Pres Obama just called on congress to end oil subsidies

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
He is trying to bring down gas prices while the pubs work to keep prices high.

Just one more reason for the rw's to want to get wealthy Mittens in the white house so our taxes can subsidies going to Big Business.

Idiot gullible dupes.
Obama did not help himself with energy of any sort over the last three years. It's hurt him in the eyes of the American people. With the EPA strangling the coal industry with new regulations. Now, he's doing damage control during an election year. This is the most transparent he's been. No surprise to me
He's going to double down on Jimmy Carter. Take us from expensive gas to none at all.

Democrats can't really claim that they believe that ending subsidies won't result in the additional expense being passed on to the public can they? Would they really be THAT stupid?

I heard obama's statement, his solution is for Americans to buy not only a new car but a new house too. He is either stupid or actually insane if he thinks that ending oil subsidies means that more money will be available for his phony green energy programs. If he is, then we can't wait for November. He's incapable of being president today.
Democrats can't really claim that they believe that ending subsidies won't result in the additional expense being passed on to the public can they? Would they really be THAT stupid?

They really couldn't care less if their talking points are valid.

They just want them to be loud.
It does seem to be the American way to give tax breaks and such to those who need them the least.

Would you rather see oil profits be given to the fat cats in the form of dividends, or re-invested in finding us more energy?

Or perhaps you don't understand the dynamics of this at all?
Mr. Obama, in an appearance at Nashua Community College here, took a page out of his jobs strategy of last year, calling on Americans to contact their Congressional representatives and demand a vote on the oil subsidies in the next few weeks.

“You can either stand up for the oil companies, or you can stand up for the American people,” Mr. Obama said. “You can keep subsidizing a fossil fuel that’s been getting taxpayer dollars for a century, or you can place your bets on a clean-energy future.”


Calling for renewed investment in alternative energy, he vowed to make a “serious, sustained commitment to tackle a problem that may not be solved in one year or one term or even one decade.”

Mr. Obama’s decision to spotlight his proposal to end oil and gas subsidies immediately opened him up to criticism from Republicans, who noted that the proposal was unlikely to help lower the price of gas at the pump. The office of the House speaker, John A. Boehner, sent an e-mail to reporters citing an analysis by the Congressional Research Service last March that found that ending the subsidies could make oil and natural gas more expensive.


Appearing in North Dakota on Thursday, one of Mr. Obama’s Republican challengers, Mitt Romney, said the president was out of touch. North Dakota has benefited from the discovery of the Bakken Shale, an oil-rich deposit.

“Today the president is going to be in New Hampshire talking about energy in North Dakota,” Mr. Romney said. “He’s about as far away from North Dakota as he can get and still be in the United States. His idea of course is to be far enough away from the people who know what’s really going on right here to maybe try and blow one past folks.”


Largely absent from the partisan bickering has been the role tensions over Iran have played in the price rise.
He is trying to bring down gas prices while the pubs work to keep prices high.


Make oil exploration more expensive is a way to bring down gas prices?

Economic retard.


I say end the fuel subsidies.

For those who consider yourself conservative, and say you want less government interference in our markets and in our lives, how can you justify supporting something that works only to distort the true market price of fuel and drive inefficiencies in our economy?

How do you expect new (and possibly better) forms of energy to take hold in the marketplace when fossil fuels receive an unfair $10 billion+/yr advantage, straight from taxpayer money?

I support the President in this initiative, and I think everyone else should too.
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Did Obama call for cutting taxes on gas?

WTF is an "oil subsidy"?

obama wants you to think that oil companies are getting paid by the government. It's actually a provision where they get to keep a bit more of what they earned in the first place.

This is not going to go well at all. I see the same kind of thinking that went on in the Carter gas lines.

Don't let reality hit you in the ass on your way out, CONZ!

We're producing more oil.
Why aren't gas prices coming down?
CONZ repeatedly say that if we DRILL MORE, gas prices will come down.

Yet oil production is up and demand is down. BOTH of those should drive down oil prices.
SOMETHING is keeping them artificially high.

Gee, what could be driving up the price of gasoline when both supply is plentiful and demand is low?
Oh, speculators could drive up the price of oil. And isn't it a STRANGE yet WONDERFUL coincidence that when speculators drive up the price of oil, oil companies make more for delivering the same thing they were going to delivery anyways without incurring ANY additional cost.

Gee....another CON talking point shown to be a LIE.
Obama did not help himself with energy of any sort over the last three years. It's hurt him in the eyes of the American people. With the EPA strangling the coal industry with new regulations. Now, he's doing damage control during an election year. This is the most transparent he's been. No surprise to me

Me either.

Barry could care less what we the people have to pay for gas. Hell he would be happy if we all had to pay european gas prices so he can push his green bs down our throats.

The only reason he's even looking at energy is because its an election year and he knows he has to at least look like he doing something. Gotta try and convice the voters that he cares.

LOL He could care less beleive me.
Did Obama call for cutting taxes on gas?

WTF is an "oil subsidy"?

A tax break for putting profits back into exploration instead of paying cash out to fat cat stockholders.

Yes! The evil stock market! Evvvvvvvvvvvil! 1%'er use the stock market to transfer wealth from the proletariat to themselves! (Chris? Can you please chime in here and tell us how great Obama is because the market is up?)
He is trying to bring down gas prices while the pubs work to keep prices high.

Just one more reason for the rw's to want to get wealthy Mittens in the white house so our taxes can subsidies going to Big Business.

Idiot gullible dupes.

Wow... so in your little pea-brained world, ending tax breaks, which will be passed on to consumers, wil llower the price of gasoline.

What en economic numbnut you are....

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