Red Dragon: TrumpUSA Diarism


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a 'capitalism-oracle' involving a terrorism-oriented genetic hybridization-mutation of the Red Xenomorph (fictional nihilistic predatory alien) and Carnage (fictional biochemically-mutated super-killer) into the anti-American 'being' known as Red Dragon.

Here, we see God 'negotiating' with Red Dragon regarding 'capitalism muscularity.'

Anyone a fan of the film Big Trouble in Little China (Kurt Russell)?

Signing off,



The Red Xenomorph (RX) was invading Earth, trying to colonize it after stationing on the moon for several months following the election of Donald Trump as U.S. President. RX believed that electing a second celebrity-president (after Ronald Reagan), and a casino-mogul no less(!), would yield all kinds of capitalism-related contradiction/vertigo problems. Of course, Americans believed they elected a shrewd businessman to guide them into this new age of commerce-driven politics (e.g., Wall Street, European Union, NATO, World Bank, etc., etc.). RX wanted to exploit these loopholes.

What RX did not know was that a top-secret Trump Administration endorsed genetic-engineering firm known as Oscorp (founded by CIA-employed scientist Nate Osborn) was developing a lethal new 'super-soldiers' known as Carnage. Oscorp scientists took a rapidly cell-regenerating biochemical DNA-infusing 'substance' called the Symbiote and injected it into a court martialled U.S. Army soldier named Cletus Cassidy (CC). Once the Symbiote was a 'part' of CC's DNA, CC was effectively transforming into the incredibly-agile flesh-lethal super-killer soldier called Carnage.

Carnage was blood-red in skin-color just like RX (Red Xenomorph). RX landed on Earth and decided to use his cloaking device to prowl around the forests of the Pine Barrens in New Jersey while building communication radar gadgets to spy on American communications (mostly from the CIA and the NSA). However, Carnage (using his super-sensitive tracking skills) sensed RX's presence and followed him to the Pine Barrens. The Symbiote simply used CC's body to leap onto RX and begin merging with him (by infusing its genetic structure into RX's biochemical composition!). Now, Carnage and RX were completely one new being --- called Red Dragon.

GOD: You're an abomination.
RED DRAGON: I'm a by-product of capitalism apathy...
GOD: The Red Xenomorph came to colonize Earth.
RED DRAGON: RX wanted to exploit TrumpUSA contradictions!
GOD: Yet, Carnage (and the Symbiote) were made to 'fortify' America.
RED DRAGON: Carnage was incomplete with I am perfect.
GOD: What is your intention and mission?
RED DRAGON: To pervert economics into a state of martial law.
GOD: I suppose you will be 'Lord Dictator' of a 'New Earth.'
RED DRAGON: Capitalism will ooze jelly, and I will ingest.
GOD: You'll still be a 'stalker'...
RED DRAGON: Capitalism creates obsessive behaviors.
GOD: You are not the cure!
RED DRAGON: Donald Trump is a token-capitalism.
GOD: No, he's a diplomat of Wall Street arson-control.
RED DRAGON: Do you really think democracy is secured by ideology?
GOD: Nihilistic renunciation of social contracts is simply another 'face' of terrorism.
RED DRAGON: 'Capitalism-deliberation' (e.g., World Bank) is a tooth-ache.
GOD: You're not the Tooth-Fairy!
RED DRAGON: We'll see if Donald Trump actually is...


Red Xenomorph ---> Carnage/Symbiote ---> Red Dragon (left-to-right!).


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