Reduce true inequality and strife to grow the economy


Aug 9, 2016
Suppose there was an easy way to grow an economy, reduce true inequality and lessen economic strife. The idea would be simple, easy to implement, and just require a basic remodel of our current free-market capitalist economic system.

The solution: Stop being jerks to one another. Being jerks to one another stymies the economy and makes true inequality and economic strife worse. What kinds of effects could we see in the economy if we stopped being jerks to one another? The economy would grow, true inequality would be reduced and we would have less economic strife. It's that simple—well, maybe not that simple.

Before moving on a brief explanation of an economy may be helpful. Economies operates on three basic levels. The emotional level, it's about an individuals need to feel good while participating in their societies economy. The rational level, an individual decides how best to use their resources, or their money, in the economy to purchase the goods and services they need or want. And the together level, economies are how societies organize themselves from the bottom up, using markets—consumers and businesses—as a way of trading goods and services with one another.

So what is holding our economy back, causing true inequality and economic strife? Well, people may be either emotional or rational about economic issues—therein lies the rub. Unfortunately, those people who are primarily emotional about economic issues view the people who are primarily rational about economic issues as narrow minded and uncaring. Similarly, those people who are primarily rational about economic issues view the people who are primarily emotional about economic issues as narrow minded and whiney. So to quote the captain from the movie Cool Hand Luke, “What we've got here is...failure to communicate”. This failure to communicate with one another on an emotional and rational level is what is holds our economy back, causing true inequality and economic strife.

And how do you remodel a free-market capitalist economy to grow the economy, reduce true inequality and lessen economic strife? Two simple ways.

First, stop being jerks to one another—that's easier said than done. But all the emotional people need to remember is that a rational persons view of the economy is helpful; it provides a sense of direction for the economy. And all the rational people need to remember is that an emotional persons view of the economy is helpful; it reminds us all that our economy is made up entirely of people. Simply stated, people that are primarily emotional or rational about economic issues are not narrow minded, uncaring, or whiney, each just has a different view of the economy, and both views are essential for a healthy well balanced economy.

Second, introduce a new economic model into the society. Traditionally, people have equated economic models with their national economy and more complex issues such as GDP, inflation, and national debt. But the best way to understand an economic model is as a tool, it helps explain—and direct, an individuals and businesses behavior in an economy. When an economic model is utilized as a tool to look at things from the bottom up—at the together level, you can get an understanding of how consumers and businesses make decisions and then build upon that to investigate the more complex issues that will arise as a result of those interactions, such as how that economy is structured. And the best way to structure an emotional/rational societies economy is through the introduction of a new emotional/rational economic model, humanatapilism is that new economic model. I can hear you now, “What the heck is humanatapilism?” Don't worry a brief explanation is provided below.

Humanatapilism, pronounced Hu-MAN-ah-TAP-il-ism, is an emotional/rational economic model that approaches an economy at the together level—the level of individual consumers and businesses—and builds up to an understanding of how those individual consumers and businesses work together to create an emotional/rational economy. And working together to create an emotional/rational economy improves the quality of life of consumers, of businesses, and of our fellow human beings.

Okay, a quick recap on how to remodel a free-market capitalist economy for growth, true equality and less economic strife. First, stop being jerks to one another, Second, introduce a new emotional/rational economic model into the society, and finally, remember we're all in an economy together—so for God's sake let's all get along.

About the author: Aaron R. Lema is an economic realist, author of Unscrew Humanity & Improve Capitalism: Humanatapilism, and a severely battered graduate of The University of Hard Knocks.

Unscrew Humanity & Improve Capitalism: Humanatapilism, available at Aaron R. Lema: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle
Suppose there was an easy way to grow an economy, reduce true inequality and lessen economic strife. The idea would be simple, easy to implement, and just require a basic remodel of our current free-market capitalist economic system.

The solution: Stop being jerks to one another. Being jerks to one another stymies the economy and makes true inequality and economic strife worse. What kinds of effects could we see in the economy if we stopped being jerks to one another? The economy would grow, true inequality would be reduced and we would have less economic strife. It's that simple—well, maybe not that simple.

Before moving on a brief explanation of an economy may be helpful. Economies operates on three basic levels. The emotional level, it's about an individuals need to feel good while participating in their societies economy. The rational level, an individual decides how best to use their resources, or their money, in the economy to purchase the goods and services they need or want. And the together level, economies are how societies organize themselves from the bottom up, using markets—consumers and businesses—as a way of trading goods and services with one another.

So what is holding our economy back, causing true inequality and economic strife? Well, people may be either emotional or rational about economic issues—therein lies the rub. Unfortunately, those people who are primarily emotional about economic issues view the people who are primarily rational about economic issues as narrow minded and uncaring. Similarly, those people who are primarily rational about economic issues view the people who are primarily emotional about economic issues as narrow minded and whiney. So to quote the captain from the movie Cool Hand Luke, “What we've got here is...failure to communicate”. This failure to communicate with one another on an emotional and rational level is what is holds our economy back, causing true inequality and economic strife.

And how do you remodel a free-market capitalist economy to grow the economy, reduce true inequality and lessen economic strife? Two simple ways.

First, stop being jerks to one another—that's easier said than done. But all the emotional people need to remember is that a rational persons view of the economy is helpful; it provides a sense of direction for the economy. And all the rational people need to remember is that an emotional persons view of the economy is helpful; it reminds us all that our economy is made up entirely of people. Simply stated, people that are primarily emotional or rational about economic issues are not narrow minded, uncaring, or whiney, each just has a different view of the economy, and both views are essential for a healthy well balanced economy.

Second, introduce a new economic model into the society. Traditionally, people have equated economic models with their national economy and more complex issues such as GDP, inflation, and national debt. But the best way to understand an economic model is as a tool, it helps explain—and direct, an individuals and businesses behavior in an economy. When an economic model is utilized as a tool to look at things from the bottom up—at the together level, you can get an understanding of how consumers and businesses make decisions and then build upon that to investigate the more complex issues that will arise as a result of those interactions, such as how that economy is structured. And the best way to structure an emotional/rational societies economy is through the introduction of a new emotional/rational economic model, humanatapilism is that new economic model. I can hear you now, “What the heck is humanatapilism?” Don't worry a brief explanation is provided below.

Humanatapilism, pronounced Hu-MAN-ah-TAP-il-ism, is an emotional/rational economic model that approaches an economy at the together level—the level of individual consumers and businesses—and builds up to an understanding of how those individual consumers and businesses work together to create an emotional/rational economy. And working together to create an emotional/rational economy improves the quality of life of consumers, of businesses, and of our fellow human beings.

Okay, a quick recap on how to remodel a free-market capitalist economy for growth, true equality and less economic strife. First, stop being jerks to one another, Second, introduce a new emotional/rational economic model into the society, and finally, remember we're all in an economy together—so for God's sake let's all get along.

About the author: Aaron R. Lema is an economic realist, author of Unscrew Humanity & Improve Capitalism: Humanatapilism, and a severely battered graduate of The University of Hard Knocks.

Unscrew Humanity & Improve Capitalism: Humanatapilism, available at Aaron R. Lema: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

Capitalism is based on inequality of income. The world needs ditch diggers too.

You're paid based on what you're worth, which many people don't understand. Where I work people (non-supervisors) think they have "days" of where they're entitled to supervisor pay, because they normally do supervisor duties, even though sometimes a supervisor would come in in on their day off from work, almost like it's kindergarten or something, because they whine when the supervisor comes in and resumes their position at their normal pay rate. Apparently it's too hard to understand that if the supervisor is on duty, your net worth goes down as worker; thus, your paycheck will reflect that.

When people whine about inequality within capitalism, they look like a baby, simple as that.
...The solution: Stop being jerks...
From what I see people are not jerks, they're good. Most people that is, but there are some who are in fact. jerks.

Humans are distinguished from animals in that they make things, and virtually all production requires both labor and capital. There are many people who say that labor is by its very nature somehow morally superior to capital --they're morons. The fact that we don't see anyone in real life saying that capital's better than labor tells me that there are no capitalists. We only got 'laborists'.
...The solution: Stop being jerks...
From what I see people are not jerks, they're good. Most people that is, but there are some who are in fact. jerks.

Humans are distinguished from animals in that they make things, and virtually all production requires both labor and capital. There are many people who say that labor is by its very nature somehow morally superior to capital --they're morons. The fact that we don't see anyone in real life saying that capital's better than labor tells me that there are no capitalists. We only got 'laborists'.

I never said anyone had to stop being jerks so what the hell are you even talking about?

...I never said anyone had to stop being jerks...
You probably already know what the three periods mean--

An ellipsis (plural ellipses; from the Ancient Greek: ἔλλειψις, élleipsis, "omission" or "falling short") is a series of dots (typically three, such as "…") that usually indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning.
Ellipsis - Wikipedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaEllipsis

--so maybe we can drop the contest about which one of us is superior to the other and get back to whether 'inequality and strife' have something to do w/ what the Marx refereed to as "capitalism".

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