Race is a business. Business is good!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
don’t you ever forget that. People like Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, and Jesse Jackson are the top execs. They live in million dollar mansions to ensure that the rest of black America never gets the chance to.
the MSM makes it a business also with much ''fakeness''/BS/lies/etc
...seems like everyday on Yahoo news there is at least one--if not 2--bullshit headline stories on race--all anti-white ....ABC also
...I think it was CNN that just yesterday headlined why Trump didn't call the black Waffle House hero?
OMG--Trump didn't call the black Waffle House hero !!!--a very important topic :rolleyes-41:
Here is the highest paid executive in the race hustling business.


Follow very closely by:

Yes, race is a business.

But we should be understanding.

If you had a business, you would not want to go out of business, would you?


One famous organization, for example, wants people to know that it is still relevant in 2018.

It was started when one group of Americans were treated horribly: de jure and de facto segregation everywhere, violence (people were hanged without a trial), etc.

Today thanks to the efforts of that organization, that group of people now have equal rights and some people would say that they even have special rights (viz., affirmative action).

That organization, however, has no intention of turning off the lights.

It gets grants from government agencies.
It gets grants from private industry.
It employs many people whose livelihoods depend on that organization.
It has headquarters to maintain.


I cannot think of a single activist group of any kind that ever said: "Well, we have achieved our goals. We are now disbanding."
Yes, race is a business.

But we should be understanding.

If you had a business, you would not want to go out of business, would you?


One famous organization, for example, wants people to know that it is still relevant in 2018.

It was started when one group of Americans were treated horribly: de jure and de facto segregation everywhere, violence (people were hanged without a trial), etc.

Today thanks to the efforts of that organization, that group of people now have equal rights and some people would say that they even have special rights (viz., affirmative action).

That organization, however, has no intention of turning off the lights.

It gets grants from government agencies.
It gets grants from private industry.
It employs many people whose livelihoods depend on that organization.
It has headquarters to maintain.


I cannot think of a single activist group of any kind that ever said: "Well, we have achieved our goals. We are now disbanding."

And since things this organization was founded to end still exists why in the fuck should they close? .

This is why political debate goes absolutely nowhere these days. It’s hard to have rational discussion with people who are starting their argument based on complete lies. Not only do they base their argument on these lies, they want these lies to be true. Even when you present them with indisputable factual data that contradicts their beliefs, it makes absolutely no difference.

And therein lies the problem. They’re suffering from cognitive dissonance. Simply put, it’s where the brain creates it’s own reality when faced with two conflicting beliefs.

You suffer from cognitive dissonance.

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