Released Russia Probe Evidence Proving Dems / Schiff KNEW 'No Collusion' Drives Schiff Into Pathelogical Tirade


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Lying Psychotic Rep. Adam Schiff Releases
Statement Full of Lies Claiming President
Trump Sought Help From Russia and the

Ukraine – Pure Evil

US Representative Adam Schiff from California released a statement today along with documents from the House interviews with individuals related to the Russia Collusion scandal. For years and even today, Schiff claimed Trump worked with Russia. This horrible lie is now being put to bed as the truth finally comes out.

For years Schiff lied about personally having evidence of Trump collusion with Russia Even today Schiff continues to pathologically spew 'Russian Collusion Lies' as an overwhelming amount of undeniable evidence it was all a lie and Democrats like Schiff knew it.

Former FBI Lawyer Lisa Page testified under oath the FBI never found evidence of Trump collusion.

FBI documents confirm they never found evidence of collusion.

NIA Director James Clapper admitted 'No empirical evidence of collusion was ever found'.

FBI Deputy Director McCabe testified under oath that the FBI never found evidence of collusion.

The Weismann-Mueller report declared no collusion was found.

Schiff himself had to admit he lied for years=, that he did NOT personally have 'evidence of crimes committed by the president, evidence Mueller does not even have'.

This criminal SOB either needs to be committed to a mental hospital or sent to GITMO.

I want to see this scumbag seditious prick go to prison....


Like I have said numerous times, if Trump was Hitler like liberals profess, this asshole would be a grease spot.
Thank you Obama for being a jackass dumb Kenyan....thanks for planning and implementing the dumbest coup in world more community organizers for president okay America?.....
Thank you Obama for being a jackass dumb Kenyan....thanks for planning and implementing the dumbest coup in world more community organizers for president okay America?.....

He should be prosecuted, but he won’t.

Most corrupt POTUS in history.
Obama's influence and prestige is forever damaged.....he is being prosecuted in the minds of the American people.....dems may say differently in public but they too have lost respect for Obama and his presidency.....but the way to punish Obama is to not elect his dirty VP for president in November....
Didn't the conspiracy theory say that Schiff was supposed to be exposed and convicted as of yesterday?

I guess you'll have to trot out a new version of the conspiracy theory every day, to explain the total failure of each previous version. In the mind of the Trump cultist, Trumpism can not fail, it can only be failed by reality.
So how long does nothing have to happen before we can officially laugh?

We're laughing unofficially now, of course.
The documents just came out today...but already people are saying this is far worse than watergate.....
The documents just came out today...but already people are saying this is far worse than watergate.....

If it's so damning to the left, why did the White House delay the release for a year? The evidence would indicate the White House didn't want the information getting out. You might want to work on that angle for the next version of the conspiracy theory. Maybe say how Trump wanted to lure the Democrats into a trap, being that DearLeader is a genius playing 12-dimensional chess.

So, more Trump admin connections with Russia were revealed. Is that worse than Watergate? Hard to tell. We do learn that white supremacist leader and Putin-worshipper Bannon was having regular meetings with Nunes even after Bannon left the White House. That definitely needs more investigation. Why was Nunes having regular meeting with a white supremacist leader?
The documents just came out today...but already people are saying this is far worse than watergate.....

If it's so damning to the left, why did the White House delay the release for a year? The evidence would indicate the White House didn't want the information getting out. You might want to work on that angle for the next version of the conspiracy theory. Maybe say how Trump wanted to lure the Democrats into a trap, being that DearLeader is a genius playing 12-dimensional chess.

So, more Trump admin connections with Russia were revealed. Is that worse than Watergate? Hard to tell. We do learn that white supremacist leader and Putin-worshipper Bannon was having regular meetings with Nunes even after Bannon left the White House. That definitely needs more investigation. Why was Nunes having regular meeting with a white supremacist leader?
I never heard that the white house held up anything...the white house has nothing to do with this or what gets released and when unless its tied to national security or an on going investigation......but it allowed the Obama deep state to lynch themselves no pun intended....and no one worships Putin....stop with that its so yesterday....

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