.

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