President Trumps tweets actually help his agenda

As usual you don't read the link and do nothing more than talk out of your ass.Good Democrat!

It's Breitbart, dumbass. I don't waste my time on Trump's other personal media outlet, The National Enquirer, either.

don't forget infowars.... can you believe they have a press pass now????????
Its awesome. Funny thing about The National Enquirer is they brought down John Edwards :) Can't claim they are fake news! You may not like infowars etc because you are afraid you MIGHT just have to think for yourself. Do I believe ALL their headlines? Pft hell no but I find them interesting and look into things for myself. I guess some people are born sheep and some are born skeptics and that would be me for sure.

yep the NE WAS right about the breck girl & how scummy he is. so one story makes them legit???? carol burnett gets to disagree with you little doggie. anyhoo....

i guess you believe that obama & hillary are truly demons from hell because they smell like sulfur & that the ol' gal & podesta were involved w/ a kiddy sex ring in a non existent basement?

lol...... riiiiiiiiiight little doggie?????????????
The last story absolutely but not just Podesta. I think child sex ring involving the elitists in DC and both coasts is a well known secret in certain circles,the rumors have been around for decades. Jeffrey Epstein's little island that the Clinton's like to visit,Bill's OBVIOUS obsession with females and raping them,Hillary's obsession with getting child rapists off....yep!

trump has a long history with epstein too. but if you believe that infowars slime then you shall be battered around like a cheap cat toy, little bow wow.
Political tweet: Why does the One Percenter of the right wing and President our Republic, want to enable the rich to get richer faster and the poor, poorer, via Public Policy?
"The future, Mr. Gittes. The future."
Telephone polls don't count. Republicans don't answer the phone to pollsters.
Only Internet polls count.
internet polls are the least reliable which is why you like them. You can vote multiple times on an internet poll.
I only vote once. You can take my word for it.
After all you take the word of illegals that they are actually legal when they vote don't you.
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