Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Yep the nword is the same as bombing a church or burning a it....I do find it funny as poets defense about being callef a racist is very similar to mine

I love the dismisive arguments and such a lack of evidence is now seen as me the racist switchers?
Democrats have already trapped black as on the govt plantation....where are the white ghettos? White is opposing welfare racist?
Really now? I just really know how to push a liberals buttons. I thought the Jim Crow laws were vile. But at least then it instilled in them a sense of purpose, a drive for a better future. That is unlike today, of course, instead of moving forward, you liberals have them sitting still. I must commend democrats of that era for instilling a purpose in the African American peoples that modern day liberals were and are incapable of doing today. People such as yourself are wholly incapable of taking that deep look into our history. So now do you not see the incredible irony here? In some ways they were better off under Jim Crow. Does that make me racist? Not by a long shot. Matt may have not put it in a way you were capable of understanding, but he was on the right track.

That's one hell of a shitty and inaccurate blanket generalization and statement. With or without Jim Crow laws, the majority of Black did and do have a purpose, the purpose is to survive and thrive in this society. The fact that you would seemingly try to pin what a minority of Black people do on "the Blacks", demonstrates your ignorant and bigoted attitude you have towards "the Blacks". It didn't surprise me that you agreed with matthew. I bet you agree with this assholes quote:

"One of the things that I would do is take all black people back to the South and put them on the plantation so they would understand the ethic of working," Peterson told The Huffington Post's Black Voices on Tuesday afternoon. "I'm going to put them all on the plantation. They need a good hard education on what it is to work." -Jesse Lee Peterson Black conservative.

Wow! Thanks for the laugh!!!

How are they supposed to survive in this society when they are one of the highest unemployed demographics in the country? Yeah I didn't think so. What are democrats encouraging them to do? Survive, not prosper, survive. You know what's so discouraging? The fact that they are encouraged to be dependent on their past instead of making a future for themselves. Told to use it as a cudgel instead of a stepping stone. You encourage them to be slaves to their own government. Pathetic.

Lies, lies, lies. Republicans deny them educational opportunity by cutting funding, aid to the poor and disadvantaged, job opportunities, job advancement, voter suppression, and demonize them at every opportunity, and then blame them for their "ills". The only "slaves", are you and your ilk to the racist Republican mindset, "echoed daily" on Fox News. "Them" and "slaves" is "CODE" for the n-word.....ain't nobody stupid.
Yep the nword is the same as bombing a church or burning a it....I do find it funny as poets defense about being callef a racist is very similar to mine

I love the dismisive arguments and such a lack of evidence is now seen as me the racist switchers?

in your "dreams", racist bitch.
Democrats have already trapped black as on the govt plantation....where are the white ghettos? White is opposing welfare racist?

Learn to use proper English, trailer trash. White ghettos and meth labs are everywhere.
Whites utilize welfare more than any other group.
I love these threads reminding people of the high standards once held by the Republican Party 50 years ago

Maybe it can help the party return to its positions of old
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I hear of Liberal Democrats championing the causes of racial and gender equality in America today, while admirable, they have ignored their own history. Now, for a little history lesson. Let's do a little research shall we? Let us see who has been more detrimental to the causes of equality. Pay attention students, there will be a quiz at the end of this essay!

During the 1860s, Southern Democrats continually advocated the use of slavery. It took a Republican to slay these racial demons with the 13th Amendment. A major advocate of this being Frederick Douglass, a black Republican abolitionist, diplomat and former slave from Maryland.

During Antebellum, racial equality was continually hampered even after the 13th Amendment's passage; by Democrats who were taking ever increasing majorities in local, state and federal offices, especially during the 1880's. This eventually led to the instatement the Jim Crow laws. In 1875, attempts were made by Republicans to break Jim Crow, it was however, thwarted by Democrats. It was during this time the Democratic Party gave birth to the KKK.

For nearly a century, Jim Crow ruled over the land with an iron fist. Nary a black man anywhere could be treated equally, because of the racial hatred of the Democratic Party. These laws were finally ended by the Supreme Court Decision of 1954, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. Ironically, in 1963, it was Democrats who launched major opposition to the Equal Pay Act, which effectively ended the gender pay disparity in the workplace.

In 1964, Democrats were once again fighting to stop racial equality in the states. They fought tooth and nail against the Civil Rights act of 1964, with a former Klansman leading the charge. As a Democratic Senator Richard Russell from Georgia put it: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."

Then there was the famous Democratic Senator Strom Thurmond from South Carolina who was even moreso candid than Russell in his opposition, stating that "This so-called Civil Rights Proposals, which the President has sent to Capitol Hill for enactment into law, are unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason. This is the worst civil-rights package ever presented to the Congress and is reminiscent of the Reconstruction proposals and actions of the radical Republican Congress."

For 57 days they filibustered the bill, until Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL) shamed them into relenting. The Bill was signed into law by Lyndon Johnson in the Summer of 1964. The next year, the same Congress passed the Voting Rights Act.

Not long after that, Southern Democrats began defecting to the Republican Party, after the Democratic Party had shifted its focus towards its more moderate voting bloc to the north, and thusly polluting it for generations to come with their racial pragmatism.

Where were Democrats? I thought they claimed to be the party of equality? Yet history is riddled with examples of their racial hatred towards African Americans. It's sad in a way to think how they have warped and twisted their minds into believing the current platforms in place today, kept ignorant of the history that precedes the Democratic Party.

Here's my question, which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? How does this meld with the current platforms Liberal Democrats advocate today? I leave that for you to decide.
Democrats have had a shameful record vis-a-vis racism until fifty or sixty years ago, but Liberals have consistently led the fight against racism. Conservatives, however are always in the vanguard defending racism and inequality. Would you care to make a distinction, as you post clearly does not, between political parties and political ideologies?

If you could give examples of stalwart Conservatives who fought racism, I'd be very curious to see such a list. For you see, political parties change their ideologies over time while the foundational principles of political ideology remain steadfast. No Conservative ever advocated for minority rights. No Conservative ever advocated for expanded rights for women or children or homosexuals or African Americans or workers or the environment.

Over the years, various Republicans and Democrats have provided such leadership, but they were nowhere near what the contemporary Conservative recognizes as his own.

You ask which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? I ask you what political ideology has stood for equality? Here are some things to contemplate: What is the Conservative stance on marriage equality? What is the Conservative stance on pay equity? What is the Conservative stance on worker's rights? What is the Conservative stance on immigration? And how do those various stances serve equality for minorities?
Yes, Strom Thurmond, racist to the end, changed from Democratic to the Republican Party by the end of 1964 [Civil Rights Act].
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Clearly, you can neither "see", nor "rationalize". If I'm a racist, then you most certainly are.

All of your posting clearly demonstrates that you are buckeye's soul brother on race.

When have you ever witnessed me using a racial pejorative describing white people????????
Where are my white friends with whom I "joke", using racial pejoratives, as justification for me using it?
Where is the condemnation of all whites, without a caveat, employed or implied?
Bitch, you can call me a racist until you're blue in the doesn't make it true. My experience has been that it's white racists that call blacks racist for pointing out white racism. I don't condemn all whites, because all whites are not racist, corrupt, degenerate or scum. On the other hand, those traits are over-represented in this forum.
And FYI...I just took you off of ignore, to monitor your racist ass.

Racism is inherent in bad atttitude and language. Pejorative words are not the sole definition of racism. Yep, you are racist.

You have had me Off Ignore for sometime, so you are a liar, as well as a racist.
TemplarKormac has a reputation of false-fact making.

Buckeye and Poet are clearly racists.

And Buckeye does not understand that what is discussed in PMs remain private.

Yup, all the evidence demonstrates the southern racists after 1964 bolted for the Dem Party.

And yet you contend with none of your own. Mere contention does not suffice as fact.

The evidence has been posted over and over, and your mere "contention does not suffice as fact." And that's a fact.
Let me explain to you how you just fucked up, you poor deluded sap.

You started a topic purporting to "teach" some history to others. You then reach back in time to portray Democrats as the real racists, making a shitty attempt to connect the past to the present.

Then a poster, Matthew, who is clearly NOT from the Left, makes an incredibly racist post for which you commend him.

Do you see what you did there, fool? Do you get it?

You just fell right on your face.

Drop in on anyone like you talking about blacks or gays or immigrants or Muslims, and it is blazingly obvious who the racists are, dumbass.

In light of this incredibly bigoted attitude you possess, that you thought you could peg racism on the Left in modern politics is HILARIOUS!

Really now? I just really know how to push a liberals buttons. I thought the Jim Crow laws were vile. But at least then it instilled in them a sense of purpose, a drive for a better future. That is unlike today, of course, instead of moving forward, you liberals have them sitting still. I must commend democrats of that era for instilling a purpose in the African American peoples that modern day liberals were and are incapable of doing today. People such as yourself are wholly incapable of taking that deep look into our history. So now do you not see the incredible irony here? In some ways they were better off under Jim Crow. Does that make me racist? Not by a long shot. Matt may have not put it in a way you were capable of understanding, but he was on the right track.

What racist bs. "them"????? As in them "darkies", who don't know what's best for them???? You talk like a Massa, still thinking with a slave mentality. Jim Crow was a logical extension of unofficial slavery and discrimination. "Sitting still"?????? Fuck you. Blacks are moving steadily forward, much to your chagrin, each and everyday, as our voting power increases.
And your psychosis becomes apparent, you believing that blacks were "better off" under Jim Crow. Better for "whites", perhaps. And you, siding with the premier board racist, makes you one, your commentary, not withstanding.

You, poet, the one who lives in his past know nothing of the plight of your ancestors. You are sitting still, sitting in a past that has passed you by. Living in an era that no longer exists. They were better off then. Do you see them fighting for anything good these days? Nope. Welfare, housing, free this free that. They aren't even encouraged to work! They are encouraged to sit there and bemoan their fates, as you do. They knew their lot in life then was to be equal, not apathetic. Prosperous not dependent. But people like you are bitter souls, who begrudge any man of a different skin color of viewpoint.

Sure, black people back then had something to fight for, strive for. "We shall overcome" they chanted. Today, they have been overcome, by the same racial hatred they fought against. Bullshit poet. You are no pioneer of civil rights, you are a bitter old man who cannot let go of his bitterness and hatred, and make use of what life he has left to live. Sure the White Man put your ancestors into slavery, but then they saw the error of their ways and brought them out of it. When they once again gave in to their evil hearts, they once again came back to free you from segregation. So, what thanks to they get?

They are still racists, but not racist enough to stop getting a welfare check or food stamps from.
Moreover, even after these defections and the so called "Southern Strategy", Democrats held on to every state legislature in the south until 1994. Your defectors had little to no relevance in American politics for well over 40 years.

Southern Democrats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And from 1968 to 1988, with the exception of 1976, cast 54 to 1 electoral votes conservative, for non-Democratic candidates in the national elections. The southern strategy was overwhelmingly successful in national elections, for which it was designed.
TemplarKormac has a reputation of false-fact making.

Buckeye and Poet are clearly racists.

And Buckeye does not understand that what is discussed in PMs remain private.

Yup, all the evidence demonstrates the southern racists after 1964 bolted for the Dem Party.

And yet you contend with none of your own. Mere contention does not suffice as fact.

The evidence has been posted over and over, and your mere "contention does not suffice as fact." And that's a fact.

What evidence did you post? I blew your "facts" out of the water. Democrats still held influence in the south and north after the passage of the Civil Rights act. The defections would not have mattered. That is a fact, Jake. Those racist Republicans held no influence in American policy for 30 years! Get that through your thick head!
Moreover, even after these defections and the so called "Southern Strategy", Democrats held on to every state legislature in the south until 1994. Your defectors had little to no relevance in American politics for well over 40 years.

Southern Democrats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And from 1968 to 1988, with the exception of 1976, cast 54 to 1 electoral votes conservative, for non-Democratic candidates in the national elections. The southern strategy was overwhelmingly successful in national elections, for which it was designed.
I still have an elderly relative down south who votes republican in every election, and she's still a registered Democrat.
Really now? I just really know how to push a liberals buttons. I thought the Jim Crow laws were vile. But at least then it instilled in them a sense of purpose, a drive for a better future. That is unlike today, of course, instead of moving forward, you liberals have them sitting still. I must commend democrats of that era for instilling a purpose in the African American peoples that modern day liberals were and are incapable of doing today. People such as yourself are wholly incapable of taking that deep look into our history. So now do you not see the incredible irony here? In some ways they were better off under Jim Crow. Does that make me racist? Not by a long shot. Matt may have not put it in a way you were capable of understanding, but he was on the right track.

That's one hell of a shitty and inaccurate blanket generalization and statement. With or without Jim Crow laws, the majority of Black did and do have a purpose, the purpose is to survive and thrive in this society. The fact that you would seemingly try to pin what a minority of Black people do on "the Blacks", demonstrates your ignorant and bigoted attitude you have towards "the Blacks". It didn't surprise me that you agreed with matthew. I bet you agree with this assholes quote:

"One of the things that I would do is take all black people back to the South and put them on the plantation so they would understand the ethic of working," Peterson told The Huffington Post's Black Voices on Tuesday afternoon. "I'm going to put them all on the plantation. They need a good hard education on what it is to work." -Jesse Lee Peterson Black conservative.

Wow! Thanks for the laugh!!!

How are they supposed to survive in this society when they are one of the highest unemployed demographics in the country? Yeah I didn't think so. What are democrats encouraging them to do? Survive, not prosper, survive. You know what's so discouraging? The fact that they are encouraged to be dependent on their past instead of making a future for themselves. Told to use it as a cudgel instead of a stepping stone. You encourage them to be slaves to their own government. Pathetic.
What percent of "them" are unemployed? I thought that you so-called conservative types concentrated on the individual and not "groups"? :) What democrats are you referring to in particular? Corey Booker? Deval Patrick? President Obama?

No matter who you are, no matter what your color, creed, how you choose to pray or who you choose to love, that if you are an American - first generation or fifth - one who is willing to work hard, play by the rules and apply your God-given talents - that you should be able to find a job that pays the bills.
Cory Booker

Our platform emphasizes that a vibrant, free and fair market is essential to economic growth.
Cory Booker

We also must pull from our highest ideals of justice and protect against those ills that destabilized our economy - like predatory lending, over-leveraged financial institutions and the unchecked avarice of the past that trumped fairness and common sense. Our platform calls for significant cuts in federal spending.
Cory Booker
" Together PAC's mission is to expand upon the work we have done in Massachusetts - to encourage people to engage as active citizens at the grassroots level, to inspire candidates to run on their convictions, and to support governing for the long term with an unwavering commitment to generational responsibility as our compass. It is up to us to leave our communities better for the next generation. This sense of generational responsibility is at the core of the politics of conviction.

In Massachusetts, we lead the nation in creating jobs, strengthening our schools, expanding access to health care, and so much more. None of this is by accident. It is because we understand the importance of governing for the long term and leaving our state, and our country, better than we found it. To do this, we have and must continue to root ourselves in the politics of conviction, rather than politics of convenience - and we have shown that conviction politics works! "

We believe that in times like these we should turn to each other, not on each other. We believe that government has a role to play, not in solving every problem in everybody's life but in helping people help themselves to the American dream. That's what Democrats believe.
Deval Patrick

We need a government that is what we are at our best. Smart, efficient, pragmatic and compassionate.
Deval Patrick

We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don't want to work hard to accomplish these things. Everyone should try to realize their full potential.
Barack Obama

If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.
Barack Obama
Moreover, even after these defections and the so called "Southern Strategy", Democrats held on to every state legislature in the south until 1994. Your defectors had little to no relevance in American politics for well over 40 years.

Southern Democrats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And from 1968 to 1988, with the exception of 1976, cast 54 to 1 electoral votes conservative, for non-Democratic candidates in the national elections. The southern strategy was overwhelmingly successful in national elections, for which it was designed.

"Although Republicans won most presidential elections in Southern states starting in 1964, Democrats controlled nearly every Southern state legislature until the mid-1990s and had a moderate(although not huge) amount of members in state legislatures until 2010. In fact, until 2002, Democrats still had much control over Southern politics. It wasn't until the 1990s that Democratic control gradually collapsed, starting with the elections of 1994, in which Republicans gained control of both houses of Congress, through the rest of the decade."

Read, Jake, stop spouting your selective memory at me.
Yep the nword is the same as bombing a church or burning a it....I do find it funny as poets defense about being callef a racist is very similar to mine

I love the dismisive arguments and such a lack of evidence is now seen as me the racist switchers?

in your "dreams", racist bitch.

Oh please........youre a racist....someone called you must be true
Moreover, even after these defections and the so called "Southern Strategy", Democrats held on to every state legislature in the south until 1994. Your defectors had little to no relevance in American politics for well over 40 years.

Southern Democrats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And from 1968 to 1988, with the exception of 1976, cast 54 to 1 electoral votes conservative, for non-Democratic candidates in the national elections. The southern strategy was overwhelmingly successful in national elections, for which it was designed.

"Although Republicans won most presidential elections in Southern states starting in 1964, Democrats controlled nearly every Southern state legislature until the mid-1990s and had a moderate(although not huge) amount of members in state legislatures until 2010. In fact, until 2002, Democrats still had much control over Southern politics. It wasn't until the 1990s that Democratic control gradually collapsed, starting with the elections of 1994, in which Republicans gained control of both houses of Congress, through the rest of the decade."

Read, Jake, stop spouting your selective memory at me.
Yes, those conservative Democrats in the South voted for local conservative Democrats. Now, most have switched to republican.
Yep the nword is the same as bombing a church or burning a it....I do find it funny as poets defense about being callef a racist is very similar to mine

I love the dismisive arguments and such a lack of evidence is now seen as me the racist switchers?

in your "dreams", racist bitch.

Oh please........youre a racist....someone called you must be true

Right. Too bad I don't pay attention to white racist trailer trash. I've been called worse by better. LOL
That's one hell of a shitty and inaccurate blanket generalization and statement. With or without Jim Crow laws, the majority of Black did and do have a purpose, the purpose is to survive and thrive in this society. The fact that you would seemingly try to pin what a minority of Black people do on "the Blacks", demonstrates your ignorant and bigoted attitude you have towards "the Blacks". It didn't surprise me that you agreed with matthew. I bet you agree with this assholes quote:

"One of the things that I would do is take all black people back to the South and put them on the plantation so they would understand the ethic of working," Peterson told The Huffington Post's Black Voices on Tuesday afternoon. "I'm going to put them all on the plantation. They need a good hard education on what it is to work." -Jesse Lee Peterson Black conservative.

Wow! Thanks for the laugh!!!

How are they supposed to survive in this society when they are one of the highest unemployed demographics in the country? Yeah I didn't think so. What are democrats encouraging them to do? Survive, not prosper, survive. You know what's so discouraging? The fact that they are encouraged to be dependent on their past instead of making a future for themselves. Told to use it as a cudgel instead of a stepping stone. You encourage them to be slaves to their own government. Pathetic.
What percent of "them" are unemployed? I thought that you so-called conservative types concentrated on the individual and not "groups"? :) What democrats are you referring to in particular? Corey Booker? Deval Patrick? President Obama?

No matter who you are, no matter what your color, creed, how you choose to pray or who you choose to love, that if you are an American - first generation or fifth - one who is willing to work hard, play by the rules and apply your God-given talents - that you should be able to find a job that pays the bills.
Cory Booker

Our platform emphasizes that a vibrant, free and fair market is essential to economic growth.
Cory Booker

We also must pull from our highest ideals of justice and protect against those ills that destabilized our economy - like predatory lending, over-leveraged financial institutions and the unchecked avarice of the past that trumped fairness and common sense. Our platform calls for significant cuts in federal spending.
Cory Booker
" Together PAC's mission is to expand upon the work we have done in Massachusetts - to encourage people to engage as active citizens at the grassroots level, to inspire candidates to run on their convictions, and to support governing for the long term with an unwavering commitment to generational responsibility as our compass. It is up to us to leave our communities better for the next generation. This sense of generational responsibility is at the core of the politics of conviction.

In Massachusetts, we lead the nation in creating jobs, strengthening our schools, expanding access to health care, and so much more. None of this is by accident. It is because we understand the importance of governing for the long term and leaving our state, and our country, better than we found it. To do this, we have and must continue to root ourselves in the politics of conviction, rather than politics of convenience - and we have shown that conviction politics works! "

We believe that in times like these we should turn to each other, not on each other. We believe that government has a role to play, not in solving every problem in everybody's life but in helping people help themselves to the American dream. That's what Democrats believe.
Deval Patrick

We need a government that is what we are at our best. Smart, efficient, pragmatic and compassionate.
Deval Patrick

We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don't want to work hard to accomplish these things. Everyone should try to realize their full potential.
Barack Obama

If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.
Barack Obama

Black unemployment stands at 13.2%, nearly twice the national average. I think that suffices to blow those antiquated quotes out of the water.

Please, stop throwing words at me, and start by entering the real world.

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