Reduce transgender suicide by not transgenderizing kids.

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Suicide among transgenders is very high compared to non-transgenders. There is zero evidence that gender affirming care or any other term you call altering the healthy body to fit the delusional mind has any positive benefit on the transgender suicide rate.

One of the reasons for the transgender suicide rate is the lack of acceptance of transgenderism. So, it would be important to stop doing things that prevent transgenderism from being accepted. There could be no better way to make people be anti-trans then to bring children into the transgender culture for the gratification of adults.

Obviously, that is going to cause a lot of anger as people feel very protective of children and don't want them to be hormonalized and mutilated because some adult thinks that's a good idea at the moment. Especially in the more extreme cases where radical transgenderizationist believe that children should be transgendered even against their parents' wishes.

In the 70s there was mild disgust and some amusement about "sex change" operations. They were fodder for "Marcus Welby M.D." and other silly dramas. I don't remember anybody being upset about those shows airing period everybody knew they were kind of fake period they depicted for example the Brady dad walking in as a man and a couple of days later walked out a woman.

But, go for the kids, and it will cause anger. For a lot of democrats, making normal people angry is what they live for.

Some of that anger will be expressed as general hostility to transgenderism and transgenders instead of hostility towards the people - often not transgender themselves - who want to use children in this way. Transgenders feel this hostility and it can combine with their mental disorder to drive them over the edge.

In other words to reduce transgender suicide, just leave them kids alone!
The suicides are mostly caused by not allowing transition. Of course, you don't care as you'd rather see them slit their throats then transition. We know what your agenda is all about. Transgenderism is a biological reality

Transgenderism is biological and can't be fixed with 2,000 year old witch doctor level crap!
if a child says they would kill themselves unless you did something for them you get them mental help not cut their dick off,,, just like you would if they wants a BMW for their birthday,,

and NO it is not biological,, its the opposite of that,,
Suicide among transgenders is very high compared to non-transgenders. There is zero evidence that gender affirming care or any other term you call altering the healthy body to fit the delusional mind has any positive benefit on the transgender suicide rate.

One of the reasons for the transgender suicide rate is the lack of acceptance of transgenderism. So, it would be important to stop doing things that prevent transgenderism from being accepted. There could be no better way to make people be anti-trans then to bring children into the transgender culture for the gratification of adults.

Obviously, that is going to cause a lot of anger as people feel very protective of children and don't want them to be hormonalized and mutilated because some adult thinks that's a good idea at the moment. Especially in the more extreme cases where radical transgenderizationist believe that children should be transgendered even against their parents' wishes.

In the 70s there was mild disgust and some amusement about "sex change" operations. They were fodder for "Marcus Welby M.D." and other silly dramas. I don't remember anybody being upset about those shows airing period everybody knew they were kind of fake period they depicted for example the Brady dad walking in as a man and a couple of days later walked out a woman.

But, go for the kids, and it will cause anger. For a lot of democrats, making normal people angry is what they live for.

Some of that anger will be expressed as general hostility to transgenderism and transgenders instead of hostility towards the people - often not transgender themselves - who want to use children in this way. Transgenders feel this hostility and it can combine with their mental disorder to drive them over the edge.

In other words to reduce transgender suicide, just leave them kids alone!
So there is mental transgenderism and physical transgenderism. Which one are you talking about?
Suicide among transgenders is very high compared to non-transgenders. There is zero evidence that gender affirming care or any other term you call altering the healthy body to fit the delusional mind has any positive benefit on the transgender suicide rate.

One of the reasons for the transgender suicide rate is the lack of acceptance of transgenderism. So, it would be important to stop doing things that prevent transgenderism from being accepted. There could be no better way to make people be anti-trans then to bring children into the transgender culture for the gratification of adults.

Obviously, that is going to cause a lot of anger as people feel very protective of children and don't want them to be hormonalized and mutilated because some adult thinks that's a good idea at the moment. Especially in the more extreme cases where radical transgenderizationist believe that children should be transgendered even against their parents' wishes.

In the 70s there was mild disgust and some amusement about "sex change" operations. They were fodder for "Marcus Welby M.D." and other silly dramas. I don't remember anybody being upset about those shows airing period everybody knew they were kind of fake period they depicted for example the Brady dad walking in as a man and a couple of days later walked out a woman.

But, go for the kids, and it will cause anger. For a lot of democrats, making normal people angry is what they live for.

Some of that anger will be expressed as general hostility to transgenderism and transgenders instead of hostility towards the people - often not transgender themselves - who want to use children in this way. Transgenders feel this hostility and it can combine with their mental disorder to drive them over the edge.

In other words to reduce transgender suicide, just leave them kids alone!
What about those poor STRAIGHT kids that suicide? Kids are kids. That's OK, though? Who cares about real kids without the gender politics? Liberals? Hardly. All libs are concerned about is using innocent children as collateral to push their narcissistic agenda. Libs, Trans and Democrats don't give a care about children.
Which state has the highest suicide rate?

By state
RankStateSuicide rate per 100,000 people
4New Mexico24

How Do We Decrease The Transgender Suicide Rate?

In a study presented to the American Academy of Pediatrics, research showed a 60% decrease in moderate and severe depression who received gender-affirming care.
Additionally, there was 73% decrease in suicidality among transgender youth and non-binary youth. A fantastic feat for a community with an alarmingly high transgender suicide rate.

The suicides are mostly caused by not allowing transition
Their is no evidence of that.
and being unaccepted.
No evidence, but common sense.
Of course, you don't care as you'd rather see them slit their throats then transition. We know what your agenda is all about. Transgenderism is a biological reality
No evidence of that.
Transgenderism is biological and can't be fixed with 2,000 year old witch doctor level crap!
Nor, do I advocate that.

So there is mental transgenderism and physical transgenderism. Which one are you talking about?
I'm not sure what you mean by "mental transgenderism" and "physical transgenderism."
What about those poor STRAIGHT kids that suicide? Kids are kids. That's OK, though?
No, of course not. They suffer from their own mental disorders. It's almost always depression which has very high co-morbidity with gender dyphoria. Which is why hormones and surgeries do not and cannot prevent their high suicide rate.
Who cares about real kids without the gender politics? Liberals? Hardly. All libs are concerned about is using innocent children as collateral to push their narcissistic agenda. Libs, Trans and Democrats don't give a care about children.
That is clear from their stance on abortion.

If a kid manages to make through a DeMAPcrat's birth canal without having a knife or saline, or hormone blockers (Mifepristone, the abortion pill) killing him or her, then the child transgenderization views them as fair game for at least the hormones and the knives. They'd use saline if it were need to pump up a boy's breast for those MAPs who prefer their underage tgirls to have big male boobs.
I am aghast at the logic of certain people. Um, Infanticide is acceptable. Suicide and life ending options in health care is acceptable. When straight children suicide, who cares? Trannies/Gays say-"So much to decrease the surplus breeder population". But when a tiny teensy tiny group of children align with the politically correct gender stars, ITS THE BLOODY END OF THE UNIVERSE! No, it isn't. Children and human lives are cheaply leveraged by cynical narcissists that don't give a shit about anything but themselves. Thats what that IS.
The suicides are mostly caused by not allowing transition and being unaccepted. Of course, you don't care as you'd rather see them slit their throats then transition. We know what your agenda is all about. Transgenderism is a biological reality

Transgenderism is biological and can't be fixed with 2,000 year old witch doctor level crap!

if a child says they would kill themselves unless you did something for them you get them mental help not cut their dick off,,, just like you would if they wants a BMW for their birthday,,

and NO it is not biological,, its the opposite of that,,
Suicide is classed as a mental health issue irrespective of what you have in your underwear -

Pretending its normal will make it worse. Ignoring reality never makes anything better, but lefties have to do it because their positions are so fucked up.
The suicides are mostly caused by not allowing transition and being unaccepted. Of course, you don't care as you'd rather see them slit their throats then transition. We know what your agenda is all about. Transgenderism is a biological reality

Transgenderism is biological and can't be fixed with 2,000 year old witch doctor level crap!
Your penis is the ACTUAL biological reality, dude.
The suicides are mostly caused by not allowing transition and being unaccepted. Of course, you don't care as you'd rather see them slit their throats then transition. We know what your agenda is all about. Transgenderism is a biological reality

Transgenderism is biological and can't be fixed with 2,000 year old witch doctor level crap!
50% suicide rate AFTER surgery, you lying dumbfuck
The suicides are mostly caused by not allowing transition and being unaccepted. Of course, you don't care as you'd rather see them slit their throats then transition. We know what your agenda is all about. Transgenderism is a biological reality

Transgenderism is biological and can't be fixed with 2,000 year old witch doctor level crap!
The suicides are mostly caused by reality reasserting itself ... transitioners spend money to create a facade, and while they may look like the opposite sex, reality disagrees with their feelings. Transgenderism is a mental health problem.

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