Question for gay marriage opponents

Of course, I fully expect the Christian bigots to oppose hiring of gays in their churches. The churches think that being bigots is some kind of a "God given" privilege they are entitled to exercise.

So, if you don't like gays - you are automatically bigot? Excellent freedom of opinions, Orwell-style, isn't it? :)

Employment rights are "universal" in the sense no employer is supposed to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation of any person. Somehow the churches think they are above this requirement because of their religious status. This needs to change.

The sexual orientation of any person is non-significant here. You just always mix "gay as sexual orientation" and "gay as social position". The first usually is not subject of discussion, the second - a Church's law violation and a reason to avoid this. Look, how easy sexual preference is transforming to social position and then becoming propaganda... another small step - and we have discrimination of silent majority... I don't think, it's a right way for democracy...

Not liking gays makes you a bigot just as not liking a person of minority class makes one a racist. What would you think if I said I don't like black people? Can you answer that? My "religion" teaches me to hate minorities. Just imagine if this was the situation and then explain to me whether you'd consider me a racist, if I said the above and believed in the above.

A church's right to discrimination ends when it comes to common legislative protections afforded to all people in this world.

Your church can preach bigotry and hate, that's not a problem. It already does it. What I am saying is no one should be exempt from EEOC laws. These laws are designed to protect all individuals.

I will protect your right to be a bigot and hateful. It's protected by first amendment of the constitution. So this is not disputable. However, your hiring practices can be regulated and SHOULD be controlled by EEOC laws.

Not liking gays makes me a bigot? Excuse me, but it's a direct violense against my personality - to order me, what I should like or dislike.

If you don't like black or white people - it's just your opinion. If you only saying it - it's your right. If you DO something, caused of dislike of black - it's a racism. Offcourse, if you try to offend someone by saying "I don't like ...." in a some situation - it would be racism, but not because of your opinion, just by your ACTION.

You will protect my right to be a bigot and hateful? Thanks, but I don't want to be a hateful bigot. You'd better protect my freedom to have an own opinion :) And in general... I can remember only two real individuals in history - Adam (before Eve) and Maugli. All other people are belong of societies. You receive from society a language, an education, typical behaviour - how can you claim yourself as "individualist" after it?
You can say similar things about religiion. So, individualism and atheism in practice seems most bigot and hateful religions :) And "gayism" too...

Sorry but your religion teaches and encourages bigotry and hate. Just replace the word gays with blacks and you will know what I mean.

You have every right to hate gays and exclude them from your organization. And I have every right to call you a homophobe and a bigot if you do so.

You believe that your hateful organization that you call church is exempt from some of the laws of congress that apply to all others. Sadly the politicians have capitulated against the religious bodies.

If you are not going to treat all human beings with respect, then you will be called out for your hate. You can defend it all you want under the guise of "religious freedom", but every action has consequences.

My religion teaches me with mercy and traditions - why are you approve other, if you didnt' read the Bible?
Because, If you read the Bible, you should know, Bible is saying nothing special with any coloured people, but about gays you've seen quote, I typed.

But it's interesting, let's see, what's happens. I, "hateful bigot" permanently trying to explain situation, find a compromise salvaiton, accurate separating one idea of another to avoid misunderstanding and conflict.

You, "human rights defender" - just mixing social, sexual and any other aspects of human's life, dividing humans on "black" and "others", forcing extremal gayism without any reasonable borders, including church's traditions...

So I have a question. From which page of Orwell's novell did you came?
If gays hate heterosexuals so much why do they strive to be just like them?

Have you heard anything about "parades of heterosexuals" to prove your words? :)

Yes. "Mardi Gras" is Latin for "parades of heterosexuals trying to be gay".

But in the real world, church is an organization made up of people as is a corporation or a non profit. So it has to abide by the same rules as other organizations do.

Everyone is governed by human laws, just as any one person business is held to same standards as are most all other organizations, save some non profits.
I like this guy! Now I can go to any private golf club, yacht club or any exclusive club because according to this guy's reasoning/principle everybody comes at goes as they wish. They cannot keep me out…or can they? ;)

Yes, as long as they don't get tax breaks. Employment laws and religious ceremonies are two different things, you probably never learned about. I am saying it's time to take away religious organizations' exemption and stop the homophobic christians from imposing their own outdated moral code on their employees if they are going to be a public organization that receives tax breaks. Their privacy extends to their religious beliefs and practices, not to employee hiring practices. They still have to provide safe, no discriminatory work place.
That moral code includes marriage between a male and a female, you know why? To ensure the continuity/survival of the species. The prime example for the importance of that code is the species of DINOSAURS. They did not have that moral code, became fags and guess what? They went fucking extinct. Now, the memory of the fate of the faggot dinosaurs stayed with those species which did not go fag and the moral code was born throughout the evolution of mankind. Darwin must have know about that.
If gays hate heterosexuals so much why do they strive to be just like them?

Have you heard anything about "parades of heterosexuals" to prove your words? :)

Yes. "Mardi Gras" is Latin for "parades of heterosexuals trying to be gay".

Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday and originally a CHRISTIAN celebration you imbecile. Since you homosexuals with the agenda for destroying the family changed the word meaning of "GAY" from flamboyant, lively, happy and colorful to faggot your bullshit holds no water. Now you successfully changed the meaning of the word Marriage too.

Wow. I guess that joke and the point sailed a couple miles over your head, eh?
If gays hate heterosexuals so much why do they strive to be just like them?

Have you heard anything about "parades of heterosexuals" to prove your words? :)

Yes. "Mardi Gras" is Latin for "parades of heterosexuals trying to be gay".


Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday and originally a CHRISTIAN celebration you imbecile. Since you homosexuals with the agenda for destroying the family changed the word meaning of "GAY" from flamboyant, lively, happy and colorful to faggot your bullshit holds no water. Now you successfully changed the meaning of the word Marriage too.
If gays hate heterosexuals so much why do they strive to be just like them?

Have you heard anything about "parades of heterosexuals" to prove your words? :)

Yes. "Mardi Gras" is Latin for "parades of heterosexuals trying to be gay".


Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday and originally a CHRISTIAN celebration you imbecile. Since you homosexuals with the agenda for destroying the family changed the word meaning of "GAY" from flamboyant, lively, happy and colorful to faggot your bullshit holds no water. Now you successfully changed the meaning of the word Marriage too.
You are repeating yourself.

The joke and the point sailed a mile over your head.

Gee, I had no idea getting drunk and eating like a glutton and participating in debauchery was a Christian celebration.

Mardi Gras was a way to party just before getting all holy-like for Lent and giving up hookers and blow, and abstaining from meat on Fridays. Everyone knows that.

"You homosexuals"? Sorry, that's a strawman fallacy. I'm as straight as an arrow, dipshit. Nice try.

Let's seeeeeee...what else...

Oh, yeah. When holy heteros screw each other's brains out outside the institution of marriage, they can still get a wedding cake when they finally settle down.

When some Christian divorces his first wife because she got too fat after cranking out some kids, and then remarries, he can get a SECOND wedding cake.

Even a chronic masturbator like yourself can get a wedding cake. I speak hypothetically, of course, stipulating the fantastical theory you can find a girl to marry you.

But, oh! When a pole smoker wants a wedding cake, suddenly you get all Christ-like and miffed. Yeah. Okay, hypocrite.
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If gays hate heterosexuals so much why do they strive to be just like them?

Have you heard anything about "parades of heterosexuals" to prove your words? :)

Yes. "Mardi Gras" is Latin for "parades of heterosexuals trying to be gay".

Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday and originally a CHRISTIAN celebration you imbecile. Since you homosexuals with the agenda for destroying the family changed the word meaning of "GAY" from flamboyant, lively, happy and colorful to faggot your bullshit holds no water. Now you successfully changed the meaning of the word Marriage too.

Wow. I guess that joke and the point sailed a couple miles over your head, eh?
Don't spin it after your ignorance has been exposed.
If gays hate heterosexuals so much why do they strive to be just like them?

Have you heard anything about "parades of heterosexuals" to prove your words? :)

Yes. "Mardi Gras" is Latin for "parades of heterosexuals trying to be gay".


Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday and originally a CHRISTIAN celebration you imbecile. Since you homosexuals with the agenda for destroying the family changed the word meaning of "GAY" from flamboyant, lively, happy and colorful to faggot your bullshit holds no water. Now you successfully changed the meaning of the word Marriage too.
You are repeating yourself.

The joke and the point sailed a mile over your head.

Gee, I had no idea getting drunk and eating like a glutton and participating in debauchery was a Christian celebration.

Mardi Gras was a way to party just before getting all holy-like for Lent and giving up hookers and blow, and abstaining from meat on Fridays. Everyone knows that.

"You homosexuals"? Sorry, that's a strawman fallacy. I'm as straight as an arrow, dipshit. Nice try.

Let's seeeeeee...what else...

Oh, yeah. When holy heteros screw each other's brains out outside the institution of marriage, they can still get a wedding cake when they finally settle down.

When some Christian divorces his first wife because she got too fat after cranking out some kids, and then remarries, he can get a SECOND wedding cake.

Even a chronic masturbator like yourself can get a wedding cake. I speak hypothetically, of course, stipulating the fantastical theory you can find a girl to marry you.

But, oh! When a pole smoker wants a wedding cake, suddenly you get all Christ-like and miffed. Yeah. Okay, hypocrite.
…see the difference between normal people and fags is that normal people don't run around telling everybody what they do behind their closed doors, whose wife or husband got fucked.. while you faggots are running around with fag-flags to tell everybody how disgusting you are :suck:. If you want to do it with Guano, that's your business but don't spit the result into my face.
Gee, I had no idea getting drunk and eating like a glutton and participating in debauchery was a Christian celebration.
There is a difference between Southern Baptist/Church of Christ and Catholic system of doctrine you moron but all believe to be sinners and believe in backsliding and shit. I do not participate in organized religion but it doesn't mean I do not respect them because of their belief. I respect Jews (except Guano and his intolerant, militant anti-Christian ilk. But they are afraid to be anti Muslim because they know some form of retribution would come to them. Christians are meek therefore fair game to harass them.) Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons etc…
Right now the Creator is scourging Christians with secular SCOTUS, a racist president and faggotism running rampant because they oppressed people by forcing their dogma on them throughout 2 millennia.
But in the real world, church is an organization made up of people as is a corporation or a non profit. So it has to abide by the same rules as other organizations do.

Everyone is governed by human laws, just as any one person business is held to same standards as are most all other organizations, save some non profits.
I like this guy! Now I can go to any private golf club, yacht club or any exclusive club because according to this guy's reasoning/principle everybody comes at goes as they wish. They cannot keep me out…or can they? ;)

Yes, as long as they don't get tax breaks. Employment laws and religious ceremonies are two different things, you probably never learned about. I am saying it's time to take away religious organizations' exemption and stop the homophobic christians from imposing their own outdated moral code on their employees if they are going to be a public organization that receives tax breaks. Their privacy extends to their religious beliefs and practices, not to employee hiring practices. They still have to provide safe, no discriminatory work place.
That moral code includes marriage between a male and a female, you know why? To ensure the continuity/survival of the species. The prime example for the importance of that code is the species of DINOSAURS. They did not have that moral code, became fags and guess what? They went fucking extinct. Now, the memory of the fate of the faggot dinosaurs stayed with those species which did not go fag and the moral code was born throughout the evolution of mankind. Darwin must have know about that.

That is wrong and idiotic for so many reasons, I don’t know where to begin. Do you really believe that same sex marriage is a threat to the survival of our species? Just a few thoughts:

  1. Homosexuality has existed in societies for as long as we have been human and probably longer. Yet we have thrived as a species.

  2. Gay people represent a very small percentage of the population and probably smaller than the percentage of heterosexuals who, for whatever reasons, do not have children

  3. Gay people do in fact have children. A lesbian can get pregnant and carry a child. A gay man can produce sperm and fertilize an ovum.

  4. While gay people do often utilize surrogates and sperm donors and rely on medical technology to reproduce……SO DO A SIGNIFICANT NUMBER OF HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES

  5. Marriage has NOTHING to do with reproduction. People have always had children in and out of marriage

  6. Restricting marriage to heterosexuals will in no way increase the number of children born, as though we need more children. If you think that it will, please explain how
I heard Tony Perkins of family research council say that gay marriage is bad but heterosexual marriage is better for children. It is because a child needs a mother and a father for healthy growth and a good life.

If that is true, then why don't gay marriage opponents also object to children staying in single parent homes? About half of US children live in single parent households.

If you object to gay marriage on the grounds that a child needs a mom and a dad, then the gay marriage haters should have actively pursued constitutional and legal changes within our family structures that prohibit single parent households as vociferously as they opposed gay marriages. Seems to me one mom would be far worse choice than having two moms.

Your thoughts?
If gays hate heterosexuals so much why do they strive to be just like them?
Gays hate straight people? Really? Where do you get that from? The fact is that they do not have to strive to be just like straight people. They ARE just like straight people.
But in the real world, church is an organization made up of people as is a corporation or a non profit. So it has to abide by the same rules as other organizations do.

Everyone is governed by human laws, just as any one person business is held to same standards as are most all other organizations, save some non profits.
I like this guy! Now I can go to any private golf club, yacht club or any exclusive club because according to this guy's reasoning/principle everybody comes at goes as they wish. They cannot keep me out…or can they? ;)

Yes, as long as they don't get tax breaks. Employment laws and religious ceremonies are two different things, you probably never learned about. I am saying it's time to take away religious organizations' exemption and stop the homophobic christians from imposing their own outdated moral code on their employees if they are going to be a public organization that receives tax breaks. Their privacy extends to their religious beliefs and practices, not to employee hiring practices. They still have to provide safe, no discriminatory work place.
That moral code includes marriage between a male and a female, you know why? To ensure the continuity/survival of the species. The prime example for the importance of that code is the species of DINOSAURS. They did not have that moral code, became fags and guess what? They went fucking extinct. Now, the memory of the fate of the faggot dinosaurs stayed with those species which did not go fag and the moral code was born throughout the evolution of mankind. Darwin must have know about that.

That is wrong and idiotic for so many reasons, I don’t know where to begin. Do you really believe that same sex marriage is a threat to the survival of our species? Just a few thoughts:

  1. Homosexuality has existed in societies for as long as we have been human and probably longer. Yet we have thrived as a species.

  2. Gay people represent a very small percentage of the population and probably smaller than the percentage of heterosexuals who, for whatever reasons, do not have children

  3. Gay people do in fact have children. A lesbian can get pregnant and carry a child. A gay man can produce sperm and fertilize an ovum.

  4. While gay people do often utilize surrogates and sperm donors and rely on medical technology to reproduce……SO DO A SIGNIFICANT NUMBER OF HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES

  5. Marriage has NOTHING to do with reproduction. People have always had children in and out of marriage

  6. Restricting marriage to heterosexuals will in no way increase the number of children born, as though we need more children. If you think that it will, please explain how
another apologist for :suck:
Of course, I fully expect the Christian bigots to oppose hiring of gays in their churches. The churches think that being bigots is some kind of a "God given" privilege they are entitled to exercise.

So, if you don't like gays - you are automatically bigot? Excellent freedom of opinions, Orwell-style, isn't it? :)

Employment rights are "universal" in the sense no employer is supposed to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation of any person. Somehow the churches think they are above this requirement because of their religious status. This needs to change.

The sexual orientation of any person is non-significant here. You just always mix "gay as sexual orientation" and "gay as social position". The first usually is not subject of discussion, the second - a Church's law violation and a reason to avoid this. Look, how easy sexual preference is transforming to social position and then becoming propaganda... another small step - and we have discrimination of silent majority... I don't think, it's a right way for democracy...

Not liking gays makes you a bigot just as not liking a person of minority class makes one a racist. What would you think if I said I don't like black people? Can you answer that? My "religion" teaches me to hate minorities. Just imagine if this was the situation and then explain to me whether you'd consider me a racist, if I said the above and believed in the above.

A church's right to discrimination ends when it comes to common legislative protections afforded to all people in this world.

Your church can preach bigotry and hate, that's not a problem. It already does it. What I am saying is no one should be exempt from EEOC laws. These laws are designed to protect all individuals.

I will protect your right to be a bigot and hateful. It's protected by first amendment of the constitution. So this is not disputable. However, your hiring practices can be regulated and SHOULD be controlled by EEOC laws.

Not liking gays makes me a bigot? Excuse me, but it's a direct violense against my personality - to order me, what I should like or dislike.

If you don't like black or white people - it's just your opinion. If you only saying it - it's your right. If you DO something, caused of dislike of black - it's a racism. Offcourse, if you try to offend someone by saying "I don't like ...." in a some situation - it would be racism, but not because of your opinion, just by your ACTION.

You will protect my right to be a bigot and hateful? Thanks, but I don't want to be a hateful bigot. You'd better protect my freedom to have an own opinion :) And in general... I can remember only two real individuals in history - Adam (before Eve) and Maugli. All other people are belong of societies. You receive from society a language, an education, typical behaviour - how can you claim yourself as "individualist" after it?
You can say similar things about religiion. So, individualism and atheism in practice seems most bigot and hateful religions :) And "gayism" too...

Sorry but your religion teaches and encourages bigotry and hate. Just replace the word gays with blacks and you will know what I mean.

You have every right to hate gays and exclude them from your organization. And I have every right to call you a homophobe and a bigot if you do so.

You believe that your hateful organization that you call church is exempt from some of the laws of congress that apply to all others. Sadly the politicians have capitulated against the religious bodies.

If you are not going to treat all human beings with respect, then you will be called out for your hate. You can defend it all you want under the guise of "religious freedom", but every action has consequences.

My religion teaches me with mercy and traditions - why are you approve other, if you didnt' read the Bible?
Because, If you read the Bible, you should know, Bible is saying nothing special with any coloured people, but about gays you've seen quote, I typed.

But it's interesting, let's see, what's happens. I, "hateful bigot" permanently trying to explain situation, find a compromise salvaiton, accurate separating one idea of another to avoid misunderstanding and conflict.

You, "human rights defender" - just mixing social, sexual and any other aspects of human's life, dividing humans on "black" and "others", forcing extremal gayism without any reasonable borders, including church's traditions...

So I have a question. From which page of Orwell's novell did you came?
You know, Russia starts to look more and more attractive. Putin is cool and will not put up with faggot bullshit. If you are a fag in Russia you better :suck: in your bedroom and shut up about it. Am I right about Russia?
But in the real world, church is an organization made up of people as is a corporation or a non profit. So it has to abide by the same rules as other organizations do.

Everyone is governed by human laws, just as any one person business is held to same standards as are most all other organizations, save some non profits.
I like this guy! Now I can go to any private golf club, yacht club or any exclusive club because according to this guy's reasoning/principle everybody comes at goes as they wish. They cannot keep me out…or can they? ;)

Yes, as long as they don't get tax breaks. Employment laws and religious ceremonies are two different things, you probably never learned about. I am saying it's time to take away religious organizations' exemption and stop the homophobic christians from imposing their own outdated moral code on their employees if they are going to be a public organization that receives tax breaks. Their privacy extends to their religious beliefs and practices, not to employee hiring practices. They still have to provide safe, no discriminatory work place.
That moral code includes marriage between a male and a female, you know why? To ensure the continuity/survival of the species. The prime example for the importance of that code is the species of DINOSAURS. They did not have that moral code, became fags and guess what? They went fucking extinct. Now, the memory of the fate of the faggot dinosaurs stayed with those species which did not go fag and the moral code was born throughout the evolution of mankind. Darwin must have know about that.

That is wrong and idiotic for so many reasons, I don’t know where to begin. Do you really believe that same sex marriage is a threat to the survival of our species? Just a few thoughts:

  1. Homosexuality has existed in societies for as long as we have been human and probably longer. Yet we have thrived as a species.

  2. Gay people represent a very small percentage of the population and probably smaller than the percentage of heterosexuals who, for whatever reasons, do not have children

  3. Gay people do in fact have children. A lesbian can get pregnant and carry a child. A gay man can produce sperm and fertilize an ovum.

  4. While gay people do often utilize surrogates and sperm donors and rely on medical technology to reproduce……SO DO A SIGNIFICANT NUMBER OF HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES

  5. Marriage has NOTHING to do with reproduction. People have always had children in and out of marriage

  6. Restricting marriage to heterosexuals will in no way increase the number of children born, as though we need more children. If you think that it will, please explain how
another apologist for :suck:

Brilliant! I am overwhelmed by your superior intellect and ability to articulate your position and construct a logical argument. :trolls::trolls:
So, if you don't like gays - you are automatically bigot? Excellent freedom of opinions, Orwell-style, isn't it? :)

The sexual orientation of any person is non-significant here. You just always mix "gay as sexual orientation" and "gay as social position". The first usually is not subject of discussion, the second - a Church's law violation and a reason to avoid this. Look, how easy sexual preference is transforming to social position and then becoming propaganda... another small step - and we have discrimination of silent majority... I don't think, it's a right way for democracy...

Not liking gays makes you a bigot just as not liking a person of minority class makes one a racist. What would you think if I said I don't like black people? Can you answer that? My "religion" teaches me to hate minorities. Just imagine if this was the situation and then explain to me whether you'd consider me a racist, if I said the above and believed in the above.

A church's right to discrimination ends when it comes to common legislative protections afforded to all people in this world.

Your church can preach bigotry and hate, that's not a problem. It already does it. What I am saying is no one should be exempt from EEOC laws. These laws are designed to protect all individuals.

I will protect your right to be a bigot and hateful. It's protected by first amendment of the constitution. So this is not disputable. However, your hiring practices can be regulated and SHOULD be controlled by EEOC laws.

Not liking gays makes me a bigot? Excuse me, but it's a direct violense against my personality - to order me, what I should like or dislike.

If you don't like black or white people - it's just your opinion. If you only saying it - it's your right. If you DO something, caused of dislike of black - it's a racism. Offcourse, if you try to offend someone by saying "I don't like ...." in a some situation - it would be racism, but not because of your opinion, just by your ACTION.

You will protect my right to be a bigot and hateful? Thanks, but I don't want to be a hateful bigot. You'd better protect my freedom to have an own opinion :) And in general... I can remember only two real individuals in history - Adam (before Eve) and Maugli. All other people are belong of societies. You receive from society a language, an education, typical behaviour - how can you claim yourself as "individualist" after it?
You can say similar things about religiion. So, individualism and atheism in practice seems most bigot and hateful religions :) And "gayism" too...

Sorry but your religion teaches and encourages bigotry and hate. Just replace the word gays with blacks and you will know what I mean.

You have every right to hate gays and exclude them from your organization. And I have every right to call you a homophobe and a bigot if you do so.

You believe that your hateful organization that you call church is exempt from some of the laws of congress that apply to all others. Sadly the politicians have capitulated against the religious bodies.

If you are not going to treat all human beings with respect, then you will be called out for your hate. You can defend it all you want under the guise of "religious freedom", but every action has consequences.

My religion teaches me with mercy and traditions - why are you approve other, if you didnt' read the Bible?
Because, If you read the Bible, you should know, Bible is saying nothing special with any coloured people, but about gays you've seen quote, I typed.

But it's interesting, let's see, what's happens. I, "hateful bigot" permanently trying to explain situation, find a compromise salvaiton, accurate separating one idea of another to avoid misunderstanding and conflict.

You, "human rights defender" - just mixing social, sexual and any other aspects of human's life, dividing humans on "black" and "others", forcing extremal gayism without any reasonable borders, including church's traditions...

So I have a question. From which page of Orwell's novell did you came?
You know, Russia starts to look more and more attractive. Putin is cool and will not put up with faggot bullshit. If you are a fag in Russia you better :suck: in your bedroom and shut up about it. Am I right about Russia?
Better pack your bags then. You might also want to consider Uganda or the middle east. By now! :udaman::udaman:
But in the real world, church is an organization made up of people as is a corporation or a non profit. So it has to abide by the same rules as other organizations do.

Everyone is governed by human laws, just as any one person business is held to same standards as are most all other organizations, save some non profits.
I like this guy! Now I can go to any private golf club, yacht club or any exclusive club because according to this guy's reasoning/principle everybody comes at goes as they wish. They cannot keep me out…or can they? ;)

Yes, as long as they don't get tax breaks. Employment laws and religious ceremonies are two different things, you probably never learned about. I am saying it's time to take away religious organizations' exemption and stop the homophobic christians from imposing their own outdated moral code on their employees if they are going to be a public organization that receives tax breaks. Their privacy extends to their religious beliefs and practices, not to employee hiring practices. They still have to provide safe, no discriminatory work place.
That moral code includes marriage between a male and a female, you know why? To ensure the continuity/survival of the species. The prime example for the importance of that code is the species of DINOSAURS. They did not have that moral code, became fags and guess what? They went fucking extinct. Now, the memory of the fate of the faggot dinosaurs stayed with those species which did not go fag and the moral code was born throughout the evolution of mankind. Darwin must have know about that.

The dinosaurs were fags??? Holy fuck! Thought that they got hit by an asteroid or something. Oh I know, they got hit by an asteroid BECAUSE they were fags. :lame2::hellno:


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But in the real world, church is an organization made up of people as is a corporation or a non profit. So it has to abide by the same rules as other organizations do.

Everyone is governed by human laws, just as any one person business is held to same standards as are most all other organizations, save some non profits.
I like this guy! Now I can go to any private golf club, yacht club or any exclusive club because according to this guy's reasoning/principle everybody comes at goes as they wish. They cannot keep me out…or can they? ;)

Yes, as long as they don't get tax breaks. Employment laws and religious ceremonies are two different things, you probably never learned about. I am saying it's time to take away religious organizations' exemption and stop the homophobic christians from imposing their own outdated moral code on their employees if they are going to be a public organization that receives tax breaks. Their privacy extends to their religious beliefs and practices, not to employee hiring practices. They still have to provide safe, no discriminatory work place.
That moral code includes marriage between a male and a female, you know why? To ensure the continuity/survival of the species. The prime example for the importance of that code is the species of DINOSAURS. They did not have that moral code, became fags and guess what? They went fucking extinct. Now, the memory of the fate of the faggot dinosaurs stayed with those species which did not go fag and the moral code was born throughout the evolution of mankind. Darwin must have know about that.

The dinosaurs were fags??? Holy fuck! Thought that they got hit by an asteroid or something. Oh I know, they got hit by an asteroid BECAUSE they were fags. :lame2::hellno:
You could not detect the absurdity of faggotism being portrayed by an absurd analogy. What an imbecile!!!!
Of course, I fully expect the Christian bigots to oppose hiring of gays in their churches. The churches think that being bigots is some kind of a "God given" privilege they are entitled to exercise.

So, if you don't like gays - you are automatically bigot? Excellent freedom of opinions, Orwell-style, isn't it? :)

Employment rights are "universal" in the sense no employer is supposed to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation of any person. Somehow the churches think they are above this requirement because of their religious status. This needs to change.

The sexual orientation of any person is non-significant here. You just always mix "gay as sexual orientation" and "gay as social position". The first usually is not subject of discussion, the second - a Church's law violation and a reason to avoid this. Look, how easy sexual preference is transforming to social position and then becoming propaganda... another small step - and we have discrimination of silent majority... I don't think, it's a right way for democracy...

Not liking gays makes you a bigot just as not liking a person of minority class makes one a racist. What would you think if I said I don't like black people? Can you answer that? My "religion" teaches me to hate minorities. Just imagine if this was the situation and then explain to me whether you'd consider me a racist, if I said the above and believed in the above.

A church's right to discrimination ends when it comes to common legislative protections afforded to all people in this world.

Your church can preach bigotry and hate, that's not a problem. It already does it. What I am saying is no one should be exempt from EEOC laws. These laws are designed to protect all individuals.

I will protect your right to be a bigot and hateful. It's protected by first amendment of the constitution. So this is not disputable. However, your hiring practices can be regulated and SHOULD be controlled by EEOC laws.

Not liking gays makes me a bigot? Excuse me, but it's a direct violense against my personality - to order me, what I should like or dislike.

If you don't like black or white people - it's just your opinion. If you only saying it - it's your right. If you DO something, caused of dislike of black - it's a racism. Offcourse, if you try to offend someone by saying "I don't like ...." in a some situation - it would be racism, but not because of your opinion, just by your ACTION.

You will protect my right to be a bigot and hateful? Thanks, but I don't want to be a hateful bigot. You'd better protect my freedom to have an own opinion :) And in general... I can remember only two real individuals in history - Adam (before Eve) and Maugli. All other people are belong of societies. You receive from society a language, an education, typical behaviour - how can you claim yourself as "individualist" after it?
You can say similar things about religiion. So, individualism and atheism in practice seems most bigot and hateful religions :) And "gayism" too...

Sorry but your religion teaches and encourages bigotry and hate. Just replace the word gays with blacks and you will know what I mean.

You have every right to hate gays and exclude them from your organization. And I have every right to call you a homophobe and a bigot if you do so.

You believe that your hateful organization that you call church is exempt from some of the laws of congress that apply to all others. Sadly the politicians have capitulated against the religious bodies.

If you are not going to treat all human beings with respect, then you will be called out for your hate. You can defend it all you want under the guise of "religious freedom", but every action has consequences.

My religion teaches me with mercy and traditions - why are you approve other, if you didnt' read the Bible?
Because, If you read the Bible, you should know, Bible is saying nothing special with any coloured people, but about gays you've seen quote, I typed.

But it's interesting, let's see, what's happens. I, "hateful bigot" permanently trying to explain situation, find a compromise salvaiton, accurate separating one idea of another to avoid misunderstanding and conflict.

You, "human rights defender" - just mixing social, sexual and any other aspects of human's life, dividing humans on "black" and "others", forcing extremal gayism without any reasonable borders, including church's traditions...

So I have a question. From which page of Orwell's novell did you came?

I don't have the time to digress from my original question and not going to get trapped into your BS. You and your church discriminates against gays and you hate the gays. You denied them the basic right to marry. That makes you a bigot just as it would make someone else a bigot if they denied a black person to have lunch in their restaurant or denied them the right to employment. I don't know why you are having a difficulty understand why people are critical of your ideology and your religion. This is not exactly rocket science. Wrap your mind around it.
But in the real world, church is an organization made up of people as is a corporation or a non profit. So it has to abide by the same rules as other organizations do.

Everyone is governed by human laws, just as any one person business is held to same standards as are most all other organizations, save some non profits.
I like this guy! Now I can go to any private golf club, yacht club or any exclusive club because according to this guy's reasoning/principle everybody comes at goes as they wish. They cannot keep me out…or can they? ;)

Yes, as long as they don't get tax breaks. Employment laws and religious ceremonies are two different things, you probably never learned about. I am saying it's time to take away religious organizations' exemption and stop the homophobic christians from imposing their own outdated moral code on their employees if they are going to be a public organization that receives tax breaks. Their privacy extends to their religious beliefs and practices, not to employee hiring practices. They still have to provide safe, no discriminatory work place.
That moral code includes marriage between a male and a female, you know why? To ensure the continuity/survival of the species. The prime example for the importance of that code is the species of DINOSAURS. They did not have that moral code, became fags and guess what? They went fucking extinct. Now, the memory of the fate of the faggot dinosaurs stayed with those species which did not go fag and the moral code was born throughout the evolution of mankind. Darwin must have know about that.

You think gays cannot reproduce? Have you heard of invitro fertilization? And who told you gay marriage prevents heterosexuals from reproducing? The only way to threaten our species is for people to stop reproducing. You could have 100% homosexual population in this world and still grown the population of the planet. No wonder religion is the bastion for ignorant people who don't understand anything about science including surrogacy and invitro fert.

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