Remember the Parents That Named Their Child Adolf?

So why are people in the US put in prison for plotting to overthrow the government?

See they had to present PROOF of the plot and of the individuals parts in the plot. It's called conspiracy to commit

No one was charged with merely being a member of a group

It's not a subtle difference
The UK presented proof of the plot and the individuals parts in the plot. Thats why they are in prison and you cant do anything to get them out. :rolleyes:
That's not what your article said

did you read it or were you too excited about the violation of people's rights to freedom of speech and association?

They were found guilty of nothing other than belonging to a group the British government didn't like
A group the British government HAD OUTLAWED.

And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association.

So you don't think people in other countries deserve the right to free speech or freedom of assembly either do you?

You should move to the UK because they don't like their citizens having rights either

"And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association."

So your claim is that no americans support racial profiling?
in your opinion , course they are all LEGAL in the USA same as the black panther , nation of islam and 'blm' Ace .
See they had to present PROOF of the plot and of the individuals parts in the plot. It's called conspiracy to commit

No one was charged with merely being a member of a group

It's not a subtle difference
The UK presented proof of the plot and the individuals parts in the plot. Thats why they are in prison and you cant do anything to get them out. :rolleyes:
That's not what your article said

did you read it or were you too excited about the violation of people's rights to freedom of speech and association?

They were found guilty of nothing other than belonging to a group the British government didn't like
A group the British government HAD OUTLAWED.

And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association.

So you don't think people in other countries deserve the right to free speech or freedom of assembly either do you?

You should move to the UK because they don't like their citizens having rights either
These groups have no right to exist. They are anathema. They hurt innocent people with their rhetoric and if they had a chance, with more than that. Don't give them a toe hold.

Of course they do

Unless you want to make it illegal to talk about things you disagree with
Looks like they were members of a hate group in England that is actually "banned". This group was actively attempting to provoke a race war in the UK. They are going to prison. Hopefully someone renames the child.

Couple who named baby after Hitler found guilty of membership of neo-Nazi group - CNN

I sure wish we could ban some of those assholes here. The Brits have sense.

So, you approve of free speech ONLY when you agree with it.
If that were the case, would I be here?
I vehemently DISAPPROVE of speech that advocates marginalizing, evicting or in any way disrespecting a group of people just because they're black or Jewish or Catholic or Muslim or gay. If this is a truly free country, we need to protect the rights of those groups, too, and show respect to ALL people. If hate groups cannot do that, I don't see why they should be permitted to get on a public soap box and spread their poison.

I do not know if you'd be here or not. However, I do know that, no matter how well intentioned you are, you are moving down a road to totalitarianism when you presume to limit speech based on such ideas. We do protect the rights of all those groups, but at the same time, we have to protect the rights of EVERY group, even hate groups. As long as they do not ACT on such beliefs, they should be free to say whatever they believe. Because if they cannot, then in the end, no one will be able to speak freely.
I will think on it, Hunarchy. And DTMB. Being tolerant of intolerance is very very hard for me, though.
I'm good where I am. I like making you frustrated. If I move you will feel like you won.

It makes me feel better to know these animals are in prison.
'You couldn't frustrate me if you tried

You are nothing but a minor amusement when I am bored
Proof of your frustration screams from every single one of your posts on this thread. :rolleyes:
Gee if disagreeing with you makes me frustrated then everyone you know must be frustrated

Tell me are you all for throwing a young black man in jail for belonging to a gang known to sell illegal drugs and commit murders even if that young black man didn't kill anyone or sell any drugs himself?

I mean if you're not going to be a hypocrite you must apply your guilt by association beliefs across the board right?
Its not the disagreement. Its the constant whining you do.

Why did you ask me this irrelevant question? We are talking about 2 racists that belong to a racist group and plotting to overthrow the government by starting a race war. Try again. :rolleyes:
It's not irrelevant

your entire argument is that if a person belongs to a group that merely talks about committing crimes he should be thrown in jail

what if a person belongs to a group that actually commits crimes?

Surely everyone in that group must also be thrown in jail
You arent too bright.

My argument is if you belong to a racist group and plotting to overthrow the government by starting a race war your ass deserves to be shot.
See they had to present PROOF of the plot and of the individuals parts in the plot. It's called conspiracy to commit

No one was charged with merely being a member of a group

It's not a subtle difference
The UK presented proof of the plot and the individuals parts in the plot. Thats why they are in prison and you cant do anything to get them out. :rolleyes:
That's not what your article said

did you read it or were you too excited about the violation of people's rights to freedom of speech and association?

They were found guilty of nothing other than belonging to a group the British government didn't like
A group the British government HAD OUTLAWED.

And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association.

So you don't think people in other countries deserve the right to free speech or freedom of assembly either do you?

You should move to the UK because they don't like their citizens having rights either
These groups have no right to exist. They are anathema. They hurt innocent people with their rhetoric and if they had a chance, with more than that. Don't give them a toe hold.

Wow, you are truly going down a dark path.
Of course you do which is why you should move there.

But if it makes you feel better I will write a stern E mail to the British government
I'm good where I am. I like making you frustrated. If I move you will feel like you won.

It makes me feel better to know these animals are in prison.
'You couldn't frustrate me if you tried

You are nothing but a minor amusement when I am bored
Proof of your frustration screams from every single one of your posts on this thread. :rolleyes:
Gee if disagreeing with you makes me frustrated then everyone you know must be frustrated

Tell me are you all for throwing a young black man in jail for belonging to a gang known to sell illegal drugs and commit murders even if that young black man didn't kill anyone or sell any drugs himself?

I mean if you're not going to be a hypocrite you must apply your guilt by association beliefs across the board right?
Its not the disagreement. Its the constant whining you do.

Why did you ask me this irrelevant question? We are talking about 2 racists that belong to a racist group and plotting to overthrow the government by starting a race war. Try again. :rolleyes:
---------------------------- they were jailed for being member of a group Ace .
See they had to present PROOF of the plot and of the individuals parts in the plot. It's called conspiracy to commit

No one was charged with merely being a member of a group

It's not a subtle difference
The UK presented proof of the plot and the individuals parts in the plot. Thats why they are in prison and you cant do anything to get them out. :rolleyes:
That's not what your article said

did you read it or were you too excited about the violation of people's rights to freedom of speech and association?

They were found guilty of nothing other than belonging to a group the British government didn't like
A group the British government HAD OUTLAWED.

And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association.

So you don't think people in other countries deserve the right to free speech or freedom of assembly either do you?

You should move to the UK because they don't like their citizens having rights either

"And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association."

So your claim is that no americans support racial profiling?


You see I don't hold conflicting views when it comes to rights.

You might be surprised that I am also against such policies as stop and frisk

Guilt by association is as bogus here as anywhere else but you seem to think it's a good thing so tell me are your views consistent?
The UK presented proof of the plot and the individuals parts in the plot. Thats why they are in prison and you cant do anything to get them out. :rolleyes:
That's not what your article said

did you read it or were you too excited about the violation of people's rights to freedom of speech and association?

They were found guilty of nothing other than belonging to a group the British government didn't like
A group the British government HAD OUTLAWED.

And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association.

So you don't think people in other countries deserve the right to free speech or freedom of assembly either do you?

You should move to the UK because they don't like their citizens having rights either
These groups have no right to exist. They are anathema. They hurt innocent people with their rhetoric and if they had a chance, with more than that. Don't give them a toe hold.

Of course they do

Unless you want to make it illegal to talk about things you disagree with
Yet you think maybe I should move to another country because you disagree with mine?
I'm good where I am. I like making you frustrated. If I move you will feel like you won.

It makes me feel better to know these animals are in prison.
'You couldn't frustrate me if you tried

You are nothing but a minor amusement when I am bored
Proof of your frustration screams from every single one of your posts on this thread. :rolleyes:
Gee if disagreeing with you makes me frustrated then everyone you know must be frustrated

Tell me are you all for throwing a young black man in jail for belonging to a gang known to sell illegal drugs and commit murders even if that young black man didn't kill anyone or sell any drugs himself?

I mean if you're not going to be a hypocrite you must apply your guilt by association beliefs across the board right?
Its not the disagreement. Its the constant whining you do.

Why did you ask me this irrelevant question? We are talking about 2 racists that belong to a racist group and plotting to overthrow the government by starting a race war. Try again. :rolleyes:
---------------------------- they were jailed for being member of a group Ace .

A racist group that was plotting to overthrow the government by starting a race war. This is a great thing. :rolleyes:
The UK presented proof of the plot and the individuals parts in the plot. Thats why they are in prison and you cant do anything to get them out. :rolleyes:
That's not what your article said

did you read it or were you too excited about the violation of people's rights to freedom of speech and association?

They were found guilty of nothing other than belonging to a group the British government didn't like
A group the British government HAD OUTLAWED.

And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association.

So you don't think people in other countries deserve the right to free speech or freedom of assembly either do you?

You should move to the UK because they don't like their citizens having rights either
These groups have no right to exist. They are anathema. They hurt innocent people with their rhetoric and if they had a chance, with more than that. Don't give them a toe hold.

Wow, you are truly going down a dark path.
That's pretty ironic, don't you think?
'You couldn't frustrate me if you tried

You are nothing but a minor amusement when I am bored
Proof of your frustration screams from every single one of your posts on this thread. :rolleyes:
Gee if disagreeing with you makes me frustrated then everyone you know must be frustrated

Tell me are you all for throwing a young black man in jail for belonging to a gang known to sell illegal drugs and commit murders even if that young black man didn't kill anyone or sell any drugs himself?

I mean if you're not going to be a hypocrite you must apply your guilt by association beliefs across the board right?
Its not the disagreement. Its the constant whining you do.

Why did you ask me this irrelevant question? We are talking about 2 racists that belong to a racist group and plotting to overthrow the government by starting a race war. Try again. :rolleyes:
It's not irrelevant

your entire argument is that if a person belongs to a group that merely talks about committing crimes he should be thrown in jail

what if a person belongs to a group that actually commits crimes?

Surely everyone in that group must also be thrown in jail
You arent too bright.

My argument is if you belong to a racist group and plotting to overthrow the government by starting a race war your ass deserves to be shot.

So it doesn't matter if a group commits any other crimes just if they are racist
The UK presented proof of the plot and the individuals parts in the plot. Thats why they are in prison and you cant do anything to get them out. :rolleyes:
That's not what your article said

did you read it or were you too excited about the violation of people's rights to freedom of speech and association?

They were found guilty of nothing other than belonging to a group the British government didn't like
A group the British government HAD OUTLAWED.

And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association.

So you don't think people in other countries deserve the right to free speech or freedom of assembly either do you?

You should move to the UK because they don't like their citizens having rights either

"And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association."

So your claim is that no americans support racial profiling?


You see I don't hold conflicting views when it comes to rights.

You might be surprised that I am also against such policies as stop and frisk

Guilt by association is as bogus here as anywhere else but you seem to think it's a good thing so tell me are your views consistent?
Then you are an idiot because many americans support racial profiling.
That's not what your article said

did you read it or were you too excited about the violation of people's rights to freedom of speech and association?

They were found guilty of nothing other than belonging to a group the British government didn't like
A group the British government HAD OUTLAWED.

And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association.

So you don't think people in other countries deserve the right to free speech or freedom of assembly either do you?

You should move to the UK because they don't like their citizens having rights either
These groups have no right to exist. They are anathema. They hurt innocent people with their rhetoric and if they had a chance, with more than that. Don't give them a toe hold.

Of course they do

Unless you want to make it illegal to talk about things you disagree with
Yet you think maybe I should move to another country because you disagree with mine?
No you disagree with the basic tenets this country was founded upon that is why you should leave so you can live in a country that stomps all over people's rights because you agree with that
That's not what your article said

did you read it or were you too excited about the violation of people's rights to freedom of speech and association?

They were found guilty of nothing other than belonging to a group the British government didn't like
A group the British government HAD OUTLAWED.

And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association.

So you don't think people in other countries deserve the right to free speech or freedom of assembly either do you?

You should move to the UK because they don't like their citizens having rights either

"And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association."

So your claim is that no americans support racial profiling?


You see I don't hold conflicting views when it comes to rights.

You might be surprised that I am also against such policies as stop and frisk

Guilt by association is as bogus here as anywhere else but you seem to think it's a good thing so tell me are your views consistent?
Then you are an idiot because many americans support racial profiling.

And many Americans support guilt by association

just like you

ergo I do not think you are a true American
Looks like they were members of a hate group in England that is actually "banned". This group was actively attempting to provoke a race war in the UK. They are going to prison. Hopefully someone renames the child.

Couple who named baby after Hitler found guilty of membership of neo-Nazi group - CNN

I sure wish we could ban some of those assholes here. The Brits have sense.

Would that include folks like Louis Farrakhan who call whites "white devils" and Jews "vermin", or does that only include the evil white racists?

Also, what of people like Megyn Kelly? Is she a racist for saying "black faced"?

Or what of Rosanne Barr?
Proof of your frustration screams from every single one of your posts on this thread. :rolleyes:
Gee if disagreeing with you makes me frustrated then everyone you know must be frustrated

Tell me are you all for throwing a young black man in jail for belonging to a gang known to sell illegal drugs and commit murders even if that young black man didn't kill anyone or sell any drugs himself?

I mean if you're not going to be a hypocrite you must apply your guilt by association beliefs across the board right?
Its not the disagreement. Its the constant whining you do.

Why did you ask me this irrelevant question? We are talking about 2 racists that belong to a racist group and plotting to overthrow the government by starting a race war. Try again. :rolleyes:
It's not irrelevant

your entire argument is that if a person belongs to a group that merely talks about committing crimes he should be thrown in jail

what if a person belongs to a group that actually commits crimes?

Surely everyone in that group must also be thrown in jail
You arent too bright.

My argument is if you belong to a racist group and plotting to overthrow the government by starting a race war your ass deserves to be shot.

So it doesn't matter if a group commits any other crimes just if they are racist
I dont know why you are having such a hard time understanding my sentence. What matters is what I said in this sentence. Dont make it hard. Just accept it as is.

"My argument is if you belong to a racist group and plotting to overthrow the government by starting a race war your ass deserves to be shot."
That's not what your article said

did you read it or were you too excited about the violation of people's rights to freedom of speech and association?

They were found guilty of nothing other than belonging to a group the British government didn't like
A group the British government HAD OUTLAWED.

And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association.

So you don't think people in other countries deserve the right to free speech or freedom of assembly either do you?

You should move to the UK because they don't like their citizens having rights either
These groups have no right to exist. They are anathema. They hurt innocent people with their rhetoric and if they had a chance, with more than that. Don't give them a toe hold.

Wow, you are truly going down a dark path.
That's pretty ironic, don't you think?

Not at all. If anything, it's very sad. EVERY murdering dictator in history, felt he was doing the right thing for his people by oppressing people who didn't agree with him. You want to use your opinion to deny basic human rights to people because you don't believe what they believe. That's evil, oldlady.
A group the British government HAD OUTLAWED.

And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association.

So you don't think people in other countries deserve the right to free speech or freedom of assembly either do you?

You should move to the UK because they don't like their citizens having rights either

"And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association."

So your claim is that no americans support racial profiling?


You see I don't hold conflicting views when it comes to rights.

You might be surprised that I am also against such policies as stop and frisk

Guilt by association is as bogus here as anywhere else but you seem to think it's a good thing so tell me are your views consistent?
Then you are an idiot because many americans support racial profiling.

And many Americans support guilt by association

just like you

ergo I do not think you are a true American
I thought you said no americans supported guilt by association. Cant you get your story straight?

"And no American would ever be in favor of guilt by association"

now this?

"And many Americans support guilt by association"

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