Zionist genocide in Israel

Please explain how systematically dropping 2,000 pound bombs on residential neighborhoods is any different than lining civilians up for execution by firing squad.
dropping leaflets warning the populace, making phone calls to warn people, using radio broadcasts o tell people what was going to happen, but Hamas, hiding among them needed them to stay so that they could cynically point out the presence of civilians.
Just as I've already posted declarations by 2 Jewish groups explaining how Israel is committing genocide and here's another Jewish group asserting the same thing:
so you post the opinions of btselem and a figure of speech of a politician which doesn't even mean what you want it to. Let me know when you have any actual relevant content.
Will you admit you got scammed? Just like so much of what you think you know.

Fact Check: Did UN Halve Gaza Death Toll?​

However, at a press conference on Monday, U.N. spokesperson Faran Haq said there had been no change in the overall number of fatalities but that new information had been shared about the number of deaths that had been formally and fully identified.

"The overall number of fatalities that's been tallied by the Ministry of Health in Gaza, which is our counterpart on dealing with the death tolls, that number remains unchanged and it's at more than 35,000 people since October 7," Haq said.

"What's changed is the Ministry of Health in Gaza has updated the breakdown of
fatalities for whom full details have been documented

"So what they recently published was that they gave figures for 24,686 out of 34,622 overall fatalities recorded in Gaza, and those 24,686 people are the ones for whom full details have been documented. In other words, people who have been fully identified

The Ruling



The number of deaths in Gaza reported by the U.N. has not been halved
Army major resigns over Biden's response to Israel
Fact Check: Did UN halve Gaza death toll?
I did not claim that the UN halved the death toll. I claimed that your post is inaccurate. Your post claims:

14,500 have been children and 9,500 women.

This is not accurate. The numbers of confirmed dead are 7797 children and 4959 women, as well as 1924 "elderly" (not defined, sex unknown). Yes, there is some number of "missing", but not confirmed dead.

My point is that Hamas (and the UN) deliberately inflate the numbers. You post the inflated numbers, because it suits your demonization of Israel.
As many times as your petty dishonest thinking tells you to. But it still doesn’t change my response which is that word clearly does not apply to Israel in this war.

You have not and never can demonstrate any ”intent” by Israel along those lines

You remain a pathetic abject filthy liar.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser" Socrates

Netanyahu's dwindling army of scripted shills are all starting to sound alike:

"anti Semite", "Jew hater", "Muzzie lover", "Nazi", and now "liar" and "retard".....

You can deny the obvious for as long as you like but what the Netanyahu regime is doing to the sick, homeless and hungry residents of Gaza is not only criminal and inexcusable, it will fuel anti Israel / anti Jewish sentiment for generations.

  1. “Genocide; definition:
“Genocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race. The term, derived from the Greek genos (“race,” “tribe,” or “nation”) and the Latin cide (“killing”), was coined by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-born jurist who served as an adviser to the U.S. Department of War during World War II.”
I did not claim that the UN halved the death toll. I claimed that your post is inaccurate. Your post claims:

This is not accurate. The numbers of confirmed dead are 7797 children and 4959 women, as well as 1924 "elderly" (not defined, sex unknown). Yes, there is some number of "missing", but not confirmed dead.

My point is that Hamas (and the UN) deliberately inflate the numbers. You post the inflated numbers, because it suits your demonization of Israel.

My point is that Hamas (and the UN) deliberately inflate the numbers. You post the inflated numbers, because it suits your demonization of Israel.

Do you think that anyone studying what the rational world is calling a genocide doesn't know that Zionists have inflated Jewish casualties for over a century?

- "167 newspaper and other references to "Six Million Jews" 1900-1945"


#165 1944 - Nahum Goldmann, Jewish Western Bulletin, December 8th, 1944: " ... apart from Jewish losses in combat service, 5,500,000 Jews have been killed in Germany and German-occupied tesritories [territories] since the outbreak of the awr [war]. These figures exceed the number anticipated even by the most pessimistic. ... Yes, the Germans murdered close to six million Jews ... "

#166 1944 - Ilya Ehrenburg, Soviet War News, December 22nd, 1944: "In the regions they seized, Germans killed all Jews, from the old folks to infants in arms. Ask any German prisoners why his fellow countrymen annihilated six million innocent people ... " CONTINUED

- "Dissecting IDF propaganda: The numbers behind the rocket attacks"

EXCERPTS "This is corroborated by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC),

Below is a list of all the fatalities of rocket and mortar attacks fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel in the entire history of these attacks. Throughout the years of rocket attacks into Israel, a total of 26 people have been killed altogether.

For 2008, it is unknown how the IDF transformed eight fatalities into fifteen.

After a full year of no Israelis being killed by rocket fire from Gaza, Israel had to invade Gaza, prompting the new killing of three Israeli civilians, which provides retroactive justification for the prompting itself.

Still, this is part of the story. As much as the IDF loves to play with numbers, there are certain numbers that it avoids, such as the numbers behind the artillery fire leveled against Gaza, which rivals the number of rocket attacks from Gaza."CONTINUED
You can deny the obvious for as long as you like but what the Netanyahu regime is doing to the sick, homeless and hungry residents of Gaza is not only criminal and inexcusable, it will fuel anti Israel / anti Jewish sentiment for generations.
Exactly right and just as this Jew has predicted…
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser" Socrates
And it applies very well.
Netanyahu's dwindling army of scripted shills are all starting to sound alike: "anti Semite", "Jew hater", "Muzzie lover", "Nazi", and now "liar" and "retard".....
It's true. It's really true! They all sound alike!
..... what the Netanyahu regime is doing ..... will fuel anti Israel / anti Jewish sentiment for generations.
Yes. The writing is already on the wall.
And it applies very well.

It's true. It's really true! They all sound alike!

Yes. The writing is already on the wall.
The Zionists here spout exactly the same points over and over again made by big media and US and Israeli governments, which proves conclusively state controlled media works on many. They are unchanged by the facts.

My list of genocide supporters on this forum has 76 names. I‘m guessing roughly 90% of members support Israel.
The Zionists here spout exactly the same points over and over again made by big media and US and Israeli governments ...
Responding to them is like having a discussion with Mortimer Snerd.
... which proves conclusively state controlled media works on many. They are unchanged by the facts.
Children are unable to see that but there is no excuse for adults.
My list of genocide supporters on this forum has 76 names. I‘m guessing roughly 90% of members support Israel.
I haven't counted mine but it is growing. It makes you wonder if they are achieving anything of worth. I guess they impress high school kids but that may change soon.
Do you think that anyone studying what the rational world is calling a genocide doesn't know that Zionists have inflated Jewish casualties for over a century?
so when confronted with
1. Evidence that your claim about what another poster said was inaccurate

2. Evidence that your underlying claim about numbers is in error

Instead of accepting information, or apologizing for misspeaking, you shift focus and say "well, others did it."

That's not really intellectually honest.
I did not claim that the UN halved the death toll. I claimed that your post is inaccurate. Your post claims:

This is not accurate. The numbers of confirmed dead are 7797 children and 4959 women, as well as 1924 "elderly" (not defined, sex unknown). Yes, there is some number of "missing", but not confirmed dead.

My point is that Hamas (and the UN) deliberately inflate the numbers. You post the inflated numbers, because it suits your demonization of Israel.

This is not accurate. The numbers of confirmed dead are 7797 children and 4959 women, as well as 1924 "elderly" (not defined, sex unknown). Yes, there is some number of "missing", but not confirmed dead.
so when confronted with
1. Evidence that your claim about what another poster said was inaccurate

2. Evidence that your underlying claim about numbers is in error

Instead of accepting information, or apologizing for misspeaking, you shift focus and say "well, others did it."

That's not really intellectually honest.
Anyone who is trying to defend Hamas and other Palestinian terrorism is not intellectually honest. Because they know that they're spread lies.
Anyone who is trying to defend Hamas and other Palestinian terrorism is not intellectually honest. Because they know that they're spread lies.

Hamas is part of Israel's strategy to prevent any 2 state solution ever.

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