Question for everyone: Should the United States have open borders?

Open Borders - Yes Or No

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Nevertheless is the planet overpopulated and the hyperbolic population growth causes and will cause more and more dramatically situations.

What does that have to do with illegal aliens?

You used this argument. You should know on your own why you used this argument and what it changes in your mind when you accept that this argument is wrong.


1% World population vs 99% Worldpopulation

"No debate on unequal wealth now"

What the fuck does your pic have to do with my argument? I simply posted a fact. More people emigrating here means more consumption and more pollution.

Again: The world is overpopulated. The population growth is not linear, it is not a parable, it is not an exponential function - it is even a hyperbolic function. The worst case scenario: Soon we will kill all living-conditions and all life on planet Earth! And your problem seems to be to pamper the vanity who is the greatest ape in the world: "America first".

The world is not overpopulated. …

You are wrong.
I don't think anyone wants open borders. Didn't our do nothing congress have an immigration bill, what happened with that?
The Democrats will vote no to any bill that includes money to build the wall. Not having a structure to close the border means we have open borders. Break out a dictionary and look up the word open without impediment.

The Wall will be porous, as will our coastlines. Money spent to build, maintain and patrol a wall is wasteful, better to invest in more practical solutions to this Trump made crisis.
The wall will keep the weak out. Only the strongest and most determined will figure out a way around the wall, and those are the ones we want in our country.
What does that have to do with illegal aliens?

You used this argument. You should know on your own why you used this argument and what it changes in your mind when you accept that this argument is wrong.


1% World population vs 99% Worldpopulation

"No debate on unequal wealth now"

What the fuck does your pic have to do with my argument? I simply posted a fact. More people emigrating here means more consumption and more pollution.

Again: The world is overpopulated. The population growth is not linear, it is not a parable, it is not an exponential function - it is even a hyperbolic function. The worst case scenario: Soon we will kill all living-conditions and all life on planet Earth! And your problem seems to be to pamper the vanity who is the greatest ape in the world: "America first".

The world is not overpopulated. …

You are wrong.

I don't think anyone wants open borders. Didn't our do nothing congress have an immigration bill, what happened with that?
The Democrats will vote no to any bill that includes money to build the wall. Not having a structure to close the border means we have open borders. Break out a dictionary and look up the word open without impediment.

The Wall will be porous, as will our coastlines. Money spent to build, maintain and patrol a wall is wasteful, better to invest in more practical solutions to this Trump made crisis.
Nonsense. Trump is weak and just isn't thinking tremendous enough. I'm running for president on building an ocean wall. The best ocean wall the world has ever seen. Everyone wants the ocean wall, lots of people are talking about it, very smart people.

I read here just a moment ago the USA had arrested a Canadian woman, who accidentally had entered US-American territory while jogging. She was arrested for 2 weeks in the USA. Even when in former times someone accidentally had overstepped the iron curtain between East and West during the times of the cold war the Soviets had arrested someone only three days. What for heavens sake is going wrong in and with your country? What is the next step? That Canada has to arrest every US-American who pees on Canadian ground while travelling to Alaska?

The stories I looked up explained that Canada was having issues taking her back to Canada, and Canada finally agreed to allow her back into Canada. I’m surprised France didn’t step in, you would think her own country could of got her out of there and back to France

Your empire kidnapped a lady, a member of the western world, because of the crime "jogging along the ocean without papers". You - the whole USA (=the extended Trump-empire) - is as criminal in my eyes as the Soviet empire was once criminal.

Kidnapped? She was in the US illegally, most countries including Canada would sentence them to prison for six months, spare me you fake outrage.
You used this argument. You should know on your own why you used this argument and what it changes in your mind when you accept that this argument is wrong.


1% World population vs 99% Worldpopulation

"No debate on unequal wealth now"

What the fuck does your pic have to do with my argument? I simply posted a fact. More people emigrating here means more consumption and more pollution.

Again: The world is overpopulated. The population growth is not linear, it is not a parable, it is not an exponential function - it is even a hyperbolic function. The worst case scenario: Soon we will kill all living-conditions and all life on planet Earth! And your problem seems to be to pamper the vanity who is the greatest ape in the world: "America first".

The world is not overpopulated. …

You are wrong.

I did not take a look at this propagandistic video. Tell me the facts if there are facts. For me it's clear that only Europe, China and the USA - the three most rich world regions (not to forget Japan) - don't have a problem with the population growth. This shows by the way that the USA never made a good economical politics in the South of the continent America. The Monroe doctrine is obsolet. We have to find new ways for South America. And this new ways are not able to be a wall between Mexico (South America) and the USA.

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I don't think anyone wants open borders. Didn't our do nothing congress have an immigration bill, what happened with that?
The Democrats will vote no to any bill that includes money to build the wall. Not having a structure to close the border means we have open borders. Break out a dictionary and look up the word open without impediment.

The Wall will be porous, as will our coastlines. Money spent to build, maintain and patrol a wall is wasteful, better to invest in more practical solutions to this Trump made crisis.
The wall will keep the weak out. Only the strongest and most determined will figure out a way around the wall, and those are the ones we want in our country.
Only the best people with the most tremendous ladders and the best tunnels will get in! It's genius!
In Hungary, they just found a different place to cross, or a different method.
Conservative cato explains why wall wont work.
Wrong, idiot. There is no other place to cross. They went to other countries that aren't nearly as smart as Hungary. Immigration is easy to stop if you only try. Dims are doing everything they can to increase illegal immigration. They are the main enemy on that front. No one is fooled.

Your article explains all the obstacles Dims will throw up against the wall. It doesn't say walls don't work.

And it is the ONLY way they can get votes! Remember the Motor Voter Bill that Clinton signed?
The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) (52 U.S.C. §§ 2050120511) (formerly 42 U.S.C. §§ 1973gg1973gg-10), also known as the Motor Voter Act, is a United States federal law signed into law by President Bill Clinton on May 20, 1993, and which came into effect on January 1, 1995. The law was enacted under the Elections Clause of the United States Constitution. The law advances voting rights in the United States by requiring state governments to offer voter registration opportunities to any eligible person who applies for or renews a driver's license or applies for public assistance.National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia
It put millions of people on Demo voter rolls.
That's truly the only way they've been able to stay in existence, that and the extremely biased MSM that donated the following to the Democrats!

"In all, people identified in federal campaign finance filings as journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — as well as other donors known to be working in journalism — have combined to give more than $396,000 to the presidential campaigns of Clinton and Trump," the Center for Public Integrity said in a new report.
"Nearly all of that money — more than 96 percent — has benefited Clinton," the organization concluded. "$382,000."

Are you aware that journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — as well as other donors known to be working in journalism mostly have advanced degrees, and a code of ethics?

Are you aware that only nine Judges in the United States do not work under a code of ethics? Those nine are all on the US Supreme Court.

They have a code of ethics? What does it say. Smear Republicans and ignore the crimes of Democrats?

Republicans smear themselves and thus their party; listening and watching the Congress, listening to Donald Trump and reading posts from someone like you is enough for most people to reject the drumbeat of constant hate and fear, hypocrisy and lies. Rational, reasoning and responsible people do not need editorials to understand how toxic the Republicans and their supporters have become.

Trumpism has moved the conservative movement far to the right, and along with its hate and fear mongering and mendacity, it's ideology is too familiar to those who have read history; Trumpism isa political ideology characterized by strong nationalism, an extreme level of authoritarianism, corporatism, militarization and hostility towards liberalism, dissent and diversity.

"strong nationalism". You are against that is that right? That means you consider yourself a "global citizen" where there are no countries. No standards of behavior. Is that right?
"Extreme level of authoritarianism". You are against that is that right? So that means you think what ever you want to do no one has the right to tell you shouldn't do it. Is that right?
"Corporatism". You evidently then don't believe in private property. That all property belongs to everyone. Equal share for everyone. Right?
"militarization". So you don't believe there should be a "common defense" and I guess that goes with your "global citizen"...meaning there should be NO armies, etc. No laws. Right?

That's what you believe in right?

Funny but the very right to share your above beliefs would be taken away in your "global community". Here is what your common global community would look like:
1984 Apple's Macintosh Commercial (HD) - Create, Discover and Share Awesome GIFs on Gfycat

I read here just a moment ago the USA had arrested a Canadian woman, who accidentally had entered US-American territory while jogging. She was arrested for 2 weeks in the USA. Even when in former times someone accidentally had overstepped the iron curtain between East and West during the times of the cold war the Soviets had arrested someone only three days. What for heavens sake is going wrong in and with your country? What is the next step? That Canada has to arrest every US-American who pees on Canadian ground while travelling to Alaska?

The stories I looked up explained that Canada was having issues taking her back to Canada, and Canada finally agreed to allow her back into Canada. I’m surprised France didn’t step in, you would think her own country could of got her out of there and back to France

Your empire kidnapped a lady, a member of the western world, because of the crime "jogging along the ocean without papers". You - the whole USA (=the extended Trump-empire) - is as criminal in my eyes as the Soviet empire was once criminal.

Kidnapped? She was in the US illegally, most countries including Canada would sentence them to prison for six months, spare me you fake outrage.

What a nonsense. Who is doing so? You arrested a Canadian lady on no real reason to do so, because you are idiots or criminals or both, that's all what I can say to such an unbelievable bad behavior.

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I read here just a moment ago the USA had arrested a Canadian woman, who accidentally had entered US-American territory while jogging. She was arrested for 2 weeks in the USA. Even when in former times someone accidentally had overstepped the iron curtain between East and West during the times of the cold war the Soviets had arrested someone only three days. What for heavens sake is going wrong in and with your country? What is the next step? That Canada has to arrest every US-American who pees on Canadian ground while travelling to Alaska?

The stories I looked up explained that Canada was having issues taking her back to Canada, and Canada finally agreed to allow her back into Canada. I’m surprised France didn’t step in, you would think her own country could of got her out of there and back to France

Your empire kidnapped a lady, a member of the western world, because of the crime "jogging along the ocean without papers". You - the whole USA (=the extended Trump-empire) - is as criminal in my eyes as the Soviet empire was once criminal.

Kidnapped? She was in the US illegally, most countries including Canada would sentence them to prison for six months, spare me you fake outrage.

What a nonsense. Who is doing so? You arrested a Canadian lady on no real reason to do so because you are idiots or criminals or both, that's all what I can say to such an unbelievable bad behavior.
If she were Mexican you would say we were racists and wouldn't have done that if she had been Canadian.
Damn dude.
I don't think anyone wants open borders. Didn't our do nothing congress have an immigration bill, what happened with that?
The Democrats will vote no to any bill that includes money to build the wall. Not having a structure to close the border means we have open borders. Break out a dictionary and look up the word open without impediment.

The Wall will be porous, as will our coastlines. Money spent to build, maintain and patrol a wall is wasteful, better to invest in more practical solutions to this Trump made crisis.

The wall will keep the weak out. Only the strongest and most determined will figure out a way around the wall, and those are the ones we want in our country.

If you really belief this you're out of touch with reality. One must first consider the world in which we live. Terrorism is a fact of life, and terrorists are determined and commit horrific crimes. To protect our citizens we do need border security, but a wall is nothing more than Trump's potemkin village.

The first question to be asked, is why are so many people coming into the United States illegally. And then and only then can realistic solutions be made to protect our institutions and citizens.

That is the job The Congress must do, and yet under McConnell and Ryan such practical matters are ignored, for their goal is to maintain their power and waste our tax dollars on foolish and self serving investigations.

As the man said, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is insane. Those who vote by rote for their current member of Congress this November need to accept this reality when they vote - it's time to change the leadership, way past time.
I don't think anyone wants open borders. Didn't our do nothing congress have an immigration bill, what happened with that?
The Democrats will vote no to any bill that includes money to build the wall. Not having a structure to close the border means we have open borders. Break out a dictionary and look up the word open without impediment.

The Wall will be porous, as will our coastlines. Money spent to build, maintain and patrol a wall is wasteful, better to invest in more practical solutions to this Trump made crisis.

The wall will keep the weak out. Only the strongest and most determined will figure out a way around the wall, and those are the ones we want in our country.

If you really belief this you're out of touch with reality. One must first consider the world in which we live. Terrorism is a fact of life, and terrorists are determined and commit horrific crimes. To protect our citizens we do need border security, but a wall is nothing more than Trump's potemkin village.

The first question to be asked, is why are so many people coming into the United States illegally. And then and only then can realistic solutions be made to protect our institutions and citizens.

That is the job The Congress must do, and yet under McConnell and Ryan such practical matters are ignored, for their goal is to maintain their power and waste our tax dollars on foolish and self serving investigations.

As the man said, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is insane. Those who vote by rote for their current member of Congress this November need to accept this reality when they vote - it's time to change the leadership, way past time.
Why are they coming here? Because they are leaving shit holes. The humane thing to do would be to take our military and replace their regime with something less corrupt. Reality doesn't allow us to do such things.
It appears that the question is not stupid because everything that the Democrats oppose in GOP legislation point to the Democrats favor everyone coming in at any time.

Now historically we did have that... when on August 3,1882 the first "general immigration law" was passed.
Immigration Act of 1882 - Wikipedia
And the population of the USA at that time was 50,189,209 or 1/6 what it is today.

So our country was founded on the rule of law... not emotion. Not illogic. But founded on the preamble of the US Constitution what clearly states.."provide for the common defence".

So if we have no borders. No laws regarding who can come in what do we have but back to where we were
over 136 years when EVERYONE had a gun. A lot of the country had no law and anyone could come in.

So is that what the Democrats want? Our country to revert back to the way we were in the 1880s?

I'm all in favor then as there would be open season on protecting me and my property it sounds like.

That's why republicans who control congress could not pass that bill Friday.
I don't think anyone wants open borders. Didn't our do nothing congress have an immigration bill, what happened with that?
The Democrats will vote no to any bill that includes money to build the wall. Not having a structure to close the border means we have open borders. Break out a dictionary and look up the word open without impediment.

The Wall will be porous, as will our coastlines. Money spent to build, maintain and patrol a wall is wasteful, better to invest in more practical solutions to this Trump made crisis.

The wall will keep the weak out. Only the strongest and most determined will figure out a way around the wall, and those are the ones we want in our country.

If you really belief this you're out of touch with reality. One must first consider the world in which we live. Terrorism is a fact of life, and terrorists are determined and commit horrific crimes. To protect our citizens we do need border security, but a wall is nothing more than Trump's potemkin village.

The first question to be asked, is why are so many people coming into the United States illegally. And then and only then can realistic solutions be made to protect our institutions and citizens.

That is the job The Congress must do, and yet under McConnell and Ryan such practical matters are ignored, for their goal is to maintain their power and waste our tax dollars on foolish and self serving investigations.

As the man said, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is insane. Those who vote by rote for their current member of Congress this November need to accept this reality when they vote - it's time to change the leadership, way past time.
Why are they coming here? Because they are leaving shit holes. The humane thing to do would be to take our military and replace their regime with something less corrupt. Reality doesn't allow us to do such things.

They are shit holes because of us.
Wrong, idiot. There is no other place to cross. They went to other countries that aren't nearly as smart as Hungary. Immigration is easy to stop if you only try. Dims are doing everything they can to increase illegal immigration. They are the main enemy on that front. No one is fooled.

Your article explains all the obstacles Dims will throw up against the wall. It doesn't say walls don't work.

And it is the ONLY way they can get votes! Remember the Motor Voter Bill that Clinton signed?
The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) (52 U.S.C. §§ 2050120511) (formerly 42 U.S.C. §§ 1973gg1973gg-10), also known as the Motor Voter Act, is a United States federal law signed into law by President Bill Clinton on May 20, 1993, and which came into effect on January 1, 1995. The law was enacted under the Elections Clause of the United States Constitution. The law advances voting rights in the United States by requiring state governments to offer voter registration opportunities to any eligible person who applies for or renews a driver's license or applies for public assistance.National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia
It put millions of people on Demo voter rolls.
That's truly the only way they've been able to stay in existence, that and the extremely biased MSM that donated the following to the Democrats!

"In all, people identified in federal campaign finance filings as journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — as well as other donors known to be working in journalism — have combined to give more than $396,000 to the presidential campaigns of Clinton and Trump," the Center for Public Integrity said in a new report.
"Nearly all of that money — more than 96 percent — has benefited Clinton," the organization concluded. "$382,000."

Are you aware that journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — as well as other donors known to be working in journalism mostly have advanced degrees, and a code of ethics?

Are you aware that only nine Judges in the United States do not work under a code of ethics? Those nine are all on the US Supreme Court.

They have a code of ethics? What does it say. Smear Republicans and ignore the crimes of Democrats?

Republicans smear themselves and thus their party; listening and watching the Congress, listening to Donald Trump and reading posts from someone like you is enough for most people to reject the drumbeat of constant hate and fear, hypocrisy and lies. Rational, reasoning and responsible people do not need editorials to understand how toxic the Republicans and their supporters have become.

Trumpism has moved the conservative movement far to the right, and along with its hate and fear mongering and mendacity, it's ideology is too familiar to those who have read history; Trumpism isa political ideology characterized by strong nationalism, an extreme level of authoritarianism, corporatism, militarization and hostility towards liberalism, dissent and diversity.

"strong nationalism". You are against that is that right? That means you consider yourself a "global citizen" where there are no countries. No standards of behavior. Is that right?
"Extreme level of authoritarianism". You are against that is that right? So that means you think what ever you want to do no one has the right to tell you shouldn't do it. Is that right?
"Corporatism". You evidently then don't believe in private property. That all property belongs to everyone. Equal share for everyone. Right?
"militarization". So you don't believe there should be a "common defense" and I guess that goes with your "global citizen"...meaning there should be NO armies, etc. No laws. Right?

That's what you believe in right?

Funny but the very right to share your above beliefs would be taken away in your "global community". Here is what your common global community would look like:
1984 Apple's Macintosh Commercial (HD) - Create, Discover and Share Awesome GIFs on Gfycat

Trumpism is a political ideology characterized by strong nationalism, an extreme level of authoritarianism, corporatism, militarization and hostility towards liberalism, dissent and diversity. IN SHORT IT IS FASCISM!

I read here just a moment ago the USA had arrested a Canadian woman, who accidentally had entered US-American territory while jogging. She was arrested for 2 weeks in the USA. Even when in former times someone accidentally had overstepped the iron curtain between East and West during the times of the cold war the Soviets had arrested someone only three days. What for heavens sake is going wrong in and with your country? What is the next step? That Canada has to arrest every US-American who pees on Canadian ground while travelling to Alaska?

The stories I looked up explained that Canada was having issues taking her back to Canada, and Canada finally agreed to allow her back into Canada. I’m surprised France didn’t step in, you would think her own country could of got her out of there and back to France

Your empire kidnapped a lady, a member of the western world, because of the crime "jogging along the ocean without papers". You - the whole USA (=the extended Trump-empire) - is as criminal in my eyes as the Soviet empire was once criminal.

Kidnapped? She was in the US illegally, most countries including Canada would sentence them to prison for six months, spare me you fake outrage.

What a nonsense. Who is doing so? You arrested a Canadian lady on no real reason to do so, because you are idiots or criminals or both, that's all what I can say to such an unbelievable bad behavior.

And what would your country have done? Six months in prison is average for most developed countries. I love it when other countries call us idiots when their laws are even worse.
I don't think anyone wants open borders. Didn't our do nothing congress have an immigration bill, what happened with that?
The Democrats will vote no to any bill that includes money to build the wall. Not having a structure to close the border means we have open borders. Break out a dictionary and look up the word open without impediment.

The Wall will be porous, as will our coastlines. Money spent to build, maintain and patrol a wall is wasteful, better to invest in more practical solutions to this Trump made crisis.

The wall will keep the weak out. Only the strongest and most determined will figure out a way around the wall, and those are the ones we want in our country.

If you really belief this you're out of touch with reality. One must first consider the world in which we live. Terrorism is a fact of life, and terrorists are determined and commit horrific crimes. To protect our citizens we do need border security, but a wall is nothing more than Trump's potemkin village.

The first question to be asked, is why are so many people coming into the United States illegally. And then and only then can realistic solutions be made to protect our institutions and citizens.

That is the job The Congress must do, and yet under McConnell and Ryan such practical matters are ignored, for their goal is to maintain their power and waste our tax dollars on foolish and self serving investigations.

As the man said, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is insane. Those who vote by rote for their current member of Congress this November need to accept this reality when they vote - it's time to change the leadership, way past time.

Why are they coming here? Because they are leaving shit holes. The humane thing to do would be to take our military and replace their regime with something less corrupt. Reality doesn't allow us to do such things.

Wrong. There is nothing less humane than war. I suggest you read and consider these three paragraphs from my thread: "Leadership in three paragraphs"

1. Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos. Its purpose should be the revival of a working economy in the world so as to permit the emergence of political and social condition's in which free institutions can exist.

2, Such assistance, I am convinced, must not be on a piecemeal basis as various crises develop. Any assistance that this government may render in the future should provide a cure rather than a mere palliative.

3. Any government that is willing to assist in the task of recovery will find full cooperation, I am sure, on the part of the United States Government. Any government which maneuvers to block the recovery of other countries cannot expect help from us. Furthermore, governments, political parties, or groups which seek to perpetuate human misery in order to profit therefrom politically or otherwise will encounter the opposition of the United States.

Imagine how the crisis at our Southern Border could have been different, if and only if the current administration had studied history.

***From General Marshall's Harvard Speech on the incipient Marshall Plan.

Further more, in his remarks and slightly modified to replace Europe with Central American Countries, those being fled by common citizens toward our border:

"It will be neither fitting nor efficacious for this Government to undertake to draw up unilaterally a program designed to place Central America on its feet economically". In other words no attempt to attempt nation building in our image.
The Democrats will vote no to any bill that includes money to build the wall. Not having a structure to close the border means we have open borders. Break out a dictionary and look up the word open without impediment.

The Wall will be porous, as will our coastlines. Money spent to build, maintain and patrol a wall is wasteful, better to invest in more practical solutions to this Trump made crisis.

The wall will keep the weak out. Only the strongest and most determined will figure out a way around the wall, and those are the ones we want in our country.

If you really belief this you're out of touch with reality. One must first consider the world in which we live. Terrorism is a fact of life, and terrorists are determined and commit horrific crimes. To protect our citizens we do need border security, but a wall is nothing more than Trump's potemkin village.

The first question to be asked, is why are so many people coming into the United States illegally. And then and only then can realistic solutions be made to protect our institutions and citizens.

That is the job The Congress must do, and yet under McConnell and Ryan such practical matters are ignored, for their goal is to maintain their power and waste our tax dollars on foolish and self serving investigations.

As the man said, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is insane. Those who vote by rote for their current member of Congress this November need to accept this reality when they vote - it's time to change the leadership, way past time.

Why are they coming here? Because they are leaving shit holes. The humane thing to do would be to take our military and replace their regime with something less corrupt. Reality doesn't allow us to do such things.

Wrong. There is nothing less humane than war. I suggest you read and consider these three paragraphs from my thread: "Leadership in three paragraphs"

1. Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos. Its purpose should be the revival of a working economy in the world so as to permit the emergence of political and social condition's in which free institutions can exist.

2, Such assistance, I am convinced, must not be on a piecemeal basis as various crises develop. Any assistance that this government may render in the future should provide a cure rather than a mere palliative.

3. Any government that is willing to assist in the task of recovery will find full cooperation, I am sure, on the part of the United States Government. Any government which maneuvers to block the recovery of other countries cannot expect help from us. Furthermore, governments, political parties, or groups which seek to perpetuate human misery in order to profit therefrom politically or otherwise will encounter the opposition of the United States.

Imagine how the crisis at our Southern Border could have been different, if and only if the current administration had studied history.

***From General Marshall's Harvard Speech on the incipient Marshall Plan.

Further more, in his remarks and slightly modified to replace Europe with Central American Countries, those being fled by common citizens toward our border:

"It will be neither fitting nor efficacious for this Government to undertake to draw up unilaterally a program designed to place Central America on its feet economically". In other words no attempt to attempt nation building in our image.
World wide welfare won't work.
You give the poor food, they beget more poor people who need food. Despots remain Despots and take a huge cut for themselves. Militias raid those we give aid to, to take that aid for themselves. We can't afford to do that.

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