Religious Training In Public School?

So sad to see how deeply insecure some poor bastards are.
Yep. These religious people aren't satisfied with just holding their magical beliefs. They insist that they be validated and taught on the public dime and time.

Does your bigotry give you a false sense of control for a second or two?
Does mangling the word bigotry make you feel like you contributed, when you have nothing else to add?
Does mangling the word bigotry make you feel like you contributed, when you have nothing else to add?

Does practicing bigotry make YOU feel like you have contributed?
haha... sure, drama queen. I "practice" it. Someday I will do it for real!

Keep fooling yourself. You're not fooling anyone else.
They can play with their toys. All they like. I won't stop them. What more do you expect of me?

Facts are facts.

1.Many make the mistake of believing that religion is not allowed to be imparted, imposed, authorized, or even allowed, in public school. There could hardly be a greater misapprehension! Only one religion is strictly forbidden, and punished when observed, and that is the religion of our Founders, the Judeo-Christian faith.
Consulting the Merriam-Webster Dictionary will inform as to the definition of religion, including “a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.”
Most graduates of government school leave with a deep and abiding faith, one that is infused in school. It is a fairly recent version, Militant Secularism.

2. Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something, and Faith is the key in understanding what a religion is.
And faith
requires no proof or objective explanation. The simple proof that Militant Secularism is such a faith, simply ask any adherent….they will admit that they are if you use the phrase ‘Democrat’ in place of ‘Militant Secularist’… explain/defend several of the policies they voted for, and you will quickly ascertain that Democrats vote based on faith.

As questioning ones faith is not encouraged, most Democrats are unaware of their own conversion, and the less perceptive may even deny that they are of the religious cult of Militant Secularism.
Not even certain which of the denominations they belong to: communism, Fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism or socialism.

[You may try to suddenly ask “have you accepted the nomenklatura as your lord and savior?”]

3. In any case, the old saying, “reality is defined by actions, not by words” applies. Admitting membership or not, they behave as Militant Secularists.
Let’s see where that takes us. To begin, keep in mind that ‘power over others’ is a sacrament of the faith, and this translates to the need to erase the other religion from the public space.

4. “Militant Secularists On The March: Pushing To Dominate A Biden Administration’s Agenda Trump appointees were harassed for their Christian views — now the Left is looking to actively reverse all the religious freedom gains that Trump’s administration fought for.

Now, they are looking forward to the resumption of duties by the same partisans who fought literal nuns all the way to the Supreme Court over a birth control mandate and fought hard to rescind the religious refugee status granted to the Romeike family.

Believing they now have allies in positions of power, the militant secularists are now on the march, demanding a rollback of that emphasis on religious freedom protections."
Militant Secularists On The March: Pushing To Dominate A Biden Administration's Agenda

It hardly seems fair that only their religion deserves the protections of the Constitution, protections that they have worked assiduously to wear away.
But.....'fair' isn't a requirement of Militant Secularism.

"The State as God

A hallmark of the Left, from the French revolutionaries to our sexual “devolutionaries,” is the persecution of Christians. After all, the government can’t be the people’s highest power if God is. And Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would embrace this dark tradition with vigor, warn observers.

In contrast, one of President Trump’s many unrecognized accomplishments is that he has stood up for religious liberty more than perhaps any other modern commander in chief. Just consider, points out the Federalist’s John Daniel Davidson, the White House’s proclamation commemorating the 850th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury. Honored by both Anglicans and Catholics, he was murdered in 1170 A.D. by followers of King Henry II of England for refusing to make the church subservient to the state."

Facts are facts.

1.Many make the mistake of believing that religion is not allowed to be imparted, imposed, authorized, or even allowed, in public school. There could hardly be a greater misapprehension! Only one religion is strictly forbidden, and punished when observed, and that is the religion of our Founders, the Judeo-Christian faith.
Consulting the Merriam-Webster Dictionary will inform as to the definition of religion, including “a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.”
Most graduates of government school leave with a deep and abiding faith, one that is infused in school. It is a fairly recent version, Militant Secularism.

2. Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something, and Faith is the key in understanding what a religion is.
And faith
requires no proof or objective explanation. The simple proof that Militant Secularism is such a faith, simply ask any adherent….they will admit that they are if you use the phrase ‘Democrat’ in place of ‘Militant Secularist’… explain/defend several of the policies they voted for, and you will quickly ascertain that Democrats vote based on faith.

As questioning ones faith is not encouraged, most Democrats are unaware of their own conversion, and the less perceptive may even deny that they are of the religious cult of Militant Secularism.
Not even certain which of the denominations they belong to: communism, Fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism or socialism.

[You may try to suddenly ask “have you accepted the nomenklatura as your lord and savior?”]

3. In any case, the old saying, “reality is defined by actions, not by words” applies. Admitting membership or not, they behave as Militant Secularists.
Let’s see where that takes us. To begin, keep in mind that ‘power over others’ is a sacrament of the faith, and this translates to the need to erase the other religion from the public space.

4. “Militant Secularists On The March: Pushing To Dominate A Biden Administration’s Agenda Trump appointees were harassed for their Christian views — now the Left is looking to actively reverse all the religious freedom gains that Trump’s administration fought for.

Now, they are looking forward to the resumption of duties by the same partisans who fought literal nuns all the way to the Supreme Court over a birth control mandate and fought hard to rescind the religious refugee status granted to the Romeike family.

Believing they now have allies in positions of power, the militant secularists are now on the march, demanding a rollback of that emphasis on religious freedom protections."
Militant Secularists On The March: Pushing To Dominate A Biden Administration's Agenda

It hardly seems fair that only their religion deserves the protections of the Constitution, protections that they have worked assiduously to wear away.
But.....'fair' isn't a requirement of Militant Secularism.

There are several denominations under the Democrat's confirmed religion, Militant Secularism, and Democrat's in California are pushing yet another one of them.

This one has special appeal because it is based on human sacrifice.

"California proposes curriculum with chanting name of Aztec god who accepts human sacrifice

The California Department of Education has proposed an ethnic studies "model curriculum" that includes, among other things, chanting the names of Aztec gods ...

The chant starts with a declaration that "you are my other me" and "if I do harm to you, I do harm to myself." Before chanting the name of the Aztec god Tezkatlipoka, the text reads: "Seeking the roots of the truth, seeking the truth of the roots, elders and us youth, (youth), critical thinking through."

It adds: "Tezkatlipoka, Tezkatlipoka, x2 smoking mirror, self-reflection Tezkatlipoka."

Tezkatlipoka is the name of an Aztec god that was honored with human sacrifice. According to the World History Encyclopedia, an impersonator of Tezkatlipoka would be sacrificed with his heart removed to honor the deity.

In Aztec mythology, Tezkatlipoka is the brother of Quetzalcoatl, Huizilopochtli and Xipe Totec -- all of whom appear to be invoked in the proposed chant.

A portion read, "pulsating creation huitzilopochtli cause like sunlight, the light inside of us, in will to action’s what brings... Xipe Totek, Xipe Totek, x2 transformation, liberation, education, emancipation. imagination revitalization, liberation, transformation, decolonization, liberation, education, emancipation, changin’ our situation in this human transformation."

The only religion forbidden mention is the Judeo-Christian one.

You voted for this, Democrats.
Buddhists know that suffering is part of life.

Funny how so many atheists are so fond of pretending to understand Buddhism. The leftist forces of cultural decay in the West have been hammering away at the Judeo-Christian foundation upon which Western culture was built for so long that these lost little lambs have been conditioned to be embarrassed or even hostile toward Christianity in particular. These weak-minded drones feel pressured (the same way an insecure little child succumbs to peer pressure) to reject the culture and beliefs of their own families, and are left with a void they cannot understand. Many respond by grasping for a religious tradition that is 'foreign' enough to western secularists to be acceptable or even 'cool.' Of course they cannot understand said tradition enough to find the level of nourishment they have deprived themselves of, but it is just enough to keep their souls alive (though they could never admit to having one) and to pretend at cocktail parties to be 'spiritual,' but not of course "religious," which would expose them to ridicule among the unforgiving secular clergy.

So yeah, "insecure."
Trust none of what you hear and less of what you see. Wisdom comes from other places besides "religious leaders." I grew up in Jersey in the 60s, and, as a teenager I traded the wooden pews of the local Catholic church for the benches of Quaker meeting and a whole different meaning of the Christian faith.

Quackerism, eh?

Facts are facts.

1.Many make the mistake of believing that religion is not allowed to be imparted, imposed, authorized, or even allowed, in public school. There could hardly be a greater misapprehension! Only one religion is strictly forbidden, and punished when observed, and that is the religion of our Founders, the Judeo-Christian faith.
Consulting the Merriam-Webster Dictionary will inform as to the definition of religion, including “a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.”
Most graduates of government school leave with a deep and abiding faith, one that is infused in school. It is a fairly recent version, Militant Secularism.

2. Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something, and Faith is the key in understanding what a religion is.
And faith
requires no proof or objective explanation. The simple proof that Militant Secularism is such a faith, simply ask any adherent….they will admit that they are if you use the phrase ‘Democrat’ in place of ‘Militant Secularist’… explain/defend several of the policies they voted for, and you will quickly ascertain that Democrats vote based on faith.

As questioning ones faith is not encouraged, most Democrats are unaware of their own conversion, and the less perceptive may even deny that they are of the religious cult of Militant Secularism.
Not even certain which of the denominations they belong to: communism, Fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism or socialism.

[You may try to suddenly ask “have you accepted the nomenklatura as your lord and savior?”]

3. In any case, the old saying, “reality is defined by actions, not by words” applies. Admitting membership or not, they behave as Militant Secularists.
Let’s see where that takes us. To begin, keep in mind that ‘power over others’ is a sacrament of the faith, and this translates to the need to erase the other religion from the public space.

4. “Militant Secularists On The March: Pushing To Dominate A Biden Administration’s Agenda Trump appointees were harassed for their Christian views — now the Left is looking to actively reverse all the religious freedom gains that Trump’s administration fought for.

Now, they are looking forward to the resumption of duties by the same partisans who fought literal nuns all the way to the Supreme Court over a birth control mandate and fought hard to rescind the religious refugee status granted to the Romeike family.

Believing they now have allies in positions of power, the militant secularists are now on the march, demanding a rollback of that emphasis on religious freedom protections."
Militant Secularists On The March: Pushing To Dominate A Biden Administration's Agenda

It hardly seems fair that only their religion deserves the protections of the Constitution, protections that they have worked assiduously to wear away.
But.....'fair' isn't a requirement of Militant Secularism.
Religious extremists like you represent why religion in public schools is a terrible idea.

Facts are facts.

1.Many make the mistake of believing that religion is not allowed to be imparted, imposed, authorized, or even allowed, in public school. There could hardly be a greater misapprehension! Only one religion is strictly forbidden, and punished when observed, and that is the religion of our Founders, the Judeo-Christian faith.
Consulting the Merriam-Webster Dictionary will inform as to the definition of religion, including “a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.”
Most graduates of government school leave with a deep and abiding faith, one that is infused in school. It is a fairly recent version, Militant Secularism.

2. Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something, and Faith is the key in understanding what a religion is.
And faith
requires no proof or objective explanation. The simple proof that Militant Secularism is such a faith, simply ask any adherent….they will admit that they are if you use the phrase ‘Democrat’ in place of ‘Militant Secularist’… explain/defend several of the policies they voted for, and you will quickly ascertain that Democrats vote based on faith.

As questioning ones faith is not encouraged, most Democrats are unaware of their own conversion, and the less perceptive may even deny that they are of the religious cult of Militant Secularism.
Not even certain which of the denominations they belong to: communism, Fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism or socialism.

[You may try to suddenly ask “have you accepted the nomenklatura as your lord and savior?”]

3. In any case, the old saying, “reality is defined by actions, not by words” applies. Admitting membership or not, they behave as Militant Secularists.
Let’s see where that takes us. To begin, keep in mind that ‘power over others’ is a sacrament of the faith, and this translates to the need to erase the other religion from the public space.

4. “Militant Secularists On The March: Pushing To Dominate A Biden Administration’s Agenda Trump appointees were harassed for their Christian views — now the Left is looking to actively reverse all the religious freedom gains that Trump’s administration fought for.

Now, they are looking forward to the resumption of duties by the same partisans who fought literal nuns all the way to the Supreme Court over a birth control mandate and fought hard to rescind the religious refugee status granted to the Romeike family.

Believing they now have allies in positions of power, the militant secularists are now on the march, demanding a rollback of that emphasis on religious freedom protections."
Militant Secularists On The March: Pushing To Dominate A Biden Administration's Agenda

It hardly seems fair that only their religion deserves the protections of the Constitution, protections that they have worked assiduously to wear away.
But.....'fair' isn't a requirement of Militant Secularism.

There are several denominations under the Democrat's confirmed religion, Militant Secularism, and Democrat's in California are pushing yet another one of them.

This one has special appeal because it is based on human sacrifice.

"California proposes curriculum with chanting name of Aztec god who accepts human sacrifice

The California Department of Education has proposed an ethnic studies "model curriculum" that includes, among other things, chanting the names of Aztec gods ...

The chant starts with a declaration that "you are my other me" and "if I do harm to you, I do harm to myself." Before chanting the name of the Aztec god Tezkatlipoka, the text reads: "Seeking the roots of the truth, seeking the truth of the roots, elders and us youth, (youth), critical thinking through."

It adds: "Tezkatlipoka, Tezkatlipoka, x2 smoking mirror, self-reflection Tezkatlipoka."

Tezkatlipoka is the name of an Aztec god that was honored with human sacrifice. According to the World History Encyclopedia, an impersonator of Tezkatlipoka would be sacrificed with his heart removed to honor the deity.

In Aztec mythology, Tezkatlipoka is the brother of Quetzalcoatl, Huizilopochtli and Xipe Totec -- all of whom appear to be invoked in the proposed chant.

A portion read, "pulsating creation huitzilopochtli cause like sunlight, the light inside of us, in will to action’s what brings... Xipe Totek, Xipe Totek, x2 transformation, liberation, education, emancipation. imagination revitalization, liberation, transformation, decolonization, liberation, education, emancipation, changin’ our situation in this human transformation."

The only religion forbidden mention is the Judeo-Christian one.

You voted for this, Democrats.

"California proposes curriculum with chanting name of Aztec god who accepts human sacrifice”

But you’re fine with animal sacrifice in Christianity.
Buddhists know that suffering is part of life.

Funny how so many atheists are so fond of pretending to understand Buddhism. The leftist forces of cultural decay in the West have been hammering away at the Judeo-Christian foundation upon which Western culture was built for so long that these lost little lambs have been conditioned to be embarrassed or even hostile toward Christianity in particular. These weak-minded drones feel pressured (the same way an insecure little child succumbs to peer pressure) to reject the culture and beliefs of their own families, and are left with a void they cannot understand. Many respond by grasping for a religious tradition that is 'foreign' enough to western secularists to be acceptable or even 'cool.' Of course they cannot understand said tradition enough to find the level of nourishment they have deprived themselves of, but it is just enough to keep their souls alive (though they could never admit to having one) and to pretend at cocktail parties to be 'spiritual,' but not of course "religious," which would expose them to ridicule among the unforgiving secular clergy.

So yeah, "insecure."
View attachment 473581
Buddhism is non-theistic not atheistic .
Buddhists know that suffering is part of life.

Funny how so many atheists are so fond of pretending to understand Buddhism. The leftist forces of cultural decay in the West have been hammering away at the Judeo-Christian foundation upon which Western culture was built for so long that these lost little lambs have been conditioned to be embarrassed or even hostile toward Christianity in particular. These weak-minded drones feel pressured (the same way an insecure little child succumbs to peer pressure) to reject the culture and beliefs of their own families, and are left with a void they cannot understand. Many respond by grasping for a religious tradition that is 'foreign' enough to western secularists to be acceptable or even 'cool.' Of course they cannot understand said tradition enough to find the level of nourishment they have deprived themselves of, but it is just enough to keep their souls alive (though they could never admit to having one) and to pretend at cocktail parties to be 'spiritual,' but not of course "religious," which would expose them to ridicule among the unforgiving secular clergy.

So yeah, "insecure."
View attachment 473581
Buddhism is non-theistic not atheistic .
But no less a pile of magical nonsense, if read literally.
Buddhists know that suffering is part of life.

Funny how so many atheists are so fond of pretending to understand Buddhism. The leftist forces of cultural decay in the West have been hammering away at the Judeo-Christian foundation upon which Western culture was built for so long that these lost little lambs have been conditioned to be embarrassed or even hostile toward Christianity in particular. These weak-minded drones feel pressured (the same way an insecure little child succumbs to peer pressure) to reject the culture and beliefs of their own families, and are left with a void they cannot understand. Many respond by grasping for a religious tradition that is 'foreign' enough to western secularists to be acceptable or even 'cool.' Of course they cannot understand said tradition enough to find the level of nourishment they have deprived themselves of, but it is just enough to keep their souls alive (though they could never admit to having one) and to pretend at cocktail parties to be 'spiritual,' but not of course "religious," which would expose them to ridicule among the unforgiving secular clergy.

So yeah, "insecure."
View attachment 473581
Buddhism is non-theistic not atheistic .
But no less a pile of magical nonsense, if read literally.

and yet Buddhism does not acknowledge the existence of any gods. I always saw Buddhism as a philosophy not a religion.
Buddhists know that suffering is part of life.

Funny how so many atheists are so fond of pretending to understand Buddhism. The leftist forces of cultural decay in the West have been hammering away at the Judeo-Christian foundation upon which Western culture was built for so long that these lost little lambs have been conditioned to be embarrassed or even hostile toward Christianity in particular. These weak-minded drones feel pressured (the same way an insecure little child succumbs to peer pressure) to reject the culture and beliefs of their own families, and are left with a void they cannot understand. Many respond by grasping for a religious tradition that is 'foreign' enough to western secularists to be acceptable or even 'cool.' Of course they cannot understand said tradition enough to find the level of nourishment they have deprived themselves of, but it is just enough to keep their souls alive (though they could never admit to having one) and to pretend at cocktail parties to be 'spiritual,' but not of course "religious," which would expose them to ridicule among the unforgiving secular clergy.

So yeah, "insecure."
View attachment 473581
Buddhism is non-theistic not atheistic .
But no less a pile of magical nonsense, if read literally.

and yet Buddhism does not acknowledge the existence of any gods. I always saw Buddhism as a philosophy not a religion.

There are several different denominations of Buddhism, of course.
Buddhists know that suffering is part of life.

Funny how so many atheists are so fond of pretending to understand Buddhism. The leftist forces of cultural decay in the West have been hammering away at the Judeo-Christian foundation upon which Western culture was built for so long that these lost little lambs have been conditioned to be embarrassed or even hostile toward Christianity in particular. These weak-minded drones feel pressured (the same way an insecure little child succumbs to peer pressure) to reject the culture and beliefs of their own families, and are left with a void they cannot understand. Many respond by grasping for a religious tradition that is 'foreign' enough to western secularists to be acceptable or even 'cool.' Of course they cannot understand said tradition enough to find the level of nourishment they have deprived themselves of, but it is just enough to keep their souls alive (though they could never admit to having one) and to pretend at cocktail parties to be 'spiritual,' but not of course "religious," which would expose them to ridicule among the unforgiving secular clergy.

So yeah, "insecure."
View attachment 473581
Buddhism is non-theistic not atheistic .
But no less a pile of magical nonsense, if read literally.

and yet Buddhism does not acknowledge the existence of any gods. I always saw Buddhism as a philosophy not a religion.

There are several different denominations of Buddhism, of course.
Yes and some are more mystical than others.

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