Salon on Trump and the GOP: "A party too timid to denounce a bigoted gasbag"


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
This is an interesting write-up. It's a form of OP-ED in Salon:

GOP s baffling Trump cowardice A party too timid to denounce a bigoted gasbag -

Simon Maloy has noticed what millions and millions and millions of Americans are noticing:

Just about every second of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, such as it is, has been a disaster. He kicked off his campaign two weeks ago with a speech calling Mexican immigrants criminals and “rapists,” and he’s been dealing with the blowback ever since....

...But what I find curious about the reaction to Trump’s blatant racism and anti-immigrant posturing is that not one Republican has stood up and done literally the easiest, least controversial, most politically buzzy thing one could do in this situation: denounce Donald Trump.

Seriously, it’s utterly baffling. Let’s think about this for a moment. The Republican Party is painfully aware that it has a major problem appealing to voter demographics outside its core coalition of old white people and religious white people. This problem is especially acute in presidential election cycles — like the one we’re in now. Recognizing how toxic this alienation of minority groups was in the 2012 presidential race, the Republican National Committee put out a big report explicitly recommending that the party’s candidates and committees do more to reach out to and engage with Latino voters and make them feel less like the GOP actively despises them. “If Hispanic Americans perceive that a GOP nominee or candidate does not want them in the United States (i.e. self-deportation),” the report counseled, “they will not pay attention to our next sentence.”

In this light, Trump’s comments should have been a big, fat, hanging curve for an enterprising Republican 2016 candidate to swing hard at. What he said was bigoted; there’s no disagreement on that. As far as adversaries go, you could do worse than Trump – he is a semi-sentient pile of hair and sadness, he has no feelings to hurt, and by being on the opposite side of him you win the argument by default. And what he said has nothing to do with immigration policy. By weighing in on it you wouldn’t be taking any dangerous positions you’d later have to defend. And the media would eat that mess up.

All you’d have to do is just stand up and say Trump is wrong and a racist, and that undocumented immigrants are not all rapists. It would be a small step toward demonstrating that Republicans recognize the basic humanity of the people at the center of a controversial policy fight and don’t view them merely as criminals or some sort of invasive species.

But no one did that.

The most outrage the RNC could muster came from its communications director, who said on CNN that “painting Mexican Americans with that kind of a brush, I think that’s probably something that is not helpful to the cause.”

So, with Trump, the GOP is in even more of a conundrum in 2016 than it was in 2012, and that against the first female nominee of a major party. If there was ever a year when the GOP would need to score a major breakthrough with Latino voters, 2016 would be the year.

By not condemning Trump's bigoted hatred of Latinos, 2016 GOPers are tactitly lending him support and they will pay for it later. I can see it coming now:

Journalist, to GOP nominee: "When Donald Trump called Latinos 'rapists' and 'murderers', you said nothing. Why did you not denounce this kind of hatred?"

GOP nominee: "Uhm, er, äääähm, BEGHAZI! Cankles! Murkah!"

President Obama won 71% of the Latino vote in 2012. Hillary is set to hit 80% of said vote in 2016, especially if these trends continue. That takes New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado completely off the table and puts both Arizona and Texas seriously into play. There is also a large Latino community in Georgia, now ripe-hanging fruit for 2012.

By being so short-sighted, the GOP is destroying it's own future and relegating itself to become a regional party in presidential politics.

If you think that Latinos are not paying attention to this whole scene, think again.

The Republicans of 2015 are truly stupid people when they don't denounce something as obvious as this.

Discuss. There is more at the op-ed to read.
The GOP is willing to tolerate this behavior for some short term pandering to its base

The long term damage will kill them
go to that site at your OWN RISK

most nastiest gawdawful hate site on the Internet
Thread fail. The GOP is made of individuals, they aren't in the Oval Office so there is no one leader but candidates have come out, pretty much everyone on the subject has denounced Trump's comments.

Are you guys really this desperate?
Thread fail. The GOP is made of individuals, they aren't in the Oval Office so there is no one leader but candidates have come out, pretty much everyone on the subject has denounced Trump's comments.

Are you guys really this desperate?

Of course they are. what are they going to run on? HEY overlook the fact we just LOST Congress because of another DEMOCRAT we put in as President called, Obambam
This is an interesting write-up. It's a form of OP-ED in Salon:

GOP s baffling Trump cowardice A party too timid to denounce a bigoted gasbag -

Simon Maloy has noticed what millions and millions and millions of Americans are noticing:

Just about every second of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, such as it is, has been a disaster. He kicked off his campaign two weeks ago with a speech calling Mexican immigrants criminals and “rapists,” and he’s been dealing with the blowback ever since....

...But what I find curious about the reaction to Trump’s blatant racism and anti-immigrant posturing is that not one Republican has stood up and done literally the easiest, least controversial, most politically buzzy thing one could do in this situation: denounce Donald Trump.

Seriously, it’s utterly baffling. Let’s think about this for a moment. The Republican Party is painfully aware that it has a major problem appealing to voter demographics outside its core coalition of old white people and religious white people. This problem is especially acute in presidential election cycles — like the one we’re in now. Recognizing how toxic this alienation of minority groups was in the 2012 presidential race, the Republican National Committee put out a big report explicitly recommending that the party’s candidates and committees do more to reach out to and engage with Latino voters and make them feel less like the GOP actively despises them. “If Hispanic Americans perceive that a GOP nominee or candidate does not want them in the United States (i.e. self-deportation),” the report counseled, “they will not pay attention to our next sentence.”

In this light, Trump’s comments should have been a big, fat, hanging curve for an enterprising Republican 2016 candidate to swing hard at. What he said was bigoted; there’s no disagreement on that. As far as adversaries go, you could do worse than Trump – he is a semi-sentient pile of hair and sadness, he has no feelings to hurt, and by being on the opposite side of him you win the argument by default. And what he said has nothing to do with immigration policy. By weighing in on it you wouldn’t be taking any dangerous positions you’d later have to defend. And the media would eat that mess up.

All you’d have to do is just stand up and say Trump is wrong and a racist, and that undocumented immigrants are not all rapists. It would be a small step toward demonstrating that Republicans recognize the basic humanity of the people at the center of a controversial policy fight and don’t view them merely as criminals or some sort of invasive species.

But no one did that.

The most outrage the RNC could muster came from its communications director, who said on CNN that “painting Mexican Americans with that kind of a brush, I think that’s probably something that is not helpful to the cause.”

So, with Trump, the GOP is in even more of a conundrum in 2016 than it was in 2012, and that against the first female nominee of a major party. If there was ever a year when the GOP would need to score a major breakthrough with Latino voters, 2016 would be the year.

By not condemning Trump's bigoted hatred of Latinos, 2016 GOPers are tactitly lending him support and they will pay for it later. I can see it coming now:

Journalist, to GOP nominee: "When Donald Trump called Latinos 'rapists' and 'murderers', you said nothing. Why did you not denounce this kind of hatred?"

GOP nominee: "Uhm, er, äääähm, BEGHAZI! Cankles! Murkah!"

President Obama won 71% of the Latino vote in 2012. Hillary is set to hit 80% of said vote in 2016, especially if these trends continue. That takes New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado completely off the table and puts both Arizona and Texas seriously into play. There is also a large Latino community in Georgia, now ripe-hanging fruit for 2012.

By being so short-sighted, the GOP is destroying it's own future and relegating itself to become a regional party in presidential politics.

If you think that Latinos are not paying attention to this whole scene, think again.

The Republicans of 2015 are truly stupid people when they don't denounce something as obvious as this.

Discuss. There is more at the op-ed to read.
Has that ever occur to you that in a stupid two party system those who are neither Democrats nor Republicans by their belief have to run for office in either of those party's colors to have a chance to be elected? Trump is running as a republican but it does not necessarily mean he is republican. He is more of a populist than a republican.
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This is an interesting write-up. It's a form of OP-ED in Salon:

GOP s baffling Trump cowardice A party too timid to denounce a bigoted gasbag -

Simon Maloy has noticed what millions and millions and millions of Americans are noticing:

Just about every second of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, such as it is, has been a disaster. He kicked off his campaign two weeks ago with a speech calling Mexican immigrants criminals and “rapists,” and he’s been dealing with the blowback ever since....

...But what I find curious about the reaction to Trump’s blatant racism and anti-immigrant posturing is that not one Republican has stood up and done literally the easiest, least controversial, most politically buzzy thing one could do in this situation: denounce Donald Trump.

Seriously, it’s utterly baffling. Let’s think about this for a moment. The Republican Party is painfully aware that it has a major problem appealing to voter demographics outside its core coalition of old white people and religious white people. This problem is especially acute in presidential election cycles — like the one we’re in now. Recognizing how toxic this alienation of minority groups was in the 2012 presidential race, the Republican National Committee put out a big report explicitly recommending that the party’s candidates and committees do more to reach out to and engage with Latino voters and make them feel less like the GOP actively despises them. “If Hispanic Americans perceive that a GOP nominee or candidate does not want them in the United States (i.e. self-deportation),” the report counseled, “they will not pay attention to our next sentence.”

In this light, Trump’s comments should have been a big, fat, hanging curve for an enterprising Republican 2016 candidate to swing hard at. What he said was bigoted; there’s no disagreement on that. As far as adversaries go, you could do worse than Trump – he is a semi-sentient pile of hair and sadness, he has no feelings to hurt, and by being on the opposite side of him you win the argument by default. And what he said has nothing to do with immigration policy. By weighing in on it you wouldn’t be taking any dangerous positions you’d later have to defend. And the media would eat that mess up.

All you’d have to do is just stand up and say Trump is wrong and a racist, and that undocumented immigrants are not all rapists. It would be a small step toward demonstrating that Republicans recognize the basic humanity of the people at the center of a controversial policy fight and don’t view them merely as criminals or some sort of invasive species.

But no one did that.

The most outrage the RNC could muster came from its communications director, who said on CNN that “painting Mexican Americans with that kind of a brush, I think that’s probably something that is not helpful to the cause.”

So, with Trump, the GOP is in even more of a conundrum in 2016 than it was in 2012, and that against the first female nominee of a major party. If there was ever a year when the GOP would need to score a major breakthrough with Latino voters, 2016 would be the year.

By not condemning Trump's bigoted hatred of Latinos, 2016 GOPers are tactitly lending him support and they will pay for it later. I can see it coming now:

Journalist, to GOP nominee: "When Donald Trump called Latinos 'rapists' and 'murderers', you said nothing. Why did you not denounce this kind of hatred?"

GOP nominee: "Uhm, er, äääähm, BEGHAZI! Cankles! Murkah!"

President Obama won 71% of the Latino vote in 2012. Hillary is set to hit 80% of said vote in 2016, especially if these trends continue. That takes New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado completely off the table and puts both Arizona and Texas seriously into play. There is also a large Latino community in Georgia, now ripe-hanging fruit for 2012.

By being so short-sighted, the GOP is destroying it's own future and relegating itself to become a regional party in presidential politics.

If you think that Latinos are not paying attention to this whole scene, think again.

The Republicans of 2015 are truly stupid people when they don't denounce something as obvious as this.

Discuss. There is more at the op-ed to read.
Have that ever occurred to you that in a stupid two party system those who are neither Democrats nor Republicans by their belief have to run for office in either of those party's colors to have a chance to be elected? Trump is running as a republican but it does not necessarily mean he is republican. He is more of a populist than a republican.

That is irrelevant.

If he is a populist, then he should have enough balls to form his own populist Party.
Thread fail. The GOP is made of individuals, they aren't in the Oval Office so there is no one leader but candidates have come out, pretty much everyone on the subject has denounced Trump's comments.

Are you guys really this desperate?

Uhm, no.

Try again.
What for? The thread is a lie, why belabor the point?
Gee, Trump points out the obvious that the US needs a guarded border and that it needs to screen immigrants and deal with illegal aliens and that makes him a monster?

Gee, Trump points out the obvious that the US needs a guarded border and that it needs to screen immigrants and deal with illegal aliens and that makes him a monster?
Well, he did go well beyond that and called them rapists, murderers, etc. Some are but he painted with a very broad brush. It might have served him at his day job but it was stupid to be that polemic at the public mic.
It's pretty hard to denounce the truth. What are they supposed to say "We know that criminals, killer, and rapists are coming across the border. We are just too intimidated by the professional grievance class to say so."
Someone should send every asshole who condemns Trump for pointing out that there are illegal aliens who are criminals this list at this website.

It's a very sad list of people who have died at the hands of illegal alien FUCKING CRIMINALS.

Chere Cameron Osmanhodzic, 34

Daughter, bride-to-be, friend


Allegedly murdered by

Omar Armando Loera

Omar Armando Loera, an alleged illegal alien from Mexico with a long criminal history in the U.S. has been charged with the brutal July, 2010 stabbing murder of 34-year-old Chere Osmanhodzic.

Police believe that Loera, who was reportedly out of prison on parole at the time of the murder, stabbed Ms. Osmanhodzic to death and then tried to cover up his crime by setting her body on fire. Prosecutors say they have DNA evidence linking Loera to the murder. Osmanhodzic was engaged to be married to her fiancé, Adam Culvey.

Prior to Osmandhodzic's murder, Loera was out on parole for armed robbery. Lorea has reportedly been previously deported twice from the U.S..

Source: Suspected Killer of Valley Village Bride-to-Be Returned to Los Angeles, by KTLA News, 10-13-10

OJJPAC note: Due to the Obama administration's lack of interest in securing the U.S. border, foreign criminals are easily able to reenter the U.S. and avoid capture due to lack of interior immigration enforcement--which is why the State of Arizona decided it was necessary to pass state legislation (mirroring existing federal law) to protect its citizens.

The Obama administration's outrageous response is to expend scarce federal resources to sue Arizona for doing the job the Obama administration is reluctant to do for pure political reasons.

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial
Gee, Trump points out the obvious that the US needs a guarded border and that it needs to screen immigrants and deal with illegal aliens and that makes him a monster?


and the sheep in the Democrat base falls right in line in spreading their garbage for them. You would think they'd be tired of being used as USEFUL TOOLS
...the US needs a guarded border...

to keep scum like this out..,

Francisco Sanchez has seven felony convictions and has been deported five times, most recently in 2009, a federal agency said Friday. He was arrested about an hour after Wednesday's seemingly random slaying of Kathryn Steinle at Pier 14 — one of the busiest attractions in the city.

Read Latest Breaking News from Feds San Francisco Pier Shooting Suspect Deported 5 Times

we are told by the lliberliar media the cops shoot and kill innocent people all the time , but when the cops should shoot and kill some dirt bag they do not.., and why not...., oooh shit !!....., i forgot, it is San Fagcisco :up:

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