President Trumps tweets actually help his agenda

Ummmm....Trump's tweets prove he's a petty, spoiled 71 year old brat. Not Presidential material.....but still better than Hillary! LOL

Waiting for President Pence to take over to save the RNC before the 2018 elections.
That's why God invented the 25th...
LMAO try it bitch. Not only would you have Pence as president but you faggots would never win another national election on top of faggoty democraps and cuckservatives having open season on them.
Are you for real?!? So when the pendulum swings back and Dems win the senate, house and/or White House and you are proven wrong... how are you going to spin it?
I'll be dead before that happens. LMAO
This is the Republican nightmare: Democrats Can Retake the House in 2018 Without Converting a Single Trump Voter

The RNC needs to get their act together and show results well before November 2018. They can't with Trump constantly derailing their agenda with his spoiled rich kid antics.
Why should the GOP get their act together? Why would you want them to?
Presenting bad health care bills that are more expensive with less coverage and that give the rich a huge tax break is something you desire? Please explain why.
Telephone polls don't count. Republicans don't answer the phone to pollsters.
Only Internet polls count.
internet polls are the least reliable which is why you like them. You can vote multiple times on an internet poll.
That's why God invented the 25th...
LMAO try it bitch. Not only would you have Pence as president but you faggots would never win another national election on top of faggoty democraps and cuckservatives having open season on them.
Are you for real?!? So when the pendulum swings back and Dems win the senate, house and/or White House and you are proven wrong... how are you going to spin it?
I'll be dead before that happens. LMAO
This is the Republican nightmare: Democrats Can Retake the House in 2018 Without Converting a Single Trump Voter

The RNC needs to get their act together and show results well before November 2018. They can't with Trump constantly derailing their agenda with his spoiled rich kid antics.
Why should the GOP get their act together? Why would you want them to?
Presenting bad health care bills that are more expensive with less coverage and that give the rich a huge tax break is something you desire? Please explain why.
Because it's in their best interests to do so just like it's in the best interests of the DNC that they root out corruption and cronyism that cost them the election. Because I see an advantage to "We, the People" to have a balanced government, not one dominated by one set of assholes.

Like Hillary did to herself, the Republicans are swimming in a quagmire of their own making. Instead of running on a platform of "fixing Obamacare" for 8 years, they ran on a platform of "repealing Obamacare". Sexier, sure, but also a helluva lot more problematic. If you repeal something, you have to replace it. They got nothing and the November 2018 elections are looming on the horizon.
Twittler's tweets absolutely help his misinformation campaign of BS. He has lots of cult members who will defend anything he says
Telephone polls don't count. Republicans don't answer the phone to pollsters.
Only Internet polls count.
internet polls are the least reliable which is why you like them. You can vote multiple times on an internet poll.
Agreed a telephone poll is more reliable than an internet poll, but it's still not the most reliable form of polling.....which explains why so many pollsters failed to see a Trump win last November.
Twittler's tweets absolutely help his misinformation campaign of BS. He has lots of cult members who will defend anything he says
Of course, just like Hillary and Bill have their die-hard supporters. Bill could be getting a blowjob by a 16 year old on top of a cab in Times Square and his fans will cheer when he cums. Hillary could be videotaped by the FBI taking money from Arabs like an Abscam and her fans would still support her. Fanatics looooove to stick by their political candidate.
Twittler's tweets absolutely help his misinformation campaign of BS. He has lots of cult members who will defend anything he says
Of course, just like Hillary and Bill have their die-hard supporters. Bill could be getting a blowjob by a 16 year old on top of a cab in Times Square and his fans will cheer when he cums. Hillary could be videotaped by the FBI taking money from Arabs like an Abscam and her fans would still support her. Fanatics looooove to stick by their political candidate.
Your imagination is weird and you are weird.
Twittler's tweets absolutely help his misinformation campaign of BS. He has lots of cult members who will defend anything he says
Of course, just like Hillary and Bill have their die-hard supporters. Bill could be getting a blowjob by a 16 year old on top of a cab in Times Square and his fans will cheer when he cums. Hillary could be videotaped by the FBI taking money from Arabs like an Abscam and her fans would still support her. Fanatics looooove to stick by their political candidate.
Your imagination is weird and you are weird.
I get that a lot from political extremists such as die-hard Hillary and Trump fans. Usually they use more vulgar insults but yours convey the same mindset. :)

BTW, when you describe political opponents as "cult members", you fit your own description of "your imagination is weird and you are weird".
Twittler's tweets absolutely help his misinformation campaign of BS. He has lots of cult members who will defend anything he says
Of course, just like Hillary and Bill have their die-hard supporters. Bill could be getting a blowjob by a 16 year old on top of a cab in Times Square and his fans will cheer when he cums. Hillary could be videotaped by the FBI taking money from Arabs like an Abscam and her fans would still support her. Fanatics looooove to stick by their political candidate.
Your imagination is weird and you are weird.
I get that a lot from political extremists such as die-hard Hillary and Trump fans. Usually they use more vulgar insults but yours convey the same mindset. :)

BTW, when you describe political opponents as "cult members", you fit your own description of "your imagination is weird and you are weird".
Nah, anyone that still supports trump needs to agree with his idiot behavior. If they still do and call themselves christian they are in a cult.
Twittler's tweets absolutely help his misinformation campaign of BS. He has lots of cult members who will defend anything he says
Of course, just like Hillary and Bill have their die-hard supporters. Bill could be getting a blowjob by a 16 year old on top of a cab in Times Square and his fans will cheer when he cums. Hillary could be videotaped by the FBI taking money from Arabs like an Abscam and her fans would still support her. Fanatics looooove to stick by their political candidate.
Your imagination is weird and you are weird.
I get that a lot from political extremists such as die-hard Hillary and Trump fans. Usually they use more vulgar insults but yours convey the same mindset. :)

BTW, when you describe political opponents as "cult members", you fit your own description of "your imagination is weird and you are weird".
Nah, anyone that still supports trump needs to agree with his idiot behavior. If they still do and call themselves christian they are in a cult.
"Your imagination is weird and you are weird." ROFL
How Trump's Tweets Actually Help His Agenda - Breitbart

He has shown from the beginning he is 100 steps ahead of the media and his enemies,I love it when he tweets because he stays in contact with his base and it TRULY pisses the media off that he can get THE TRUTH about what he said out there and their twisting and lying about the truth is shown in the light.

And what part of his agenda is being helped?

...his 15% approval healthcare bill?
Liberals hate his tweets, because they can't slice up his words and edit them before giving them to the public.

why would anybody need to???? all he needs to do is talk & tweet his ass right outa office..... he cannot control his extreme case of crazy.

:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: :scared1:
if you mean a scorched earth policy- the i say you are correct,little doggie.
As usual you don't read the link and do nothing more than talk out of your ass.Good Democrat!

It's Breitbart, dumbass. I don't waste my time on Trump's other personal media outlet, The National Enquirer, either.

don't forget infowars.... can you believe they have a press pass now????????
Its awesome. Funny thing about The National Enquirer is they brought down John Edwards :) Can't claim they are fake news! You may not like infowars etc because you are afraid you MIGHT just have to think for yourself. Do I believe ALL their headlines? Pft hell no but I find them interesting and look into things for myself. I guess some people are born sheep and some are born skeptics and that would be me for sure.
Liberals hate his tweets, because they can't slice up his words and edit them before giving them to the public.
Ummmm....Trump's tweets prove he's a petty, spoiled 71 year old brat. Not Presidential material.....but still better than Hillary! LOL

Waiting for President Pence to take over to save the RNC before the 2018 elections.
That's why God invented the 25th...
The key question is, "Who will be the new VP?"

We have elections in 2018 and 2020 to ponder about.

i'd still put the brakes on pence.... he has hired some expensive lawyer & he knew before the election about flynn. both about russia thru elijah cummings' letter sent to him & also about turkey before jan 20th when he was head of the transistion team.
if you mean a scorched earth policy- the i say you are correct,little doggie.
As usual you don't read the link and do nothing more than talk out of your ass.Good Democrat!

It's Breitbart, dumbass. I don't waste my time on Trump's other personal media outlet, The National Enquirer, either.

don't forget infowars.... can you believe they have a press pass now????????
Its awesome. Funny thing about The National Enquirer is they brought down John Edwards :) Can't claim they are fake news! You may not like infowars etc because you are afraid you MIGHT just have to think for yourself. Do I believe ALL their headlines? Pft hell no but I find them interesting and look into things for myself. I guess some people are born sheep and some are born skeptics and that would be me for sure.

yep the NE WAS right about the breck girl & how scummy he is. so one story makes them legit???? carol burnett gets to disagree with you little doggie. anyhoo....

i guess you believe that obama & hillary are truly demons from hell because they smell like sulfur & that the ol' gal & podesta were involved w/ a kiddy sex ring in a non existent basement?

lol...... riiiiiiiiiight little doggie?????????????
if you mean a scorched earth policy- the i say you are correct,little doggie.
As usual you don't read the link and do nothing more than talk out of your ass.Good Democrat!

It's Breitbart, dumbass. I don't waste my time on Trump's other personal media outlet, The National Enquirer, either.

don't forget infowars.... can you believe they have a press pass now????????
Its awesome. Funny thing about The National Enquirer is they brought down John Edwards :) Can't claim they are fake news! You may not like infowars etc because you are afraid you MIGHT just have to think for yourself. Do I believe ALL their headlines? Pft hell no but I find them interesting and look into things for myself. I guess some people are born sheep and some are born skeptics and that would be me for sure.

yep the NE WAS right about the breck girl & how scummy he is. so one story makes them legit???? carol burnett gets to disagree with you little doggie. anyhoo....

i guess you believe that obama & hillary are truly demons from hell because they smell like sulfur & that the ol' gal & podesta were involved w/ a kiddy sex ring in a non existent basement?

lol...... riiiiiiiiiight little doggie?????????????
The last story absolutely but not just Podesta. I think child sex ring involving the elitists in DC and both coasts is a well known secret in certain circles,the rumors have been around for decades. Jeffrey Epstein's little island that the Clinton's like to visit,Bill's OBVIOUS obsession with females and raping them,Hillary's obsession with getting child rapists off....yep!
Ummmm....Trump's tweets prove he's a petty, spoiled 71 year old brat. Not Presidential material.....but still better than Hillary! LOL

Waiting for President Pence to take over to save the RNC before the 2018 elections.
That's why God invented the 25th...
LMAO try it bitch. Not only would you have Pence as president but you faggots would never win another national election on top of faggoty democraps and cuckservatives having open season on them.
Are you for real?!? So when the pendulum swings back and Dems win the senate, house and/or White House and you are proven wrong... how are you going to spin it?
I'll be dead before that happens. LMAO
This is the Republican nightmare: Democrats Can Retake the House in 2018 Without Converting a Single Trump Voter

The RNC needs to get their act together and show results well before November 2018. They can't with Trump constantly derailing their agenda with his spoiled rich kid antics.

hmmmmm.... they are on vacation now.... come back for a couple weeks then off again thru august i believe. when they come back after labor day- that is the start of campaigning for 2018. healthcare is gonna be a biggie & there was a reason turtleboy wanted it settled b4 leaving for the 4th. nothing is over till its over but the (R)s may not recover for a very VERY long time..
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