Quassam rockets not as big a deal as Israel claims

I lived in south Israel since before being able to talk. Anything else is pretty much none of your business

My guess is Harlem, lots of beaners in Harlem, and easy to buy a baby off a crack whore. But my point was that if you don't like war, just move. You probably have your Puerto Rican birth certificate and could easily go somewhere safe.
Perhaps Ima can find her Turkish tribe in Germany who were too poor to keep her so they let him/her be adopted by some Nazi-thinking people in America. Keeping your Naziette uniform clean, Ima, for the next get together at the Bund? Since you seem knowledgeable about the population in Harlem, possibly your Bund meetings are in Yorkville in Manhattan. Must have had a rip roaring Ocktoberfest in one of the restaurants there, and Ima got up and in her baritone voice sang some of the Nazi songs while lifting his/her stein high in the air.
Housefly, my point was that if war bothers her so much, she's free to leave. For that I get called a nazi? Not surprised, you never add anything intelligent to the conversation.
My guess is Harlem, lots of beaners in Harlem, and easy to buy a baby off a crack whore. But my point was that if you don't like war, just move. You probably have your Puerto Rican birth certificate and could easily go somewhere safe.
Perhaps Ima can find her Turkish tribe in Germany who were too poor to keep her so they let him/her be adopted by some Nazi-thinking people in America. Keeping your Naziette uniform clean, Ima, for the next get together at the Bund? Since you seem knowledgeable about the population in Harlem, possibly your Bund meetings are in Yorkville in Manhattan. Must have had a rip roaring Ocktoberfest in one of the restaurants there, and Ima got up and in her baritone voice sang some of the Nazi songs while lifting his/her stein high in the air.
Housefly, my point was that if war bothers her so much, she's free to leave. For that I get called a nazi? Not surprised, you never add anything intelligent to the conversation.
Leave for where? Abandon a home? Use common sense.
Perhaps Ima can find her Turkish tribe in Germany who were too poor to keep her so they let him/her be adopted by some Nazi-thinking people in America. Keeping your Naziette uniform clean, Ima, for the next get together at the Bund? Since you seem knowledgeable about the population in Harlem, possibly your Bund meetings are in Yorkville in Manhattan. Must have had a rip roaring Ocktoberfest in one of the restaurants there, and Ima got up and in her baritone voice sang some of the Nazi songs while lifting his/her stein high in the air.
Housefly, my point was that if war bothers her so much, she's free to leave. For that I get called a nazi? Not surprised, you never add anything intelligent to the conversation.
Leave for where? Abandon a home? Use common sense.

Personally, if war breaks out around my house, I'm outta here big time! I wouldn't keep myself or especially my family in harm's way if I could just move. Common sense for sure.
Anyways, Lips isn't even a native Israeli or a Jew. And she's there of her own free will, just like she could move if she WANTED to. She probably likes the Jews-are-victims thing, they have it down pat.
Housefly, my point was that if war bothers her so much, she's free to leave. For that I get called a nazi? Not surprised, you never add anything intelligent to the conversation.
Leave for where? Abandon a home? Use common sense.

Personally, if war breaks out around my house, I'm outta here big time! I wouldn't keep myself or especially my family in harm's way if I could just move. Common sense for sure.
Anyways, Lips isn't even a native Israeli or a Jew. And she's there of her own free will, just like she could move if she WANTED to. She probably likes the Jews-are-victims thing, they have it down pat.
Keep on making stupid comments about things you have no knowledge of and you will grow a wart on that long snout you are sporting.
Leave for where? Abandon a home? Use common sense.

Personally, if war breaks out around my house, I'm outta here big time! I wouldn't keep myself or especially my family in harm's way if I could just move. Common sense for sure.
Anyways, Lips isn't even a native Israeli or a Jew. And she's there of her own free will, just like she could move if she WANTED to. She probably likes the Jews-are-victims thing, they have it down pat.
Keep on making stupid comments about things you have no knowledge of and you will grow a wart on that long snout you are sporting.

People in war constantly move out of the line of fire. Think of WWII and all the people you see in films pushing a cart with their stuff out of town. Common sense again. What's so stupid about that?
Personally, if war breaks out around my house, I'm outta here big time! I wouldn't keep myself or especially my family in harm's way if I could just move. Common sense for sure.
Anyways, Lips isn't even a native Israeli or a Jew. And she's there of her own free will, just like she could move if she WANTED to. She probably likes the Jews-are-victims thing, they have it down pat.
Keep on making stupid comments about things you have no knowledge of and you will grow a wart on that long snout you are sporting.

People in war constantly move out of the line of fire. Think of WWII and all the people you see in films pushing a cart with their stuff out of town. Common sense again. What's so stupid about that?
Which brings up a point I've made a number of times: Why is it the Gazan civilians are never seen pushing their carts out of town when the IDF "invades"? Is it because the Hamas "warriors" would butcher them if they tried to leave? Curious minds want to know.
Which brings up a point I've made a number of times: Why is it the Gazan civilians are never seen pushing their carts out of town when the IDF "invades"? Is it because the Hamas "warriors" would butcher them if they tried to leave? Curious minds want to know.
No, it's because Israel won't let them leave. They control all borders (except Rafah crossing) and the sea lanes off the coast.

That's why they call Gaza the largest open air prison in the world.
Which brings up a point I've made a number of times: Why is it the Gazan civilians are never seen pushing their carts out of town when the IDF "invades"? Is it because the Hamas "warriors" would butcher them if they tried to leave? Curious minds want to know.
No, it's because Israel won't let them leave. They control all borders (except Rafah crossing) and the sea lanes off the coast.

That's why they call Gaza the largest open air prison in the world.
The Israelis will let them move to a safe location but Hamas forids them to move on pain of death. I've talked to Palestinians here that have migrated after escaping. Don't try to bullshit a bullshitter. Hamas would never give up human shields.
The Israelis will let them move to a safe location but Hamas forids them to move on pain of death. I've talked to Palestinians here that have migrated after escaping. Don't try to bullshit a bullshitter. Hamas would never give up human shields.
They're not allowed to leave Gaza. Hamas has nothing to do with it. Israel controls the borders, Hamas does not.
The Israelis will let them move to a safe location but Hamas forids them to move on pain of death. I've talked to Palestinians here that have migrated after escaping. Don't try to bullshit a bullshitter. Hamas would never give up human shields.
They're not allowed to leave Gaza. Hamas has nothing to do with it. Israel controls the borders, Hamas does not.
I'm not talking about leaving Gaza, only moving to safer locations and get away from the fighting. Stop spinning your wheels.
Keep on making stupid comments about things you have no knowledge of and you will grow a wart on that long snout you are sporting.

People in war constantly move out of the line of fire. Think of WWII and all the people you see in films pushing a cart with their stuff out of town. Common sense again. What's so stupid about that?
Which brings up a point I've made a number of times: Why is it the Gazan civilians are never seen pushing their carts out of town when the IDF "invades"? Is it because the Hamas "warriors" would butcher them if they tried to leave? Curious minds want to know.

Not sure they have anywhere to go.
People in war constantly move out of the line of fire. Think of WWII and all the people you see in films pushing a cart with their stuff out of town. Common sense again. What's so stupid about that?
Which brings up a point I've made a number of times: Why is it the Gazan civilians are never seen pushing their carts out of town when the IDF "invades"? Is it because the Hamas "warriors" would butcher them if they tried to leave? Curious minds want to know.

Not sure they have anywhere to go.
House on fire-leave the house, incoming rounds-leave the area. What's so hard about that? Give us some stupid reasons.
Which brings up a point I've made a number of times: Why is it the Gazan civilians are never seen pushing their carts out of town when the IDF "invades"? Is it because the Hamas "warriors" would butcher them if they tried to leave? Curious minds want to know.

Not sure they have anywhere to go.
House on fire-leave the house, incoming rounds-leave the area. What's so hard about that? Give us some stupid reasons.

Anyways we were talking about Lips and she seems so stressed out by the whole thing. Would she really raise a family there?

But as for the Pals, the IDF is targeting stuff and it's over real quick, so they can't really know where to go. Plus, they all want to die in a Jihad, it's in their blood.
Not sure they have anywhere to go.
House on fire-leave the house, incoming rounds-leave the area. What's so hard about that? Give us some stupid reasons.

Anyways we were talking about Lips and she seems so stressed out by the whole thing. Would she really raise a family there?

But as for the Pals, the IDF is targeting stuff and it's over real quick, so they can't really know where to go. Plus, they all want to die in a Jihad, it's in their blood.
If the Pals have nowhere to go and Lipush has nowhere to go, then stalemate. Case closed.
People in war constantly move out of the line of fire. Think of WWII and all the people you see in films pushing a cart with their stuff out of town. Common sense again. What's so stupid about that?
But then philistines don't make sense, of course.
Not sure they have anywhere to go.
House on fire-leave the house, incoming rounds-leave the area. What's so hard about that? Give us some stupid reasons.

Anyways we were talking about Lips and she seems so stressed out by the whole thing. Would she really raise a family there?

But as for the Pals, the IDF is targeting stuff and it's over real quick, so they can't really know where to go. Plus, they all want to die in a Jihad, it's in their blood.

The gazans have no place to go----the egyptians HATE THE BALESTINIANS and the
security wall between gaza and Israel keeps them out of the civiilized world
I'm not talking about leaving Gaza, only moving to safer locations and get away from the fighting. Stop spinning your wheels.
You can't do that in Gaza. It's too small an area and too dense of a population. There is no safe place to get away to.
I'm not talking about leaving Gaza, only moving to safer locations and get away from the fighting. Stop spinning your wheels.
You can't do that in Gaza. It's too small an area and too dense of a population. There is no safe place to get away to.

crotch boy LIED again----egypt is right next door-----with CONVENIENT SAFE TUNNELS---no less

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