Racism and the GOP ?


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Many people claim racism is no more, in what world do they live I wonder? Political correctness has changed everyone it seems as no longer are negative feelings expressed openly, now hidden behind code words, personal interaction and comment become a sort of drama of pretend. Only children act out their real selves, ask a school teacher who listens to schoolyard banter, and you'll find a world finally hidden by time and age. The side of human nature we hide today shows up on the schoolyard. During the 2008 election whenever I put forth this position I was told it was me who was racist. Could it be I was right after all? Hm....

'GOP Makes Big Gains among White Voters - Especially among the Young and Poor'

"Notably, the GOP gains have occurred only among white voters; a two-point Republican edge among whites in 2008 (46% to 44%) has widened to a 13-point lead today (52% to 39%). In sharp contrast, the partisan attachments of black and Hispanic voters have remained consistently Democratic." GOP Makes Big Gains among White Voters - Pew Research Center


"You start out in 1954 by saying, “******, ******, ******.” By 1968 you can’t say “******” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a by-product of them is blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “******, ******.” Lee Atwater, Republican strategist, 1981, describing the Southern Strategy


"Anti-government sentiment in the United States has risen and fallen in different eras. During the New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt and the Great Society of Lyndon Johnson, U.S. government programs were expanded; Social Security and Medicare came into being, artists and the arts received federal support, the plight of poor American children was addressed on several fronts, and the Southern system of racial apartheid was gradually but dramatically dismantled. It was this last intervention that roused anti-government feeling in many white Americans. They were particularly outraged when Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy called out the National Guard to enforce racial integration of public educational institutions." Caroline Hamilton History News Network | Because the Past is the Present, and the Future too.)
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LOL, what a weird world some live in.

Because there is an article about WHITES support the Gop they are now racist.

But when a HIGH percentage of BLACKS support the Democrat party, that make them what?

And there is that word again.....ANTI-GOVERNMENT

I've never seen someone who LOVES all Government so much. I'm not sure what to call that.
It's interesting that poor whites are gravitating towards the GOP... other than that I'd have called 'bullshit' on the race card in favor of the $ card.

For poor whites to be voting in favor of continuing policies that funnel wealth up the food-chain, the attraction must be based not in economics but in social policy. Once again, religion, race & fear take a bite out of reason.
If obama were a "normal" democrat candidate, one might ascribe his slightly lower vote among whites (56-44) as due to race. In fact, minorities were much more likely to vote for him than whites for mcCain: blacks - a record-setting 95%; hispanics - 67%; and asians, who usually vote republican - 67%. It would appear an anti-white vote came from minorities, especially since Mccain is probably the most liberal GOP candidate since nixon.

Obama is a flat-out radical, the first such president in 70 years. He came to the fore with a strongly statist, marxist-tainted background. What little track record he had in office was ominous - ranging from a 100% liberal/left rubber stamp during his US senate term, to dancing around the issue of infanticide in the illinois statehouse. He promised to "remake" america, an arrogant and scary comment in a country based on democracy and the constitution. The worst fears about him have pretty much been realized, with his appointment of two leftwing USSC judges, his drawing ever more power into the executive branch, his and the democrats healthcare putsch, his appointing an EPA administrator who made a titanic power grab beyond the EPA's charter, assembling a who's who of the american leftwing as economic advisers (with results which should be clear to everyone), etc etc.

Yet if anyone opposes him, the race card is tossed.
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It's interesting that poor whites are gravitating towards the GOP... other than that I'd have called 'bullshit' on the race card in favor of the $ card.

For poor whites to be voting in favor of continuing policies that funnel wealth up the food-chain, the attraction must be based not in economics but in social policy. Once again, religion, race & fear take a bite out of reason.

Does the liberal-left anti-white discrimination policies ("diversity") help poor whites?

Does the obama anti-business attitude which has maintained an over 9% unemployment rate help poor whites?

And what do you mean "funnel wealth up the food-chain"? 50% of the country, the lowest income half, don't pay any income taxes - clearly, the wealth is being funneled DOWNWARD.
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Many people claim racism is no more, in what world do they live I wonder? Political correctness has changed everyone it seems as no longer are negative feelings expressed openly, now hidden behind code words, personal interaction and comment become a sort of drama of pretend. Only children act out their real selves, ask a school teacher who listens to schoolyard banter, and you'll find a world finally hidden by time and age. The side of human nature we hide today shows up on the schoolyard. During the 2008 election whenever I put forth this position I was told it was me who was racist. Could it be I was right after all? Hm....

'GOP Makes Big Gains among White Voters - Especially among the Young and Poor'

"Notably, the GOP gains have occurred only among white voters; a two-point Republican edge among whites in 2008 (46% to 44%) has widened to a 13-point lead today (52% to 39%). In sharp contrast, the partisan attachments of black and Hispanic voters have remained consistently Democratic." GOP Makes Big Gains among White Voters - Pew Research Center


"You start out in 1954 by saying, “******, ******, ******.” By 1968 you can’t say “******” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a by-product of them is blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “******, ******.” Lee Atwater, Republican strategist, 1981, describing the Southern Strategy


"Anti-government sentiment in the United States has risen and fallen in different eras. During the New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt and the Great Society of Lyndon Johnson, U.S. government programs were expanded; Social Security and Medicare came into being, artists and the arts received federal support, the plight of poor American children was addressed on several fronts, and the Southern system of racial apartheid was gradually but dramatically dismantled. It was this last intervention that roused anti-government feeling in many white Americans. They were particularly outraged when Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy called out the National Guard to enforce racial integration of public educational institutions." Caroline Hamilton History News Network | Because the Past is the Present, and the Future too.)

so, getting a head start on next years obama campaign talking points?
I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years." -- Lyndon B. Johnson
"That goddamn ****** preacher (MLK) may drive me out of the White House." -- LBJ

MLK got assassinated during the LBJ Administration right?
If obama were a "normal" democrat candidate, one might ascribe his slightly lower vote among whites (56-44) as due to race. In fact, minorities were much more likely to vote for him than whites for mcCain: blacks - a record-setting 95%; hispanics - 67%; and asians, who usually vote republican - 67%. It would appear an anti-white vote came from minorities, especially since Mccain is probably the most liberal GOP candidate since nixon.

Obama is a flat-out radical, the first such president in 70 years. He came to the fore with a strongly statist, marxist-tainted background. What little track record he had in office was ominous - ranging from a 100% liberal/left rubber stamp during his US senate term, to dancing around the issue of infanticide in the illinois statehouse. He promised to "remake" america, an arrogant and scary comment in a country based on democracy and the constitution. The worst fears about him have pretty much been realized, with his appointment of two leftwing USSC judges, his drawing ever more power into the executive branch, his and the democrats healthcare putsch, his appointing an EPA administrator who made a titanic power grab beyond the EPA's charter, assembling a who's who of the american leftwing as economic advisers (with results which should be clear to everyone), etc etc.

Yet if anyone opposes him, the race card is tossed.

Duuuuuuuuuuuuude! Yowza... your label gun must have been SMMMMMOKIN' after that post.

If obama were a "normal" democrat candidate, one might ascribe his slightly lower vote among whites (56-44) as due to race. In fact, minorities were much more likely to vote for him than whites for mcCain: blacks - a record-setting 95%; hispanics - 67%; and asians, who usually vote republican - 67%. It would appear an anti-white vote came from minorities, especially since Mccain is probably the most liberal GOP candidate since nixon.

Obama is a flat-out radical, the first such president in 70 years. He came to the fore with a strongly statist, marxist-tainted background. What little track record he had in office was ominous - ranging from a 100% liberal/left rubber stamp during his US senate term, to dancing around the issue of infanticide in the illinois statehouse. He promised to "remake" america, an arrogant and scary comment in a country based on democracy and the constitution. The worst fears about him have pretty much been realized, with his appointment of two leftwing USSC judges, his drawing ever more power into the executive branch, his and the democrats healthcare putsch, his appointing an EPA administrator who made a titanic power grab beyond the EPA's charter, assembling a who's who of the american leftwing as economic advisers (with results which should be clear to everyone), etc etc.

Yet if anyone opposes him, the race card is tossed.

Duuuuuuuuuuuuude! Yowza... your label gun must have been SMMMMMOKIN' after that

Can any sane person translate that eruption for me??? :lol:
So far the most segregated US State i have ever lived in is the one i live in now,


Run for by and only "Progressives".

What can we learn from this.
It's interesting that poor whites are gravitating towards the GOP... other than that I'd have called 'bullshit' on the race card in favor of the $ card.

For poor whites to be voting in favor of continuing policies that funnel wealth up the food-chain, the attraction must be based not in economics but in social policy. Once again, religion, race & fear take a bite out of reason.

Does the liberal-left anti-white discrimination policies ("diversity") help poor whites?

Does the obama anti-business attitude which has maintained an over 9% unemployment rate help poor whites?

And what do you mean "funnel wealth up the food-chain"? 50% of the country, the lowest income half, don't pay any income taxes - clearly, the wealth is being funneled DOWNWARD.

Don't confuse income with wealth. Depending on whose data you believe, the richest 1% control between 25% and 50% of the total wealth at this moment in time.

The Republican and Democratic Political organizations of the past 60 years and the highly skilled, professional INDUSTRY of corporate lobbyists that they answer to are responsible.

:dunno: What now?

I stand by my suggestion:

Fair Taxes​
Appropriate Regulation​
Budget Balanced by Law​
Really? How is it segregated? Having been there, I don't remember segregation being in any of their laws.

Having been somewhere and living somewhere produces two kinds of knowledge dont you think?

Or do you think a two week bus tour around the EU makes you a EuroPeon?

So you dont give me enough information to explain your lack of knowledge.
If obama were a "normal" democrat candidate, one might ascribe his slightly lower vote among whites (56-44) as due to race. In fact, minorities were much more likely to vote for him than whites for mcCain: blacks - a record-setting 95%; hispanics - 67%; and asians, who usually vote republican - 67%. It would appear an anti-white vote came from minorities, especially since Mccain is probably the most liberal GOP candidate since nixon.

Obama is a flat-out radical, the first such president in 70 years. He came to the fore with a strongly statist, marxist-tainted background. What little track record he had in office was ominous - ranging from a 100% liberal/left rubber stamp during his US senate term, to dancing around the issue of infanticide in the illinois statehouse. He promised to "remake" america, an arrogant and scary comment in a country based on democracy and the constitution. The worst fears about him have pretty much been realized, with his appointment of two leftwing USSC judges, his drawing ever more power into the executive branch, his and the democrats healthcare putsch, his appointing an EPA administrator who made a titanic power grab beyond the EPA's charter, assembling a who's who of the american leftwing as economic advisers (with results which should be clear to everyone), etc etc.

Yet if anyone opposes him, the race card is tossed.

Duuuuuuuuuuuuude! Yowza... your label gun must have been SMMMMMOKIN' after that post!


Can any sane person translate that eruption for me??? :lol:

You seem to like labeling things and people.

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