Really, GOP?

Bush got lucky that none of the attacks planned after 9.11 worked.

See how easy that was?

Bush got lucky?

I seem to remember that there were plenty of attacks after 9/11 that were successful, only one of which was directed at the US..
There were plenty of attacks directed at US soil during the Clinton years as well. Remind me again: How many succeeded?

There have been several plots uncovered since Obama took office. Remind me again: How many succeeded?

If you can point out where I said anything against Clinton I might decide to address your idiotic question.
The problem is that the GOP stalwart issue of National Security will be further eroded by this (on top of 8 years of Iraq) and that drives them batshit crazy.

To be clear, I think Obama deserves credit for his role in the matter, which is authorizing a ballsy raid into a potentially hostile country which, had it failed or had Pakistan scrambled the jets and shot down the helicopters, would have probably cost him re-election.

That's it. After that, the intel piece goes to the CIA, and the tactical piece goes to the guys on the ground.

The fact is, Obama did his job. He deserves credit for that.

You think it was ballsy because Pakistan might have shot down the helicopters? Does that mean you actually believe the White House line about them not discussing this with Pakistan? Can you explain how we managed to fly two helicopters into the middle of a military garrison and conduct a hour long raid on a private compound without anyone responding, including the local police?

Who said the local police didn't respond?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that local police would have decided to let the operation continue when 40 heavily armed Navy Seals approached in stealth helicopters that had more firepower than the entire police force had ever seen.

You are talking about a police force that has RPGs and routinely goes up against Al Qaeda, yet they did not even fire a single shot. Are you saying they were scared by a 20, not 40, that managed to crash a helicopter? Not to mention that the local Pakistani Army base was right there, making heavy weapons readily available. Yet, not only did they manage to fly into the city, conduct a firefight, they stayed there long enough to gather all the electronics in the compound, destroy the crashed chopper, and flew out of the country. All without a single Pakistani military member firing a single shot at them, despite the fat that the entire raid was Tweeted live by a guy that heard the whole thing.

Those Pakistanis must be incredibly idiotic and incompetent.
How has he managed to keep us safe for 4 Whole years while only being in office for 20 months? Amazing?

Sure, He got Osama. 1 Good Decision does not make up for poor decision after poor decision. Besides Killing Bid Laden is the Culmination of years of work, much of which would not have even been possible had Obama had his way on issues like Gitmo, and Black sites. You guys want to pin all the Credit on Obama like he is some super hero that is the sole reason we found and killed Osama.

You can try, but Average Americans wont buy it. Obama gets props for making a tough decision to act, and to send in Commandos, but he does not get sole credit for "getting bin Laden"

I also give him major props for the shoot to kill Order I assume he issued. I always said if we find him, We can not take him alive. We can not stand for some show trial where he can make his case to the world. We could not chance liberals trying to make us give him a trail. He needed to be put down, Obama understood it, and took care of business.

If not for him choosing to then dump the body and not show the world conclusive Proof I would call it a home run.

Ditto CM. Years of work is right. Barry handled the endgame. Don't get me wrong. I give Barry high marks for making the decision to kill that dirtbag its just to bad he won't release the pictures.

I was watching Bill the other night and he had a man named Thesson. Thesson had been a speechwriter for Bush. According to him right before Bush left office he was speaking to him about what was in place for the protection of the country. He was worried that whoever was coming in to replace Bush would dismantle it all. According to Thesson Bush told him he wasn't worried about it. Thesson asked him why and Bush replied, "Because he will know what I know."

Bush did keep this country safe for 7 years. No ifs ands or buts about it. Facts are facts.

I love the oft-repeated "Bush kept this country safe for 7 years!".

Nevermind that he was president for 8 years, not 7. and that one year cons always leave out? The worst attack on US soil in history.

Funny how you liberals leave out how that Attack was being planned and plotted and trained for, for several Years before bush under a guy named Clinton.

9/11 Happened on Bushes watch and nobody denies it.

He, and the Previous Administration failed to predict, and stop 9/11.

However After the Attack Bush took steps which indeed helped keep us safe for all these years since, and helped lead to the killing of Bin Laden. As well as the Killing or Capture of Countless Thousands of Al Qeada Members.

You guys look like fools trying to simultaneously Give Obama to much credit, while Denying Bush Any. Partisan Hack fools the lot of ya.

For Years now it was Liberals telling us Osama was not even Important anymore. Until the Day he was Killed Even obama his self downplayed Osama claiming he was no longer in charge, and only a figure head. Now all of the sudden you fucking idiots want to act like Obama just ended our Problems with Terrorism single handed. Osama will be held up as a martyr and Giving him a half assed Muslim Burial will do nothing to stop that. Denying the World Proof of his demise will however feed the legend.

What I would have done is ask for Diplomats, and Doctors from Many Nations to come and independently verify it was Osama. Took the least Graphic Picture I could get to release to the world, and then Give him his damn Burial. By Dumping the Body so quickly at sea, Obama has created a legend. A story that will never end. In Many Muslims eyes Osama will never be dead. he will always be out there waiting to either join them in the fight, or Kill them. Depending on which Muslims you ask. Refusing to even release pictures is like Dumping Gas on the fire of doubt that was already burning around the world.

It just floors me that you Liberals. Who would have Demanded proof had the exact same events happened under Bush. Are sitting here willing to take The Word of a president who has on several occasions in the past been caught lying to us all. It's is just amazing to me. You are seriously sitting here now telling us, the same thing some far right loons said after 9/11 when the patriot act passed, and all the buzz was about wire taps, secret prisons etc. You are actually telling us we need to just trust the government.

To fucking funny.

Show the world proof, put the myth to bed. Be done with it. We are not going to curry any favor by not showing it, we didn't curry any favor by attempting to give him a proper Islamic Burial (fucked it up anyways). What The Vast Majority of Moderate, Peaceful, Allah Fearing Muslims in the world want is to see with their own eyes that that monster, who stained and tainted their honorable Religion with Terrorism, is actually gone.

The Ironic Thing is I actually think the main Reason he is refusing to release proof, is fear of any attempt at Legal Action. Dems have been saying for years this is not a war, that People like Osama should be treated like Criminals and not as Enemy combatants. Now I think Obama is worried that could bite him in the ass after having seemingly ordered that Osama not be taken alive. The Truth of course is this is a war, and we have a congressional Resolution that authorizes any and all military action to protect the US from Attack. Killing Osama is clearly legal as an act of war as governed by the laws of armed conflict, But like I said, Liberals including Obama have been claiming for years that it should not be that way. Guess Obama thinks it is ok as long as he is the one giving the kill orders. Who knows, I am just happy he gave it.
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President Barack Obama’s leadership on national security was attacked by potential Republican challengers in the primary season’s first debate

He kept us safe for four years and caught bin Laden. You should love this guy

Or is there another problem?

The Republicans are idiots.

The only thing they care about is worshiping their masters, the oil companies, the coal companies, and Wall Street.

I knew Obama would get Bin Laden because Obama is smarter than Bush the Lesser.

We should love a guy that is alienating the intellectual elite in Europe?

Obama’s fickle European fans - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Aren't we supposed to hate people that do that? Does that only apply if the last name is Bush?

What, besides alienating the entire world, am I supposed to admire about Obama's foreign policy?

Wow -takes so little to please some people who SUDDENLY find themselves supporting someone who essentially continued Bush's foreign policies! Except when it was Bush, the guy was supposedly pure EVIL, a DUMMY, STUPID, a MORON for these policies. But now Democrats want to pretend Obama pretty much continuing them without much change represents ...what?

The American people are not the simplistic morons the left loves to pretend they must be -convinced they are so stupid as to totally forget Obama's domestic policies they truly despise and would be silly enough to re-elect Obama because ONE MAN was killed? Are you kidding? Obama got a boost in his approval rating for his handling of Bin Laden's killing but his approval rating for his domestic policies is unchanged and abysmal. So apparently Americans can be glad he gave the kill order and give him credit for that -at the very same time they have the ability for much more complex thinking skills than the left gives them credit for! Which is why 56% of Americans approve of his handling of Bin Laden killing but only 43% approve of his domestic policies which didn't change one bit after the Bin Laden killing. I think that means Americans don't see a connection between him ordering the killing of Bin Laden with those dreadful domestic policies they still hate, huh.

The bump in approval ratings is temporary and it won't get him re-elected and will end up being totally irrelevant to the process. If you doubt that just remember George H.W. Bush who had a 90% approval rating for his handling of the Gulf War -but couldn't get himself re-elected just 10 months later. Americans tend to be much less forgiving when they can see their own standard of living decline as the result of a President's policies. Which means they can agree he did something right -but still not believe he deserves to be re-elected. This man does not deserve to be re-elected and I doubt he will.

No President has ever been re-elected to a second term when unemployment was above 7.5%. Gas prices have increased every single week for 7 weeks now -during which time they increased every single day for 34 consecutive days! Unheard of. Gas prices are now more than double what they were when Obama took office not even 2 1/2 years ago. Liberals bitched nonstop about how much gas prices rose under Bush which was NOTHING compared to this. They rose less than 25% under Bush compared to the 120% they have risen under Obama in less than 2 1/2 years -and no end in sight. It is HURTING REAL PEOPLE and the people being hurt the most are the poorest among us and the middle class Democrats always PRETEND to be so concerned about but in reality their policies end up harming. Higher energy prices force the price up for EVERYTHING we consume -bread, meat, clothing, housing, heating and air conditioning - and the only way Obama intends to combat it is by printing off more money -making YOUR dollar worth less and everything cost even MORE. His policies are targeting our standard of living!

Do you think the families and victims at Ft. Hood believe they were kept safe when dozens of red flags were ignored that the guy was a dangerous terrorist sympathizer and IN CONTACT WITH KNOWN FOREIGN TERRORISTS? How about the passengers on the Christmas day flight who survived only because the terrorist failed to detonate his bomb -and NOT as the result of any "policy" that caught this guy in advance -and in spite of the fact his own father told US authorities his son was dangerous! How about the people of New York City when the guy failed to detonate his car bomb in Times Square -and it was only pure LUCK no one was killed. Think they see that was really the result of Obama keeping us "safe"? If that's all it takes to satisfy YOU -then you have to be a liberal who are notoriously short on critical thinking skills and even silly enough to suggest the fact the joint efforts of the CIA and Navy Seals to finally find and kill Bin Laden would magically make everyone forget about the very real economic pain they are feeling as the result of Obama's policies and would actually re-elect this guy so he can continue doing it!

"Intellectual elite" of Europe? Really? What a snobby, elitist and nauseating phrase. Not one that carries any weight with average Americans and is only something that matters to elitist liberals anyway. Europe is undeniably in decline -it has lost influence, wealth and power and for very identifiable reasons. If anything we should identify the "intellectual elite" responsible for it and avoid them like the plague.
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The Republicans are idiots.

The only thing they care about is worshiping their masters, the oil companies, the coal companies, and Wall Street.

I knew Obama would get Bin Laden because Obama is smarter than Bush the Lesser.

That kind of utter tripe works for you? REALLY? You are that much of a moron you think you can dismiss all policy positions of Republicans both domestic and foreign by the STUPID claim they love worshiping OIL COMPANIES, coal companies and Wall Street? And that explains the Democrats policies in your mind in light of that dumb ass statement, does it? ROFLMAO! I think that says more about your own lack of IQ, lack of any intellectual honesty and inability to intelligent debate and discuss issues than it says a fucking thing about Republicans.

It would be like me claiming Democrats just want everyone to become lazy, dependent slugs dependent on government handouts and inflict punitive taxes on anyone with any intelligence, ambition, drive and as a result are successful. Because the left despises, hates and envies those who have a real life instead of existing as a parasite on the system. Only difference is - I think I could make a much better case for that than you ever could for the stupid crap you said! LOL

As for believing Obama got Bin Laden because he's "smarter" than Bush. ROFL! What alternate reality are you occupying at this time? Let's be real here, ok? There would be no way to get him if Bush hadn't put in all the groundwork in the first place. Obama was the beneficiary of what Bush did -who is the one who not only spent years building it up, but took all the heat for it. Obama just walked in and was handed it which he then just continued with. Not tearing down what Bush literally spent YEARS building up doesn't make him "smarter" than Bush -it means he didn't have any policy in that area in the first place. Obama is THE single most unqualified person to even run for President in over a century -he wouldn't have a clue what to change because he had zero experience in ANY OF IT. Which is why he pretty much continued with all of Bush's foreign policies -minus the stupid trip around the world apologizing for the fact the US wasn't some backwater third world country everyone else in the world wishes we were. Oh he made a big production about signing a MEANINGLESS presidential executive ordering the closing of Gitmo before the end of his first year. How's that working out? But hey, for a liberal superficial appearance takes priority over anything of substance anyway, right? LOL

Your own words reveal you are an ideologue and as such, you are incapable of any intellectual honesty and your thinking is in fact IRRATIONAL and therefore untrustworthy entirely.
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President Barack Obama’s leadership on national security was attacked by potential Republican challengers in the primary season’s first debate

He kept us safe for four years and caught bin Laden. You should love this guy

Or is there another problem?

The Republicans are idiots.

The only thing they care about is worshiping their masters, the oil companies, the coal companies, and Wall Street.

I knew Obama would get Bin Laden because Obama is smarter than Bush the Lesser.
The only thing that doesn't equally describe democrats, or more specifically this president, is Coal

I knew Obama would get Osama because he couldn't have *another* lunatic fringe group led by someone with such a similar name
I'd have thought you'd realize that there are more issues than national security...


President Barack Obama’s leadership on national security was attacked by potential Republican challengers in the primary season’s first debate

He kept us safe for four years and caught bin Laden. You should love this guy

Or is there another problem?

The Republicans are idiots.

The only thing they care about is worshiping their masters, the oil companies, the coal companies, and Wall Street.

I knew Obama would get Bin Laden because Obama is smarter than Bush the Lesser.

That was almost true, except for the first, the middle, and the last, sentence.

My edit.

Politicians are idiots.

They only thing they care about is catering to the fat cats that got them elected.

Obama had a really good shot at catching bin Laden because Bush built an infrastructure that gives the executive branch unchecked power when it invokes the all inclusive term "National Security," even when they are talking about copyright.
President Barack Obama’s leadership on national security was attacked by potential Republican challengers in the primary season’s first debate

He kept us safe for four years and caught bin Laden. You should love this guy

Or is there another problem?

The Republicans are idiots.

The only thing they care about is worshiping their masters, the oil companies, the coal companies, and Wall Street.

I knew Obama would get Bin Laden because Obama is smarter than Bush the Lesser.

That kind of utter tripe works for you? REALLY? You are that much of a moron you think you can dismiss all policy positions of Republicans both domestic and foreign by the STUPID claim they love worshiping OIL COMPANIES, coal companies and Wall Street? And that explains the Democrats policies in your mind in light of that dumb ass statement, does it? ROFLMAO! I think that says more about your own lack of IQ, lack of any intellectual honesty and inability to intelligent debate and discuss issues than it says a fucking thing about Republicans.

It would be like me claiming Democrats just want everyone to become lazy, dependent slugs dependent on government handouts and inflict punitive taxes on anyone with any intelligence, ambition, drive and as a result are successful. Because the left despises, hates and envies those who have a real life instead of existing as a parasite on the system. Only difference is - I think I could make a much better case for that than you ever could for the stupid crap you said! LOL

As for believing Obama got Bin Laden because he's "smarter" than Bush. ROFL! What alternate reality are you occupying at this time? Let's be real here, ok? There would be no way to get him if Bush hadn't put in all the groundwork in the first place. Obama was the beneficiary of what Bush did -who is the one who not only spent years building it up, but took all the heat for it. Obama just walked in and was handed it which he then just continued with. Not tearing down what Bush literally spent YEARS building up doesn't make him "smarter" than Bush -it means he didn't have any policy in that area in the first place. Obama is THE single most unqualified person to even run for President in over a century -he wouldn't have a clue what to change because he had zero experience in ANY OF IT. Which is why he pretty much continued with all of Bush's foreign policies -minus the stupid trip around the world apologizing for the fact the US wasn't some backwater third world country everyone else in the world wishes we were. Oh he made a big production about signing a MEANINGLESS presidential executive ordering the closing of Gitmo before the end of his first year. How's that working out? But hey, for a liberal superficial appearance takes priority over anything of substance anyway, right? LOL

Your own words reveal you are an ideologue and as such, you are incapable of any intellectual honesty and your thinking is in fact IRRATIONAL and therefore untrustworthy entirely.
you are shocked that Chris is a simple minded, Brainwashed idiot who can do nothing but Regurgitate Democrat Talking points?

Me Personally I wrote Chris off as a lost cause, Extreme Partisan Liberal, Global Warming Freak a long time ago.

I rarely even read what he has to say anymore.
President Barack Obama’s leadership on national security was attacked by potential Republican challengers in the primary season’s first debate

He kept us safe for four years and caught bin Laden. You should love this guy

Or is there another problem?

The Republicans are idiots.

The only thing they care about is worshiping their masters, the oil companies, the coal companies, and Wall Street.

I knew Obama would get Bin Laden because Obama is smarter than Bush the Lesser.

That was almost true, except for the first, the middle, and the last, sentence.

My edit.

Politicians are idiots.

They only thing they care about is catering to the fat cats that got them elected.

Obama had a really good shot at catching bin Laden because Bush built an infrastructure that gives the executive branch unchecked power when it invokes the all inclusive term "National Security," even when they are talking about copyright.

To be honest Bush did not change that much. If you read the Constitution the Government has always had very wide power when they are acting in the Name of National Security. After all Protecting the nation is one of the few, Genuine, Constitutionally mandated jobs of the Federal Government.
These nimwits campaigned on "Bush Kept us Safe!" for what...6, 7 years?

All of a sudden national security isn't an issue any more.


Oh and don't forget how W got saddam either.

It's funny how republicans tend to flip flop when what used to be their core belief structure turns out to benefit the left.

Two weeks ago according to the right everything was obama's fault because he is the president and it's wrong to "look back" and try to blame his predecessor.

NOW, their argument is that he is JUST the president and it's not as if he actually did anything. Oh and BTW we chould credit W for his part in getting osama even though he has been out of office for over two years and we can't hold him accountable for the crap he left behind after he left office.

Everything is based on pure political expediency for them and it doesn't matter what they used to believe because they always feel justified in their hypocrisy or they just pretend that they never said it.

When, exactly does something become the fault of the president that is in office? I am quite willing to lay the responsibility for 9/11 on Bush even though he was not in office a year when it happened. I would do so even if it happened 5 minutes after he was sworn in because I understand that, even though shit rolls downhill, responsibility starts, and ends, at the top. Bush actually understood that, and never tried to blame Clinton for the mistakes that were made under his watch, he just accepted the mess was his problem and dealt with it.

Obama, on the other hand, has been in office over tow years, and everything that is bad is Bush's fault. He has not once stood up and accepted responsibility for anything because he inherited a mess. Guess what, he did not inherit anything. He ran for office knowing exactly how bad things were, and never once said that he thought the mess was to big for him to handle. The Left jumped all over McCain because he admitted he did not understand the economy. They then argued that, because Obama graduated from Harvard Law School, he was smart enough to understand complex subjects like the economy, and that was why we should all vote for him.

Now, when it is evident he has no more idea of how the economy works than McCain, it is all Bush's fault. Yet, somehow, I am the fool and a racist because I don't get it.

Can anyone explain to me what it is I do not get?

So you are actually trying to claim that bush and his adminstration never blamed their predicessor for anything?? Are you sure about that??

"When I took office, our economy was beginning a recession," Bush said in a speech at a Mississippi high school.
Bush says he inherited recession - Aug. 7, 2002


BUSH: Look, I inherited a recession; I am ending on a recession.
CNN Student News Transcript: January 13, 2009 - CNN

Oops, looks like you need to try that spin again.
President Barack Obama’s leadership on national security was attacked by potential Republican challengers in the primary season’s first debate

He kept us safe for four years and caught bin Laden. You should love this guy

Or is there another problem?

Obama's a lying pussy and any of you fucks that voted for him need to spit that white stuff out of your mouth.

He should be attacked for his lying ass shit by ANYONE with a brain. But you hang onto your political party, bub. Suits you.
Imagine that...lying about wanting to get OBL when he became president.
First part of my post was directed at your last paragraph. Don't tell me about painting with your broad brush.

And the second part is simple fact.

So no answer to my questions?

Furthermore, it's ok for you to paint with a broad brush as you talk about the left as a whole but those of us on the left can't do the same?? Thanks for the hypocrisy.

Furthermore, the fact that you CLAIM that you haven't seen anyone refuse to give obama credit doesn't mean that it hasn't happened.


oibama did not do one damn thing the men and women who serve in the military did.

and he actually got thanked for saying it. Is one person saying it enough??

Jesus Christ some of you are stupid. I made a comment to show how hypocritical your comment was and now I'm being hypocritical......

Go back and read my posts I've been all over the place telling people this is not a left vs right thing. That getting Usama was nothing but a good thing and not to politicize it. And I've said it to left and right and now I'm the bad guy.

Fuck off.

LOL So you engaged in hypocrisy in a desperate attempt to show my comment was hypocritical but failed to do so and you actually believe that reflects negatively on me?? LOL
You were the one talking about how it's wrogn to paint with w broad brush and yet I posted your own words that show you doing just that.

You got shown to be dishonest and hypocritical and you best defense is to turn tail and run even as you lash out as you go trying desperately to make your failure about me.

How typical.
Oh and don't forget how W got saddam either.

It's funny how republicans tend to flip flop when what used to be their core belief structure turns out to benefit the left.

Two weeks ago according to the right everything was obama's fault because he is the president and it's wrong to "look back" and try to blame his predecessor.

NOW, their argument is that he is JUST the president and it's not as if he actually did anything. Oh and BTW we chould credit W for his part in getting osama even though he has been out of office for over two years and we can't hold him accountable for the crap he left behind after he left office.

Everything is based on pure political expediency for them and it doesn't matter what they used to believe because they always feel justified in their hypocrisy or they just pretend that they never said it.

When, exactly does something become the fault of the president that is in office? I am quite willing to lay the responsibility for 9/11 on Bush even though he was not in office a year when it happened. I would do so even if it happened 5 minutes after he was sworn in because I understand that, even though shit rolls downhill, responsibility starts, and ends, at the top. Bush actually understood that, and never tried to blame Clinton for the mistakes that were made under his watch, he just accepted the mess was his problem and dealt with it.

Obama, on the other hand, has been in office over tow years, and everything that is bad is Bush's fault. He has not once stood up and accepted responsibility for anything because he inherited a mess. Guess what, he did not inherit anything. He ran for office knowing exactly how bad things were, and never once said that he thought the mess was to big for him to handle. The Left jumped all over McCain because he admitted he did not understand the economy. They then argued that, because Obama graduated from Harvard Law School, he was smart enough to understand complex subjects like the economy, and that was why we should all vote for him.

Now, when it is evident he has no more idea of how the economy works than McCain, it is all Bush's fault. Yet, somehow, I am the fool and a racist because I don't get it.

Can anyone explain to me what it is I do not get?

So you are actually trying to claim that bush and his adminstration never blamed their predicessor for anything?? Are you sure about that??

"When I took office, our economy was beginning a recession," Bush said in a speech at a Mississippi high school.
Bush says he inherited recession - Aug. 7, 2002

BUSH: Look, I inherited a recession; I am ending on a recession.
CNN Student News Transcript: January 13, 2009 - CNN
Oops, looks like you need to try that spin again.

I missed this when he said it. Since I was not trying to actually defend Bush here, but point out that at some point the president has to accept responsibility, I think my point still stands. Your second quote makes the point for me actually. Obama still, after tow years, points out that the mess is not his fault, even though many economists say that his policies contributed to prolonging the recession, and may be pushing us toward another one.
4 years is a joke, everything that has happen was in process from the Bush era when he showed up. He sat safely in the war room and watch real men to a disgusting job that he not only wouldn't do but can't do. He ran on Hope and Change and I hope for a Change and soon

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