Race is Not the Only Reason for Jump in Assassination Threats to Obama

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
BlackNews.com - Race is Not the Only Reason for Jump in Assassination Threats to Obama

Key point(s)

But the GOP strategists and their stealth talk radio and blog allies are playing for much bigger stakes than just bashing a black president. The stakes are a rework of the GOP to take back power. A full throttle destabilization of the Obama administration on everything from the economy to health care is the obvious attack point. The GOP and their surrogates have snatched a page from the playbook used against every Democratic presidential candidate and president by the GOP since Nixon. That’s create havoc through charater assassination, rumor mongering, fear, intimidation, and emotionally charged code words. The operative tag they’ve slapped on Obama is socialist. That sets off a Pavlovian drool; reason quickly goes out the window and the red flags run up the mental flagpoles of countless Americans.

Obama’s message of hope and change feeds into rightist paranoia. He has drawn an instant global throng of admirers who see in him the embodiment of change and a fresh direction for US policy on the war and the easing of global tensions. He's also seen as a potential president who can put a diverse, humane face on American foreign policy.

These are the exact qualities that stir the deep fury, hatred and resentment among a steadily growing frenetic number of malcontents and hate mongers. The thick list of fringe and hate groups as well as the hordes of unbalanced violence prone individuals running free in America can fill a telephone book. The long history of hate violence in America is more than enough to raise the antenna on the danger of violence against prominent political figures.

The gun culture of the nation, adds even more fuel and danger to the mix. Gun and ammo sales have gun through the roof since Obama’s election, with many openly bragging that they are ready for a war to win back the country. Whether it’s the wholesale wipeout of families, gunning down police officers, or the shoot up of a women’s fitness center, the police invariably find that the cracked shooter has made some rant about guns and spouted wacky extremist views.

Seems like the GOP can't win back power by truly appealing to the needs of people and by doing whats right, instead they want to lie, cheat and deceit their way back to power to maintain and further entrench the status quo, that is the domination of white males over everyone else. Aren't these exact tactics the same things used by Hitler to come into power in Germany? Will the real people acting like Nazis and Hitler please stand up?
BlackNews.com - Race is Not the Only Reason for Jump in Assassination Threats to Obama

Key point(s)

But the GOP strategists and their stealth talk radio and blog allies are playing for much bigger stakes than just bashing a black president. The stakes are a rework of the GOP to take back power. A full throttle destabilization of the Obama administration on everything from the economy to health care is the obvious attack point. The GOP and their surrogates have snatched a page from the playbook used against every Democratic presidential candidate and president by the GOP since Nixon. That’s create havoc through charater assassination, rumor mongering, fear, intimidation, and emotionally charged code words. The operative tag they’ve slapped on Obama is socialist. That sets off a Pavlovian drool; reason quickly goes out the window and the red flags run up the mental flagpoles of countless Americans.

Obama’s message of hope and change feeds into rightist paranoia. He has drawn an instant global throng of admirers who see in him the embodiment of change and a fresh direction for US policy on the war and the easing of global tensions. He's also seen as a potential president who can put a diverse, humane face on American foreign policy.

These are the exact qualities that stir the deep fury, hatred and resentment among a steadily growing frenetic number of malcontents and hate mongers. The thick list of fringe and hate groups as well as the hordes of unbalanced violence prone individuals running free in America can fill a telephone book. The long history of hate violence in America is more than enough to raise the antenna on the danger of violence against prominent political figures.

The gun culture of the nation, adds even more fuel and danger to the mix. Gun and ammo sales have gun through the roof since Obama’s election, with many openly bragging that they are ready for a war to win back the country. Whether it’s the wholesale wipeout of families, gunning down police officers, or the shoot up of a women’s fitness center, the police invariably find that the cracked shooter has made some rant about guns and spouted wacky extremist views.

Seems like the GOP can't win back power by truly appealing to the needs of people and by doing whats right, instead they want to lie, cheat and deceit their way back to power to maintain and further entrench the status quo, that is the domination of white males over everyone else. Aren't these exact tactics the same things used by Hitler to come into power in Germany? Will the real people acting like Nazis and Hitler please stand up?

I went to whitenews.com for an opposing viewpoint, and the website didn't exist. The internet is racist.
Tell me when somebody makes a movie about assassinating him, like they did about Mr Bush. Then it will be fair.
BlackNews.com - Race is Not the Only Reason for Jump in Assassination Threats to Obama

Key point(s)

But the GOP strategists and their stealth talk radio and blog allies are playing for much bigger stakes than just bashing a black president. The stakes are a rework of the GOP to take back power. A full throttle destabilization of the Obama administration on everything from the economy to health care is the obvious attack point. The GOP and their surrogates have snatched a page from the playbook used against every Democratic presidential candidate and president by the GOP since Nixon. That’s create havoc through charater assassination, rumor mongering, fear, intimidation, and emotionally charged code words. The operative tag they’ve slapped on Obama is socialist. That sets off a Pavlovian drool; reason quickly goes out the window and the red flags run up the mental flagpoles of countless Americans.

Obama’s message of hope and change feeds into rightist paranoia. He has drawn an instant global throng of admirers who see in him the embodiment of change and a fresh direction for US policy on the war and the easing of global tensions. He's also seen as a potential president who can put a diverse, humane face on American foreign policy.

These are the exact qualities that stir the deep fury, hatred and resentment among a steadily growing frenetic number of malcontents and hate mongers. The thick list of fringe and hate groups as well as the hordes of unbalanced violence prone individuals running free in America can fill a telephone book. The long history of hate violence in America is more than enough to raise the antenna on the danger of violence against prominent political figures.

The gun culture of the nation, adds even more fuel and danger to the mix. Gun and ammo sales have gun through the roof since Obama’s election, with many openly bragging that they are ready for a war to win back the country. Whether it’s the wholesale wipeout of families, gunning down police officers, or the shoot up of a women’s fitness center, the police invariably find that the cracked shooter has made some rant about guns and spouted wacky extremist views.

Seems like the GOP can't win back power by truly appealing to the needs of people and by doing whats right, instead they want to lie, cheat and deceit their way back to power to maintain and further entrench the status quo, that is the domination of white males over everyone else. Aren't these exact tactics the same things used by Hitler to come into power in Germany? Will the real people acting like Nazis and Hitler please stand up?

I went to whitenews.com for an opposing viewpoint, and the website didn't exist. The internet is racist.
Tell me when somebody makes a movie about assassinating him, like they did about Mr Bush. Then it will be fair.

The was an assassination plot on Obama you ranting idiot, someone was even convicted in fact. Blacknews is not racist, there is nothing on the site that in any way disdains whites, so thats an automatic strawman not worth arguing about.
BlackNews.com - Race is Not the Only Reason for Jump in Assassination Threats to Obama

Key point(s)

But the GOP strategists and their stealth talk radio and blog allies are playing for much bigger stakes than just bashing a black president. The stakes are a rework of the GOP to take back power. A full throttle destabilization of the Obama administration on everything from the economy to health care is the obvious attack point. The GOP and their surrogates have snatched a page from the playbook used against every Democratic presidential candidate and president by the GOP since Nixon. That’s create havoc through charater assassination, rumor mongering, fear, intimidation, and emotionally charged code words. The operative tag they’ve slapped on Obama is socialist. That sets off a Pavlovian drool; reason quickly goes out the window and the red flags run up the mental flagpoles of countless Americans.

Obama’s message of hope and change feeds into rightist paranoia. He has drawn an instant global throng of admirers who see in him the embodiment of change and a fresh direction for US policy on the war and the easing of global tensions. He's also seen as a potential president who can put a diverse, humane face on American foreign policy.

These are the exact qualities that stir the deep fury, hatred and resentment among a steadily growing frenetic number of malcontents and hate mongers. The thick list of fringe and hate groups as well as the hordes of unbalanced violence prone individuals running free in America can fill a telephone book. The long history of hate violence in America is more than enough to raise the antenna on the danger of violence against prominent political figures.

The gun culture of the nation, adds even more fuel and danger to the mix. Gun and ammo sales have gun through the roof since Obama’s election, with many openly bragging that they are ready for a war to win back the country. Whether it’s the wholesale wipeout of families, gunning down police officers, or the shoot up of a women’s fitness center, the police invariably find that the cracked shooter has made some rant about guns and spouted wacky extremist views.

Seems like the GOP can't win back power by truly appealing to the needs of people and by doing whats right, instead they want to lie, cheat and deceit their way back to power to maintain and further entrench the status quo, that is the domination of white males over everyone else. Aren't these exact tactics the same things used by Hitler to come into power in Germany? Will the real people acting like Nazis and Hitler please stand up?

I went to whitenews.com for an opposing viewpoint, and the website didn't exist. The internet is racist.
Tell me when somebody makes a movie about assassinating him, like they did about Mr Bush. Then it will be fair.

The was an assassination plot on Obama you ranting idiot, someone was even convicted in fact. Blacknews is not racist, there is nothing on the site that in any way disdains whites, so thats an automatic strawman not worth arguing about.

Every president in my lifetime has had assassination attempts against them, it goes with the territory, claiming that it is racially motivated is just plain stupid of you.

I never said that Blacknews.com was racist, I said the internet was racist. Try and improve your reading comprehension skills.
I went to whitenews.com for an opposing viewpoint, and the website didn't exist. The internet is racist.
Tell me when somebody makes a movie about assassinating him, like they did about Mr Bush. Then it will be fair.

The was an assassination plot on Obama you ranting idiot, someone was even convicted in fact. Blacknews is not racist, there is nothing on the site that in any way disdains whites, so thats an automatic strawman not worth arguing about.

Every president in my lifetime has had assassination attempts against them, it goes with the territory, claiming that it is racially motivated is just plain stupid of you.

I never said that Blacknews.com was racist, I said the internet was racist. Try and improve your reading comprehension skills.

I disagree.
If we were to start up a site called whitenews.com, people would be screaming bloody murder about how racist it is.
The was an assassination plot on Obama you ranting idiot, someone was even convicted in fact. Blacknews is not racist, there is nothing on the site that in any way disdains whites, so thats an automatic strawman not worth arguing about.

Every president in my lifetime has had assassination attempts against them, it goes with the territory, claiming that it is racially motivated is just plain stupid of you.

I never said that Blacknews.com was racist, I said the internet was racist. Try and improve your reading comprehension skills.

I disagree.
If we were to start up a site called whitenews.com, people would be screaming bloody murder about how racist it is.

It's called Amren.com and it's been running for years.
The problem is people are afraid of change, be it good or bad. And some take it to a new level when the way they are use to things being start morphing into something that is unknown to them or they are just ignorant to. Thats the main issue not only is this man different but he is trying different things.
Every president in my lifetime has had assassination attempts against them, it goes with the territory, claiming that it is racially motivated is just plain stupid of you.

I never said that Blacknews.com was racist, I said the internet was racist. Try and improve your reading comprehension skills.

Are you hard of reading or just plain retarded? the link says race is *NOT* the only factor Obama gets assassination threats, its right in the title of the thread, how could you be so stupid as to not see it?
Actually, if I correctly recall the information I heard recently, there are apparently no statistical increases known to exist in the death threats made against the President.

I would like to see SOME documentation to verify the CLAIM that he has had any actual increase in the volume of death threats.
The problem is people are afraid of change, be it good or bad. And some take it to a new level when the way they are use to things being start morphing into something that is unknown to them or they are just ignorant to. Thats the main issue not only is this man different but he is trying different things.

Great post, the causes of all this paranoia, untruthful personal attacks and lame character assassination talk is because the right wing tards and other disillusioned people fear change, namely change that might shake white hegemony in America. Beck and Limbaugh are leading the charge in spreading the fire and hate because they fear living in an America where being white and male no longer means being boss. A black man who is not their token and puppet is one they fear so they have to do whayever it takens to discredit him.

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