Israel could face Palestinian war crimes charges

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — A senior Palestinian official is warning that the West Bank government will pursue war crime charges against Israel if it doesn't stop settlement construction.

Palestinian official Nabil Shaath said late Monday that "many countries" have urged the Palestinian Authority not to use its new status to seek war crimes charges against Israel at the International Criminal Court, a U.N. body.

Shaath says that "by continuing these war crimes of settlement activities" on occupied territories, Israel is "pushing and forcing us to go to the ICC."

Israel could face Palestinian war crimes charges - Yahoo! News

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — A senior Palestinian official is warning that the West Bank government will pursue war crime charges against Israel if it doesn't stop settlement construction.

Palestinian official Nabil Shaath said late Monday that "many countries" have urged the Palestinian Authority not to use its new status to seek war crimes charges against Israel at the International Criminal Court, a U.N. body.

Shaath says that "by continuing these war crimes of settlement activities" on occupied territories, Israel is "pushing and forcing us to go to the ICC."

Israel could face Palestinian war crimes charges - Yahoo! News


shhhh...if anyone israeli reads your post, israel will build five new settlements and ask why you don't want peace.
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — A senior Palestinian official is warning that the West Bank government will pursue war crime charges against Israel if it doesn't stop settlement construction.

Palestinian official Nabil Shaath said late Monday that "many countries" have urged the Palestinian Authority not to use its new status to seek war crimes charges against Israel at the International Criminal Court, a U.N. body.

Shaath says that "by continuing these war crimes of settlement activities" on occupied territories, Israel is "pushing and forcing us to go to the ICC."

Israel could face Palestinian war crimes charges - Yahoo! News


shhhh...if anyone israeli reads your post, israel will build five new settlements and ask why you don't want peace.
Building settlements is not a "war crime", you illiterate idiot. You had us at sssshhhh.
The US doesn't even pay any attention to the war crimes tribunal, why should anyone else?
P F Tinmore, et al,

As I mentioned before, the Palestinians may have a legitimate cause of action. And this is one that I have mention "specifically" before on on of these threads.

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — A senior Palestinian official is warning that the West Bank government will pursue war crime charges against Israel if it doesn't stop settlement construction.

Palestinian official Nabil Shaath said late Monday that "many countries" have urged the Palestinian Authority not to use its new status to seek war crimes charges against Israel at the International Criminal Court, a U.N. body.

Shaath says that "by continuing these war crimes of settlement activities" on occupied territories, Israel is "pushing and forcing us to go to the ICC."

Israel could face Palestinian war crimes charges - Yahoo! News


This particular cause of action is under the Rome Statues. It has to do with the Administration and Protection of the "Occupied Territories."

Para 2b(viii) said:
The transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory;

Now it becomes a legal question because Israel is not a signatory to the ICC Statues and the US has "stated its intention NOT to ratify" (or essentially unsigned) the ICC statues.

Is this a slam dunk case. I don't think so. But it is a legitimate cause of action and course of action. It is a non-violent solution to a Arab-Israeli disagreement on the Palestinian Issue. It is something that should have been pursued a decade ago.

Like I said, neither the Palestinians or Israel have clean hands. Each has made mistakes along the way.

Most Respectfully,
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — A senior Palestinian official is warning that the West Bank government will pursue war crime charges against Israel if it doesn't stop settlement construction.

Palestinian official Nabil Shaath said late Monday that "many countries" have urged the Palestinian Authority not to use its new status to seek war crimes charges against Israel at the International Criminal Court, a U.N. body.

Shaath says that "by continuing these war crimes of settlement activities" on occupied territories, Israel is "pushing and forcing us to go to the ICC."

Israel could face Palestinian war crimes charges - Yahoo! News


shhhh...if anyone israeli reads your post, israel will build five new settlements and ask why you don't want peace.
Building settlements is not a "war crime", you illiterate idiot. You had us at sssshhhh.
About Israel's recent "War Crimes":

israel today | Israel News | Israel digs in as international community goes on the offensive - israel today | Israel News
The US doesn't even pay any attention to the war crimes tribunal, why should anyone else?
What war crimes?

How about... um... um... IRAQ!!!!!!!!!!! Invaded and killed hundreds of thousands for nothing. No reason at all.
What hundreds of thousands, Ima? Have you forgotten that most of the people killed in Iraq were killed by outside Muslim insurgents who came pouring in because they didn't want Iraq to be a democracy.
What war crimes?

How about... um... um... IRAQ!!!!!!!!!!! Invaded and killed hundreds of thousands for nothing. No reason at all.
What hundreds of thousands, Ima? Have you forgotten that most of the people killed in Iraq were killed by outside Muslim insurgents who came pouring in because they didn't want Iraq to be a democracy.

It was all started by the US for no reason at all.
what "all started' ima? the ass you licked----SADAAM' HUSSEIN's-----killed hundreds of thousands of shiites and kurds and----also Iranians -----long before we got there ------- For those who do not know----Sadaam
was of the same "political" pursuasion as another of Imas objects of love---to wit-----BASHIR ASSAD-----and even more brutal and imperialistic ----but why bother about little details like support of INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM
and ARABIST IMPERIALISM Interestlingly enough----in the SUNNI WORLD----SADDAM was just as popular as your other hero OSAMA ---dancing on the dead bodies or kurdish infants ---so much fun

I worked with lots of sunni muslims-----long hours-----people talk

anyone interested in the SUNNI TAKE on the invasion of kuwait? ---here it is "GOOD IDEA---THE KUWAITIS DO NOT SUPPORT ISLAMIC 'causes' " read that ---kuwait was not buying the bombs to tie to jihadist slut asses
How about... um... um... IRAQ!!!!!!!!!!! Invaded and killed hundreds of thousands for nothing. No reason at all.
What hundreds of thousands, Ima? Have you forgotten that most of the people killed in Iraq were killed by outside Muslim insurgents who came pouring in because they didn't want Iraq to be a democracy.

It was all started by the US for no reason at all.
The US went into Iraq for the purpose of making a regime change. Mission accomplished.
P F Tinmore, et al,

As I mentioned before, the Palestinians may have a legitimate cause of action. And this is one that I have mention "specifically" before on on of these threads.

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — A senior Palestinian official is warning that the West Bank government will pursue war crime charges against Israel if it doesn't stop settlement construction.

Palestinian official Nabil Shaath said late Monday that "many countries" have urged the Palestinian Authority not to use its new status to seek war crimes charges against Israel at the International Criminal Court, a U.N. body.

Shaath says that "by continuing these war crimes of settlement activities" on occupied territories, Israel is "pushing and forcing us to go to the ICC."

Israel could face Palestinian war crimes charges - Yahoo! News


This particular cause of action is under the Rome Statues. It has to do with the Administration and Protection of the "Occupied Territories."

Para 2b(viii) said:
The transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory;

Now it becomes a legal question because Israel is not a signatory to the ICC Statues and the US has "stated its intention NOT to ratify" (or essentially unsigned) the ICC statues.

Is this a slam dunk case. I don't think so. But it is a legitimate cause of action and course of action. It is a non-violent solution to a Arab-Israeli disagreement on the Palestinian Issue. It is something that should have been pursued a decade ago.

Like I said, neither the Palestinians or Israel have clean hands. Each has made mistakes along the way.

Most Respectfully,

First, building houses in the West Bank or Jerusalem is in no sense a war crime. Second, while the PA may - but may not - now have the status to file charges, the ICC does not have jurisdiction over this issue under the Rome Statute. Third, since the ICC is not at all insulated from political forces and its judges are not vetted for political bias, it is as likely to issue judgments based on political interests as it is to consider legal issues, but regardless of what it rules, since Israel is not a signatory to the Rome Statute, the worst that can happen is that travel by some Israeli leaders to some of the states that did sign the Statute would be problematical.
What hundreds of thousands, Ima? Have you forgotten that most of the people killed in Iraq were killed by outside Muslim insurgents who came pouring in because they didn't want Iraq to be a democracy.

It was all started by the US for no reason at all.
The US went into Iraq for the purpose of making a regime change. Mission accomplished.

No, the US went into Iraq to get Saddam's (non-existant) WMD. Remember?
Ignoring the International Court of Justice
Why Israeli Settlements Are The Real Threat to Peace

The announcement that Israel will construct 3,000 new homes in settlements in Jerusalem and in the West Bank has been followed by the usual international outcry against it. Despite protests by leading industrialized nations Israel will probably build them as planned. Those that claim that Palestine recognition at the United Nations is a threat to peace will, again, miss the obvious point. The real threat to peace is the construction of illegal settlements in Palestinian land.

Settlement construction is controversial issue on which most nations, except Israel, agree: they are illegal under international law. On May 14, European Foreign Affairs Ministers stated, “The European Union expresses deep concern about the marked acceleration of settlement construction following the end of the 2012 moratorium, the recent decision of the government of Israel regarding the status of some settlement outposts as well as the proposal to relocate settlers from Migron within the occupied Palestinian territory…”

Several United Nations resolutions have stated that both the building and existence of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights are a violation of international law, particularly UN Security Council resolutions in 1979 and 1980. UN Security Council Resolution 446 refers to the Fourth Geneva Convention as the appropriate legal instrument. It calls upon Israel to desist from transferring its own population into the territories or changing their demographic makeup.

In 2004, an advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice determined that Israel had breached its obligations under international law by establishing settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. It also concluded that Israel cannot rely on a right of self-defense or on a state of necessity in order to preclude the wrongfulness of imposing a régime which is contrary to international law. The Court also determined that the Israeli régime violates the basic human rights of Palestinians by impeding the liberty of movement of the inhabitants of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (with the exception of Israeli citizens) and their exercise of their right to work, to health, to education and to an adequate standard of living.

Furthermore, Article 8(2)(b)(viii) of the International Criminal Court Rome Statute defines “the transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies” as a war crime. Although Israel initially signed the statute, it later declared its intention not to ratify it.
Why Israeli Settlements Are The Real Threat to Peace » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

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