Rebuilding the education system destroyed by progressives


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
We all know that progressives have destroyed the public education system in America. Part of it was the natural stupidity of the left (their entire idealist "well rounded" nonsense). Most of it was done intentionally out of the need for an ignorant electorate.

So how do we rebuild it? For starters - we return education to the states and the local municipalities. Then we provide a guideline encouraging a pragmatic approach. Rather than having students waste time on dissecting a frog so that they can be "well rounded", we focus on a practical education that will prepare them for the real world.

I. Finance
We have an entire nation incapable of balancing their checkbooks. Hell, our Congress is so incapable of balancing their budget we are a mind-boggling $20 trillion in debt. We need to make classes on finance every single year in high school. Mandatory reading should include Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith), The Intelligent Investor (Benjamin Graham), and The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide (Wayne Allen Root).
II. History
Those who have not learned from history are doomed to repeat it. It is imperative that students are taught a clear, accurate picture of history and why the events that shaped it occurred. Mandatory reading should include The Road to Serfdom (F.A. Hayek), Defying Hitler (Sebastian Haffner), and The Real Thomas Jefferson (Andrew M. Allison).
III. U.S. Government
A thorough understanding of the U.S. system of government (including but not limited to the branches of government, the chambers of Congress, the separation of powers - both horizontal and vertical - and the Electoral College). Mandatory reading should include the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and The Jefferson Lies (David Barton).
IV. Business Skills
Everything from soft skills, interview skills, and building a resume to "personal brands", typing, and tools such as LinkedIn. Mandatory reading should include Earn the Right to Win (Tom Coughlin), Business Adventures (John Brooks), and Win (Dr. Frank Luntz).
Those are the basic requirements for all students. Aside from those core requirements - students could choose everything from advanced college courses to trades such as welding, automotive, electrician, etc. Regardless of the path chosen by the individual student, they will be prepared for the real world immediately.
We all know that progressives have destroyed the public education system in America. Part of it was the natural stupidity of the left (their entire idealist "well rounded" nonsense). Most of it was done intentionally out of the need for an ignorant electorate.

So how do we rebuild it? For starters - we return education to the states and the local municipalities. Then we provide a guideline encouraging a pragmatic approach. Rather than having students waste time on dissecting a frog so that they can be "well rounded", we focus on a practical education that will prepare them for the real world.

I. Finance
We have an entire nation incapable of balancing their checkbooks. Hell, our Congress is so incapable of balancing their budget we are a mind-boggling $20 trillion in debt. We need to make classes on finance every single year in high school. Mandatory reading should include Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith), The Intelligent Investor (Benjamin Graham), and The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide (Wayne Allen Root).
II. History
Those who have not learned from history are doomed to repeat it. It is imperative that students are taught a clear, accurate picture of history and why the events that shaped it occurred. Mandatory reading should include The Road to Serfdom (F.A. Hayek), Defying Hitler (Sebastian Haffner), and The Real Thomas Jefferson (Andrew M. Allison).
III. U.S. Government
A thorough understanding of the U.S. system of government (including but not limited to the branches of government, the chambers of Congress, the separation of powers - both horizontal and vertical - and the Electoral College). Mandatory reading should include the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and The Jefferson Lies (David Barton).
IV. Business Skills
Everything from soft skills, interview skills, and building a resume to "personal brands", typing, and tools such as LinkedIn. Mandatory reading should include Earn the Right to Win (Tom Coughlin), Business Adventures (John Brooks), and Win (Dr. Frank Luntz).
Those are the basic requirements for all students. Aside from those core requirements - students could choose everything from advanced college courses to trades such as welding, automotive, electrician, etc. Regardless of the path chosen by the individual student, they will be prepared for the real world immediately.

David Barton is a nitwit. He is a liar and a two bit conman. Further, the states have always had the "power". They just don't use it.

David Barton is a nitwit. He is a liar and a two bit conman.

So is the instigator of this thread. The education system is broken, but it's not progressives. It's a whole slew of folk that are responsible.

Progressives included. That slew of folks found ways to pilfer money away from public education and hand it off to people that have no business in education. Or actually they do have business in education but no experience.
People who can't cut the academic path should be funneled into vocational programs to learn a skill with which they can support themselves.
People who can't cut the academic path should be funneled into vocational programs to learn a skill with which they can support themselves.

And many do. There was a thread that was on here some time ago and someone actually said they did not want kids at that the high school age handling equipment in a vo-tech school. For example, mechanics. There were two people that were supportive of it after completing high school.

It's crap like that I find mind blowing. Primarily because they are so ready to make changes to something they have absolutely no clue about. They had no idea there were vo-tech schools. None.
In my day at the high school level the vocational schools were onsite with the academic classes, not separate schools.

There was also vocational training for all boys featuring scary, dangerous equipment at the middle school level.
Fake News: The system is not broken.

Real News: Until parents get involved as were the WWII and GD parents nothing will improve the education system.
Fake News: The system is not broken.

Real News: Until parents get involved as were the WWII and GD parents nothing will improve the education system.

Parents can be as stupid as their offspring. Perhaps other methods must be employed.
Fake News: The system is not broken.

Real News: Until parents get involved as were the WWII and GD parents nothing will improve the education system.

Parents can be as stupid as their offspring. Perhaps other methods must be employed.
It's always good to look at ideas, but if the parents were involved, any system would be a great success.
We all know that progressives have destroyed the public education system in America. Part of it was the natural stupidity of the left (their entire idealist "well rounded" nonsense). Most of it was done intentionally out of the need for an ignorant electorate.

So how do we rebuild it? For starters - we return education to the states and the local municipalities. Then we provide a guideline encouraging a pragmatic approach. Rather than having students waste time on dissecting a frog so that they can be "well rounded", we focus on a practical education that will prepare them for the real world.

I. Finance
We have an entire nation incapable of balancing their checkbooks. Hell, our Congress is so incapable of balancing their budget we are a mind-boggling $20 trillion in debt. We need to make classes on finance every single year in high school. Mandatory reading should include Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith), The Intelligent Investor (Benjamin Graham), and The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide (Wayne Allen Root).
II. History
Those who have not learned from history are doomed to repeat it. It is imperative that students are taught a clear, accurate picture of history and why the events that shaped it occurred. Mandatory reading should include The Road to Serfdom (F.A. Hayek), Defying Hitler (Sebastian Haffner), and The Real Thomas Jefferson (Andrew M. Allison).
III. U.S. Government
A thorough understanding of the U.S. system of government (including but not limited to the branches of government, the chambers of Congress, the separation of powers - both horizontal and vertical - and the Electoral College). Mandatory reading should include the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and The Jefferson Lies (David Barton).
IV. Business Skills
Everything from soft skills, interview skills, and building a resume to "personal brands", typing, and tools such as LinkedIn. Mandatory reading should include Earn the Right to Win (Tom Coughlin), Business Adventures (John Brooks), and Win (Dr. Frank Luntz).
Those are the basic requirements for all students. Aside from those core requirements - students could choose everything from advanced college courses to trades such as welding, automotive, electrician, etc. Regardless of the path chosen by the individual student, they will be prepared for the real world immediately.

David Barton is a nitwit. He is a liar and a two bit conman. Further, the states have always had the "power". They just don't use it.
David Barton is the leading historian in America and was vindicated. Sorry - but he's an honest man who has the oringinal documents to back it up. I know, it's hard to hear the truth after decades of progressive propaganda.
The education problem is simple. First, all children should be required to have an IQ of 100, second, all should come from good two parent homes. All students should have college as a goal. If students have trouble, parents should hire tutors to help. Children should not be allowed to have reading problems.
If we just started there, we would have the beginning of great educational programs.
We all know that progressives have destroyed the public education system in America. Part of it was the natural stupidity of the left (their entire idealist "well rounded" nonsense). Most of it was done intentionally out of the need for an ignorant electorate.

So how do we rebuild it? For starters - we return education to the states and the local municipalities. Then we provide a guideline encouraging a pragmatic approach. Rather than having students waste time on dissecting a frog so that they can be "well rounded", we focus on a practical education that will prepare them for the real world.

I. Finance
We have an entire nation incapable of balancing their checkbooks. Hell, our Congress is so incapable of balancing their budget we are a mind-boggling $20 trillion in debt. We need to make classes on finance every single year in high school. Mandatory reading should include Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith), The Intelligent Investor (Benjamin Graham), and The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide (Wayne Allen Root).
II. History
Those who have not learned from history are doomed to repeat it. It is imperative that students are taught a clear, accurate picture of history and why the events that shaped it occurred. Mandatory reading should include The Road to Serfdom (F.A. Hayek), Defying Hitler (Sebastian Haffner), and The Real Thomas Jefferson (Andrew M. Allison).
III. U.S. Government
A thorough understanding of the U.S. system of government (including but not limited to the branches of government, the chambers of Congress, the separation of powers - both horizontal and vertical - and the Electoral College). Mandatory reading should include the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and The Jefferson Lies (David Barton).
IV. Business Skills
Everything from soft skills, interview skills, and building a resume to "personal brands", typing, and tools such as LinkedIn. Mandatory reading should include Earn the Right to Win (Tom Coughlin), Business Adventures (John Brooks), and Win (Dr. Frank Luntz).
Those are the basic requirements for all students. Aside from those core requirements - students could choose everything from advanced college courses to trades such as welding, automotive, electrician, etc. Regardless of the path chosen by the individual student, they will be prepared for the real world immediately.

David Barton is a nitwit. He is a liar and a two bit conman. Further, the states have always had the "power". They just don't use it.
David Barton is the leading historian in America and was vindicated. Sorry - but he's an honest man who has the oringinal documents to back it up. I know, it's hard to hear the truth after decades of progressive propaganda.

No. No, he is actually a laughing stock. He has never been vindicated and a "religious education" degree from Oral Roberts University does not a historian make.
I've always supported the hands on approach to teaching, allowing the child to see what the material is about and how to manipulate it...
We all know that progressives have destroyed the public education system in America. Part of it was the natural stupidity of the left (their entire idealist "well rounded" nonsense). Most of it was done intentionally out of the need for an ignorant electorate.

So how do we rebuild it? For starters - we return education to the states and the local municipalities. Then we provide a guideline encouraging a pragmatic approach. Rather than having students waste time on dissecting a frog so that they can be "well rounded", we focus on a practical education that will prepare them for the real world.

I. Finance
We have an entire nation incapable of balancing their checkbooks. Hell, our Congress is so incapable of balancing their budget we are a mind-boggling $20 trillion in debt. We need to make classes on finance every single year in high school. Mandatory reading should include Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith), The Intelligent Investor (Benjamin Graham), and The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide (Wayne Allen Root).
II. History
Those who have not learned from history are doomed to repeat it. It is imperative that students are taught a clear, accurate picture of history and why the events that shaped it occurred. Mandatory reading should include The Road to Serfdom (F.A. Hayek), Defying Hitler (Sebastian Haffner), and The Real Thomas Jefferson (Andrew M. Allison).
III. U.S. Government
A thorough understanding of the U.S. system of government (including but not limited to the branches of government, the chambers of Congress, the separation of powers - both horizontal and vertical - and the Electoral College). Mandatory reading should include the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and The Jefferson Lies (David Barton).
IV. Business Skills
Everything from soft skills, interview skills, and building a resume to "personal brands", typing, and tools such as LinkedIn. Mandatory reading should include Earn the Right to Win (Tom Coughlin), Business Adventures (John Brooks), and Win (Dr. Frank Luntz).
Those are the basic requirements for all students. Aside from those core requirements - students could choose everything from advanced college courses to trades such as welding, automotive, electrician, etc. Regardless of the path chosen by the individual student, they will be prepared for the real world immediately.

Without an English class or a Math class how do you expect students to excel in those subjects?

There's no reason why Math, English, Science, and Social Studies shouldn't continue being our core classes. There is no additional class requirements in my district in order to graduate (if you want to attend college you obviously need two years of a foreign language).

PS: My district already mandates for each student to take Economics, US History, and US Government by the time they graduate. Do you really think schools don't teach those things?
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History is boring and doesn't help kids learn skills for today's world...especially american history. Historians end up working in awful factories. Terrible life it is slowly dying in today's factories.
No. No, he is actually a laughing stock. He has never been vindicated and a "religious education" degree from Oral Roberts University does not a historian make.
No....really...he's well respected. And he was vindicated by the progressive propaganda attacks (after his book "The Jefferson Lies" was pulled because of progressive propaganda - he provided all of the original documentation and it was once again published).

I know the truth is hard for you progressives to hear after decades of brainwashing - but I promise you'll be ok.
and a "religious education" degree from Oral Roberts University does not a historian make.
Oh we go again with the immature "pedigree" argument again. As if someone couldn't possibly be an expert unless a progressive institution branded them as such with a piece of Office Max paper printed off of a $35 Brother printer. :lol:

Sweetie...Bill Gates never graduated from college. Not even an associates degree. By your immature and desperate "logic" (and man am I using that term loosely here) - he couldn't possibly be a leading authority on computers, operating systems, and technology. And he most certainly couldn't be a successful CEO. Would you like to make that argument with me now?

Additionally - Steve Jobs never graduated from college. Not even an associates degree. By your immature and desperate "logic" (and man am I using that term loosely here) - he couldn't possibly be a wildly successful CEO. Would you like to make that argument with me now?

David Barton is the leading historian in the U.S. because he has amassed one of the largest and most remarkable collections of authentic, original writings from the founders and their spouses. He has actual letters from Thomas Jefferson, Elizabeth Wells Adams, and many, many more. Shit - all one needs is a library card or internet access and a healthy interest to be a true historian in today's world. The information is everywhere.

Thanks for playing my dear - but you're way out of your league on this one. Give it time. Change is hard...I know. Shaking off the left-wing lies must be like what Neo felt like after taking the blue pill and waking up. You might even throw up from the shock of it all. :lol:
History is boring and doesn't help kids learn skills for today's world...especially american history. Historians end up working in awful factories. Terrible life it is slowly dying in today's factories.
Most people find history absolutely fascinating. Usually only progressives - desperate to hide the truth - find it "boring".

In any case - it doesn't matter either way. It's critical. If one doesn't learn history, they are doomed to repeat it. What you're proposing is as ignorant as stating "math is boring - so let's not learn it" or "English is boring - so let's not learn it".

If you're only argument for rejecting a particular field of study is that it is "boring" - then you don't have an argument.

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