Putin in Syria is just like Putin in Ukraine


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
As you can see, the writer who evidently is a Ukrainian is not fond of Putin.

Putin in Syria is just like Putin in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks at a presidential council meeting on Thursday in Moscow. Yuri Kochetkov The Associated Press

Bloomberg View

Even before Russia started bombing targets in Syria, it should have been clear to all involved that its actions would follow the pattern President Vladimir Putin set in Ukraine.

He will be indiscriminately ruthless in making sure his allies achieve territorial gains to improve their negotiating position, and his diplomacy and propaganda machine will do its best to erect a smokescreen around his true plans and actions.

On Wednesday, the Federation Council, the upper house of Russia’s parliament, gave Putin permission to use troops overseas, an obligatory procedure under Russian law.

That’s also how the Crimea annexation began in March 2014, but there’s a striking difference between the two Federation Council resolutions.

Last year’s specifically permitted Putin to use the Russian military in Ukraine. Wednesday’s document is a blanket one.

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Putin in Syria is just like Putin in Ukraine
ISIS forever on American TV, showing deadly flicks and stories of raping the young and killing all who do not submit. We should applaud Putin for taking care of them, I mean we do want rid of them right? I understand SA, Israel and the US is not all that happy , but the EU seems to be, since they are receiving many of the refugees, not to mention Lebanon and Jordan.

I just read the other day, the US is going to investigate where Isis got so many Toyotas, really they didn't do this sooner like a few years ago. Just boggles my mind. Its like SA finally checking camels for Mers after a few years of a slow growing epidemic in SA.
Nusra/ISIS-Sally is angry about Russia bombing her pals.

Putin is a wannabe hardass, he needs to be dealt with accordingly. He would not have tried his stunts if a Texan was in The White House.
Its funny how some still think Presidents make the US-policies.

It is funny that you know the word funny.
The mess was planned and initiated under your Texan hero:
The Redirection - The New Yorker
ISIS forever on American TV, showing deadly flicks and stories of raping the young and killing all who do not submit. We should applaud Putin for taking care of them, I mean we do want rid of them right? I understand SA, Israel and the US is not all that happy , but the EU seems to be, since they are receiving many of the refugees, not to mention Lebanon and Jordan.

I just read the other day, the US is going to investigate where Isis got so many Toyotas, really they didn't do this sooner like a few years ago. Just boggles my mind. Its like SA finally checking camels for Mers after a few years of a slow growing epidemic in SA.

Penelope recaps the islamo Nazi claims of the Taliban------"WE KILL COMMIES----KISS OUR ASSES" Is anyone surprised?------islamo Nazi Sophistry
techniques never change
Why would anyone be anti someone who is getting rid of ISIS? The media has been creating paranoia about ISIS for a few years now. Oh wait, Isis was good for Zionist and Sauds, and bad for Assad. Cleaning out western Syria to make room for more Zionist and help them in their attack against Lebanon which they salivate over.
Why would anyone be anti someone who is getting rid of ISIS? The media has been creating paranoia about ISIS for a few years now. Oh wait, Isis was good for Zionist and Sauds, and bad for Assad. Cleaning out western Syria to make room for more Zionist and help them in their attack against Lebanon which they salivate over.

you are using the same argument that islamo Nazi pigs still use
in support of the TALIBAN. ("dey got rid of the commies-----dey is
glorious") islamo Nazi propaganda is virtually PREDICTABLE.

neither SA nor Israel ever supported ISIS-----you got some examples
from Israeli media that supports ISIS??? As for Saudi
Arabia-----not doubt a few oil rich slobs from that country DO
support Isis just as they support bomb on stinking ass whores
thruout the world as do you
Why would anyone be anti someone who is getting rid of ISIS? The media has been creating paranoia about ISIS for a few years now. Oh wait, Isis was good for Zionist and Sauds, and bad for Assad. Cleaning out western Syria to make room for more Zionist and help them in their attack against Lebanon which they salivate over.

Oh look, the skinhead is dragging in the Zionists once again. Perhaps the skinhead can tell us how ISIS was good for Israel. I think voices in her head tell her that Israel wants western Syria and Lebanon.
Why would anyone be anti someone who is getting rid of ISIS? The media has been creating paranoia about ISIS for a few years now. Oh wait, Isis was good for Zionist and Sauds, and bad for Assad. Cleaning out western Syria to make room for more Zionist and help them in their attack against Lebanon which they salivate over.

Oh look, the skinhead is dragging in the Zionists once again. Perhaps the skinhead can tell us how ISIS was good for Israel. I think voices in her head tell her that Israel wants western Syria and Lebanon.

I am fascinated by the islamo Naziette parrots-----they like to claim that the
muslims of the world just DO whatever DA JOOOOS tell them to do------
----like "hey Shiite muzzie slut----tie a bomb to your ass and explode in
that sunni mosque over there and make sure you fart out allahuakbarr
right before you blow your whore ass to Jannah"------and the Zionist controlled
muzzie slut ----DOES IT.
Why would anyone be anti someone who is getting rid of ISIS? The media has been creating paranoia about ISIS for a few years now. Oh wait, Isis was good for Zionist and Sauds, and bad for Assad. Cleaning out western Syria to make room for more Zionist and help them in their attack against Lebanon which they salivate over.

Oh look, the skinhead is dragging in the Zionists once again. Perhaps the skinhead can tell us how ISIS was good for Israel. I think voices in her head tell her that Israel wants western Syria and Lebanon.

Gee, must I repeat myself, cleaning out Syria and making the country unstable. No its obvious Israel Zionist want Syria and Lebanon, at least it is for most who are even the least bit intelligent.
Why would anyone be anti someone who is getting rid of ISIS? The media has been creating paranoia about ISIS for a few years now. Oh wait, Isis was good for Zionist and Sauds, and bad for Assad. Cleaning out western Syria to make room for more Zionist and help them in their attack against Lebanon which they salivate over.

Oh look, the skinhead is dragging in the Zionists once again. Perhaps the skinhead can tell us how ISIS was good for Israel. I think voices in her head tell her that Israel wants western Syria and Lebanon.

Gee, must I repeat myself, cleaning out Syria and making the country unstable. No its obvious Israel Zionist want Syria and Lebanon, at least it is for most who are even the least bit intelligent.

yes----you posted that typical islamo Nazi shit sophistry already------it is your
mindset-----taught to you by your catechism whore who advocated throwing
jewish infants into the flames of the AUTO DE FE bon fire in order to get
her shit encrusted claws on anything their parents owned. Same shit as
the whore Isabella who murdered Aztecs to steal their gold. You have
already revealed just who you are. Your people used earth quakes in
the Iberian Penninsula as an excuse to loot jews and still justify you hero
Adolf Hitler. Your people engage in obscene sophistry in order to justify
your "RIGHT" to loot and rape and murder
Why would anyone be anti someone who is getting rid of ISIS? The media has been creating paranoia about ISIS for a few years now. Oh wait, Isis was good for Zionist and Sauds, and bad for Assad. Cleaning out western Syria to make room for more Zionist and help them in their attack against Lebanon which they salivate over.

Oh look, the skinhead is dragging in the Zionists once again. Perhaps the skinhead can tell us how ISIS was good for Israel. I think voices in her head tell her that Israel wants western Syria and Lebanon.

Gee, must I repeat myself, cleaning out Syria and making the country unstable. No its obvious Israel Zionist want Syria and Lebanon, at least it is for most who are even the least bit intelligent.

Of course you keep repeating yourself, Ms, Skinhead. The Bund you belong to probably keeps on emphasizing how you must blame Israel for everything. Do you think that all the viewers here are asleep at the switch that they don't see how you keep on dragging Israel into everything even when Israel has nothing to do with what is being discussed.

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