Proctor & Gamble issues another racist anti-white commercial


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
America is drowning in affirmative action programs but the liberals still want us to believe there is a GIANT WHITE CONSPIRACY holding down blacks!!!

'Sick sick sick' racist Procter & Gamble ad crosses every line! If you are white, brace yourself before watching

july 31 2017 This might be the most racist commercial any company has ever produced.

A more than two-minute video produced by Procter & Gamble, the company that manufactures Cascade, Febreze, Mr. Clean, Tide, Swiffer, Downy and a plethora of products, shows various scenes of black parents talking with their children about racism.

The ad, titled “The Talk,” shows scenes of black parents, spanning generations, telling their kids about how the system is stacked against them, how racist white people are and teaching them to fear the police.

One of the scenes shows a black mother, who appears to be from the 1940s or 1950s, holding a white doll and telling her mother that a woman at the store told her she was pretty for a black girl.

“That is not a compliment,” the mother said. “You are beautiful, period. OK?”

In the next scene a mother talks to her son, presumably about the N word, a word uttered by more black musicians than white people these days.

“It’s an ugly nasty word and you are gonna hear it. Nothing I can do about that,” she said.

A subsequent scene shows a mother during a bygone era telling her daughter headed to camp that she can do anything “they” can do.

“The difference is you gotta work twice as hard and be twice as smart,” she said.
America is drowning in affirmative action programs but the liberals still want us to believe there is a GIANT WHITE CONSPIRACY holding down blacks!!!

'Sick sick sick' racist Procter & Gamble ad crosses every line! If you are white, brace yourself before watching

july 31 2017 This might be the most racist commercial any company has ever produced.

A more than two-minute video produced by Procter & Gamble, the company that manufactures Cascade, Febreze, Mr. Clean, Tide, Swiffer, Downy and a plethora of products, shows various scenes of black parents talking with their children about racism.

The ad, titled “The Talk,” shows scenes of black parents, spanning generations, telling their kids about how the system is stacked against them, how racist white people are and teaching them to fear the police.

One of the scenes shows a black mother, who appears to be from the 1940s or 1950s, holding a white doll and telling her mother that a woman at the store told her she was pretty for a black girl.

“That is not a compliment,” the mother said. “You are beautiful, period. OK?”

In the next scene a mother talks to her son, presumably about the N word, a word uttered by more black musicians than white people these days.

“It’s an ugly nasty word and you are gonna hear it. Nothing I can do about that,” she said.

A subsequent scene shows a mother during a bygone era telling her daughter headed to camp that she can do anything “they” can do.

“The difference is you gotta work twice as hard and be twice as smart,” she said.

Care to essplain to the class what a commercial business' advertising its product has to do with "Liberalism"?
Actually it's not even a commercial --- never mentions a product. It's PR.

Care to cite anywhere this video is "racist" --- and not "anti-racist"?

Go ahead, give us a time stamp. Here's the video for easy reference:

-- Care to essplain to the class how "talking about bias" can be characterized as "sick sick sick"? Or what the agenda might be of someone who would so characterize it?


This is flying completely over your head, isn't it.
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America is drowning in affirmative action programs but the liberals still want us to believe there is a GIANT WHITE CONSPIRACY holding down blacks!!!

'Sick sick sick' racist Procter & Gamble ad crosses every line! If you are white, brace yourself before watching

july 31 2017 This might be the most racist commercial any company has ever produced.

A more than two-minute video produced by Procter & Gamble, the company that manufactures Cascade, Febreze, Mr. Clean, Tide, Swiffer, Downy and a plethora of products, shows various scenes of black parents talking with their children about racism.

The ad, titled “The Talk,” shows scenes of black parents, spanning generations, telling their kids about how the system is stacked against them, how racist white people are and teaching them to fear the police.

One of the scenes shows a black mother, who appears to be from the 1940s or 1950s, holding a white doll and telling her mother that a woman at the store told her she was pretty for a black girl.

“That is not a compliment,” the mother said. “You are beautiful, period. OK?”

In the next scene a mother talks to her son, presumably about the N word, a word uttered by more black musicians than white people these days.

“It’s an ugly nasty word and you are gonna hear it. Nothing I can do about that,” she said.

A subsequent scene shows a mother during a bygone era telling her daughter headed to camp that she can do anything “they” can do.

“The difference is you gotta work twice as hard and be twice as smart,” she said.

So boycott them and give up wearing pampers.
I do not feel offended by Proctor and Gamble
That's because this current culture embraces "reverse racism"

Every day whites are subjected to "reverse racism" in the media, if not in actual discrimination. The word "diversity" itself is code for discrimination against whites.

Propaganda like that commercial got me to rethink alleged racism in the past. I know today blacks benefit from overwhelming racial preferences. I know that cops shoot more whites than blacks and black cops shoot more people than white cops, and therefor the message of BLM and the Proctor and Gamble spot is false. And, if what they say about today is false, then maybe what they say about 60 years ago is false, too. And, indeed it is. The 1960s gave us the black preferences revolution, not the equal rights revolution.
America is drowning in affirmative action programs but the liberals still want us to believe there is a GIANT WHITE CONSPIRACY holding down blacks!!!

'Sick sick sick' racist Procter & Gamble ad crosses every line! If you are white, brace yourself before watching

july 31 2017 This might be the most racist commercial any company has ever produced.

A more than two-minute video produced by Procter & Gamble, the company that manufactures Cascade, Febreze, Mr. Clean, Tide, Swiffer, Downy and a plethora of products, shows various scenes of black parents talking with their children about racism.

The ad, titled “The Talk,” shows scenes of black parents, spanning generations, telling their kids about how the system is stacked against them, how racist white people are and teaching them to fear the police.

One of the scenes shows a black mother, who appears to be from the 1940s or 1950s, holding a white doll and telling her mother that a woman at the store told her she was pretty for a black girl.

“That is not a compliment,” the mother said. “You are beautiful, period. OK?”

In the next scene a mother talks to her son, presumably about the N word, a word uttered by more black musicians than white people these days.

“It’s an ugly nasty word and you are gonna hear it. Nothing I can do about that,” she said.

A subsequent scene shows a mother during a bygone era telling her daughter headed to camp that she can do anything “they” can do.

“The difference is you gotta work twice as hard and be twice as smart,” she said.

downey is very over-priced.
black jobs.jpg
With all the special treatment whites give blacks, blacks should be doing great. Instead they keep falling further behind. That average IQ of 68 is a killer.
I do not feel offended by Proctor and Gamble
That's because this current culture embraces "reverse racism"

Every day whites are subjected to "reverse racism" in the media, if not in actual discrimination. The word "diversity" itself is code for discrimination against whites.

Propaganda like that commercial got me to rethink alleged racism in the past. I know today blacks benefit from overwhelming racial preferences. I know that cops shoot more whites than blacks and black cops shoot more people than white cops, and therefor the message of BLM and the Proctor and Gamble spot is false. And, if what they say about today is false, then maybe what they say about 60 years ago is false, too. And, indeed it is. The 1960s gave us the black preferences revolution, not the equal rights revolution.

Weeeeeee doggie! We gots us a live one here!.
Care to cite anywhere this video is "racist" --- and not "anti-racist"?

The part from the beginning to the end, it wasn't anti-racist it was demagoguery of the evil white people and evil racist cops who just love killing blacks.
Black people discussing racism is anti white? The answer is for whitea to stop being racist and there would be nothing to talk about.

Only racism in america is affirmative action and YOU support it. THINK

Affirmative action in the USA is not all that much of an issue----black people
in discussion over their past oppression in the USA is understandable----
blaming all problems on that past oppression is counter-productive and WRONG
Black people discussing racism is anti white? The answer is for whitea to stop being racist and there would be nothing to talk about.

Only racism in america is affirmative action and YOU support it. THINK

Affirmative action in the USA is not all that much of an issue----black people
in discussion over their past oppression in the USA is understandable----
blaming all problems on that past oppression is counter-productive and WRONG
Passing over the best and brightest for the maybe and the mediocre is foolhardy at best. The prison i worked for was like that. They hired the mot lazy unproductive losers you had ever seen.

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